The following statement is from Contra Costa Health Services:
Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) is evaluating whether the county should continue its current reopening timeline, due to recent data showing COVID-19 activity is increasing in the community.
CCHS is closely monitoring key data indicators that show how the virus is spreading in the county and will announce a decision about the timeline Monday.
During the past seven days, the number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals in the county has increased 42%.
The seven-day average number of newly identified COVID-19 cases has increased from 39 a day to 68 a day. The positivity rate of test results – the percentage of COVID-19 tests that came back positive – has also increased. This suggests the change is not simply due to more testing, but indicates a true increase in community spread.
We are also seeing a shift with more young people testing positive. In June, 55% of cases were 40 years and under compared to 38% for that group in April. It’s a sign that younger people are playing a major role in driving the increase in new cases and potentially infecting vulnerable individuals. This highlights why it’s important for everyone to avoid social gatherings, observe physical distancing and wear masks or face coverings when around others.
CCHS encourages all residents to get tested. Increased testing for COVID-19 is a critical part of the community effort to slow local spread of the virus, and necessary to continue reopening in the future.
Contra Costa’s data are consistent with increases in COVID-19 activity now being experienced in communities across the state and the nation.
There is concern that these increases may lead to a surge in very ill people that could overwhelm the local healthcare system. We realize many people are eager to resume normal activities. However, if we adjust the reopening timeline, it will be because we have a chance to prevent the pandemic from getting out of control in the county.
Any change to the timeline would immediately affect businesses and activities that are currently scheduled to resume July 1, including indoor dining, bars, gyms, hotels and some personal care services, including nail salons and tattoo parlors.
CCHS is releasing this information today to provide businesses and residents as much time as possible to prepare for a potential change to the timeline.
With the Fourth of July weekend approaching, CCHS also reminds everyone that it’s a healthy choice to observe physical distancing when outside the home – maintain six feet of space whenever possible – and to wear face coverings. Anyone who feels sick should stay home. People should also wash their hands frequently.
Small markets in concord , on monument blv are letting customers shop in the stores with out wearing mask , I asked the owner why she let them get in the store whith out musk , and her unswer was THEY DONT WANTED WHAT ELSE I CAN DO, Im very upset 😠 health department should be checking small markets.
Didn’t they send CoCo county covid cases from another county recently? That is probably why the spike.
You know Marilu these small stores are having a tough enough time of it without you making things worse being a buttinski.
Just shop elsewhere if you are bothered by it…. and lighten up.
@ Over it,
You are correct. Per Dr Farnitano’s health briefing, here are some points worth considering.
-CCC has been accepting patients from other counties.
-Patients from Alameda County are being counted in CCC’s numbers and vice versa. He gave no indication how many are being counted twice, or if it is a wash.
-People can continue to test positive after they have fully recovered.
-People with no symptoms will test positive.
We’ve also established that the overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths are from seniors in long term care facilities.
Just several weeks ago religious freedoms were threatened when the county tried to require that churches keep lists of everyone who attends.
Now they are cooking the books by playing musical chairs with patients and omitting important context to the statistics.
It is time to seriously debate the legitimacy of these “officials”.
You are the Karen of all Karen’s.
On Monument Blvd you say. Gee, is it any wonder why Latinos have a higher COVID rate than the general population? They should photograph each person in that store w/o a mask, and if it’s revealed they were positive they should be charged with assault.
They don’t make customers wear masks at CVS either…..I asked about it and they told me it’s not a law, so they can’t force people to wear them.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
Of the 42% increase in hospitalizations, how many from the nursing home in Concord?
You Hop, we will deal with your statements one at a time.
You are counted as a positive or negative due to where you tested. A patient, once hospitalized and then transfered to another location for care is not counted again when he or she gets to the new location. Now, if you are a resident of Contra Costa County, and you get tested on your lunch break in Marin, and you test positive, you are counted in Marin, but then you come home, get sick, and go to County Hospital, the minute that you tell them that you have tested positive, they will look you up by number to verify the positive test. They will probably test you again to confirm, but that second test is not counted as another positive.
You are not “recovered” until you have 4 negative test results, and these tests are not ever done on the same day, or tested in the same lab. These four tests do not count as four negatives, they count as one. In other words, testing is done by patient ID #. Not by each individual test done. The only way that a person can be counted twice, is if they actually tested positive, tested positive again to confirm, then tested negative four times, over the span of two weeks, then went back, tested again, and tested positive again, with confirmation again. That would be counted as two Covid infections. Because that would be two Covid infections.
It has been known from day 1, that some people do carry the Covid -19 virus without ever displaying symptoms. Testing does not test you for symptoms, it tests you for actively having the virus in your system. If you test positive, it doesnt matter that you arent showing symptoms, you are contagious and can make others sick.
It does not only make seniors, and people with other health concerns sick. In fact there are record numbers of younger adults showing up in statistics now.
And underlying health issues does not mean you have cancer, or something like that, you can be disease free, have a stroke, or a heart attack, which will distress your immune response, and you end up actively Covid-positive.
Churches were not singled out as having to document people in attendance. Every (especially indoor) congregations of people in quantities of more than 4,people who do not live in the same household, have been asked to keep records of these people. This is done in efforts to track the disease…NOT THE INDIVIDUALS, but the disease itself. ALL bars and clubs and gyms and stuff will all be required to keep these records as well.
Cooperation is needed to keep the virus from spreading. Cooperation is needed to minimize the number of positive tests.
Cooperation is needed to minimize the number of fatalities from this virus.
It is the only weapon currently available.
Until there are others, uncooperative responses to these requests for cooperation will result in unnecessary deaths.
The Contra Costa Health Department issued a mandate requiring churches to keep a log of attendees and provide it upon demand to the Health Department. It was reported on this very blog and by the Contra Costa Times on June 6th.
To wit: Section 3, Subsection B3 of “Appendix C1 – Additional Businesses” the order requires “A record of attendance, including the names and contact information for each attendee at a service or ceremony, must be created and preserved by the Place of Worship for a minimum of 14 days, and provided to Contra Costa Health Services immediately upon request in the event that a COVID-19 case is linked to the event.”
No other organizations but Churches were covered under that mandate so I think a reasonable person could conclude churches were in fact, singled out.
That edict lasted for one day. I assume the figurative angry mob with pitchforks and torches outside the Health Department’s Office had something to do with the hasty about face.
That is good info, Thanks for sharing it.
So, you don’t just test and get a positive or negative result. If you test positive, you must have a minimum of four additional tests that show negative results. Sounds like a full-time job just getting tested. That’s a lot of nose swabs and finger pricks.
Sorry, the re-opening timeline will not be adjusted. We already had to SIP once to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. We are not doing it again. It’s not our fault if they failed to get extra supplies and capacities. We already did our duty. We are going to have to learn to live with COVID-19, period. Live is full of risks. If you are scared, then stay home.
SIP is still ongoing; it has not been lifted … I’m not sure why you’re saying you won’t do it again …
The virus’ and its impact on general health and people at risk doesn’t care about your inability to understand science, logic, ethics or grammar.
Exactly. Enough is enough. They can add it to the flu season; covid-19 all seasons.
Keep your body healthy, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, go back to living life.
So you have the final say?
Not really up to you if we delay or get shut back down. Just do what is asked and this will be over soon enough
Amen @concordygnacio !!!! Citizens of CoCo County, who have followed the SIP, & continue to do their parts, should not be subject to more restrictions! Does no one think it is coincidence that cases started to rise after all the rioting and protests?? Our city officials and politicians were totally fine with the lack of masks and social distancing during those riots and protests. But now they want to continue to restrict and put undue burdens on law abiding citizens! I am happy to wear a mask and social distance out in public, but do not take away our “normalcy” once again!!!
We are STILL under an SIP! My gosh, this is part of the problem. We (ya’ll) haven’t been doing our (your) part if we (ya’ll) think we’ve been there done that.
@Common sense
I find it amusing when folks such as yourself criticize others’ grammar when their own is incorrect; and yes, yours is incorrect.
@ Zella in the Cella
Completely agree! I blame the protesters and those of us who have listened and complied are being punished. I truly believe this is something we are going to have to learn to live with.
Please do. Every day the numbers are going the wrong direction.
Have the young people who are getting it been protesting without masks lately?
Is it only the young people who are getting it from been protesting without masks lately, or do the belligerent gasbags who don’t think the rules apply to them and pull their masks down over their mouths (and under their noses), or around their necks, and refuse to respect other people’s defensible space once they’re inside the grocery stores (etc., etc.) have anything to do with the ongoing public health and economic issues?
It’s funny that both groups are liberals.
And, isn’t it usually the liberals telling us all about doing the “right” thing, like they’re some paragon of virtue able to dictate to the rest of us out if their positions of superiority.
You know those riots that health officials approve? Yeah, those. Mostly young people were there. That was roughly two weeks ago… why are we not surprised?
I’m not scare as some people state stay home. I have been working since this while thing started as I work for an essential company. I have seen how people feel they shouldn’t do as asked, not wearing mask, 6 ft. Distancing, etc. Covid is not real open up the state, and let’s go back to normal life. Yeah, doesn’t work that way, because people not wanting to do what is asked of them. We are going to get shut down again, before we even re-open again. Covid, is real, and it won’t be taken serious until it happens yo you or a family member.
I know four people who have had it. A 41 yo and 82 yo died. No pre-existing conditions on the 41 yo. A 26 yo healthy healthcare worker had it and it took her three weeks to recover. My 77 yo father has it.
It’s real
@concord ygnacio. Yes, we will shelter in ace again because a majority of us care about our fellow citizens.
Our hospitals do not need to be overwhelmed with new cases.
You don’t “learn to live with COVID” because we are not willing to let our respected elders and loved ones die so your selfish needs can be coddled.
You, my friend, need to learn to think of others just like the bible teaches us. Your needs do not outweigh my families safety. Wear your mask and stay safe
You are the biggest sheep follower of all. Stay home and cry in the corner if you are to scared to leave your house.
“CCHS encourages all residents to get tested” but not providing free, accessible testing. Even with insurance, you need a doctors referral to be tested.
The county opened testing up at the beginning of May. Check the CC County website– you can either call a hotline or register online for an appointment.
Mid-May, I was able to get tested less than 24 hours after I registered online.
Mark my word, this pandemic will continue to be reported as wildly out of control and necessitating draconian measures to control the public until on or about Tuesday, November 3.
Guaranteed. Take it to the bank.
The only reprieve we got from dying a terrible Covid death was to spotlight the protesters and rioting, when that calmed down to a degree, back to your regularly scheduled programming of Covid death and government failure.
November 3. Soon after, Covid will magically fade.
Only if/when Trump loses.
So I (and my Barber) had to wear masks when I finally was able to get a haircut. And I still can’t attend Church in our Sanctuary. But protests, looting, riots and arson are somehow exempt from all of this handwringing?
BTW- “Health Officials” were quick to claim that protesters didn’t spread Xi Coronavirus, and then lo and behold, a few weeks later the infection rate spikes and they blame everyone else instead. I simply DO NOT trust my state or local government.
And the County Health Department still won’t address 1) the negative impacts of the lockdown on people in nursing homes and assisted-care facilities, 2) the number of people who stopped their cancer treatments, 3) the number of people who HAVE NOT been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc…because they haven’t seen a doctor, 4) negative impacts on mental health, etc…
Chuckie the troll
Well said…
Yes, well said. They lost me. There’s only so many contradictory things they can say and do, and still expect people to take them seriously. After they endorsed large groups of people gathering and screaming, all bunched together, I can’t believe them on anything at this point. I will try to make the smartest personal decisions I can based off of the limited data. I would prefer an expert do that, but they’ve clearly decided to place politics before science.
Santa Barbara already put a pause on the reopening
I agree, the CCHS should go back to the restriction cases are just going ip way too high. the sooner or later the restriction on the reopening gonna go back to where it was three months ago and state will look at it and will have to get the owners to closed up their business again:(
Ok so no indoor dining, no gyms… but they’re still cool with riots, looting, destroying public property and senseless violence, right? Just making sure that their position hasn’t changed on that.
spot on
Sounds about right!!
For those of you who keep saying if you don’t like that people aren’t wearing masks, then stay home. Well maybe the ones not wearing masks should keep their asses home. Those of you who don’t follow the rules need to keep themselves home. Not only are they risking themselves, they risk everyone else then will be the first to cry like a baby when they get sick. People just want to think they are in control and don’t have to follow the rules but in reality they look so dumb. Whatever people. I’ll keep wearing my mask and shake my head at those who don’t.
Get off my lawn…
It’s my body..It’s my choice!!
“Possible delay,” and “as much time to prepare as possible.” Yep, they ARE going to delay the July 1 phase. You don’t weasel that much unless you’re going to take an action.
Santa Clara backed off just a day or two ago, so this doesn’t surprise me as much as it should. With the CARES act and rent protection expiring at the end of July, the county has the moral obligation to take up the slack for the people whom it has forbidden to work.
That’s probably not going to happen. Instead we’re going to see another tone-deaf, condescending message from the wealthy heads of the department expressing fake empathy for those in financial crisis. Meanwhile, the food bank lines grow longer, storefronts become vacant, and the homeless population grows.
Prediction: 24 Hour Fitness, headquartered here in the Bay Area, is the next big corporate closure. The fitness industry as a whole is in danger. Bezos continues to line his pockets in one of the greatest wealth transfers in history while local tax revenue continues to shrink.
Maybe the county should start enforcing social distancing and mask regulations instead of throwing the population to the financial wolves.
Spot on. It will be delayed. And what will they do once the CARES acts ends? Will California/Local gov start issuing the 600$ a week to those who cannot go back to their business because of furloughs? Not at all. The WFH-crowd who keeps claiming it’s “just stonks, get a new job” have stable work and don’t care about other people who are up the creek. It’s not so easy to “just get a new job” when places aren’t hiring or you’re considered “over qualified” and “under qualified” at the same time. And yes, it is happening; dealing with it directly myself. My industry was hammered by this as it requires to be present in the work space not infront of a computer at home.
I am a member of 24 hr fitness. I’d just purchased a training package before the closure. I’d been getting personal training and it helped me so much with my hip and back pain. Their fitness manager called me yesterday about training. We chatted a bit, and he’d told me that the gym at the Sun Valley Mall, which is where I go, has laid off 1/3 of their employees and many others won’t be coming back.
This lock down has hurt so many people in so many ways. Unemployment is just one area. Health is another. My back and hip pain is back with a vengeance. I cannot do enough exercise at home to get the benefit I was getting at the gym, working with a trainer. I was pretty excited about the gym reopening, now it looks like it isn’t gong to happen.
Wear your mask in public. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Avoid large crowds. Don’t go out when you’re sick. If we had ALL done this over the past few months, we’d be in a lot better spot right now.
It’s not that difficult.
I trust that the people of Claycord can do ALL of this going forward. Thanks in advance for being responsible 👍
It’s A Me, I know what you mean about the WFH crowd. Reading the Bay Area subreddit is painful sometimes with how little acknowledgement there is for the majority of workers who don’t or can’t work from home. My hubby works from home and we’re secure, but it just takes seeing and reading and trying to do a little walking in other people’s shoes for a second to see how lucky we are. And to understand that something needs to be done ASAFP for everyone who isn’t independently wealthy or a tech employee.
I wish Congress would get off its collective hind end and extend CARES. For all the stupidity coming out of the White House and at the federal level, that supplement is the only thing keeping us almost afloat. The state can’t pay existing unemployment debt, and the county’s probably worse off. As it is, come August 1, a lot of people are going to have unexpected rent bills. What is it, a month and two thirds due for the subsequent 120 days? Maybe it’s two months’ worth.
The job market has been really brutal for a long time. If things don’t reopen soon, it’s going to get exponentially worse. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with it now 🙁
I dunno… A couple of months ago, we found a note on our doorstep from a couple of kids whose mom had been laid off due to COVID. They wanted to do yard work to help out. We don’t really have any, but… damn… what a way to spend your summer vacation. Every time I see something or read another story about people being trapped in no-win situations, my heart breaks a little more. I do the Safeway “feed the families” donation whenever I shop, but I know that does absolutely nothing to help.
Yves, my husband’s a 24 Hour member and goes to Sun Valley too. He’s been debating about what he was going to do on July 1. He misses the gym horribly, but is freaked out about safety. That sucks about the layoffs there 🙁
The whole health situation is madness these days. I spent a good hour on the phone with Kaiser today, trying to get an appointment for allergy testing. So far, it’s taking three tiers of phone bureaucracy, separated by a weekend, just to get a referral. They’ve cut back services to a bare minimum. I’ll find out Monday if they’ll actually test me, assuming I can get a hold of the doctor. You’d think health would be a priority these days, but it’s on the back burner like everything else.
BernieM, I suppose it never occurred to you that people can socially distance, wear masks, wash hands, etc. AND be opposed to continuing the lockdown. That they can do their best to mitigate risk, recognize the virus is awful, AND be concerned about the ongoing poverty and health issues the lockdown is exacerbating.
I’m really starting to hate being a Dem. I used to think we were the party of relative sanity. And compared to the complete madness on the other side of the political aisle, maybe that’s still true. But the hypocrisy of supporting protests on one side while sneering at the other is really starting to wear on me. Protests are stupid for any reason during a pandemic. Period.
The virus isn’t a political issue. Poverty isn’t a political issue. The lockdown shouldn’t be a political issue. Science isn’t restricted to epidemiology. Values shouldn’t determine policy– an unbiased look at ALL sciences, including economics needs to be done. Policy needs to be geared to protect the minority while ALSO seeing to the needs of the majority. It needs not only to consider the crisis of the moment, but the needs of the future.
On the federal, state, and especially local levels, COVID policy has been a complete failure. I hope the health dept. changes its mind before July 1, but I doubt it will.
Gyms are relatively safe according to large-scale study:
omg again with ahhhhhh the numbers ……..
do you even know if those are real ……
whos giving those numbers ….democrats????
proof please ……
or we can all throw out numbers
like flu numbers and ww2 numbers and china numbers
and las vegas numbers and old girlfriends numbers
please i can no believe that educated free thinking people are reduced to
ahhhhh the numbers ahhhhh run …..
its not right ….not well thought out …
at no point has any official ever said anything concrete and with proof and with conviction …..its always suggested and furthermored and fearmongered
and again …they are using pandemic to control you
a pandemic is a disease ….
this is a virus just like the flu ….
our bodies fight viruses all the time
yes a new one and still unsure of the origin and symptoms and cause
the SIP just slowed the spread ….now that more people are out yes they are getting it and those numbers are more than likely people calling in with sniffles and or a temp and and being added to a so called tally of covid cases
simple fact this is not ebola …..
getting covid does not mean you die ….
yes compromised immune systems are susceptible …the same as the flu
thats why people die from the flu …..
take your precautions but this frantic ranting at ahhhhhh the numbers is exactly what the democrats want …..
they are trying to keep the economy down so they can can try to actually steal an election something they tried several years to prove happened when they lost
this is an attempt by a sore loser to get back in the limelight when their career has passed them by ……
just pay attention at what happening ….watch and make your own conclusions its actually right in front of you on this site ….
the mayor is showing these articles for you to base your own conclusion
dont look single minded look as though your future is happening now ….
like the saying goes …..you wish you knew then what you know now
well you do this is a childish game the democrats are pulling …you have seen it before
call them out on it and ask for proof and actual facts
not a couple of fake fauchis touting there perceived control over you
“…call them out on it and ask for proof and actual facts…”
Where are YOUR actual facts? Sources please. Innuendo means nothing.
Not that it matters but in my opinion, this is one of your better posts.
This is far from being like the flu. To continue to say and act as if it is, is simply ignorant. I would love for you to be able to spend some time in the hospital with me. You will see an entire floor full of COVID positive patients (of all ages) struggling to breathe, and staff fighting to keep them alive. Like it or not, the “numbers” ARE increasing no matter what political party you back.
Faint praise indeed.
It may well be everyone has a bit of the virus by now but no symptoms and doing just fine. Remember even the “experts” are just poking around in the dark. We don’t usually do all this for cold viruses.
Captain, there are over 200 different varieties
of the Cold Virus. There’s a reason we haven’t
been able to cure the Common Cold. The
viruses also continue to mutate into new strains.
@Lay. You do NOT have to have a doctor referral to be tested. I just called this morning and have an appointment for 9:10 on Sunday.
If you have breathing issues, wearing a mask can restrict your breathing, and make your breathing problems worse. A friend of mine in San Ramon was approached by an MD in Danville about her difficulty in breathing while wearing her mask (above her nose).
Other people need to mind their own business how someone wears their mask, and if you don’t like it – stay home. It’s a free country.
Will it bust your ass to wear a mask in public??? Really? All I see when people who won’t wear a mask is a spoiled child who is all about what they want, what they think is real, what they want others to believe. Or like random task they just want to deny the reality and say that its all a paranoid conspiracy. A virus doesn’t care what you think, believe or how you voted….it just wants to reproduce inside you. and me. and your grandparents. Science is real.
Correct Dr. Dick and Random Task probably refuses to wear a mask. Most of the people refusing to wear masks are in a state of denial, trying to blame a political party on this virus. Darn it they don’t want their rights being taken away, they want what they want to be damned if the rest of us don’t like it. If they don’t like wearing a mask, they’ll HATE wearing a ventilator.
It’s my body…It’s my choice!!
Remember they are counting recovered cases in the total . Not current total. And also the fact that doctors are being pressured to write covid as a cause of death when it wasn’t. Was the death from covid or died with covid , ie: tested positive for antibodies but got hit by a car and died . Covid death ! They are scewing the numbers. Wash your hands, stay home if you are sick, cover your coughs and sneezes just like with all the other viruses.
You are incredibly incorrect
Marilu, do you wear a brown shirt.
Right on schedule:
Young people were Rioting & Looting 2 weeks ago and now 2 weeks later we have a spike in coronavirus among young people.
When you recover from Covid it only means you no longer test positive for the virus. It doesn’t mean that you are healthy again and out of the woods. There are many long term issues you can face once you ‘recover’ from Covid. The disease appears to thicken the blood, which can lead to clots that affect the lungs and kidney and to strokes that damage the brain. This can happen to otherwise healthy people that were infected with the virus.
In a nutshell regardless of how well you think you would fare from it should you get it, just another consideration to take into account. One I don’t see many comments about.
Sounds like a typical sheep of a CNN watcher to me..
B Jones, nothing to do with CNN. Read a medical journal or 2.
The testing results don’t surprise me. 69% of the population in the county is under 40. So positive test results reflect the county population except for the numbers from skilled nursing facilities. Perhaps we are doing a better job of getting people tested so averaging out.
Numbers started going up after strict restrictions lifted, more people went back to work and started shopping more.
We cannot live with this as the new normal so start taking care of yourself and be cautious how you interact with others.
Contra Costa County Health Dept. needs to be more transparent about the number of hospitalizations that are coming here from Mexico via Imperial Valley. These Covid patients need care, however our county shouldn’t be punished if the patients didn’t even come from Contra Costa! More transparency and more facts are needed!
@Lay You might not have all the information you need.
I was tested 3 weeks ago. Free. Easy to set an appt. At the time there were 3 sites available. WC, Brentwood and I believe the other was Pinole. This was all done through https://lhi.care/covidtesting
Just went to https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/get-tested and there are many more sites available for testing.
Also, you do not need a doctors note. Hope this helps.
Came across this a few weeks back, wonder if same is true in California?
“As of mid-May, 22% of the Minnesota Department of Health’s interviews with people who had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases required an interpreter — more than five times the proportion of the state’s population lacking fluency in English.”
If our leaders would of insisted everyone wear a mask when indoors (stores, churches, ect….) maintain social distancing as best as one can and allow x number of people in an establishment at any given time we would not have the revolt and stuff it attitude to the degree we have it now. If it is getting worse it is because of poor leadership. You do not need to be a Rocket Surgeon to figure that out.
We will social distance when shooting off fireworks maybe even wear masks from all the smoke.
I might be willing to pay attention to these officials’ bulls**t if they hadn’t actively supported the wanton disregard for SIP guidelines during the recent and ongoing protests and riots. The footage of health care workers standing outside health facilities supporting these protests (many, if not most, of which turned violent), not to mention elected officials joining in with disregard for social distancing, has eroded their credibility beyond recovery.
Apparently, TDS causes convenient Covid outbreaks. Is there anyone out there who takes these people seriously anymore?
It’s alarming and sad that people have to be told how to take care of themselves by the Government. Parents, please, wise up and teach your children a lesson in health education and common sense!
I wish I could say I am surprised but sadly I’m not. Of course there is going to be an uptick in positive tests when you have protesters and looters in every major city in the country not social distancing or wearing masks for weeks on end. Oh, but it was okay because they were “outside.” What a joke. All of these so called “experts” are nothing but political puppets. Multiple studies have found that patients that have fully recovered from Covid are still testing positive but are not contagious. Wake up people and quit being sheep.
There have been more non-essentials walking around outside, walking dogs and bicycling here than before covid 19 even started. A person can be intelligent. But people as a whole are complete and utter morons.
It’s all of these non-essentials going out when they don’t need to that are prolonging this epidemic. Stay at home morons. Putting on your speedo and biking isn’t essential right now.
All those activities you mentioned have been “allowed” since the start of SIP months ago.
In response to “LAY”.
You do not need a referral, and ALL Covid testing in CCC is free.
@CCC Healthcare Worker
Thank you for your firsthand account of what this disease is really like.
I suspect Coco County will stop the reopening, just as San Francisco has. Some areas in the country are going further, and rolling back prior reopenings. For instance, Texas is now prohibiting elective surgeries/medical procedures in hospitals located in hardest COVID-19 hit counties.
And if you think the increased outbreaks are bad now, just wait until schools open back up.
I’m as anti-government as the next guy, but it’s obvious the virus is still spreading.
So, taking personal precautions makes sense.
I do, and not in submission to any bureaucrat.
Protesters and looters are nonessential. There, I said it.
Heard today couple of San Quentin inmates needing hospitalization showed up unannounced at a Napa medical facility with eight corrections officers.
Wondering how many non CoCo County patients are being treated and reported in CoCo stats.