Indoor protests are currently not allowed in Contra Costa County.
Outdoor protests of any size are permitted as long as state health guidelines are followed (social distance, masks, etc.)
Indoor protests are currently not allowed in Contra Costa County.
Outdoor protests of any size are permitted as long as state health guidelines are followed (social distance, masks, etc.)
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How about a recall Gavin Newsom protest? Or an anti communist protest?
A Newsom protest with recall forms will bring a big crowd.
California lives matter!
Yes! Let’s have a recall Newsome protest. Tired of seeing tables w “Recall Newsome” petitions. If people would do what they’re supposed to, he wouldn’t be a situation where he have to keep changing things.
Do it. You won’t !
@ It’s me
I printed out the form and got 4 signatures tonight. Me, my 20 year old Son, my 18 year old son (who thank god is going to College in a red state this fall – Go Boiler Makers!!) and my eldest sons girlfriend. Our state is falling and falling hard. I hope my actions will protect the Proud people of California. I’m not planning on sticking around. This once great state is no longer a safe place to raise children and not a state to retire in, and I own my house. I know…. white privilege.
Thank you so much! I understand. We are most likely moving out of this once great state. I just feel I owe California a chance to turn around.
Yes, lets have a Gavin Newsom recall Protest!! Name the date and time!
They would find some way for that to not be allowed.
Waste of time and effort…what good does it do to recall Newsom, like we won’t end up with another bat***t leftist? This state is done, dead man walking, just watch and see what happens within 10-20 years when CalPERS, CalSTRS, UCRS, etc. can’t keep playing accounting tricks and the pension bomb explodes.
Any size? When did the 100 person “limit” on outdoor protests end?
So if I protest doing my job at work that’s not allowed as it’s inside???
Kinda coincidental that the big increase in positive cases happened shortly after the protests began, and the biggest increase in cases now are not the elderly that didn’t take part in the protests. Yet out door protests are ok, but outdoor seating at restaurants isn’t? The Democrats are hoping to keep things shut down till after the election. Are we going to let them?
I have heard of several false positives too. And they are taking up to 2 weeks to get results to people?
Are we going to let them???
I think not! Enough of this.
This is just one of many actions against the good citizens of California
Newsom has taken. He needs to go.
Small business is the heart and soul of capitalism and small business is what is being hurt in terms of economic damage by these restrictions. Follow the money, who is making it right now? The makers of the Covid-19 test kits, the labs processing the test results, the makers of masks and other personal protective equipment and those in hospitals caring for infected patients, essential services workers. Essential workers only because society needs them to survive. In other words, small business providing what has been deemed “non-essential” services are subject to the apparent whims of the Governor and his cadre of advisors. It seems obvious that Newsom’s plans include a stark elimination of small business as these liberals move to a socialist society which does not permit private ownership.
How can you close all the restaurants even from out door dinning and still allow gatherings of 100 or more when it is obvious they have no social distancing They share mega phones? really that is ok?
Recall him now !
protestors wearing masks, social distancing? The sky is falling and the moon is made of cheese .
well the media showed lots of people in martinez not wearing a mask
it was 100 degrees but still
this whole thing is bull crap
i still can not believe that a gov and councils and mayor and congress allow riots with no regard
but anything else is verboten and sanctioned and repeatedly denied and threatened against even if you protest the protest narrative ….its not allowed
never in my life would i have thought america would be attacked by wolves in american clothing
distating policies and laws at will to fit their narratives without votes from the public at large ….
I’ve been marching since the 60s. During a pandemic is not the time, Please stay home but vote
@SG oh, I agree with you that when a protest causes disruption it will turn a lot of people off, it certainly turns me off. But one thing I can say is, if it wasn’t for the protests of the 60’s and early 70’s, Nixon would not have gotten us out of Vietnam when he did.
@ Dawg – Yes, you’re right about the 60’s protestors. They were people, literally, risking their lives for a cause that directly affected them. The anti-war protests, civil rights and gay rights protestors were genuine. Now it seems like a bunch of people with nothing else to do – looking for an instagram photo.
To Do,
Four dead in O-Hi-O. RECALL NEWSOM
Getting a haircut = Bad
Sharing a megaphone at protests = Great
Yeah, and outdoor religious services of any size are allowed. So what? First Amendment rights are being treated equally, in case you’re trying to imply otherwise.
No problem with the check out lines at Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, etc. for having crowds. But, take a church with 50 people, can’t do it. Is there something I’m missing here???
Places should be spacing out their check out lines, and hopefully you’re not spending 45-90 minutes in line?
I think the stores have generally done a good job of it except for those stupid “One Way” arrows Safeway puts on their aisles. Nobody pays any attention to those…. also, I’m sure there are all kinds of reasons for prices going sky high on some products but it sure looks like price gouging!
I have seen several people going the wrong way on the Safeway “One Way” lines, but pulling their carts backwards so that the cart is pointed in the right way. Based on this, I believe the coronavirus spores or whatever you call them must have a low IQ and are only focused on which direction the cart is pointed.
Martinez…peaceful, no stupid idiots messing up the city great.
Practicing social distancing… hell no, face masks on everyone…. hell no. Why ok any permit to gather in huge groups weather outside or not? Everyone chanting. Yes they may have moved to the open park but after they crammed hundreds down streets, maybe they should charge those people with spreading the virus. They are just thinning the herd!!!
” as long as state health guidelines are followed (social distance, masks, etc.)”
And what happened to all the protesters at the Martinez protest. No social distancing and one large group!
Any illness or later transmission of virus to people who weren’t there is acceptable because they were advancing the democrat agenda.
I live in a dream world-but since the questions of protests was asked.
All protesters-no matter what the cause or color- should have to register
just as we have to do for church or other venues and the protesters or their alleged organization, should then have to pony up cash to pay for the extra law enforcement and first responders that are needed to control the traffic and crowds and cleanup after the messes they leave. Any damage they do to property would have to be covered by an large up front deposit. Individuals and business owners should not have to go through their own insurance coverage. Any funds not used would be returned to the authorized group that has registered. Everyone wants to be treated equally so they should be liable to pay their fair share and costs ahead of time. Instead, the cities and counties have to dip into their funds to cover the costs which hurts all lives. Fair is Fair-equal treatment to all.
But I live in a dream world
One of the better virus info sites is at this link:
Check California
April 13: 11.7% of tests indicated positive. Of positive cases, 13.5 were hospitalized.
July 13: 5.9% of tests indicated positive. Of positive cases, 2.4% were hospitalized.
What is your source for this? Inflammatory remarks should have sources cited. But I doubt that the source exists as the source is talk radio, a youtube video, or something on facebook.
On April 13, testing was only offered to those who had been exposed or had symptoms and met the criteria for testing so this would obviously lead to a higher positive rate.
One of the better virus info sites is at this link:
Check California
April 13: 11.7% of tests indicated positive. Of positive cases, 13.5 were hospitalized.
July 13: 5.9% of tests indicated positive. Of positive cases, 2.4% were hospitalized.
Don’t have a problem with people protesting wearing masks and keeping a distance…until they get into my face and start yelling.
Then we will have a problem.
Didn’t know about that-wasn’t reported in the left leaning media. The people of Martinez need to get rid of their mayor, and get rid of the “mural”.