Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) is evaluating whether the county should continue its current reopening timeline, due to recent data showing COVID-19 activity is increasing in the community.
CCHS will announce a decision about the timeline on Monday.
Currently, the county has 611 active cases of COVID-19, and 42 hospitalizations. 108 out of 255 ICU beds are currently occupied in the county (not all COVID-19-related). 24 out of 279 ventilators in the county are in use (not all COVID-19 related).
Looks like we are in for at least one more ride on the Dr. Farnitano train.
No slowdown, open as planned, and re-access from there in two weeks.
Better yet, be transparent with the data.
What is the problem with just halting further openings until there is a handle on the virus?
Because there may never be a handle on the virus. And your idea of a “handle” may be totally different from my idea of a “handle” and God only knows what the HHS people think a “handle” is. A safe vaccine, for instance. That could take years. And note I didn’t say vaccine. I said safe vaccine.
halting protests would be a better idea. That’s
the main reason for the uptick and the further destruction of businesses..
p,s. Gavin cover your big nose, learn to wear the mask properly!
Yah, what’s the problem with keeping people from earning a living so they can pay rent/house payments, car payments, utilities, food, clothing. Who really cares about the uptick in suicides and drug use and domestic abuse and homelessness and undiagnosed diseases. We should only look at the uptick of the virus. Don’t see anything wrong with keeping us SIP indefinitely until the big bad wolf that’s been around since at least last December is defeated. No big deal. Who cares…
Wait I thought they found out ventilators we’re doing more harm than good
And can we get a clarification these numbers
Are they people calling in or actual beds being used
I thought they found out doctors were doing more harm than good. Especially those surgeons wearing surgical masks that are diminishing their oxygen intake … which would certainly explain some of the stupid mistakes they make … like operating on the wrong appendage … or closing the incision up with the scissors or sponges still inside.
The issue with the ventilators was in how they were being used. It took doctors awhile to understand what setting to put them to help a patient. This issue was resolved awhile ago. They are also only used in worst case scenarios. Some doctors are now also recommending Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an alternative.
Right, because they’re “practicing.” When they get it right they’ll let us know.
It’s funny to me they think they get to decide what we do. They don’t have authority and they know it. Never close your business for these freaks. They should be paying restaurant owners the difference to operate at half capacity. They should and will be paying gym owners and nail salons if they want them closed. Don’t let them take your livelihood. Tear down the fences at the playgrounds and pools. Let the kids play. Take back your taxpayer funded properties. It’s your duty as an American to stand up to tyranny and corruption.
BS. Local health officers do have explicit authority in these kinds of situations under the state Health and Safety Code, Government Code, California Code of Regulations and the Penal Code.
I agree with you, Sam! Sadly, too many have surrendered their brains and don’t seem to get that freedom lost is never regained.
BS is right. No one has to abide by Newsom’s words as long as Newsom doesn’t allow the State of California to abide by THE LAWS!!! This sanctuary sh!t throws his words out the window.
@Cyn – “No one has to abide by Newsom’s words as long as Newsom doesn’t allow the State of California to abide by THE LAWS!!! This sanctuary sh!t throws his words out the window.”
Not the way it works. But thanks for playing.
They need the sheriff to enforce anything. Good luck getting a jury to convict.
@anonymous 2 “Local health officers do have explicit authority in these kinds of situations under the state Health and Safety Code.”
The only “disaster” here is the one the local health officials have created with their “explicit authority.”
@anonymous 2 It is also not how it works for a Governor to disregard the will of the people who voted for the death penalty by suspending all executions while he is in office. He virtually guaranteed the voters will completely disregard his feeble attempts at authority. Is he surprised? I guess so! He had to threaten Martial Law and bringing in the National Guard. He should have entered the office with a little less arrogance.
Just open it all up. There will always be something for people to catch, we can’t give up freedoms for safety. Case in point, they keep wanting to recant what freedom they “allowed” us. I’ll take my chances.
We do not have a choice to be opened up as long as people are not following the mandates. Shut it down until the arrogant ignorant people learn that this is a pandemic that does not give a rats behind what you think. So please mask up, wash your hands, six feet or six feet under.
Looks like Texas and Florida found out the hard way that just opening up might not be the right approach. I feel bad for all of those businesses that have to close again but at least those mayors are doing what is right for their community.
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Good ideal
Don’t forget to ‘thank’ everyone who had Mother’s Day celebrations or Memorial Day picnics or crowded the beaches in early June, disregarding distancing and face covering guidance. Takes about 4-6 weeks after large gatherings or large numbers of gatherings for infection and hospitalization numbers to peak.
For sure!
I agree with Anonymous, we may never have a handle on this and it may be around for years, likely not though. Though some restrictions are needed almost all businesses should be able to remain open, mask mandatory when inside, only a certain number of people inside and any given time and maintain social distancing as best as one can. We did very good with keeping the numbers in check through the last three months and look at all the grocery stores, auto part stores as well as others that were open, no surge there, so why not let barbers cut hair, nail salons operate as well. If you can open Safeway you certainly can let Hobby Lobby, Best Buy and Bed Bath & Beyond remain open also.
I agree with you 100%. I’m not sure why this seems such a hard concept to grasp.
The Marxist media is trying to gin up support for mandatory mask wearing in all circumstances in public nationwide and they will try to keep this hysteria going until the Nov election in order to suppress the R vote since these people do not approve of the mandate and would feel dis-spirited since the mask is being displayed as a submission to Marxism now.
Already mandatory in CA now – doesn’t really matter yet because nobody cares to enforce but be assured they will demand enforcement at the polling places in Nov
Hard to believe isn’t it but these people don’t give a damn about people they are hurting only their crazed hunger to regain power
And what about the people outside America that wear masks? What is their agenda? How is wearing a mask hysteria? I feel like I am in a real life episode of Tiger King… wow.
Your theories fail to recognize the fact that this is a PANDEMIC and not only occurring in the states. I can tell you that the 2 hospitals that I work at are at max capacity of COVID patients. They are of all ages and some with no comorbidities. Masks DO help. Those that refuse to wear masks saying “I’ll take my chances” must not understand the purpose. The mask protects everyone else from the user; not the other way around. It’s a matter of being socially responsible.
CCC Healthworker; stop your BS now. Be happy you have a job at the department counting mouse droppings and dead cockroaches at restaurants.
Stop blaming the media! The pandemic will get ya if you don’t wear masks, stay six feet away. Keep your mind out of the pig stye. To stop the spread of COVID-19 we have to do this. What else can we do until the vaccine has been developed? What is so hard to understand? This is reality. You can try to blame politics but until we understand we must try to stop the infectious virus. Wake up! Grow up! Stop the complaining. You will only wear yourselves out. Besides your ranting and blaming is so boring. It is getting old.
well again they shut everyone away ….
then they come out and want to party at the bar ….
even if the godly serum was here they would still get the virus
you need to get it to have your body fight it
again a virus is what our bodies fight with our immune system
wow does anyone take biology anymore
seems their underfunding education has worked no body knows anything so they rely on the gov for what to do ….
wow the democrats have pulled off the best scam of all …..
making people damn themselves…..
se la vie de democrats regime’
well, they definitely funded the socialist libersl agenda in schools, that’s for sure. And I would be surprised if this whole ‘controlavirus’ scam is not the beginning of the end times; seems like the perfect way to slowly take away people’s rights, control every aspect of their lives, diminish the population, destroy individual countries economies and identities in order to install the global socialist new world order
Ok let me see if I have this straight- I wouldn’t want to break any PHO laws! 1) Those of us who followed the SIP regulations the first time are expected to stay as prisoners in our own homes AGAIN. But the protestors can come and go as they please. 2) We cannot walk through the doors of a store and pay for something we would like. But the protestors can smash out the windows of that store and take whatever they want. 3) We cannot walk down the street of our city not wearing a mask – without our fellow citizens calling us out as “selfish”. But the protestors can take over city streets for hours and our fellow citizens will hand them sandwiches and water bottles. 4) We cannot take our children to the park to play. But the protestors can swarm any park and destroy statues and other public property. 5) We cannot gather with groups of family and friends for fear of spreading covid. But the protestors can be together in groups of thousands and there is no fear that they will spread Covid. Have I got it right??? Have have forgotten any rules?
Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. If you care to take over some real estate that doesn’t belong to you that will be OK also, as long as you have a sign in one hand and a brick in the other.
Right on SFoh. I am done with the double standards. It is time to stand and take care of ourselves. F the imposed rules by our caring leaders.
@ Fat Cat
I think I would understand your position better if you could define your terms. What is your definition of a pandemic?
Bill Gates and his cronies ran a pandemic simulation, in the Fall of 2019, called Event 201.
In that simulation they accounted for about 50 million dead. We’re about 2 orders of magnitude below that right now.
The Spanish flu of 1918, killed at least 15 million, out of a much smaller world population.
Saying that the Covid numbers are so small because of mitigation is observably untrue.
Situations with drastically less mitigation, like Sweden and the Diamond Princess Cruise ship still didn’t see numbers approaching either the Spanish Flu or Bill Gates’ timely (wink, wink) simulation.
We’re simultaneously told that no one has a natural immunity to Covid, but many will be asymptomatic. Isn’t that a contradiction?
Isn’t hospitalizations and deaths a more meaningful indicator of the true danger of Covid?
So what is your metric for determining a pandemic?
How bad does a flu have to get before we willingly trash the constitution, our economy, our society?
@Yoyo hop
126k Americans are dead since February. What is the acceptable number of American deaths from this virus?
@Anonymous2 – George Floyd died May 25 and protests began that night. Fits the timeline for causing this spike.
Every single COVID positive test and every single positive antibody test counts as a “case”, regardless of how many times it’s a test on the same person. These tests aren’t identifying IDs. Just sayin’
That’s right, Dr. Farnitano said so in the CCC Board meetings, all tests are counted—even repeat tests on one person.
All you open-nowers need to read up on long term effects of SARS-1. iirc no one in the study was able to work a decade + later, they’re all on the dole, they all have serious effects.
Maybe SARS-2 will have similarly disastrous effects and they are merely trying to mitigate the disaster as much as possible.
Look at how US army put a outright ban on Covid-19 positive testers for awhile, and are now extremely cautious about it.
Stuck at home? Learn a new skill, learn a new language, quit your moaning.
This was bound to happen after 3-4 months of lock down. Peoples immune systems will be shot. And let’s now forget about the protesting and riots. That didn’t help anything. They should keep with the scheduled reopening’s and let people rebuild there lives.
Every thing was locked down, except The Borders, protesting, looting, antifa.
I feel like we have hit a perferbial crossroads with this virus. These next 6 months are going to be paramount for us as “humans” to stop acting so jaded to the concept of their needing to be a complete shut down of earth. Yep, laugh, scoff, wrinkle your nose….but if we are to stand a chance of treating and surviving Covid-19, it has to be done. For the first time in the history of this planet, we are going to have to work together not as Americans or Africans or South Koreans….but as a unit of one, human beings. We are fighting something that is killing us by the thousands with zero prejudice. We stand to loose even more life in the coming months due to this jaded lifestyle we have sickly become accustomed to. Our freedoms vs human lives being saved…. Lives that could help in our collective fight against this faceless enemy. We owe it to the ones who are not here, because we didn’t act fast enough the first time. Let’s get it right this time.
Wow Dan, totally swallowed and regurgitated the socialist globalist agenda to perfection. Maybe you think we’ll all lock down the whole earth so we can save it from ourselves but it’s a much more sinister plan than that. Ones that stand for nothing will have no problem bending over to the system…but the fight is against the ones that do stand for something