This is the new COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 573 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 71 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 1,097 tests were conducted in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 5 deaths since yesterday.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 44 of the 67 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 7 outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
The population in Contra Costa County is 1.1-million.
as of 06/24 @ 11:30 am:
2,523 confirmed cases in CCC with 67 deaths = 2.66% death rate.
@ Kauai Mike
Not when every death is labeled COVID regardless if it’s a death from COVID or they co-morbidities and also covid.
Not buying it.
@LL Cool J,
I see your point here, but it’s still important to consider the fact that COVID probably was a huge factor in their death. Also important to consider that many people have co-morbidities and many not even aware of em, even seemingly-healthy people.
For example, many people who die from HIV/AIDS is due to secondary illness caused by their weakened immune system from the virus. Wouldn’t you still consider those deaths caused by HIV?
@LL Cool J
I see a lot of people saying this but have yet to see an actual, verifiable source that this is happening. Just because someone posted it on Facebook doesn’t make it true.
The bigger factor in the death rate being overestimated is that there are sure to be many people who are asymptomatic and haven’t been tested.
The broad classification of deaths as COVID related is unlikely to overcome the numbers of people that never get counted.
@ Misses Jay
Are you kidding me??? Dr. Deborah Birx HERSELF admitted that all deaths were being labeled COVID. Pay attention.
@ Nam
I do see your point but you must understand that any virus could have tipped the scale, most likely flu. It is unfortunate that there are many people who will be susceptible to viruses, bacteria, etc in addition to their current health situation. And I say this as someone with multiple auto-immune disorders.
We know that the overall death rate is VERY low. Those who are at risk need to do what they feel they need to do (like stay at home). Wearing a mask doesn’t stop the virus. Even the mask directions state that. This rate of positive tests is not enough to force everyone to wear masks (look at the dangers associated with it – well documented) and certainly not enough to keep everyone locked down. Our immune systems work by being exposed to other germs. Keeping everyone sheltered in place lowered immune systems. It makes sense, based on the understanding of basic immunology, that people might fall ill now that they are getting back out into the population. Some will be fine; others not. It is life. This should really make people think twice about stopping off at McDonalds, Chick Fil A, In and Out, etc. Start eating healthy, get exercise (even if going a walks everyday). Get sunshine (Vit D and supplement).
Finally, @ Nam, please keep in mind that it is also well documented that the tests are faulty.
We need the contact tracing info. Five people died yesterday. Where did they contact the virus? I want to know what I should specifically avoid.
That’s not how the virus or contract tracing works. If through contracts tracing it were determined that the dead persons contacted the virus at a large public event, such as a church service, then sure, it makes sense to share the date and location if the event so persons who attended can get tested. If on the other hand, the dead persons contacted the virus through community transmission, then there’s no way to provide the public information about the sources. And if the transmission was through a known case who had direct contact with the deceased, it would only make sense to notify the persons who had contact with the known case. That’s how contract tracing works.
As far as the virus, it’s transmitted through droplets in the air and doesn’t remain at a location indefinitely. It’s not like you need to avoid going to Safeway because the deceased person shopped there three weeks ago.
Wear your mask and wash your hands. Limit your contact to household members. If you must interact with people other than household members, do so outside when possible, maintain social distance, and wear a flipping mask. It’s really that simple!
60% of new cases in ages under 40. But that is not unusual as 60% of the population of Contra Costa County is 40 and under……
It’s a 2.66% death rate until you figure in all the people who have had it but never got tested because they had mild or no symptoms. Then it goes way down.
Let’s not forget the very recent outbreak and many deaths at the San Miguel Road rehab center in Concord. Our Contra Costa County Health Department should have been doing much more to prevent this travesty. Which facility is next? Then another and another… It’s the County’s job to protect our most vulnerable citizens. Figure it out, Dr. Farnitano, before we lose many, many more.
There are at least 32 confirmed positive at ManorCare TiceValley in Walnut Creek plus staff.
Where did your information about ManorCare come from? My mother is patient there.
@Jennifer-My Mom is a patient there as well – good luck getting information, be very persistent. Doctor told me it was brought in by healthcare worker.
2.66% death rate of those tested…definitely not 2.66% of all cases. And that 2.66% rate still contains a high rate of very questionable “COVID” deaths actually caused by other factors
44 of the 67 deaths were in long term care facilities. So that means we need(ed) stricter rules for long term care facilities.
23 are others. Those NOT in long term care facilities. What level was their health at when they contracted the virus and passed away?
1.15 million reside in CCC.
Stay frightened California.
@ZZ. Nursing homes and other group living homes simply are not paid enough by Medicare and/or Medicaid to meet the costs of all the regulations, which keep growing. Most of the money that is collected in taxes never actually helps Seniors and other high risk individuals. Entrenched bureaucrats and special interest groups in Washington DC get most of it. In turn, they write more regulations and grow bigger.
Instead of complaining and pretending that this is not impacting our lives, why dont you offer a solution before the economy falls off a larger cliff than it already has. The quantity of cases continues to increase daily. Each day, we hear about more governors and local officials placing restrictions on day to day life. Those restrictions will certainly impact the economy. Please do not make this a partisan issue as governors who are both republicans and democrats are taking these steps.
Attn Dan: 3.54¥ has been credited to you account for this post 🇨🇳
ALSO, keep in mind that the testing is NOT accurate. Remember that time not too long ago when a a goat and a paw-paw fruit both tested positive for COVID? They let the rioters go to town (saying it was OK) and now they are ramping up “testing” and pushing a second lockdown.
It’s not being called a plandemic for nothing.
Don’t fall for it people.
Wear your mask, keep 6 feet away, wash your hands. Stay in if you’re sick. Avoid large gatherings.
It’s not that difficult.
The numbers will come down if we ALL do it.
If in doubt, ask a Kiwi 🥝
If you have an Android phone or Apple iPhone you may already have the tracing app installed. On Android look under Settings->Google and it will appear at the top. On iPhone look in Settings under Privacy->Health (requires iOS 13.x).
From what I’ve read (can’t remember where now), I think that both the Apple and Android installations represent is a framework upon which apps designed by the various states or other health agencies can be placed.
Yes, so far it is the framework but I think folks might be interested to see if it is installed on their phone. I do think it was a bit surreptitiously installed.
@Pat – If you know of an easy to implement thing that would guarantee that people won’t get infected then you would likely win a Nobel Prize.
We have hundreds, possibly thousands, of nursing homes in the county. The virus has made its way into 15 of them in six months. Of those 15, there have been just three major outbreaks. That’s an excellent track record against an invisible enemy. You can’t tell who is contagious until its too late. You can’t tell if an area is contaminated until its too late.
As the virus becomes more prevalent in the community it’s expected that there will be an increase in transmission into long term care facilities. That’s a known risk of opening the economy and the increase of socializing among people.
While COVID-19 is more dangerous than the typical flu we have managed to keep the resulting death rate from COVID-19 to same death rate as with the flu. While that’s good news it’s tempered by that we had to shut down the economy to achieve that result. It’s not practical to shut it down forever.
What really scares me most too are that young people are getting this and they have serious complications. Heart disease, lung and kidney damage. I live in Rossmoor and so far there has not been one case of this damn virus here. Everyone masks up even when outside while we are on our walks. We practice social distance. Upon entering the gate there are huge signs telling people the mandates. The one that cracks me up : says if you have COVID-19 turn your car around and leave,
do the math….it was predictable.
riots/protests happened about two weeks ago. Most were not wearing masks. Nobody stopped them. They actually were encouraged.
Well then all you would have to do is ask the new cases attended the riots/protests. What if they weren’t?
@captain Bebops
would we even hear about it?
There is documented evidence that the coronavirus is hitting the Hispanic community pretty hard. A lot of it has to do with the fact that many live in extended households with multigenerational living conditions and work at essential businesses. Moreover, many work in nursing homes as well and this uptick could be a correlation.