This is the new COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 582 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 56 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 1,391 tests were conducted in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 5 deaths since yesterday.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 48 of the 72 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 7 outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
The population in Contra Costa County is 1.1-million.
Wear your mask in public. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Avoid large crowds. Don’t go out when you’re sick. If we had ALL done this over the past few months, we’d be in a lot better spot right now.
It’s not that difficult.
I trust that the people of Claycord can do ALL of this going forward. Thanks in advance for being responsible 👍
You don’t get the death rate by using the total CONFIRMED cases and the current deaths. You just don’t.
Among cases with a confirmed outcome (resulting in either recovery or death), the fatality rate is currently 3.61%.
(72 deaths. 1,922 recovered. 1,994 cases overall)
Just makes me want to go out and buy something made in communist china. I hope people wise up. Cheap isn’t always best.
The state is going to revert the reopening. Too soon to reopen!!
Data reported to CCHS as of 6/25/2020 @ 11:30am:
2,576 confirmed cases in CCC with 72 deaths = 2.80% death rate.
It’s time Contra Costa County Health started treating our nursing homes as Fort Knox…our most vulnerable citizens are in jeopardy! My heart goes out to those that have loved ones in these facilities (I did for 6 years in Sunnyvale)~truly trying times for us all. 36 of total 37 hospitalized are residents in these nursing homes~Dr. Farnitano which specific mitigation efforts are NOT working? Here’s a link to Californias nursing home outbreaks:
Asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread are the root cause of the issue in care facilities.
@wipe~What you stated makes sense since the facilities have not met the deadline of June 30,2020 for baseline testing required of residents and HCP. Here’s an interesting link for requirements of testing by the California Department of Health:
Are these real death numbers or numbers of people that have died from anything while having covid, like our national death count…?
That is a question that Dr Farnitano has been asked directly and refused to answer. As such I would assume that anyone who dies with Covid has officially died of Covid
Here’s the thing. People with underlying issues are susceptible to COVID. They may have died because of their underlying issues, but it is COVID that caused them to deteriorate. It’s like cancer, a person may have a history of heart disease and then develop cancer. The person may ultimately die of a stroke or heart attack, but it was the cancer that weakened them. The idea that covid isn’t directly killing people is the same argument the tobacco industry used.
I agree with BernieM. It’s not that difficult. It’s better to be safe, follow the guidelines and be able to get out!
Hate to state the obvious, but a long term care facility is where you go before you die.
If anyone who dies with Covid, dies of Covid, the public needs additional data points to judge the severity of this “pandemic.”
How many people have died from a Non-Covid flu, compared to other years?
How does the rate of overall deaths from all causes compare to other years?
That our local government has not been forthcoming with these statistics is a red flag. As is the lack of access to unelected officials like Dr Farnitano who are dictating public policy.
Many of us have family in nursing homes and wish them not only many more years, but a high quality of life for those years.
Saying the solution is to put everyone in a mask and bathe in hand sanitizer, is lazy groupthink. We’ve seen many reversals in health recommendations and there is still much to learn in this situation.
How can we make the right decisions, if we don’t ask the right questions?
You can find statistics for previous years at the state site given above. They also seem to interested to see if the cause of death was a respiratory disease or flu rather than something else. Here’s the stats for the 2018-2019 flu season:
They probably have stats for other years there too if you can find them.
@Yoyohop not all the residents in Skilled Nursing Homes are there to die. Many are there for rehab following surgery or major illness with intention they return to prior living arrangement after 100 days. That is the sad reality that some may have died in these facilities before their time.
You bring up a good point.
If many are there for rehab, etc, it begs the question: How many were already being hospitalized for non-covid issues, when they tested positive for covid and were counted in the covid hospitalization stats?
@Capt. Bebops, Thanks for link. I found another link where the CDC lists 2018 flu deaths at nearly 7000.
Currently CA is approaching 6000 Covid deaths.
If we knew the non-covid flu deaths this year we could start to ascertain whether regular flu deaths are being counted as Covid. Or alternatively, if covid is simply killing people who would of died of the flu anyway.
Expect the totals to get worse, because Riots and Protests during a Pandemic has Consequences.
Funny how y’all say to wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart and wash hands to help curve the virus yet y’all are probably those same folks who like to speed and be a dumbass driver around town. You can’t control millions of people regardless of how simple the issue can be. Those who don’t want to listen and do what is best then let them not listen and let them reap the consequences. So seriously stop preaching to people who aren’t even listening!
If the Gov & PHOs would just admit that they caused this spike by encouraging thousands to riot – people might be more willing to cooperate. Instead they blame Memorial Day picnickers, young people going to bars (what bars are open?) , even restaurant workers. Everyone else except the rioters. That’s why people are pissed off. They’re blaming average people – the ones who listened to them and sheltered in place and wore the masks. But the rioters get a free pass! Not a word that’s there’s even the tiniest, shred of a chance that they caused this spike. Nope, it was YOU – all you people honoring Memorial Day. All you people trying to get back to work. Newsom and the “experts” have been wrong about everything and have caused more problems than they’ve solved. Now he’s, basically, threatening us with another lockdown. We didn’t cause this!! He caused this. I wear a mask when I go to a store. I follow all of the other guidelines – but I will NOT listen to a word Newsom has to say about anything. He’s a political hack who is trying to further his political agenda and career using this virus. Despicable.
Well said. There is a new recall effort however it requires two million signatures in the next 160 days. A tall order, however a lot of Californian’s now understand exactly what you have outlined.
We can dump this guy.