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Home » The Water Cooler – Should People Go To Jail/Prison For Tearing Down Statues?

The Water Cooler – Should People Go To Jail/Prison For Tearing Down Statues?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think people should go to jail/prison for tearing down statues of historical figures?

Talk about it.

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ABSOLUTELY !!!!!!!!!!!

Definitely….one can change the name of the statutes…as most of these were constructed and erected a long, long time ago.

So I’ll just rename a Robert E. Lee statue to Martin Luther King Jr?

That an easy question to answer. The answer is yes ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!

well a art piece that was blocked by a building

Graffiti Artists Awarded $6.7 Million for Destroyed 5Pointz Murals

so yep let em destroy and have the cities pay out for it ….

by all means …..

well unless this state has gone totally awol and decided that no crime shall be punished and those criminals not held accountable

if so then the wild west is not far off

you can only do silly nonsensical political BS for so long

someone is going to want restitution … reparations …but restitution for the lawlessness brought forth by the democrat regime in this state

we saw how Venezuela turned out after modeling their country after california and their ludicrous politics

its allready happening in oregon ….

just keeps getting more and more absurd

Yes. Anybody defacing or destroying public/private property should be fine and jailed. Period. It would be no different if it was somebody’s home or car. Considering the value and age (collectors items), it would put the statues at $100,000’s if not millions of dollars in value. Lock me up, educate them and make them clean the mess that vadals made everywhere else. This needs to stop and it will soon.

So, you value property more than people?

Eugene how is he putting any value on anybody. Make them responsible for destroying property that is not there’s to destroy

So Eugene, you’re OK with killing puppies?

Can’t both be valued?

This is a country of laws. There is a legitimate process to make changes…destruction of property nor violence is REQUIRED to make changes. Plus, it make folks jump ship thus losing support!

Eugene they are not people, don’t hide behind your duplicity and existential sacrilege.

@Eugene DiMaggio – No we value “rule of law”. If it’s decide to remove the statue then it gets to be removed. A mob doesn’t have the right to anything.

People who vandalize property (not belonging to them) don’t care about other people anyway, they are selfish and self-righteous.

If you emotional about it then No….. Wait!, where did you get that chandelier? I think it’s awful! It has to come down! I’ll need a chair!…. Chair??? Yikes, those are disgusting, I’m going to need a hammer to!

Of course they should. If we don’t start making it clear that vandalism won’t be tolerated, people are going to just start wrecking whatever they don’t like. There’s a word for that: yuck.

It is vandalism….which breaks the law….HELLO? Needless to say; we have laws we all have to abide by. You and I have to anyway….

Absolutely, and they also need to be fined.

Of course – is there some reason some people should be exempt from laws against vandalism and destruction of public property? If someone breaks a window of the public library they should be held accountable. No different for public monuments. If you want a statue removed, that’s a question for the whole political community and their representatives, not for a tiny minority that decides it is in charge.

Political vandalism that results in enough damage of property can lead to a felony charge. Yes.

It is destruction of government or private property, so YES. They should fined and/or jailed. And yes, even it is offensive, it is still destruction, so YES they should still be fined or go to jail.

Absolutely. Vandalism and the marxist destruction and re-writing of history must be stopped.

No. I think everyone should be allowed to tear down anything they find offensive and trending for the month. As long as it offends you, you have the right to tear it down as part of your free speech. And I think you should be able to loot and burn any business you feel like as well…this is also protected as free speech from what I’m hearing/seeing on TV.

I find your residence offensive, so I’ve rented a bull dozer to take it down. How ridiculous does that sound? But I’d be protected by the First Amendment, right?

Read up on that amendment and see where you are mistaken.

I’m glad to have that explained. I had assumed the post was sarcasm.

Think Cowellian was right in thinking it was sarcasm, and hope it was.
Sometimes sarcasm flies over my head too.

@Cowellian…I heard this from a wise one…..”Sarchasm: The gulf between the maker of sarcastic wit and the person who just doesn’t get it.”

Reality says… sarcasm was easy to recognize, but you can’t always tell, unless you know the person. I think DrvrdadCA was being sarcastic as well. If you recognize one, you can recognize the other.

Todays sarcasm is tomorrows reality. Ask me 2 years ago if the crazies would be running the asylum I would have said no, that could never happen. Now politicians are defunding the police and letting leftest rebels take over cities. Teachers are telling our children that they are raciest because they were born white and everything they do is raciest. Being a good and decent person isn’t good enough for the mob anymore, you must join their cause or eventually be destroyed. This is an attempt to erase history, good and bad, so they can replace it with the narrative of their choice. Their teachers/professors have been filling their heads with marxist ideas and now we are eating the fruits of their labor and our instance on College as the only acceptable path for our youth. Unfortunately it is going to take generations to undo the damage that has already been done to this generation as well as the previous generation. This is fast becoming an Orwellian society, anything that doesn’t fit the narrative of the mob gets shoved down the memory hole. So remember, this may sound like sarcasm today, but a year from now, they may come for you and your house.

Yes, absolutely ! It is intentional vandalism, well over $950. AND if they are going to put a woman in jail for opening a business to feed her children , they can put them in jail for felony destruction of government property!

Of course they should. Sorry we live in a time that question needs to be asked.

Prosecuted as vandals, yes.

Not only should they go to prison, but any politician who encourages them should go to prison also. Vandalism, defacing government property, grand theft, and in some cases trespassing. If they set fire to it you can include arson. If it was up to me, I’d even charge them with treason, because they are attempting to overthrow the government.
Since our currency has pictures of some of the historical figures they want to destroy, why aren’t they burning their money?

Yes, they should pay a fine or go to jail, depending on the laws that are applicable.

If the populace doesn’t want people to pay a fine or go to jail for tearing down statutes, then the laws need to be changed to allow ANY people to tear down ANY statutes that they don’t like.

What we absolutely should not be doing is allowing SOME people to tear down SOME statutes without penalty. Of course, that is exactly what we are doing.

Of course. And, while they’re cooling their heels, they should be obligated to read a history book or two. When you’re tearing down a statue in Wisconsin of an avowed abolitionist who reportedly gave his life for the cause, you obviously need to brush up on your history. By the way, please also jail the person who spray painted a wall with the oh-so-articulate message, “Kill all Whits (sic).” Provide him/her with a dictionary. These folks are a real credit to the benefits of public education.

Under California Penal Code 594 (a), a person is guilty of vandalism when he or she defaces, damages or destroys “any real or personal property not his or her own.” If the amount of the damage is $400 or more, the vandalism is punishable by up to one year in county jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

@Reality says…

While they are in Jail, they can attend a US history class so they actually know about who and what they are destroying. All they get in the public school system are lessons about why America is bad and how socialism is the answer to all their problems.


It would be more beneficial to fine the stuffing out of them and sentence them to community service cleaning up their messes.

Tar and feathers sounds like a good punishment.

This sounds more like something that North Korea and China would do. Have you forgotten about Otto Warmbier? Why I might understand your position that those destroying property and statues, should be punished, should be punished, it is important that proper judicial procedure being followed.
Punishing someone that has done what is by many considered unlawful, with more unlawfulness, does not make sense.

Yes. Statues are a part of history. Germany and Poland did NOT destroy Nazi death camps. They are now chilling, haunting…. memorials to “teach” history, not erase it😢

But these statues don’t come with a narrative explaining why they were bad people.

The Germans (Nazis) destroyed their murder factories when they could (Sobibor). Poland was under Soviet control after the war and called the shots there. The British burned Bergen-Belsen camp 1 in their zone.

@eyeseeyou, go ahead and advocate for more historical context to go with public monuments. That’s not what’s happening right now. And not coincidentally, when it is done by mob rule and destruction, the choice of “bad guys” is totally random: statues of abolitionists and Civil War heroes who fought against slavery have been defaced too.

“Never forget, never again!”
I don’t remember the source (maybe a documentary) ,but it has everything to do with leaving the Nazi concentration camps in place as a painful reminder.

I have a different view than anyone else. First they should be whipped and then put out in the sun in stocks. That is our history and they have no right to touch any of it.

Absolutely…not…sometimes civil disobedience is necessary in order to make meaningful changes in a Democracy. People need to understand and research the history and racism of many of these inappropriate statues.

I agree with you @Eugene DiMaggio. These statues don’t “teach” us anything about history. Statues of individuals should be because you honor or respect them and what they did or what they represent. I remember in high school I went to New Orleans and saw a Robert E. Lee statue and didn’t understand why it was there.

Your a idiot. First off the US is not a democracy it’s a republic and second what real purpose does it serve at all except to divide. If you want to destroy property start with your parents basement

Civil disobedience and destructive criminal activity are two different things.

So, you hate public art?

…so, it’s justified to tear down a stature of an abolitionist?

If your home was built by a descendant of a family that owned slaves, would you like them to also come destroy it? If not, why?

Eugene you are both funny and short sighted.

What if I found you be racist? Would I enjoy the blanket protection of civil disobedience to demolish your home with no criminal liability?

Eugene = Certified IDIOT.

Eugene, you need help.

Eugene, I’m sure all the other terrorists appreciate your support.


Yes and as part of their probation, they should be required to take history courses so they learn and appreciate the reasons behind putting up the statues. Which, had they spent any time in school to begin with, they would have already learned that people don’t erect status because they owned a slave or some other offense that was not considered offensive in the day. It’s for some greater contribution.

And 100 years after the people who tore down the statues today erect statues of themselves because they think they are heroes, someone will come along and tear down their statue because they found out they did some obscurely offensive thing that had nothing to do with why they erected a statue of themself.

See how stupid it all is? History repeats itself and everything cycles over and over.

Nobody is talking about erecting statues of themselves. But I agree with you, people should take history courses that tell history from the perspective of the minority. American textbooks tell stories from a very narrow view, and as a minority myself, I didn’t realize that until I started taking Asian American Studies and Native American Studies in college.

Removing history does not change history!!

Yes, and then they should be dipped in a vat of bronze and made into one.

I wonder how they’d like it if the MLK monument was torn down? Sure – different story, then. Every Black monument should be torn down too. They want to be selective and erase some history but not all.

The Marxists have declared a cultural war on white America and destroying statues and looting is the actual act of war not to even mention violence against police and others and the vicious fake-news propoganda
What gives them the right to destroy our history? Our culture?
It is time for authorities to act against them and not simply submit to them
If they can’t then we need new authorities soon

Yes! There are other ways. Start a petition and have it moved elsewhere or something. Destroying private/public property cuz YOU don’t like it is wrong. Something that’s been around for ages, and NOW you don’t like it?

So we agree on the importance of history.

Then why “deface it and erase it”?

If you have a problem with a statue, or anything else, there are civilized ways to request the removal.

Maybe they should have a mandatory history class and take a test to show they paid attention. And maybe also work on cleaning squads, helping to clean up defaced buildings & statues or neighborhoods that need it.

I suppose chain gangs are out of the question?

Yes, unless they are liberal darlings, then they clearly can’t control themselves and have to take us back to pre society days like mob rule.

I’m more in favor of civil penalties; you act causes $10,000 in damage, you’re fined $20,000.00 & 1000 hours of community service. You don’t have $20,000, we seize your personal property and levy your income. You shirk community service, then we throw you in jail for 1000 hours.

That’s a great idea. However if these vandals had any money they probably wouldn’t be vandalizing anything as they would be at work.

“This is a country of laws.” . . . That is an incorrect statement.

Since at least 2008 in states controlled by democrats, only laws they agree with are followed. Our immigration laws for example, come to mind.

An why is it looting, arson and rioting permitted to take place virtually unchecked in democrat cities ? ? ?

Business owners and residents, of the six blocks allowed to be taken over by democrats, have filed a class action lawsuit against Seattle city leaders.

Seattle city leaders evidently care nothing about people’s businesses, neighborhoods and safety of those who elected them. If memory serves DEM’s little Seattle experiment thus far has cost four lives.

Awaiting the day democrat politicians are PERP WALKED by US Marshall’s after being arrested for seditious acts.

It’s actually in the works O G .

Ahhh was waiting for that liberal smart arse

No most monuments might not say all they are about

But wow

It is up to the parents or grown up to answer those questions from our children so they learn

Instant gratification is killing the minds of children

A monument should be shared by those who feel strongly about it or have general feelings or have been asked about it

Do you go camping at state parks
Do you tell your children why it’s named what it is or who founded it or why land was even set aside for it

Be parents not anarchistic liberal agenders so bing your nose at anyone who has an opinion with snide comments

National monuments were made and left and placed for posterity
look it up

Civics in school was taken away and everyone lost their way
Simple knowledge of the country and how the world works is a real important fact our children should know

Unless your pro uneducated kids destroying what they don’t understand
And liberal politicians allowing destruction and lawlessness for those same children to express their uneducated minds

Sounds like a great place to live …..left

There are laws for a reason
Just going off on something in the moment is a child’s action
And condoning it is irresponsible

This comment alone says so much about where this state is

But these statues don’t come with a narrative explaining why they were bad people.

Sorry there is not a QR CODE on history because history was hard to make not as easy as going on YouTube

Snickering at the past is exactly why we have the laws we do

Those founders were smarter and better educated ….obviously

Respect their work and the thousands of dead before lowering the standards of America to your level

Teach the children don’t make excuses for them

They are very easily manipulated and it is showing

Liberal teaching and parents and politicians are responsible

We the people are trying to fix it not add to the clusterduck you’ve created by your glorious voting and leaving our children to bear your complacency

Wake up we are being ruled by a single party regime bent on taking every penny from us just like a communist country would

Most of you liberals were anti war and peace for all and love

Yet what you have created is chaos
And the liberal politicians are using it against you and your children

Unless you like overtaxation for roads
And how do they pass a budget each year without maintaining infrastructure

So many screwups running the show and covering for each other
Saying …But these statues don’t come with a narrative explaining why they were bad people.

“QUESTION: Do you think people should go to jail/prison for tearing down statues of historical figures?”

You have to catch them first.

Statues are a waste of time and money except for a select few. Like Lincoln Memorial or Rushmore are fine. They are grand in scope and execution so they can stay. The rest are just SPIRIT POLES – most sculpts look HORRIBLE anyway (see scary Lucy photo: – that time has passed just like Medieval portraits. They are costly and a waste of space as NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY SEE the person anyway mounted on a giant pedestal. So, yep, TEAR them all down, recycle the metal. If you love yourself, put one up on your mausoleum and if people still love you in 20 years, they can go to it like GRACELAND. Otherwise, F your ego and the literal high horse you rode in on. Time to move on.

So has this always been a personal issue, or are you simply jumping on the bandwagon? Seems like it just came up. Low hanging fruit for anyone filled with rage to target anger at…

All of the sheet happening in 2020, and folks are wasting time and effort on arguing if statutes are legit…including me.

I continue to stand by my statement. 1/4 of all Presidents were slave owners, most Lee statues were erected in the 1890’s as racist commentary, yet the General wrote in his own memoirs, he did not statues put up in honor of him any where! Grant was a great man, yet he continued on with Lincoln’s genocide against the American Indian. Columbus brought diseases to the New World which killed millions of the indigenous peoples. and he enslaved many more! Junipero Sierra enslaved native Californians to build his missions, destroying the existence of tribes like the Ohlone. No statue of any of these men should be celebrated today! You don’t see statues of Hitler in Germany, except in museums. If our government refuses to change, then we the people must change it in order to maintain the true Democracy we support; if that means tearing down statues then so be it, and I commend those doing so!

Stand by whatever BS floats your boat TYRANT.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Feds wrote a warrant for your IP address and put you on a watch list?

@ Eugene DiMaggio You cannot compare any but the treatment of Native Americans, and the genocide perpetrated against them, to the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. It was US government policy to eradicate Native Americans with Manifest Destiny when the popular sayings were “The only good Indian is a dead Indian,” or, “Kill the Indian to save the man.” It was a concerted effort to rid the country of the Indians. Sorry, but black slaves were not rounded up, murdered en mass the way Native Americans were, forced into slavery by the Catholic Church, or marched across country on foot to live on barren reservations. Native Americans are just not as vocal about it as blacks, so they get much less attention for the horrors they suffered.

I wonder how many of the statues from Rome, Greece, the Aztecs etc that are on display represent someone/something bad … do you want those taken down as well?
Think of the Egyptian pharaohs that have statues … those guys for slave owners as well. Should we rip those down as well?

You are a tyrant Eugene. Your beliefs are flawed. Do you believe looting and vandalism is the way to win me over? Well let me tell you, NOPE!

No watch lists please, this is a civil conversation. Eugene is somewhat accurate on one version of history. However Eugene, you should understand history is not as clear cut as you my think. You are looking through a 2020 lens at over 100 years ago. Slavery in any form is fundamentally evil. But has been part of the human existence in many forms to present times. Some may say we are slaves right here right now. The banking system, taxes, strict regulation on every thing we do. I understand the angst but I think there is a much better way to have a lasting effect by running it through the court system. You could ask to have them removed, or request to have the signage properly display the person owned slaves. The point is to keep our country civil. Most Americans are reasonable.

Eugene, you sound so thoroughly indoctrinated that I, and others, should probably just steer clear of you. I will, however, point out that you seem to have the drum beat of white people bad, all others good. If slavery and mass killings are your focus, you might want to read a bit beyond your comfort zone. Slavery was practiced in the Americas way before Columbus, as was war and ritual sacrifices and cannibalism. American Indians also occasionally took blacks as slaves. Surprise! And anthropologists instruct us that Africa had all sorts of war and slavery before European influence. You might try a useful tool called Google, although you will have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of conflicting ideas.

@parent, regarding statues of the ancients, the reason why so many Roman, Greek, and Egyptian statues are missing noses and limbs is because they were defaced by successive rulers or conquerors. Hieroglyphs Of ancient rulers were regularly defaced too.

What we’re witnessing is nothing new.

As a descendant of a Union soldier who was killed in action, it’s always amazed me that we allowed monuments and symbols that glorified secessionists.

It’s vandalism and a hate crime. Whatever the punishmeny is for that.. Let um have it!

It’s vandalism and a hate crime. Whatever the punishment is for that.. Let um have it!


Yup. Put ’em away for awhile+community service (they’ll absolutely hate it).

This is what the left has done historically-attack the symbolism to overthrow the state. Latest example-they sacked statues in Venezuela, the socialists took over and began controlling the economy and destroyed an OPEC nation (!) within a very short period of time.Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America, now, they starve.

It’s a very calculated progression, and due to COVID 19 and a cop killing a low life who should have been cuffed and taken downtown, the demands by the left are mounting and they’re not going to back down.

If you cower like Seattle, then they could have a big advantage as most of the “protestors” don’t have anything else to do. There will be a battle there
and it could get real bloody, as the mayor has given the mob plenty of time to dig in. Typically Liberal thinking to believe you can possibly deal with them. Yes, the Usefull Idiots are important to the left.

How much is this costing George Soros?

Venezuela suffers only because of years of intervention by the US, since their greatest ally, the Soviet Union fell!

Eugene- that’s quite a fantasy!

newsonfornia where prisons are emptied not filled.

Give it 6- 8 years, there’ll be hundreds and hundreds of two million dollar plus apartments where San Quentin today stands.

Eugene, Venezuela suffers because Medoro is a dictator. The is no correlation between the socialist countries of Europe, and Venezuela. I grew up in a socialist country (Denmark) and we have a lot more freedom than they do in Venezuela and Cuba for that matter. The US is not to blame for all the ills in the world.

I absolutely have no problem with shooting them.
That’s right shoot them.

So I guess you are a fan of North Korea and China!!

People who have destructive tendencies like this and give into them will likely do something even worse in the future which will end in their incarceration … eventually. They obviously are so undisciplined they cannot control their anger and it will erupt one day and someone will get hurt. Whether they are arrested for destroying public property, taught discipline, and how to control and find more positive ways to channel that anger, or whether they erupt in violence later and hurt someone may hinge on putting a stop to the behavior now before it becomes any worse.

Yes, they should go to jail.

It’s the destruction of public property.

It’s all premeditated destruction.

It’s a felony.

Why is this even a question?

Yes it’s felony vandalism

Same for our Boston Tea party?

Funny you mention that. Had it not been for the founding fathers of this country, the world would not even know the concept of freedom. Then we reminded them in WWII. You just need to do some reading dude. Yes some had “slaves” but it wasn’t the straight Hollywood version. Half the time the “slaves” stayed on as employees voluntarily after the emancipation proclamation because they loved and appreciated what the relationship. Some people are psycho and I’m sure mistreated people. That’s the fools out here believing Hollywood Django movies..come on man. Didn’t anyone ever tell you movies ain’t real?

I wonder if we were all alive 200 years ago, would you want to lock up the Boston Tea Party? Moving forward in time, means we must kill the Sue responsible for killing Custer? Moving forward again, all those Kent State students deserved to be shot by the National Guard? Or step back again, we should o
have locked up all those thousands of laborers who fought for labor rights and unions! Yes, the Black Panthers never helped communities like Oakland and Civil Rights would never have happened, if we locked them all up. At Standing Rock, the Lakota remained peaceful for months, yet our hyper-capitalistic police state attacked them! Sometimes, drastic measures are needed to change the injustices of our corrupt system…that is how a true democracy works. And you all are worried about some stupid statues while today, 140 million Americans live in poverty, between 20-40 million are out of work, and millions of our children go hungry every night!

👏👏👏 Great moniker.🙂*Sioux*

@Eugene DiMaggio They aren’t “some stupid statues.” They are intricately crafted works of art created by the prime craftsmen working in that day. They must painstakingly carve in wood or cast in metal to create the likeness of the individual. In the case of those astride a horse, every detail of the horses musculature is represented, frequently larger than life size if the area it is to occupy is a prominent location. It takes years of study to master anatomy not just of humans, but the animal, as well, before the first cast pieces are ever produced. These are highly skilled artisans. The castings are made from life-size and larger than life-sized molds, and the metal is cast. It is truly an amazing feat of artistry with unparalleled beauty. It matters not who they represent, it is the beauty of the artistry and the amazing skill of these craftsmen that is being destroyed. They could just as easily be left in place and rededicated to some other Civil War hero, or discover of new lands. But, to preserve them as beautiful artwork and as artifacts and antiquities should always be the priority. Anything else is a purge of creativity which is an incredibly hateful and destructive force working for evil.

@ Eugene DiMaggio. You can choose to be spiteful and self-righteous. It’s a free country. At least for now.

Or you can choose to make positive changes in the world. The United States is not perfect. We never will be. But we lead the world in medicine, industry, technology, culture and even our form of government, and many other areas of innovation and visionary thought. We have succeeded due to our ability to create a strong society based upon freedom of religion, tolerance of others, and free enterprise.

The backbone of a healthy society is the ability to forgive others. When people are consumed with hatred and blame, they can’t grow and mature throughout their lives. And they leave grief in their wake.

If you feel the United States is beneath you, please leave. Go pull down statues in some other country that you feel deserves to be punished.

You’re full of it. Buzz off.

You know zip about the past, the present, or any future commie.

Understanding Marxism by Richard Wolfe

And now, a happy statue story . . .

In 1989, when Hungary finally won its freedom after being enslaved under Communist rule for 40 years, statues throughout Budapest were torn down.

Many of the statues were moved to Memento Park in Budapest. It opened in 1993.

Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and others are on permanent display to remind Hungarians that these failed communist leaders are no longer a nightmare of the present, but of the past.

The park is a major tourist attraction.

Illegal activities remove credibility from the cause.

If you are concerned about poverty, California is the capital of USA homelessness so perhaps contact our Governor and ask to see his plan.

Eugene – The examples you cite as comparisons to what is happening today are really a s-t-r-e-t-c-h. !!! To you, a bunch of violent looters are the same as Kent State students protesting a war? You’re actually putting these rioters in the same arena as Cesar Chavez? Native Americans? The Boston Tea Party? Your faux outrage speech is idealistic – but not realistic – and it is downright insulting to the people you USED as examples.

That’s what the Taliban did. Is this how ugly things have gotten?

A little history lesson for you.

The Battle of the Greasy Grass was between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes and the 7th Cavalry Regiment.

The Lakota are part of the Great Sioux Nation. They are not a girl named Sue jackass.

As a member of the Round Valley Indian Tribes, I can tell you that no Tribe needs or wants another wannabe Great White Savor to fight our battles.

To few Americans realize sequence of events that took place in Venezuela and what hugo chavez did.

“Why do I even worry about some silly little statues coming down or some silly little street names changing?
Why do I care?

It is because the last time I didn’t care about this, I was a teenager. I have already lived through this thing when I was living in Venezuela.
Statues came down —
Chavez didn’t want that history displayed.
And then he changed the street names.
Then came the [school curricula].
Then some movies couldn’t be shown, then certain TV channels, and so on and so forth.”

Take time to read entire article.

Any of that sound similar to what’s happening here ? ? ?

If they are seen attempting to destroy historical statues, they become high value targets. Engage at will. Enough is enough of the anarchy.

Just wait till the shooting starts..soon very well armed citizens won’t put up with all this crap any longer.
And guess what, the police won’t stop them…

Unfortunately, I think we might be closer to that point than not.

The silent majority has a tipping point, at which time some might take action. That would be catastrophic in my opinion.

So many things have occurred so far in 2020, that this would not surprise me. There’s a lot of anger and tension, and some folks think it’s best to focus that on the government. I don’t agree, and hope the process will be more civil and less violent. For the sake of those protesting…

Bring the statues down now!

But don’t bring down Blacks who have shot 102 people this weekend in Chicago, right?

So a statue triggers you but you could care less about the people shot in Chicago? You are worse than what you are crying about.

Taliban Tactics

yes. It is willful destruction of public property. If you destroy something that isn’t yours, that is a crime….simple as that.


wait so am i hearing that a few are arrogantly dismissing the past with acts of erasing it

so your saying that all monuments need to be destroyed if they offend you

so the pyramids of egypt need to be torn down ..slaves and all right
all the monuments of rome ….yeah slaves and all

as well as in essence we should all leave the north american continent then

you seem to have all the wisdom

your departure from this continent should encourage others as well as does the destruction of monuments

your move ….leave north america and the rest will follow
your superior intellect can not be denied

your path is clear head to egypt and dismantle the pyramids gather followers and head to rome and saudi arabia ….china next

your revolt will be worthy of a ……well a monument …..

thank you for opening our eyes and minds to correcting the world of anything offensive …..whew

How is this even a question? You are responsible for your actions triggered or not. YES plus financial responsibility as well.

Yes and stop the free benefits the rest of their families are receiving while they are in jail.

The Emancipation Memorial statue was paid for entirely by freed slaves in 1876.

Did everyone see the photos out of Visalia where vandals destroyed the veterans memorial?

I doubt when veterans fought for our freedom they did it on behalf of future vandals.

This is a new low, and anyone even remotely patriotic should be outraged regardless of political affiliation.

Answer to original question: YES!!
I think the best thing to do is to ignore and not respond to Eugene’s constant diatribe. I thought the Mayor would censure or restrict the garbage that Eugene is spouting??!
Watching the “fake” news coverage and FOX makes me wonder why no action is being taken upon these miscreants that are vandalizing these monuments.
Why does the ilk of Pelosi, Schumer and Nadler not step forward and initiate an investigation into Soros like their attempt to impeach Trump??

You have to catch them first.

Yes they should.

Yes! People should be going to jail for many things but here in CA they rarely are. All of this bs during a pandemic, it should all be illegal times a thousand. No protests, no looting, no big get togethers. I cannot STAND how selfish all of these idiots are, truly cannot stand it. Bunch of entitled babies who think everything is political when it’s a PANDEMIC. So many conspiracies, why can’t they see it’s not about politics. SCREAM

Our Governor has made it about politics. Review Gallagher and Kiley vs. Newsom.



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