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Illegal Fireworks In Contra Costa County


Illegal fireworks are once again going off all around Contra Costa County.

Do you hear them?

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Oh yeeeaah! I hear ot every single night in my neighborhood. I am in Laguna St. The firework is, coming from the other side from my understanding pine street I believe from what people were saying on next-door.

As long as it don’t start no fires it’s all good

I guess you don’t have any kids / pets?

KingOfC what is wrong with you. This can cause more than just fires.

Teens started a fire at Concord High last night playing with fireworks.

I love the fireworks, keep them coming, especially since we wont get to watch a good display on July 4, but I agree dont start any fires. If your animals are scared of loud noises you need to introduce them to the real world and socialize with them, not leave them locked up along all day.

yeah..long as it doesn’t start a fire, its ok. Just wish CC county wasn’t such a nanny state and allowed REAL fireworks!

Off and on – usual for this time of year.

What rock did you just crawl from under? Been going off for a few weeks now. Probably will get worse this Friday and Saturday for 4th of July (Independence Day).

I’ve been hearing them for the last 3-4 weeks.

Not way deep in Rossmoor. Ha ha! Yea, another perk. No worries about cherry bombs 💣 blowing up here.

Yeah, those Memorial Services must be a blast. Meet a lot of newly single swingin’ dudes, do ya?

Why?! It’s illegal for a reason. People do whatever they want anymore, with no regards to anyone else. Besides the risk of starting fires, it affects veterans with PTSD, not to mention the poor animals. I dread this time of year.

My dad used to make our fireworks and then have spectacular parties and shows for the neighbors. I miss those days of Roman Candles, pin wheels, pom pom cannons, star shells, .rockets. Ahh nice memories. Today’s fireworks are boring. Yes, I have kids and lots of pets. An occasional cherry bomb doesn’t bother them.

Oops I wasn’t replying to you Jenny. Sorry you hate this time of year.
I was just reflecting of (for me) an enjoyable part of childhood.

Jess I am so sorry. Loud noises really trigger me too. There is no escaping this I am tired of all the irresponsibility of others.

Every night since mid to late May. I live by Lime Ridge. It goes for hours every night.

Don’t be a killjoy. As long as there are no fires it’s okay

Easy to say. My blind, elderly and diabetic dog has panic attacks every night and refuses to eat — we can’t administer insulin without food and she dies. It’s been a huge struggle for weeks just putting something in her belly, and it hurts my heart to see. I can’t imagine what individuals with PTSD have to endure.

Every night for a week is not okay. It is disturbing the peace, at the very least. It is also harassment.

Yes, every day and night! At very early morning hours too. Different parts of the city have been reporting them close by. Many times, the (*just heard one*) booms are followed by sirens. I personally don’t get too bothered by the noise specifically, but I know that they are causing a TON of stress for other people and animals, and it makes me really concerned for the safety and well-being of the community. We are already under a lot of stress with COVID and social tension and now we have fireworks. If I were to get all conspiracy-theorist, I’d say whoever is egging people on to continue this “blasted” behavior (pun intended) has some kind of agenda to stir the pot by getting everyone all riled up and so agitated and exhausted they can continue to reek havoc. Some people say that stir-craziness is responsible for the uptick in firework use, but I also feel that criminal punishments aren’t being dealt as readily, so why would people care about the consequences?! That’s gotta be why so many people are speeding and looting more too. Just a slap on the hand if you’re caught. SMH

I agree. FYI (because I love reading the dictionary), it is spelled

To bring about (damage or destruction, for example): wreak havoc.
To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person.
To give vent to or act upon (one’s feelings): “He sought for some excuse to wreak his hatred upon Tarzan” (Edgar Rice…
Archaic To take vengeance for; avenge.

They’ve bern going on since I got home, 6:30ish. It’s midnight now. I’ve bern hearing them almost every day for the last couple of weeks, but this is probably the longest spate. A few days ago, it was a bunch of bored kids kitty corner from our house. Now it seems like it’s a few blocks away.

Location: a few blocks from CHS

I live in Dana Estates. I too hear them going off, but fortunately for us, our double panes windows we don’t hear them that loud, but we do hear them.
The last few nights, I’ve kept my windows open; I too think they’re coming from the direction of Concord High School (our house is fairly close to the fields in the back of the school).
On some nights, it seems someone is driving around setting off M-80’s as something ‘fun’ to do. I can ONLY HOPE that this crap stops after Saturday. Hopefully these individuals will have something blow up in their hands….then let’s see if they have a change of heart of this nonsensical night time foolishness.

Very loud booms going off in the Crossings neighborhood. These are not the innocent fire cracker types. Super loud explosive booms. I called the Concord non-emergency line to report this has been going off for 7 days straight. Our dog is a hot mess and who knows what is going on with our military vets with PTSD. The police were very receptive to know our location and understood what is happening with our pets and our vets.
Call the police non emergency line. These folks are very disrespectful and need to be reported. Tell the police where it is happening.

Yep, every night for a couple of months now, mostly cherry bombs, but unlike most people the sound doesn’t really bother me. When I came home from Vietnam I suffered from a little PTSD, I would hit the ground at the sound of fireworks. It took a long time to get over it but I did, and now I don’t even flinch. I have a cat and she doesn’t react at all.

Thank you for your service.
Glad you and your kitty are doing okay.

JJ–Thank you for your kind words. Yesterday I walked up to a police officer and said, “thank you for your service.” She seem very pleased and produced such a nice smile.

I live in Pittsburg and see actual aerial burstS a couple blocks over in addition to the explosions. I Call PPD and tell them just look up in the sky; easy to spot. No change. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! Worse on the weekends.

murcia & kingofc sound like typical 5 percenters. That small percent of the population that is the reason why we need the police, the courts & prisons. Also proof that manners and good behavior have not been taught in school for a long time. Luckily, they are well schooled in abnormal gender recognition & cali-socialism 101.

Let me guess is your first name Karen?

Where are Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D when you need them?

Oops 🙃

Every night for over a month, and I live right near Concord PD so they hear what I hear. My 2 new rescue dogs are terrified and we’re all up throughout the night because of it. I’d kill for a full night’s sleep. I stopped calling the police because they require I tell them the location of the fireworks, and I don’t patrol (thought patrolling was their job).
My sympathies to Bbbbbbb and their dog, such a painful thing to deal with.
I hope for the common fireworks injuries to all the scumbags who have been detonating them.

WOW when did america become so frail

panic attacks and ohh the horror ….this happens every year …..
nothing new and yes this is america we blow stuff up

or would you rather move to france ……

you do know that china and russia are trying to destroy us right
i hope your not in the world peace bubble because our freedom is a direct threat to socialist communism

buck up whip out your hose and be that person on watch its ok

our neighbor was always out there with their hose while we were setting off freedom in the streets

these kids have been on lockdown and missed graduations and are about to miss summer vacation …..

this is a sanctuary state by the way and if you can steal legally then kids can blow up small amounts of powder ….or are there rules now ???

I don’t always agree with what you post, but for the most part, I agree with this one.

Our nations has become so frail as individuals and a country. People are upset that the anti-maskers will not take one for the team and just wear one, but then they get upset and will not take one for the team by listening to some fireworks to celebrate our independence. Now honestly, not sure how independent we are under Newscum and Humpty Dumpty in the White House, but still we can pretend to be free.

These same people want to protect the illegals, release the criminals but cannot listen to some (or a lot) of explosions over the holidays. Maybe they would rather just listen to the gunshots in their area.

Actually, yes, there are laws.
You’re free to do what you want within the law. Not doing so is called anarchy. I dont recall anarchy being mentioned in the constitution ?

But California does have an official policy of ignoring laws it doesn’t approve of.

@ Bernie

And some laws should be rescinded, just like some fools should be removed from office.

Yes, we have processes for changing laws and electing officials. Anything else is chaos, anarchy or some other version of a dysfunctional society.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation 👍

The Police can’t do anything unless they actually see someone lighting a firework in their presence.

Every night now for several weeks. Frustrated people howling at the moon.

Every night from about 6:30m-2:00am. Very upsetting for my animals and my neighbor with PTSD. They appear to be coming from Concord Park and are loud enough to set off car alarms and rattle windows.

I knew I could count on Random Task to make it political and chastise those who are tired of the “illegal” fireworks.

Yep, he made it political, but can you see past that? Fireworks are not illegal in every state, but you are correct they are in California. Why?
Cause people cannot handle a little noise to celebrate independence.
Cause people are worried about everyone’s little tiny feelings.
Cause people cannot be okay with other people being happy or celebrating.

I am sorry for those with PTSD and for animals, but maybe, JUST MAYBE we should be addressing the PTSD issue instead of banning fireworks or loud exhausts or loud music …. Ever thought of that?

@parent No.

‘Cause if we learned anything from California’s wildfires in recent years, it is that with minimal rain in any given year areas become tender boxes in the summer and fall.

‘Cause firefighters have to suit up in hot and heavy wear to fight wildfires in hilly, rocky, and dangerous terrain putting their lives at risk.

‘Cause the death tolls from these fires can be staggering in areas adjacent to the wild land urban interface … like Central Contra Costa.

‘Cause good sense dictates you refrain from putting the entire area in danger from one of these wildfires.

I think it might be partly because California is somewhat prone to devastating wildfires. Just saying…

Just saw a comic:

Smoky Bear says: Kids, don’t play with fireworks. Let adults who have been drinking all day set them off…

How are the Thunder Shirts for dogs working? You can likely buy them at the larger pet stores.

Now that so many people are out of control I expect that fireworks are going to become the seasonal norm. People are going to have to adapt. Studies with rats have shown that the more crowded a society becomes, the more quarrelsome the residents are.

Thunder shirts work great. I recommend them for anyone with a dog that suffers from the fireworks. Please keep pets inside during this time. Be aware of what is happening in your area. My biggest fear is the fires. The hills are dry.

I have something similar to a Thunder Shirt for one of my cats since they don’t make them for felines. I cut holes in an old pillow case for his legs and head then hang him up in the back bedroom closet, works great!

Yes, it’s been going on every night for at least a month.

As a dog owner, I’m prepared to deal with them being terrified a couple of nights a year (July 4th, New Year’s Eve), but this is ridiculous.

Do people trick-or-treat for the entire month of October? Do they celebrate Thanksgiving by eating turkey every day for a month? Of course not. So why do they have to celebrate July 4th throughout the entire month of June?

If it wouldn’t also harm innocent people, I would drive through their neighborhood at 4:30AM on my way to work, blasting my air horn.

Fireworks are just one thing that happens when breaking the laws is decriminalized.

What happens if you are caught setting off fireworks?

A citation?

Some people don’t care about breaking what they deem to be small laws.

Why not just charge a $500 fine? Since adults are teaching children it’s ok to just do want you want. Do as I do mentality. If you want to get there attention. FINE THEM. $$$$$ speak loud.

Every night since early May. I don’t mind the milder ones but the ones that sound like gunshots and bombs do bother. Especially when they are close enough to sound like they are on my front porch but usually more than 1/2 a block away. The sky high ones are pretty but a fire danger.

There aren’t enough police to enforce illegal fireworks. Fireworks have been illegal around here for decades nothing has changed nothing is different it will go on each and every year just like it always has.
PTSD, pets, old people, sleeping kids etc etc, not much to say other than get used to it cause it will go on no matter how often you tell the police and even if you give them an exact address they’re not going to do anything they never have.

We can hear and feel the concussion from them, but have yet to see one up in the sky. Since rioting, looting and arson seem to be tolerated, why not some fireworks? And as for fire danger, we can’t let PG&E have all the fun!

Born and raised in California.
Fires kill people, animals and destroy homes.

Mom used to tell us, “Play with matches, pee in bed”

A young man from our church blew off three of his fingers with fireworks.

It’s been really bad this year and appears to be a national issue. Every night for over a month is annoying. Some jerks set them off at 2-3 AM. I believe Concord PD is trying their best since the neighbors are driving around and identifying the houses and calling them with specific addresses.

Like this Ricardus, neighbors banding together to fight off the fireworks morons. If you know their address, I suggest 6 am loud music outside their houses, because you know “it’s fun to wake up others.”

In the evening when the temp drops below 78, I open up the house, but have heard very little fireworks activity in the Kirkwood area this year. I suspect there are quite a few empty nesters still here.

Just goes to show you how selfish people can be….Its all about me and my fun…screw everyone else and their problems with PTSD, fires, pets running away etc, etc etc…..

@not impressed. Been drinkin’ since you were 5 as well?

Don’t waste CPD dispatch’s time calling unless you will sign a citizens arrest on your neighbor.

Why don’t the police do something to stop it ?



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