Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think COVID-19 Has Been In California Since November?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think COVID-19 Has Been In California Since November?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think COVID-19 has been in the United States (specifically California) since at least November of 2019 (when so many people were sick with similar symptoms), or do you think it arrived in late-January when officials say it was first diagnosed?

Talk about it.

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It may have been. I had a very bad cough the entire month of December and I am never sick. I had to knock myself out to get any sleep and that did not last very long. Went through a ton of all kinds of cough medicine. I have not been tested so I do not know if I have any antibodies.


Could have been a good chance it was here since November of 2019. I knew a few folks were darn sick in Dec19 – Jan 20, with what could have been a Flu or Covid-19. None of them were in the Hospital, just darn sick and are totally back to par now.

Yes. My wife believes that she had it in December/January. She hasn’t had the antibody test, nor have I, but will soon.

It doesn’t matter what we think. Either there is evidence or there is not.

I had a respiratory illness the first week of February (after having one last Fall and a flu shot before that). I had an antibody test in May and the result was negative.

I believe it could be earlier.We rarely get sick but my wife and I both got something in the first week of January. Started with a 103 degree fever and had a bad cough for a couple of weeks. My back hurt really bad from coughing so much. Was taking Nyquil every night but still was coughing.

While there is a lot of anecdotal “evidence” that coronavirus has been in California since November or December 2019, testing of blood samples from actual patients indicates it probably came here in January 2020. I understand that one of the actual flu strains that came through this past year was especially nasty.

But hey, get the antibody test if you think you had it in November or last month. Just don’t make the claim and then do nothing to back it up. That only creates confusion and ads to the disinformation we already face.

May of had been January I started getting a couch the month of March but no fever. I did not even get an antibody test. The cough lasted for few weeks or so. The cough may of had been from my dusty condo that was under construction due to the flood in my condo been sleeping on the couch now finally everything back to normal.

I wouldn’t know.

Without a doubt, yes.

I know about a dozen people who experienced the worst “flu” of their lives around the holidays.

CDC even noted how particularly bad last flu season was.

It’s been here since Event 201, and also since the Wuhan games.
BTW, Event 201 was an actual thing…..look it up before making ignorant replies.

Gates and his kind are nothing but evil, controlling, POS elitists. I didn’t know about Event 201… The pieces are fitting…

Yes, I think it’s been here at least since mid December. The reason being is my daughter and son-in-law were extremely ill to wear my daughter needed several breathing treatments. They had the flu shot Months earlier.they were checked for the flu and did not have it. The doctors were perplexed as no medicine was working for them. They came down with it the day after Christmas through the first two weeks of January. I also came down with something shortly after but I definitely was not as bad as they were .

What does it matter when it got here?

Hubby and I – high fever, headache, body aches, chills, dry cough, chest pains, no appetite and no taste, fatigue, sweats. December 23rd to about Jan 12th, then at least another month to get over the fatigue and slight cough.

It’s probable, I lost my sense of smell sometime after Christmas. It was my only symptom and didn’t know it may have been COVID-19 related at the time.

No question. My sister in-law was walking thru a Burlingame Hotel in Late November near the SF airport with her 89 yr old mother when she spotted dozens of Asian airline workers with face masks walking thru the lobby. She immediately told her to hold her breath and walk quickly with her. Very astute of her to protect her mom who just turned 90. They knew……

Probably isolated cases here and there, but there’s no way it was widespread in CA by November or even December. Researchers in Seattle went back and tested thousands of samples taken in the fall from respiratory patients, and there were no positives from anywhere near November. No way we could have had widespread incidence without it showing up a little in Seattle, which also had lots of travel to and from China and has tons of people moving up and down the West Coast.

I wish it were true, though: I had a horrible viral bronchitis in November and December that lasted forever. My doc talked to a pulmonologist and he said there was a bad bug going around like that, but it wasn’t putting people in the hospital – the specialist knew about the trend but wasn’t concerned.

I believe I had it beginning on November 23rd. I’ve had the flu before, but this was very different. I contracted the illness in Santa Clara while visiting family. My niece, who was a nursing student working in the hospital was home sick. 4 out of 5 of the people there got it and we all had the flu shot. I hope to get the antibody test soon.

I had a sniffle for a week, it was covid im sure of it. I am ok now.



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