The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you plan to get together with your family and/or friends on Saturday July 4th despite the state saying you should stay away from people you don’t live with?
Talk about it.
Nope. The wife and I have the whole compound to ourselves this year. Time for some rest:)
Have a Wonderful Rest!,… 🙂
No, I’m scheduled to be at my job, at Macy’s Sun Valley Mall from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. I get time and a half, so I will be there, and it means I could take 3 days off this week. Happy 4th to everyone, no matter what you decided to do..
I will be staying home. Due to the increase in large, very loud Illegal firecrackers in our neighborhood, I need to watch my pets. I know that the places that sell fireworks in Dublin, etc. are doing big business.
I hope there are no fires, people enjoy the pretty lights and are responsible. But for those keeping the rest of us awake after midnight, disturbing the peace, setting off M80’s or other illegal items…….
Knock it Off.
Spent enough money on a camping trip for this weekend with extended family. Did this before Newsom is saying do not see people outside of your household again, so yes I will be getting together with family for the 4th. Sould’ve told us sooner Newscum.
If protestors can gather in the tens of thousands and that right is protected by the California government, then my right to freedom of association can’t be touched.
Besides, none of these are laws. We are a not a nation of mandates we are a nation of laws. A “public health crisis” (with a 99% survival rate) does not mean the CONSTITUTION takes a day off Gavin.
Well said, Patriot!
I stand with you. Gavin is a monster.
Wonderful. All of these big parties will accelerate the infection wave we’re currently experiencing.
Thanks for being “free” to let this thing keep on spreading and delay any kind of return to normal.
Selfish and irresponsible.
Completely agree. If we would have all stayed in since mid-March, the virus may have completely gone away. But some folks do seem irresponsible and selfish with doing whatever they please. Very unfortunate.
I wonder if everyone who is planning to party with “friends and relatives” will be upset if some in their “friends and family” get sick, don’t recover fully, and or die?
I also don’t get why wearing a mask has been turned into a political issue. The virus doesn’t care how anyone votes.
They will never get it! People are blaming the government therefore they give themselves permission to not follow the mandates so as a consequence they ruin the numbers followed by death and destruction. Complete childish disrespect for authority. The pandemic rules.
I agree. I’m tired of the selfishness. We wear seatbelts, motorcycle helmets, yet a face mask is a problem. We will continue to stay home, except for trips to the grocery store or when work requires us to venture out.
None of the experts ever said that locking down would make the virus “go away.” The stated purpose of the two-week lockdown was to flatten the curve and keep beds available in our hospitals. We have accomplished that in spades.
Not a chance at all.
Yes, BBQ, music, etc.
If I do, there will be masks and social distancing.
I’m staying in and I will be raising a glass in memory of the over 120,000 Americans that have died of Covid .
Of Covid or with Covid? Or do you also refuse to accept that as a distinction?
From COVID works too.
For Covid
Fourth of July is our big get-together probably be about 200 people really looking forward to tearing it up lot of fireworks lot of alcohol Good times why don’t the rest of you stay home
I used to host a block party every 4th, but since I moved to Grants Pass
I’m hosting it here now…………………
Nope. Doing my part to stop the spread.
Ordinarily I’d now be in Oregon, eating, drinking, and playing my banjo at a 4 day long party. Not this year.
I have not been out in more than three months and my doctor had to pull my arm to get me to see him for a follow-up appointment following my treatment. I suggested September but he offered July which I went with.
Some of our Family members are going/gone visiting/outing out of CA this year on the 4th.
Daughter / her Hubby, in Maryland to get their house primed for Sale.
Others to Florida, with friends.
We will be Home,…maybe see our neighbors if they are around.
No, passing on a nice barb-q hosted by some friends for a group. Not ready for this yet.
Oh no, I’m absolutely not getting together with family or friends for the 4th – that would be against Gavin’s orders! I was just planning to meet up with about 5,000 strangers and march around screaming for a few hours. Maybe smash out some store windows – destroy a statue or two….. y’know, just do the things that he approves of.
Sf oh, don’t forget to vote early! Maybe a couple of times. This weekend!
Ah Ha!
Your patience has been rewarded.
We are having a large family protest.
Assertions that include “no one” are usually incorrect. :We long-time protesters remember. We told the new wave of protesters that we sympathize but wish they’d stay home during the pandemic
I don’t celebrate holidays.
Only birthdays. But they are now virtual.
Most of my July birthday family/friends are gone.
I’ve plenty of space to distance. Starting the fire at about 6am, the shoulders will go in about 7ish and the racks at noon. yep going all pork this year… It will all come out to rest around 2:30 or 3….
Memory test: What kind of wood am I using this time?
Yes, celebrating the US, and being thankful for my country. A huge protest outside!
For once I agree with the most conservative posters here on Claycord. I don’t need the Gov to tell me what to do about the 4th. All the data you need is out there.
A 4th of July get together was a no-go way before his announcement on Wednesday.
Here’s another one folks:FORGET about face-to-face school this fall. I work at 3 Bay Area college campuses(but not DVC). All three have had positive tests, even while campuses have been closed. What do you think is gonna happen when the K-12’s try to open?
Track the data yourself. The Gov is behind the curve and listening too much to the business lobby.
Nope gotta make gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for the masses, but we will be having a great BBQ that night
Um, no
I have recently had two friends, who mocked the seriousness of the Covid-19 become very ill, one is in the hospital and suddenly they are believers.
Hell – illness aside – even with good insurance you can end up in big time debt for even a short stay in the ER.
Yes. I’m sure mocking the seriousness of covid-19 causes people to catch it.
I don’t believe you. Odds are you’re lying. Also,
How does a short stay in the emergency room cause big time debt?
I will not be gathering in a large group for the 4th..but the 3rd having a big party