Home » Gov. Newsom Hopes To Expedite Release Of Prison Inmates Amid COVID-19 Outbreaks

Gov. Newsom Hopes To Expedite Release Of Prison Inmates Amid COVID-19 Outbreaks


Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday that the state hopes to expedite the release of several thousand low-risk inmates at state prisons such as San Quentin that have seen outbreaks of the COVID-19 coronavirus in their populations.

State courts are currently reviewing a cohort of about 3,500 inmates in the state prison system who have been targeted as candidates for early release during the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom said he hopes to start seeing prisoners released before July 1 in an effort to “decompress” a prison system that has confirmed 3,864 cases to date, according to data from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

At least 456 inmates in San Quentin have tested positive for the coronavirus as of Wednesday, according to Newsom. The results of an additional 1,818 tests are still outstanding.


Approximately 3,700 inmates are currently being held at San Quentin, roughly 122 percent of the prison’s maximum capacity, according to CDCR data from April.

CDCR spokeswoman Dana Simas said all San Quentin staff and more than 45 percent of the prison’s population has been tested and San Quentin has identified dedicated isolation and quarantine housing for confirmed patients.

“CDCR and (California Correctional Health Care Services) will continue to work together, along with state and local health care and public health experts, to implement measures that will protect those who work or live in our state prisons,” Simas said in a statement.

Criminal justice advocates and medical professionals have warned in recent weeks that state prisons and large incarceration facilities are powder kegs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


A group of medical experts from the University of California Berkeley and UC San Francisco issued such a warning in a June 13 memo about the urgent need to reduce San Quentin’s population by at least half to avoid catastrophe.

“It is a frightening public health reality that in a matter of days there may be no cells to isolate a potentially infectious COVID-19 patient,” the group wrote in the memo. “The only way to manage the situation is to significantly reduce the prison population.”

“It’s a concern, always has been,” Newsom said of prison outbreaks like the one at San Quentin. “We have not been shy about leaning in on this over the course of many, many months.”

He said, “We still have a lot more work to do in that space and we recognize our responsibility to do so.”


In addition to overcrowding, criminal justice advocates point to the May 30 transfer of some 120 inmates from the California Institution for Men as an inflection point for the virus’ spread at San Quentin.

The Chino facility had approximately 500 active cases at the time and had reported 13 deaths due to the virus. CDCR data now has those figures at 854 confirmed cases, 495 of them active, and 16 deaths.

Nearly all of San Quentin’s cases have been confirmed in the last 14 days. The prison now has the fourth-most cases of any prison in the state.

“Well-meaning public health proposals devised for people in the outside world cannot and will not help the spread inside San Quentin because the central problem is that the prison needs to be nearly empty before these measures can be successful,” Sue Chan, a health care worker and the mother of a San Quentin inmate, said last week during a news conference held by criminal justice advocates with Oakland’s Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, a group of former San Quentin State Prison inmates and the families of current inmates.


Compounding the concern of coronavirus cases spreading inside San Quentin is that roughly 46 percent of inmates have at least one medical vulnerability that could raise their risk of significant damage if they contract the virus, according to Newsom.

Newsom said the health and safety concerns for San Quentin inmates have not been lost on him during the pandemic since he lived in Marin County, where the prison is located, for several years.

“It’s always been top of mind, it’s always been a point of concern,” he said. “(It’s) not surprising to see the numbers, more generally, increase.”

Over the last several months, the state has already taken steps to reduce overcrowding at its prisons by releasing some cohorts of inmates such as those who were within 180 days of their scheduled release and met criteria like not being a sex offender and not having a history of domestic violence.

CDCR officials have argued that they are taking several steps to maintain health and safety inside state prisons and prevent the virus’ spread such as the installation of alcohol-based hand sanitizing stations and routine cleaning and sanitization.

However, critics have said the prison system’s issues controlling the spread of the virus are partially due to a simple lack of proper facilities for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and those who have been exposed to an inmate or correctional officer with the virus.

The group of Berkeley and UCSF experts argued that the Adjustment Center, where coronavirus patients are being quarantined at San Quentin, has roughly 102 single cells with solid doors in which to isolate and quarantine
those who test positive for COVID-19, but those cells will fill rapidly because around 80 were already full prior to the pandemic.

The group called both for the establishment of a field hospital to care for coronavirus patients inside the prison and removing patients from rooms with solid doors, allowing medical and nursing staff greater oversight over their condition.

“The urgent resources San Quentin requires range from human capital to environmental risk reduction and rapid testing,” the experts wrote in the memo. “Failure to meet these urgent needs will have dire implications for the health of incarcerated people at San Quentin, correctional staff and the healthcare capacity of Bay Area hospitals.”

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Remember this when this Slick Back Weasel runs for president.


This plan has not been intelligently developed. Let’s see. . .
1) “low risk inmates”? —then why are they in prisons like San Quentin?
2) ever thought that released prisoners could be asymptomatic? They are released to further spread the virus in the community?
3) released to “avoid catastrophe”?—the inmates should have thought about catastrophic conditions before they committed the crime!
4) has anyone considered that inmates might be intentionally spreading the virus to expedite release?
In conclusion, expediting release of state prison inmates is a horrible idea that further endangers the community.

Exactly i was thinking the same thing makes no sense just really stupid

You might consider upholding this. Our politicians have armed guards to protect them from harm. What do we have? Is it legal to strike this from the public in harms way?
Castle Doctrine
A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person’s abode or any legally occupied place (for example, a vehicle or home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used. The term is most commonly used in the United States, though many other countries (see below) invoke comparable principles in their laws.

How about we also expedite concealed carry reciprocity for those with permits in other states – BEFORE we let criminals out???

How’s that recall petition for Newsom going?

Newsom made it disappear.

Unleashing hordes of criminals into society? It truly shows who he really cares about, and who he doesn’t care about at all. Who voted for Newsom, the pathetic traitor who cares nothing about the honest middle class citizens of California?

My exact thoughts, Cautiously Informed. Release the prisoners on the law-abiding citizens!! After all, our Covid-19 numbers are increasing–perfect mechanism to instill more fear on the people so we can SIP even longer. I say we perform clinical trials for Covid-19 on that population (perfectly controlled environment), with their consent, of course (although I’ve heard they’ve consented to free plastic surgery in the past)! What an upside down world we are living in…

If Newsom was in a sinking boat he’d drill holes in the bottom to drain the water.

Congratulations, you have summed him up beautifully. And I will add, he would also be the first one into the life boat!

and leave his nagging wife and kids behind

First thing he did was to go against the voters and cut the death penalty…now this. Lawlessness has to acted upon. VOTE!!!

We’re prisoners in our homes and criminals get to walk free. That makes sense..

Yes! We do have the responsibility to protect the prisoners from the virus. There are many way to do that. They have a strict criteria if what type of inmate to release and where! They are not going to let them out all at once or without a plan.

And it’s YOUR responsibility to protect yourself from these scumbags once they’re released. Don’t bother calling police.

@ Popcornhead:
Newscum should release them all to stay at your house.
YOU can protect them.
What could go wrong?

@ Stupid, I agree. Ship them all to ILP.

” They have a strict criteria if what type of inmate to release and where! ” And, which ones would you allow at your house? They are already confined. How would releasing them help anything except to spread the virus? They can be sheltered in place in their cells. They are criminals popcorn. Just like the illegal aliens that I suppose you support subsidizing.

Masks work right? So why not just put a mask on them and call it a day?

And how many of the last bunch of criminals released committed crimes hurting innocent civilians? Some of the last batch were ‘low-risk’ as well.

Yes, NewScum, release them all … then you can make room for all those people you are going to arrest for not wearing a mask in public.

ok when is this lunatic going to be impeached

san quentin prison releases really

so apparently their tactic of couching on each other has worked as newscum is such a panderer that he will release 3500 prisoners onto the streets to prey on us once again

again with everyone in control being a democrat there is no one to stop them

oh and you cannot protect yourself because this state favors criminals over honest citizens …..

good luck …..because the media will not cover this or report when these criminals feast on us …..they are democrat controlled as well

as are the courts and DA and many judges ….all on the democrat pay to play teet

gad help us who are not democrats …..or insane

Make room for the real criminals. Those who won’t wear the mask.

Good idea NewSCUM!
Let them out to spread it around!
This guy is a joke!

They can’t house “low-risk inmates” in tents on prison grounds? No, this is Newsom trying to buy Black votes.

Defund the cops
Release the prisoners
Keep the economy suppressed
Make marijuana an essential business
Raise taxes
Infringe on our rights
Give away our tax dollars
Billion dollars to china for masks
Bark orders like a dictator

What’s going on here? What am I missing?

I find it hard to believe there are a lot of “low risk” inmates in a maximum security prison.

Instead of isolating the COVID patients, they should put them together. Let them share cells, since they’re already sick. Maybe temporarily suspend visitation so the outbreak can hopefully remain confined to the prison?

Of course, Newsom’s solution is just to turn them all loose on society.

Are we going to just sit back and take what is happening to our country? How do we stop this?

Newsom needs to go to prison for stealing from us, King Newsom, issuing executive orders without consulting the legislature.

Recall the sleazy lying dirt bag, CA voters do not want to be a sanctuary State.



If over crowding is a problem, build temporary shelters (tents) out in the desert. Not a problem for them, it’s a problem for us If these dirtbags are released. How can people keep electing these jackasses?

Governor Newsom has just driven new gun sales through the roof!

Why isn’t he worried about our most vulnerable population: seniors in skilled nursing and continued care?

When will my fellow Californians get woke?
The opportunity to get our state on the road to recovery is on election day!!!

For the sake of our progeny Loose your chains and VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRATS!!!

There will come a day soon, when Newsome And his Aunt Pelosi will no longer be in office.

Big mistake. We are ridden with lawlessness so much already. Put them all on alcatraz it is just sitting there. Another example of don’t do the crime(repeatedly).

Newsom might as well “Release the Kraken!”. People are in prison because they did something so bad that fines and/or jail were insufficient punishment. Personally, I can’t think of a better deterrent for criminals than to say if we convict you, you’re going to spend some quality* time in the Coronavirus motel.

We have already seen where no-bail release of criminals awaiting trial results in yet more criminal activity. Releasing the professional class of criminal early is going to be yet another disaster.

OK, I think we can deal with this. We all buy one way bus tickets to Seattle. We distribute them at the prison gate as inmates are released.

Will the be under house arrest and wearing ankle bracelets?

Example how some ankle bracelets work in CA.
AB-109 passed by state legislature back in 2011 as solution to state prison overcrowding pushed the use of ankle monitors.


If over-crowding is a problem, bring back the death penalty. It’s still the Law, something Democrats choose to ignore.

Maybe if people saw that you could die in prison if and when a pandemic happens they would take that as an extra risk and reason not to end up in prison in the first place… Should just be one more reason not to do the crime and end up in prison because you never know if a pandemic will happen while you are in there… let this pandemic make an example out of them and let them catch the virus and if they die well they die. If people saw mass prisoners dying during this pandemic they would think twice about committing the crime and ending up there. Let this be a deterrent and example.

Here’s the website to recall Gavin Newsom.


Download a petition and fill it up with 10 voters and turn it in asap.

Download 100 of them. Fill it up with the names of illegals and the deceased.

If they can vote by mail, they can sign a petition.

You cannot make this stuff up. Unless you are a brain dead democrat. They are criminals and they have to take their chances with this Chinese virus like everyone else. Next time think before you rob a liquor store.

Low-risk? Does that mean Scott Peterson will be released?

He will be back swinging clubs at Torrey Pines looking for Amber in no time!

First of all, why are they transferring infected prisoners to uninfected prisons?

But I digress.

Rather than releasing infected, convicted criminals into the public, why not transfer them to a single facility (or multiple facilities) that are designated “Covid positive”? Sort of like a leper colony. They’re already infected, so they don’t need to worry about catching the virus, nor can they infect the innocent public or commit additional crimes.

As long as other countries are footing their fair share of the bills. In particular the one that deports artificial clowns to a distant galaxy ONE WAY only passage.

I hate to be Mr Obvious, but this has been the trend in California for sometime. Covid-19 just sped up the implementation.

It started with balancing the State Budget on the back of the Counties. Forcing counties to house sentenced prisoners that should have been sent to State Prison. Then came the dubiously named propositions like Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act and The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016 which actually decriminalized certain crimes and authorized the release of prisoners early.

Emptying out prisons under the guise public safety is just the natural progression of this trend.

The irony is those on death row, sheltered and isolated, will ride this out and survive.

Let’s see: Greasy Newscum wants to release masses of hardened criminals into our communities so they don’t get the flu, and that is more important to him than the safety and security of said communities. Got it.

Fine, but if I was white and taught school in Oakland Unified School District, I would be looking for a different place to work. Ir’s a No-Win situation. Nobody has your back and you’re outnumbered. Simple as that.

I agree. Newsome is letting infected convicts out, rather than the standard quarantine. This also contributed to a spike in covee19. Along with the continued border jumping Newsome has encouraged. How can democrats condone this? Just how stupid are you?



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