Home » Contra Costa County Ordered To Roll Back Reopening Plan – Barbershops, Hair Salons, Malls To Close Unless They Can Operate Outside

Contra Costa County Ordered To Roll Back Reopening Plan – Barbershops, Hair Salons, Malls To Close Unless They Can Operate Outside


Gov. Gavin Newsom is ordering Contra Costa County to take a step back with their COVID-19 reopening plan.

All barbershops, hair salons and malls must close in Contra Costa County unless they can be modified to operate outside, according to the state.


The following information is from the State of California:

California is monitoring COVID-19 closely in each local community and keeping the public informed. We’re teaming up with counties to fight it with every tool we have: current local data, testing, contact tracing, infection control, emergency supplies, containment measures, and more.

Counties should be ready to restore limitations if outbreaks increase. The State Public Health Officer may take action if needed.

Effective July 13, 2020, ALL counties must close indoor operations in these sectors:


  • Dine-in restaurants
  • Wineries and tasting rooms
  • Movie theaters
  • Family entertainment centers (for example: bowling alleys, miniature golf, batting cages and arcades)
  • Zoos and museums
  • Cardrooms

Additionally, bars, brewpubs, breweries, and pubs must close all operations both indoor and outdoor statewide.

Counties that have remained on the County Monitoring List for 3 consecutive days will be required to shut down the following industries unless they can be modified to operate outside or by pick-up.

  • Fitness centers
  • Worship services
  • Protests
  • Offices for non-essential sectors
  • Personal care services, like nail salons, body waxing and tattoo parlors
  • Hair salons and barbershops
  • Malls

The following counties have remained on the County Monitoring List for 3 consecutive days:

Affected counties as of July 13:

  • Colusa
  • Contra Costa
  • Fresno
  • Glenn
  • Imperial
  • Kern
  • Kings
  • Los Angeles
  • Madera
  • Marin
  • Merced
  • Monterey
  • Orange
  • Placer
  • Riverside
  • Sacramento
  • San Benito
  • San Bernardino
  • San Diego
  • San Joaquin
  • Santa Barbara
  • Solano
  • Sonoma
  • Stanislaus
  • Sutter
  • Tulare
  • Yolo
  • Yuba
  • Ventura

The State Public Health Officer may take additional action if needed.

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We must change our behavior because infection rates are still rising.

We must change the corrupt politicians. It is absolutely their fault for this spike.

@Gone – Please elaborate.

@Gone. So it’s the politicians fault people were crowding the beaches (against orders), having group activities (against orders), opening their businesses (before officially allowed), etc?

It is their fault when they promote these violent protest. So beach gatherings cause the spread but protest don’t. I agree that some spread is from beach gatherings, but the majority in my opinion is from these violent protest promoted by your alustrios leader. You are just drinking the koolaid.

@Gone ANY group of people that did not practice precautions (mask/distance)…THERE! fixed your bias. There are many people that still gathered in groups in homes, parks, beaches etc…luckily the majority(by far) protesters wore masks. They did the follow up and data found that the protest crowds did not create much by means of community spread. Being that it was outdoors and majority masked. Now indoor political rallies, bday parties, indoor group services (church/funerals), bar/drinking settings those fare very poorly. Most people didn’t wear masks at the beaches because warm temps and tan lines I suppose.

Keep drinking the Kool aid. You’re either going to get it or you’re not. With or without a mask. Air goes in and out from all sides.

What do you think the numbers would be if everyone got tested for the flu? Do you know there’s a stomach virus going around now? You going to test everyone for that? You gonna hide in homes everytime a virus hits?

This whole thing is a farce. We’ve all been played.

We Californians need to fight this madness.
We can go buy pot, but we cant get a hair cut?
We can go to the Supermarket, but cant go to a restaurant?

“Fighting this madness” is exactly what got the state into this position. Anti-maskers and virus deniers no wearing masks have created the problem.

OBVIOUSLY having your hair cut involves being with 6 inches of someone for 10 minutes to an hour or more. That is a huge amount of extremely tight exposure and any pathogen would love that scenario. Someone buying some cannabis, which they may very well actually medically need, spends about 5-15 minutes in a shop while socially distancing as much as possible, while masked. If they get their cannabis deliviered, again very likely for legitimate medical reasons, then they have virtually zero exposure.

Nails? Close, prolonged exposure. Hair? Close, prolonged exposure. Buying something in a store? Far far less exposure. Delivery? Virtually no exposure.

And if you want to be angry about a seemingly needless service being open related to chemical indulgence, liquor stores are far less defensible than cannabis shops. Alcohol is highly addictive and kills tens of thousands globally per year. I love me a craft beer or 5 but those are the numbers. Cannabis has never killed anyone due to overdose while alcohol reaps huge numbers.

Get used to it. This is not going away soon. We are lab rats. Newscum is your puppet master.

GOOD should never had re-open in the first place. look at all the spike like high sky rocket on cases everyday. Just devastating!!!

I take it you don’t own a business that’s been forced to be closed for four months and counting now?

How are more cases devastating? More testing = more cases. It is the number of DEATHS that would be devastating. Deaths continue to decline, yet it seems that none of the politicians or media outlets care about that number.

I agree with you 100%. BTW I *do* have my own business and I would rather be safe than suffer through covid-19 or worse.

The left will say anything to win an argument. This will be the year the leftist lost all credibility. Covd, looting, Alzheimer Biden…

– the death counts are starting to increase again. Sadly, this is a lagging indicator of COVID. We initially saw the quantity of new cases rise but deaths remained the same which made it appear that the fatality rate was decreasing. However, as time progresses, the quantity of deaths appears to be increasing and the fatality rate will likely regress to the mean. More testing DOES NOT equal more cases. The cases already existed. They are now being identified. For your analysis to be correct, you would need to see the hospitalization rate decrease which we are not seeing. We are seeing it increase.

@Jackofalltrades – Please do not politicize this. That is the single worst thing anybody can do to perpetuate this issue, prolong the roll back, further reduce economic activity and risk lives. You are doing everybody a disservice.

Posting what was left out from the text report above, from Newsom, these are not my views but rather what he has stated:

“Virus is not going away anytime soon. Until there is a vaccine or effective therapy, we will be mitigating COVID-19 spread for the long term. Californians must adapt to new behaviors if we are to slow the spread. ” -Newsom

Alameda County ? Interesting ….

We can not stop this virus as long as a single solitary person has it. We have never stopped every single flu or cold. The H1N1 vaccine was a big failure. Yes, wearing a mask is a good thing and staying 6ft. apart is too, at least until the end of the year. But it is absolutely nuts to think we can control nature to the degree we are trying. We just proved that staying home 45 days didn’t stop anything. Newsom dodged a question today about the Protesters and as long as they continue to exclude them from the rules like the rest of us, nobody will take these so-called orders seriously. The only closure that makes sense to me are indoor bars/nightclubs because people spend hours in them in very close contact and alcohol inhibits common sense. Otherwise these closures are insane.

You read the lists right? Whats the third item on the second list?….

@ Jason: Did you read the order? yes the third item on the second list talks about protests. but did you read the whole thing or just glance over it? Here it is again.
Counties that have remained on the County Monitoring List for 3 consecutive days will be required to shut down the following industries unless they can be modified to operate outside or by pick-up.
Fitness centers
Worship services
Offices for non-essential sectors
Personal care services, like nail salons, body waxing and tattoo parlors
Hair salons and barbershops

pretty convenient that he has it labeled for modified to operate outdoors? I have not heard of many protests indoors.
I have no problem with peaceful protests, that is your right, but when things get out of control and riots and looting starts, that is not right.
if you can outdoor protest, then we can outdoor protest and play baseball, football and basketball with families and friends.
we will just call it a protest………

So, the economy hasn’t been sufficiently destroy, we have to close down again. Some small businesses will still able to operate and some people are still employed.

What small businesses will be left? The big corporation chain stores will mostly weather the storm, like Home Depot and Wal Mart and Costco, stores that well “essentials.” Other business will be SOL.

Who needs to make a living anyway? More people will need to rely on the tender mercies of the state.

So protests are an ‘industry’ now…
Looks like I will be paying my sister a visit in Santa Clara County…

I wrote to the county (for whatever good it will do):

I am having trouble understanding the underlying rationale for the state and county health orders. SARS-CoV-2 is highly infectious, but the number of severe cases are relatively few. We did not know this back in March but we do now. I have been tracking hospitalization reports as a good indicator of severe illness. But now it is unclear how useful this information remains if (a) COVID-19 is highly infectious, (b) severe illness requiring hospitalization is low, and (c) current hospitalization counts include infected but asymptomatic persons admitted to the hospital for other reasons.

What would our “hospitalization” count be if (c) patients were excluded? Would it suggest that the number of severe illness was rising? And even if rising, at what rate?

People’s livelihoods are being destroyed. The burden is on the state and county to justify how the data shows a threat to the public sufficient to justify this destruction. Your dashboard was pretty good until recently, but now I suspect it has been corrupted by not differentiating between the infected and the severely ill. Infections alone cannot justify the state and county actions.

And by your own statistics, the death count — sad as it is — is predominantly amongst residents of nursing homes and other long term care facilities. Are you saving lives, or trading lives?

Finally, there are reports that persons infected in Mexico are being treated in local hospitals. That is fine, but the numbers of those patients — in this county or elsewhere — should not be influencing public policy for this county.

@Ronald….well written letter! I hope they take your words seriously
and consider the magnitude of these mandates that are undoubtedly
putting us on a trajectory of enormous collateral damage…

Thank you, Mr. Nelson.
My fiscally reponsible friends and the owners of businesses I frequent are ending up in debt that they may never be able to pay off. My barber’s family has lost so much, from both parents being out of work, that they are worried about getting kicked out of their apartment. The governor’s and county supervisors’ pay and benefits should be rescinded retroactively to the beginning of the “2-week” lockdown and distributed to people like these who are suffering the consequences of this one-sided policy.

It is very Orwellian that the main symptom of this pandemic is being asymptomatic.

Tell that to the nearly 140k grieving families in the country.

2.8 million people die every year in this country Greg, death is unfortunately, part of life. Believe me, I know.

70k per year die from drug overdoses. Hell, 15-20 people probably die per year on Mt Diablo alone, but we don’t shut that down.

How long should we continue to quarantine the healthy and ignore the many other negative health consequences, while the average age of death locally is near or past life expectancy?

How many healthy people should we test?

I’d like to thank Contra Costa for being so expensive that it forced me to buy my retirement place in the more rural foothills that isn’t affected by this ban. Now if we can just keep all you unmasked drunks from coming up here and getting us infected.

How long until the recall petitions get started?

I have followed all the rules and I get punished.

Go to recallgavin.2020.com. You can download a petition, fill it out and mail it in. Be careful to follow the instructions EXACTLY or your signature will not be counted.

If you people don’t want to put on masks or comply with safety rules, then we all suffer. You people slow brains or you have none. Are you’s that stupid or what.

Sheila Margarucci wins today’s “are you’s that stupid” irony award.

I guess we’s are that stupid. Slow brains, you know.


Just when I thought it was safe to go outside, my slow brains told me otherwise

The only ones with show brains are the one suffocating themselves with their masks. You people are truly amazing

this is sad. We can go protestin the 1000 but can’t get a hair cut or go out to eat. Whoever comes up with this stuff has a false since of reality for sure. None of it makes since also is newscums winery closed as well

Is “protestin” anything like protesting?

Since = for the reason that; because.

But it seems like you meant sense:
Sense = perceive by a sense or senses.

Maybe it is just me and these are not typos, just an “alternate” way of communicating – like alternate news sources.

I guess I am just one of those “dummies” that are certain that this virus is not a hoax.

No, you cant go protest, read the lists.

Gavin lets prison inmates out to infect us and have more crime upon us, but we cannot go to church to pray and our now penniless.
This guy is just about the stupidest, wickedest person on earth. Yes you can quote me that!

8000 criminals are freed by Newsom but Democrats are only upset that Rodger Stone got pardoned.


Your kind of “thinking” is exactly why the case and death counts keep rising. All kinds of people have been gathering for all kinds of reasons throughout this pandemic without taking simple precautions to protect themselves and others. Study up on what kinds of gatherings are constitutionally protected. Note that virtually everyone has been asked to wear face coverings that virtually no one – protester, churchgoer, picnicker – has been cited or fined for refusing to comply. Health officials believed that people would voluntarily do the right thing but it’s evident that they were wrong about the general public. Anyone who refuses to take even a minor step to help disease spread is equally to blame.

It’s become another common cold or flu!! Flu season doesn’t shut down the entire state!! Recovery from Covid is so high! How about we protest this!

Ten million world wide fell ill with Tuberculosis last year and 1.5 million died. We don’t shut the country down for that disease! This is NOT about our health! Wake up people; we are being played!

@ walnut creek oldtimer~
Thank You!,…hit the Nail on the Head.
So many people are also dying from other diseases.

Gavin Newsom is a puppet taking orders from his controllers. They have deemed the CA economy not sufficiently destroyed, so back to Phase 1 we go. You are not supposed to notice the shifting of the goalposts from “bend the curve” to “cases rising” to “we can’t open up until the virus is eradicated”. All of this for a virus with a 99.74% survival rate and which most people who do get it either never know they had it or get mildly sick.

What business will survive the second round?
This government is out of control. I certainly hope this latest action will spark a few more lawsuits and recall signatures.

We will still go out and eat and sit down at seating outside whether the place has it opened or not. If there are tables nearby will will eat at them. Our haircut person will still let us come in and cut our hair and she always has.
We have always gone back and forth to Tahoe Nevada side and enjoyed the outdoors there with hiking, boating, beach and restaurants.
Nothing will change with Newcum’s reversal as we werent doing his first stuff anyway.

We dont have it not have we gotten it and we are not worried going forward either.

Newcum kiss our butts.

“Nothing will change with Newcum’s reversal as we werent doing his first stuff anyway.”

That is part of the reason this is still going on.

You do realize that you’re the reason that we are having these rollbacks, right? This virus isn’t going to go away if people like you keep ignoring the health orders. If we all do our part and stop acting selfish, life will soon return to normalcy.

Keep up with the selfish behavior and this will never go away! Follow the science and maybe you will realize that you and those like you are now the problem. Thanks for messing things up for the rest of us.

Not impressed -Most of us obeyed the guidelines. That is why we all don’t have it. Too many people did not obey the guidelines. That is why we have the highest rate in the world. Brazil might be higher. Inconsistencies in smart moves by “rebels” have made America an unwanted s—hole country. 135,000 have died.

If we had kept it under wraps longer, we might have been able to re-open by now, but NOOOO, everyone is in such a hurry to get out or in, NOW see what happened? Sheesh, can’t anyone follow instructions?

The shut down was never supposed to stop cases, it was only supposed to slow the rate of infection so that we could build field hospitals, obtain more PPE & ventilators, and not get overrun like NYC & Italy. The plan was always to reopen & let the cases come back in. All of the health officials anticipated that there would be a spike in cases to go along with the reopening, waiting longer would not have changed that.

Our hospitals are still not overrun, and that doesn’t even count the field hospitals that were set up – so there is currently no reason to shut down businesses that already reopened. There is no risk difference in shopping at a store in the mall vs shopping at target (which will remain open) accept that there is probably more people at Target.

You have got to be kidding. Is your brain that burned out. Gavin has been importing covid cases into California from day one.

@Sam Ok, let’s all take off our tinfoil hats here and look at things rationally…

Exactly. Starting with the cruise ships, up to last weeks New York Times. Everyone remove your tinfoil hats and your masks..These guys are crazy

@Sam – Sure, it makes perfect sense for our governor to “import COVID cases” hereto infect us all purely to make your life slightly inconvenienced for a couple months. This is totally what rational thinkers will believe. Obviously there’s some big conspiracy afoot because Sam has to think of others and wear a damn mask.

I don’t write the news. The New York Times wrote it. Gavin confirmed it. Are you ok? I never said to infect us. That’s your theory. It would however increase the numbers of cases in California right?

Concord Lifer, your memory is as long as mine is if you remember the mantra to “flatten the curve.” That was yesterday’s science, I guess. It has disappeared down the memory hole.

Thank goodness local leaders are listening to science.

I see the random name trolls are out in force on today

Does anyone know approximately how long this closure will last?

That’s a darn good question,….I’d like to know the answer too.
But as it seems now:
As the World Turns (stomach),..The Days of Our Lives (forever)

When the number of infections drop to very low. Each week the infection rate goes is breaking new records. Until most people follow the recommended guidelines the virus will spread.

Lockdowns and keeping people home make the problem worse. Staying home and not being exposed to normal bacteria is no different than living in a bubble. Our immune system gets weaker and will have to get adjusted to the real world and its germs when businesses reopen. Meaning: we will be more susceptible to viruses and illnesses.
The shelter in place should have never happened, the right thing to do from the beginning was to wear face masks . Japan did that and they are still doing fine, covid 19 free.

I like the outside hair cut idea. Maybe they could set up at the farmers’ market.

I have no problem with protesting, our country was built on it and it is a right. But right now, the rule says you need to wear a mask. From the Martinez protest pictures you can see maybe 40% are not.

Simple math, 400 not wearing, lets say just 100 get infected. Corona has a 4 factor in transmission. I am sure they are also hanging out with family and part of social bubbles.

So 100 turns into, 400, then 1600, then 6400.

Everyone wants to argue the Science only when it pleases them.

Watch the surge in two weekends!

The surge will likely hit on July 17-21 following the July 4th parties. I am sure my neighbor and some of the 30 or so folks he had there that day will be part of the surge.

I know most of you posters don’t believe in data, but it is clear that the protests are not large spreading events.

I was there. With a mask. Majority of the people were wearing masks. Your math is way off

Good. Should have been done earlier.

Stewart likes his unemployment checks. He was getting worried about getting cut off

Nothing saves lives better than educatio and most college students can’t pass a second grade exam from 1895. I’d say the public school system has taken its toll.

this DICTATOR is full of it. CAlif. A population of 40 Mil :8,000 deaths= 2% AND HE IS HIDING that OVER 40% were in Assisted Living (state avg)
If the Test is “Positive” it COUNTS. Regardless of what they ACTUALLY died of. Many MANY of those seniors still would have died. FYI- Positive test (WHICH IS FALLIBLE, they HIDE that) is still counted as a COVID death WAKE up CA you are being scammed by a Pelosi-“TOADY”
Recall New-SOLINI Now

Just to correct your math, 8000 divided by 40 million is 0.02%, not 2%.

It’s these stupid protests that’s causing a high spike of cases.
I don’t get it. 1,000s of people protesting for a man who was a thief..
This is absurd.
People from Richmond can protest and loot stores, but we in Alamo can’t get a drink or get a haircut??
God, this country is disgusting. I’m moving to Italy.

Worse than a thief, by sworn deposition of the victim, George Floyd put a loaded gun to her pregnant stomach and threatened to kill her and her unborn child if she did not give him money, during a house invasion with 4 other men. Reads like a script to a Punisher film. It was a black pregnant woman, too.

And did you see the painting of him at his memorial?
He had angel wings on his back! I mean… Geez!
How low do they think heaven sets the bar to be an angel?

Casinos should close back again. I think that’s number1 place where social distancing is not practice.

Have you been to a casino in the past month? They have reduced the amount of gaming. You can’t sit next to someone and you have to wear a mask. They also take your temperature when you go in to make sure no one with a fever is there playing. They also have to constantly sanitize the games after people play. The gaming board is taking this just as seriously as the State.

All you people yelling about buying pot but not getting a hair cut. Get real. Maybe it’s the pot you are smoking that makes you obey the rules and you are helping keeping things closed. I have now had to stop working in my salon because of all you people that don’t wear masks. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SCREWING WITH MY LIFE. Follow the rules for once. And excuse the hell out of me. Going to the store is so much different that eating in a restaurant. Get real. Just stay home and let this past quickly PLEASE

Do not say “all you people” because FYI I wear a mask when inside a business. And I believe you should be blaming our governor for ruining your life. Not me.

The data is quite definitive and does not support protests causing infection. The infections are more likely traced back to smaller gathering in enclosed spaces.

Having attempted to go to an outdoor mall, it does not surprise me tha that they need to close. I left moments after arriving since so many were not wearing masks nor were they social distancing.

Recall these guys now! How much longer are you going to let people suffer due to the isolation and depression from seeing all they have worked for get destroyed?

Anonymous, when I am told that their is no evidence that protesters caused this spike, but going to church does, they have lost all credibility. Keep it shut down. There will be nothing left to open. People can take precautions based on there own health. I am a high risk person so I take precautions based on my own health and needs. I get together for lunch with friends all the time. Open up, put the kids back in school. What about all the harm this is causing like suicide, undiagnosed illness, lack of treatments etc. We will never know the consequences to these actions because we will be lied to.

There are way too many germaphobe control freaks in this state.

How can you say the data does not support the protesters from spreading this when Newscum continues to evade the evade the question and the SS Strike Team cannot ask you if you were at a protest?

Unless he answers those questions and provides actual data, you cannot, and statistically should not, eliminate the protesters as a major source. We saw the video and images of them crowding each other with no masks.

So does this mean the “shirts vs skins” soccer games I keep seeing at the field on the end of Cowell are done now too? No one seems to care

This is a test…Beeeep..This is only a test! Soon, you will have to show proof that you have received the chip loaded vaccine to enter a store. For community safety of course!

Not good to give up freedoms out of fear. There is incorrect reporting of deaths. There is power for politicians in continuing this.

Oh by the way nice haircut and no mask! Hope you enjoyed your out of state vacations while supressing our state with your POS Ideals an then going to your out of state properties playing golf and fly in the face of everything you stated because you can from your most corrupt family’s money and out of state properties F__k Y_U!!!!!

This has nothing to do with a virus. I hope for those that are lagging in this thought are coming out of your clueless state. This is about power and control and a desire to tank the California Economy and destroy the middle class. There is zero common sense here. Please people, wake up to the reality before it is too late. This governor is a dictator and needs desperately to be removed. Compliance from the people needs to stop too. An abuser can only abuse if you let them. Continuing to go along with him and obeying his orders, only makes him more and more brazen in his actions. I know it doesn’t seem true, but the government works for the people, not the other way around. Time to take back our state.

Nothing said about protesting. I wonder why ?

Some good friends of ours where not feeling good a few weeks ago, they never had any symptoms (no fever, no cough, etc) but where concerned so they scheduled to get tested for covid-19 BUT the day after they scheduled the test both felt great so they called and canceled the test and DID NOT get tested so they where very surprised when they got notified that they both tested positive yet they never took the test ?????

They have notified the CC Health and others but haven’t heard back yet, we have advised them to blast it all over on social medias and the news but they are afraid to fearing any backlash.

I just don’t understand!

Same thing happened to a couple friends of mine. You people don’t have a clue the games that are being played.

If what you are claiming is real, then they should have made more inquiries. It’s their health record, and they have the right to have correct information. They also have an obligation to show the county there was an error made in their process.

What backlash would they possibly receive? This is conspiratorial thinking to assume that the government would destroy their lives, or assassinate them or or whatever you are assuming would happen.

Bureaucracies make mistakes. If there was a mass conspiracy of fake test results, there would be people coming forward with evidence of such a conspiracy. It’s more likely that a clerical error was made, and not likely your friends have stumbled into a vast conspiracy that they have to fear.

People have been coming forward this whole time. Why do you think fb, instagram, google, and twitter are about to get jacked up for banning free speech. You don’t follow this very closely do you. All your opinions can be traced back to a couple minutes of cnn a day. You think people don’t see it but you make it obvious with every post

Here we are standing on a mountain of dead in our country and there remain a vocal few who decry science, who doubt their own eyes and who refuse to consider the health of others! If ever we all needed to pull together now is the time. Don’t turn this into a political pit of slime. This is a life or death issue and all we need to do is: wash your hands, wear a mask and do not touch your face.

For pete’s sake, get it together. Shakespear may have been correct when he wrote: “What fools these mortals be!” (emphasis added)

Reading all of these comments, makes me curious as to the ages of the people who are so pro-shelter in place and shut everything down. Are you retired and do not have to worry about making a living? It just seems if you had to work for a living, to keep a roof over your head, food on the table….you would understand more why we need to open back up the economy. As long as one person is infected it will continue to spread, and since there is not a cure at this point we can not continue to hide under rocks, we have to survive!

I hear you! That is why i said this shelter in place should have never taken place. Just wear a face mask and you should be fine.

These are the welfare recipients. They never worked to begin with. Now they are loving that unemployment check. They do anything to keep things closed. That and the retired folks that think some magic government fairy is gonna pay all the bills. All you people are in for a rude awakening when the government cheese gets cut off and there is 20,000 prisoners running the streets. Gonna be a lot of foreclosures in the coming year

I’ve been asking myself the same question for weeks. Thanks for posting.

Dear Gone,

I have to agree with you 100%
The fools that protest are ignorant and cannot see they are risking their lives even showing up, so how would they know how to social distance
or take precautions. Look at Richmond’s numbers and that alone tells a lot. People need to open their eyes and not believe Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, They both have a wicked agenda.

Stop letting the dumbest, weakest, whiniest people in our society control what we do. Ignore them.

You can do whatever you want outside as long as you carry a protest sign in one hand..Got it.

Bloody hell. 1 in 7 Bay Area residents now rely on some kind of food assistance. 10k people in CC county alone are at risk of homelessness come July 31– by conservative estimates. Our current unemployment rate rivals several years of the Great Depression. Expand that out to the rest of the Bay, then to the state– that’s staggering to contemplate. Social programs are getting massive cuts right when they’re needed most, thanks to low sales tax revenues.

Things are about to turn really ugly, and this happens? Poverty is a multi-generational blight. It kills more than the worst virus. It leads to generations’ worth of health problems. The “recovery” rate for poverty is far lower than COVID. Poverty is our greatest enemy, but no one seems to care anymore– even the Dems. It’s sickening.

I’d love to see another LBJ or FDR, but I’d settle for anyone who gives a rat’s butt. I’m so sick of the political garbage, because neither party has any good or useful solutions.

On June 23, Barbara Ferrer – LA County Public Health Director, said it is “highly likely” that the recent increase in overall cases was due to the protests…… LA Times.

White Punks on Dope.

There’s no question covid 19 is a new horrible disease sent to us from China, but how our supposed leaders react to it is what affects us now. I think Newsome took this crisis as an opportunity to campaign for his Presidential fantasy which is proven with his hours long news briefs. Many people are suffering from health and or financial issues. Some federal and state stimulus money has gone to worthy recipients. Some has not, including dead people, prisoners, and illegal citizens, while some people have received squat. Newsome has sanctioned rioting, looting and mayhem. He has squandered any attempt at leadership. While California now has over a 54 billion dollar deficit on his watch, the worst is yet to come. His next move will be to provide huge tax increases for the remaining property owners to make up his deficit. Please recall him before he does…..

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.
The object of persecution is persecution.
The object of torture is torture.
The object of power is power

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Why can’t brewpubs have outdoor drinking with a strict patronage limit? This is crap. A barber is in direct, close contact with someone for 10 minutes to an hour, that is WAY more dangerous than a bartender just handing someone a pint and taking a credit card! 15 seconds vs at least ten minutes, of far closer contact in the barber’s case.

Careless radical left protestors, rioters and looters are responsible for the latest spikes, they tend to only wear masks when attacking counterprotestors, police, or while grabbing themselves a new big screen TV.

@ wIPE

Bullspit, give me one credible study, one scrap of real data, exonerating the mass looting, rioting and protesting from causing this disease? One SCRAP of real data from a study, one iota, please, provide it for us.

We have all seen the footage, huge masses of people who are packed in like sardines, yelling, singing, screaming in each other’s faces! How is that not spreading this disease! How is it not OBVIOUS that the protests were the cause, given the average COvid victim is now 20-29 rather than 60+ like it was before?

The leftist rioting, looting and protesting and the previous weeks are DIRECTLY responsible for the uptick in cases and the difference in the average age of victim. We are all suffering due to their rampant ignorance and unchecked violence.

@ Sherry

In at least one state, it is openly declared that contact tracers are not allowed to ask if someone has protested, they are intentionally disallowed to do their very important job, and this obviously aids the spread of the virus. How can we trust data when it is skewed in such a way, as to completely destroy an objectivity or reality?

https://www.thecity.nyc/coronavirus/2020/6/14/21290963/nyc-covid-19-trackers-skipping-floyd-protest-questions-even-amid-fears-of-new-wave Check it out.

I’m gonna leave my comment and hopefully someone fact checks it to show yourselves what’s really going on. Do I think Covid-19 is real 100 percent, is as deadly as the media makes it out to be no. What is the purpose of the hype?? This is being done to destroy not just OUR country, but the way of life in the face of the planet. Facts as of 12:22 am 7/14/2020 there 13,106,569 infected world wide, Facts there are 7.7 billion people in the face of the earth. Easy math that calculates to LESS THAN 1/20th of 1 percent infected not dead, as of the same time and date the total # of deaths world wide are 573,102 which is less than 100th of 1 percent. Tell me the last time ANYONE in government cave two $&!t$ about numbers that low?? Makes you wonder? H1N1 roughly affected 65 million in a year span, no shutdowns there. First case that was reported in China was early December which at the rate we are going now, we are in track for the same numbers as H1N1. Reality is that the government’s whole goal is control, it was so much so that in the 60’s they experimented with it as the Russians and Chinese did with project paper clip and MK ultra, that was 60 plus years ago using LSD. Google it all declassified CIA information. Fact is all governments have tried to manipulate and control their people. Whether it was through force or drugs. Remember in the 80’s when the CIA was selling drugs to Rick Ross ??? The fact is only a certain percentage of people are going to take them, but they found something better than drugs. FEAR, fear is better than drugs, you know why everyone will take it and it’s free. From the old to the young. When else has the world ever shut down??? Check my numbers, and ask yourself what’s really going on.

Realitycheck: What you described was predicted in the 60’s. What we have is a reporting problem, not a covid19 problem. It’s political. The globalists need to strike fear in our hearts in order to implement the world order. The blue team has successfully denied HCQ as a remedy, even though Brazil and other countries are using the cocktail of inexpensive drugs and vitamins with fabulous success.

Somebody’s been drinking the kool aid.

Sherry: That Healthline article is a pure lie. A disgusting lie. A contemptible lie. It should be taken down immediately by their website. And in fact, if you are so into science as you say, you should contact them to do so. The point of the Healthline article is to say that protests do no increase infections, and provides guesses that it is because protestors are outside. The paper they refer to does not support that. The actual NBER paper, please read it at least the final summary, says that on net the population did not see a spike because so many people were staying at home to avoid the protests and violence. The paper says the protestors themselves probably increased the infections, but since so many people were hiding from and avoiding the protests that on net the number for the population did not spike. The Healthline article cherry picked one fact from the NBER and lied by producing their own conclusion and ignoring the NBER conclusions. READ. When so many people are telling you about fake news, you might want to try harder.

It’s not the government’s job to proyect my health. It’s the government’s to protect my constitutional rights. It’s my job to protect my health.
When you trade liberty for safety you end up losing both.


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Dr. Bloomberg in Sacramento said that the reason they are so concerned is that the virus is spread indoors! The idea the protestors made the spike is not true! IT IS INDOOR SOCIALIZING! Restaurants, indoor malls, and family gatherings. Everyone became way too comfortable and were not wearing their masks! This is an extremely infectious disease spread by droplets. Pay attention to your health officials. Not frustrated uneducated politicians.

You are not a doctor. You should stop your alarmist behavior.

Some of us here are old enough to remember the “red scare” on the 1950s and all the talk about brainwashing techniques the “communist” countries were using. Apparently hoping no one would remember our public servants are using such techniques with regard to the pandemic. Public servants are exactly that, our servants not our masters.



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