Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the state has housed roughly 14,200 homeless people since April in leased hotel and motel rooms through a partnership with the federal government.
Standing outside a motel in Pittsburg, Newsom outlined the progress the state has made with Project Roomkey, which launched in April with a goal of finding shelter for homeless residents during the coronavirus pandemic. To date, the state has procured 15,679 rooms, Newsom said.
The program has allowed state officials and local governments to identify vacant hotel and motel rooms during the pandemic that can be used to house homeless residents. The Federal Emergency Management Agency then
reimburses the expenses required to procure the unused rooms as well as meal, custodial and security services.
“The state identifies the asset, provides the capacity to get reimbursed from the federal government and get support from the state of California,” Newsom said of the program’s localism. “But at the end of the day, this program doesn’t work without outstanding local officials.”
Newsom said most of the 131 rooms in the motel he stood in front of have been filled with 164 tenants who are now receiving three meals a day and other supportive services.
Newsom also touted the state’s budget for fiscal year 2021, which he signed Monday, for its support for homeless services across the state in spite of tax revenue shortages due to the pandemic.
The budget includes $1.3 billion in funding to expand Project Roomkey and similar programs like it. The state has also secured philanthropic commitments of roughly $45 million for supportive services through the program.
“Despite the deficit, despite the headwinds of stress that we had to address in balancing our budget, we still made a commitment to lean forward, lean in the future, follow through on our commitment to do more and do better for homeless Californians,” Newsom said.
Come to California, The home of Freebies. I say recall Newsom 2020 and no to any new taxes and bonds.
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More wasted tax payer monies and still no solution to the homeless issue. How about putting these entitlement people to work such as cleaning up all of the messes they leave behind and doing community service to pay for their never ending handouts????
And we all knew it was coming….. He wants to turn Covid-19 related Temporary “Room-key” into Permanent “Home-key” housing for the homeless at our expense.
You might want to read this to see how ‘well’ this experiment went…
Basically, it TANKED.
JD: Thank you very much for that. One would never find such information on the SF Chronicle website.
and the gov’t continues to lie to the public….amazing. Thanks for sharing this article.
Wow!!! Who knew this would happen???
Everyone but Newscum!
Great – and, I’ll bet, those motels are considered permanent addresses so our homeless “residents” can be registered to vote. Let me help you … to help myself, right Gav?
This is nice gesture and gives homeless people short term relief. However, it’s certainly not a solution. If he is looking to bring more homeless in from other states this will probably be quite effective.
Thanks Governor Useless, now do something for the tax payers that are funding your never ending social programs
Wow! Good job Gov. Sad to see all the homeless camps. This really helps.
Stop voting Democrap. What is wrong with you people?
so now he is just plain lying
as those bums are being given free booze and cigs and drugs at tax payer expense
and the media is again democrat biased and not reporting it
its like we are living in china allready
state run media and lying regime and masks
well socialist communism is being used on us and appears to be working just fine with no resistance……
Speaking of mental health. The idiot running this state needs to go into the mental health program himself A.S.A.P ! as I said “Running this state into the ground ! Please get someone with some common sense.
but where is the long-term solution? This is a temporary, costly “band-aid” that the taxpayers are providing and will ultimately get nothing for it.
Don’t drink the Democrap Kool-aid.
With all the billions California has spent on homelessness over the last 25 years we could have built many Mental Hospitals through out the state. Yes, I know there were some abuses back in the 50’s and 60’s with Mental Hospitals but a new system based on what we know today about the brain, etc. and mental health management should lead to a better system of care facilities. Homelessness has not improved over the last 3 decades. The more money we throw at “temporary” fixes the worse the problem has become. Most of the homeless population clearly have mental problems and need to be institutionalized for their health and safety and ours.
It’s good to get the homeless people off the streets, so I applaud Newsom on this one.
Soon the motels and housing will go up in flames like homeless camps.
Help troubled families but not bums who choose to live that way.
San Francisco went one step further and is supplying the homeless with drugs, and alcohol. The city is worried that the homeless would be more at risk of catching the virus if they had to go out and buy their booze and drugs.
“with your tax money…”
wow the consensus is let democrats flood the state with illegals and bums and then we pay for them
how is that progressing our children’s live and education
how is that improving american citizens lives
how is that effecting the lower and middle class
the effects are apparent ….nothing is getting better it is getting worse ….
and under the democrat regime the populous seem to believe it is the fault of another party and police that the streets are flooded with people who cant afford housing or find housing …..why because there are 9 million illegals in this state and where do you think the gov here put them
yep in all the affordable housing …sticking americans on the street
but it appears its better to throw people to the streets then actually better the state …
the democrat regime is in full occupation mode …..
i hope your ready
Only fake Christians are the ones who promote homosexuality As well As promoting it to children which is sick asf. Any church flying a gay flag is the church of Satan. The homeless problem or it should be referred to as the homeless question …is it a lack of opportunity? is it because of hordes of people coming to our country filling in positions easily because they will take less pay? Are most of these people mentally ill? Does it correlate with population increase causing inflation for goods and rent? Etc
As the sayings goes: Build it and they will come
Is he funding this with all the money he saving by releasing all the prisoners at San Quentin????
My family member is being house in a hotel in PH. His diagnosis is severe bipolar mania. He is delusional and violent – he leaves the hotel – does not socially distance, shoplifting, stealing, etc. the VA , or Adult Protective Services can’t help him because “he won’t consent”. When he gets a headache or is hungry, he calls 911 to go to the ER. This is a disgrace and inhumane. My family is horrified that he will be killed on the streets for his raging (Racists/mysoginistic slurs. The County, State and Federal tax dollars are enabling him. We’ve reached out to every Agency possible. Their response- take “codependency classes”. Jaw dropping
“we still made a commitment to lean forward, lean in the future, follow through on our commitment to do more and do better for homeless Californians”…
Who is ‘we’? It’s our taxpayer money and we’re going to pay for all this through higher taxes. Gavin thinks the money is his, geez.