This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 1,185 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 218 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 2,608 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 4 deaths since yesterday (total = 85).
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 59 of the 85 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 9 outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 2,219 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County.
- 539 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.
The population in Contra Costa County is 1.1-million.
Are they saying they were testing over the holiday weekend or are these new cases that walked into the hospital. Funny how the numbers stay close to the same in relationship to the population. I assume there were no testing sites open over the weekend, though I may be wrong.
I think its that the results can come in on the weekend im not sure if they actually test on the weekend
They were testing over the weekend. Despite the general idea that test appointments are easy to get now, they actually aren’t, and July 4th was an easier day to get an appointment than some of the other days over the weekend, so many people jumped at the chance despite the holiday. From what I’ve heard, the labs are also backed up and results can take up to 4-5 days.
Yup, I’m still waiting on a result from my test this past Wednesday. (Though my daughter got hers at the same time and had a result within 24 hours – go figure.)
The best ways to protect yourself and others is to wear a face covering, practice physical distancing, wash hands and stay home if you are sick.
Well said Mike 👍
Thanks Richmond and San Pablo. Literally ruining it for everybody.
Concord and Antioch too!
Lola, there are seven cities that have a higher infection rate than Concord.
So the four cities with by far the highest rate of infection are the 4 cities where you would expect the protestors(rioters) to live. Anybody that believes its not the protesting(rioting) that is causing the jump is a moron.
They are also the cities where the people live who have the most exposure to the virus because they work in grocery stores, healthcare, and restaurants. They are more likely to rely on public transportation and to live in crowded residences.
The assumption by some posters here that this is all a result of protests is because Contra Costa is the least transparent in terms of providing root cause for the increase in cases and hospitalizations. The dashboards are a great source of statistical information, but the “why” is missing.
We are back on the state watch list because of hospitalizations which has been attributed to the rise in cases in the County. The other counties on the watch list actually provide a root cause for their increases, whereas Contra Costa provides general information for root causes. You can take a spin through the county information at the link that follows and see the difference.
@DLo~Thanks for the link, very informative! You’re right about the ‘why’ being missing. An interesting fact I picked up from watching the County Ad-Hoc committee on 7/02 was that of the 80 hospital beds being utilized in our county, only 20 are positive Covid-19 patients (we still have other illnesses); data needs to be looked at closely. Also, the local news channel finally covered the fact that Imperial County patients are being imported…UCSF has 50% of their Covid patients from other counties according to their infection disease specialist.
‘The ultimate end game is when there is a vaccine, that the virus has no timetable and it’s best to keep the numbers down”—this according to Dr. Farnitano when pressed by a constituent. Folks, it’s no longer flattening the curve, it’s finding a cure and it appears we will be mandated directives towards a long game…
Today the Mayor of L.A and the Mayor of Miami Dade both confirmed that the new cases were mostly a direct result of the protesting and rioting. You are absolutely correct! Also, there was one publication showing a direct correlation between them. Let’s not be stupid about the truth. Thanks a lot to a media interested in “directing” a single narrative and to those who are unable to do the math on the dates. One fact that has also been highlighted are the deaths that haven’t increased above what was predicted by state.
I’m sure the protests had some effect, but really there has been little evidence that outdoors transmission is very likely. “Reason” is correct to point to other factors that are probably as important or more so: more people per household, more people working service jobs in “essential” sectors that bring them into contact with people.
Under 2.2% known mortality rate. Wow, those numbers are skyrocketing! I mean a week ago we were at what, 2.6% of the known mortality rate. Yep, yep, lock it down tighter!
The mortality rate is a lagging indicator. In other words, new people need to get sick before they die. As we experience accelerated growth, the mortality rate will decrease until those recently exposed begin to die. It will then regress to the mean. Hope that’s not too complicated for you to understand parent.
So are you referring to lagging and leading indicators? If so, pretty competent in those as they are part of lean manufacturing terminologies and utilized across many industries to help report out on their metrics. If you would like, we can talk Six Sigma or Lean, your choice, Dan. I personally enjoy the history of it, how the first concepts of this ‘current’ fad started with Toyota back in the 60’s/70’s and how a little over 20 years later the United States starting discussing Just in Time manufacturing, the precursor to this whole lagging/leading indicator.
The failure in your reasoning is that you are assuming a consistent mortality rate across all ages, but as the data shows in Contra Costa County, we have had 1 death out of the 85 under the age of 50. The majority of the deaths have been in the long term care homes which implies pre-existing conditions or comoralities if you prefer.
I could break down the cases by age if it is available and then we could discuss the mortality rate by age bracket, but I can almost guarantee that the age bracket currently coming back positive will not have a 2.2% mortality rate.
Anything else you want to discuss?
YOU are wrong “parent” Dan is correct….:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/county-map.html
Parent you are incorrect and Dan has it right. Here are the stats.
So what does your link represent? I find California, cause you linked to AZ, but I am not sure what you want me to see or understand of what I have wrong. It shows total cases and total deaths.
The 1 death out of 85 under 50 is from the Contra Costa site, also the image in this article. This same article says 59 out of 85 are at long term care facilities … 59 is the majority. The 2.2% was calculated by 85 (death) by 3878 (total cases).
So again what am I wrong about?
Lock down the rioters the protesters the young are the ones who have it now giving it to grandma!
Contra Costa had today as many cases as Italy, just that they are about 60 million people.
I don’t trust anything coming out of the County Health Department, and I don’t care what the Board says about it. I’d like to see numbers listed by day of test, so you don’t see a false spike. I’d like to know how many cases we have here FROM other counties, such as Imperial. I’d like to know which long-term care facilities have infections. I also want to know how many school aged kids have it and got really sick, because there is no need to keep schools closed or half-assed open if they aren’t at high risk.
And then once again, I want our County Health Officer to DO HIS JOB and delineate how many more people than expected statistically have tried or succeeded in taking their lives, overdosed, drunk driving and high speed accidents/citations? How many fewer people have been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, high BP, coronary heart disease, etc…than expected statistically?
So, there is a correlation between long term care facilities and Wuhan Covid-19 deaths?
Sounds like the annual flu season to me.
@Exit 12A – Annual flu season? I can tell you that my mid-50 age relative, in ICU on a ventilator as I speak, didn’t reside in a long term care facility. Had never been to Wuhan China. However, does reside in a state that treated COVID-19 as a joke; no statewide shelter in place orders that I know of, people not wearing masks and no social distancing. I’m staying positive, but the outlook is extremely critical condition; will likely die.
COVID-19 ain’t no “annual flu season”. Ain’t no laughing matter.
This virus kills. Respect it. Or prepare to get very sick, or die, and in the meantime potentially infect many, many innocent people.
Thank you Mary Fouts for sharing you story. So sorry to hear about your family member. My husband worked with S.Mo… At a Laboratory in CoCo Blvd. He invited us to a Cowboy shoot and liked to tie Flies, very talented. I’m hoping he is safe. Again, sorry to hear about your family member. Stay safe and God protect you.
Other news reports say Contra Costa County has again been placed on Governor Newsom’s watch list today. An unnecessary move on his part. We were just removed a few day’s go. Stop going back and forth.
How come the media has said nothing about the other strains of flu that are out there?