Home » REMINDER: State Now Requiring Face Coverings In Public Spaces With High Risk Of COVID-19 Spread

REMINDER: State Now Requiring Face Coverings In Public Spaces With High Risk Of COVID-19 Spread


The California Department of Public Health issued new public health guidelines Thursday, requiring Californians to wear face coverings when in public spaces that have a high risk of spreading the COVID-19 coronavirus.

People will be required to wear masks when inside an indoor public space, receiving health care services, waiting for or riding on public transit or in a taxi or ride-booking service vehicle, and working at a facility where other people are present.

Masks and face coverings will also be required for people working anywhere food is prepared or packaged, people driving public transit vehicles and people who are outside in a public space when maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distance is not possible.


“Simply put, we are seeing too many people with faces uncovered – putting at risk the real progress we have made in fighting the disease,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said. “California’s strategy to restart the economy and get people back to work will only be successful if people act safely and follow health recommendations.”

The state carved out exemptions for several groups of people, including children ages 2 and under, people who are hearing impaired, people at a restaurant or other location offering food and beverage service and people recreating outdoors.

Various counties, including those in the Bay Area, have already implemented a requirement to wear a face covering in public in recent months due to the pandemic. However, statewide guidance had only suggested the use of a mask rather than mandating it.

“Combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing, wearing cloth face coverings when we are with others outside of our household will reduce the spread of COVID-19, which is still a very real threat across our state,” California State Public Health Officer and CDPH Director Dr. Sonia Angell said.


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I thought the Governor bought 1 billion worth of masks. Or did that fall through…

Yes, it fell through in a huge way!

The masks won’t certify, and Newsom paid too much for them! Further, the Chinese auto parts company contracted to make the masks still has over $250 Million of our money. Also, they were contributors to our Governors campaign……..

Interesting how there is zero press coverage on this…….

The Fearless Spectator should provide a reliable link for that information.

I support listening to the health care professionals, but I don’t support wasting tax payer money. Show the link if you have it

the Governor bought medical masks for 1st responders. We’re required to wear cloth face coverings. Not the same thing.

It was a scam. Fortunately they found out before money was paid. The scammer is now in jail.

Oh let’s see now, The San Jose Mercury, The Los Angeles Times, The Sacramento Bee, The San Francisco Chronicle, US News…….

The deal was for $1 Billion, so he sent them a $500 Million down payment. They missed the first deadline so they sent half the money back. Now they have missed the second deadline and he can void the contract but has decided not to do so. He has refused to disclose the terms of the contract, and they still have over $250 Million of our money. He should be accountable for this.

Newsom is running the state like his own, private little fiefdom … with Nancy Pelosi’s help. It’s pretty clear his morality is askew and he’s unfit for public office. He’s certainly no leader of men … and we know from his philandering while Mayor of San Francisco he’s no leader of women, either.


He {de Cordova} said that with the amount of money California can muster, the state could have propped up its own factories in the state, employed Californians out of work and made large quantities of similar masks for “easily under a dollar.”

“The state could have launched 190 new companies around this,”

I wonder what kind of enforcement there will be and how many citations will it take to get jailed?

I will wear a mask to make the necessary purchases from a store.

Everything else is ordered online. I’d really like to support my local business owners. But the onerous dictates by the state and county are just too much.

I will not comply in any other way.

The Gov and his health department can be damned along with the county employees with the swollen heads.

Screeching Karens will take care of enforcement.

Zero is my educated and informed guess.

There will be zero citations issued and I know no one will be going to jail for a misdemeanor unless you get remanded, which will not happen because the DA is not going to prosecute.

Karen can screech all she wants at me … it will not force me to wear a mask while I am outside. If you walk up into my 6 foot space, you will wear the mask, not me.

I’ve seen the screeching Karens. They work at Hickry’ Pit.

Isn’t this the Mayor who told us that if we didn’t agree with a law (no gay marriage) we didn’t have to follow it? Hmm, how can he now enforce any law he issues?? He is a class A hypocrite.

All your butt has to do is wear a simple mask for the 3 to 30 minutes it takes to do your shopping. It is really to protect the employees of the business you patronize, as they have to interact with hundreds or thousands of people a day, and if all those people aren’t wear masks then their likelihood of catching the virus is tremendous.

Imho it is very selfish to refuse to wear a mask for your brief time while patronizing a store. So it bothers you ever so slightly, it is for the safety of the people who are slaving away now with a huge risk to their health.

Excellent point, Vindex. Democrat hypocrisy archetype on full display in the persona of Gavin Newsom.

Hey “anon”,

Masks don’t work. Catch up with the rest of us.

Have a nice day!

@Schwarzengger: “This is 100% the right move. This will help us beat this terrible virus. The science is unanimous – if we all wear masks, we slow down the spread and can reopen safely. It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.”

Still not wearing a mask

If you want to reopen the economy, why not? Do you not have a mask or is it you just can’t be bothered to even do the bare minimum to protect the health and safety of other members of the community?

Stay the f inside, Ozzie. Problem solved.


Why don’t YOU stay inside? If you can’t handle a mask and can’t take the tiniest consideration of innocent people around you for the minuscule amount of time its take to get your shopping or whatever done, you should just stay home. Why don’t YOU just get everything delivered if it’s such an inconvenience and you refuse to do the tiniest thing for the common good? Masks work, it is well studied and these studies predate Covid by ten or more years generally, you can find them easily.

@ Rollo
I have said it before, we should have a ‘like’ button on here.

I don’t give a rats a**. I will never submit to anyone’s mental illness. Paranoia is a virus, go see a therapist, leave me alone. Still waiting to meet a girl with “COVID” to make out with for hours. They are very hard to locate, almost impossible..maybe I’ll call CNN they know where all these “cases” are.


Because I am comfortable with an acceptable level of risk – we live with acceptable levels of risk every day. You take a risk every time you step in the shower (as if). If I choose to wear a mask or not, I leave that choice up to those around me as well. Again, if venturing out among the unmasked is too risky for you and Ozzie to accept, stay inside. Do you know how many times authoritarian regimes have used the phrase “for the common good”? Ain’t it grand to live in a (formerly) free country?

Simply put what changed? Nothing changed what is the big NEWS flash here Newscum?
This is not some new mandate, it’s the same rules as before.
Get over it people…live your life as you please..

Not Impressed…The previous mandate did not apply to all counties of California.

In Contra Costa County it is the same. In many counties they did not have to wear masks anymore. This is making them go back no forward.

Looks like it changed for age of children, unless a typo. Says 2 and under are exempt now, not 12 and under. That’ll help for people that have thought it’s a good idea to take whole family shopping like it’s an outing.

Unless used properly, masks do more harm than good. The amount of cross contamination I’ve witnessed by mask wearers is ridiculous. I highly doubt most mask users wash their reusable masks, and when they are not washed, they act as a breeding ground for bacteria which will result in much more people getting sick due to the disgusting things attached to their face than Covid.

The WHO already determined it is highly unlikely that a person who is not showing symptoms is contagious, yet we are still in panic mode.

The dumb are getting dumber…

Quite frankly, this is the smartest comment ever that restores my faith in humans, Bob. Been going to Genova Deli in WC YV where the workers wear masks and gloves, touch the cash, pet the dogs, then touch their faces, rub their noses, go to the restroom, go on a lunch break and eat, get on their phones while on the clock, MAKE YOUR SANDWICH and never wash hands or replace PPE. Dumb and Dumber are getting waaaay dumber and having children — toxic is toxic– and meanwhile the fight rages against ignorance of a different kind. And these ignoramuses have the nerve to think wearing the masks prevents anyone from hearing them speak about their customers in another language. Insulting!

SOS – Why do you keep eating at a place where you witness unhygienic food prep?

This is just the same draconian bulls**t that we’ve been subject to in the Bay Area for months. I notice Gavin’s too chickens**t to specify protests – because it’s unenforceable.

Gavin doesn’t mention protests because he is pandering to the Black vote and their liberal supporters just as kneeling Nancy does. Both a couple of miserable indulgent liberals with minimal moral direction.

I am pro-mask. I don’t argue with others that don’t want to. I am a “hermit” anyways so then SIP doesn’t bother me too much. I am not ignorant that it does bother others.

My take on this is….. WHO will enforce this. During these crazy times, I do not want the burden put onto the police. It is not fair to put them in that situation.

Are we going to have the “mask police”? This seems like trouble brewing.

I thought this was already a requirement.

Too many idiots refused to do their part to slow the disease by covering their face holes. Now it’s a mandate.

It is for most establishment. I’m back at my job at Macy’s (first day today), we were issued 4 black masks made of cloth, but we can wear our own if we find them more comfortable. All customers and emlpoyee’s wore mask, no one complained, and we were very busy. I was in handbags, and I was busy non stop. There are big bottles of hand sanitizer all over, for everyone to use freely. Better safe than sorry.

Lol, do as we say.

What about the CC health depts catered luncheons?
No social Distancing or masks there.

Good grief!! You follow the safety mandates required by law. WE HAVE A DEADLY PANDEMIC. What is great about this is the consequence for bad behavior will curb your rebellion. You must follow the rules to protect all of us including yourself. Please wise up. Sick of people thinking their RIGHTS are being taken away. Grow up.

SaltyPopcorn … RULES? Did I read this correctly?????? The rules do not exist anymore because your ppl threw them out with the baby and the bath water. No brain, no police, no laws. So no kindergarten Rossmoor rules. Keep the only behaving citizens in check? While the rest kill police? Break laws? Molotav cocktails? Stay on the couch, Corny. As far as I’m concerned rules are for old hags who run congress and town miles hall. Welcome to 2020 snowflake dumbdumbocrats.

If you’re that worried about it, just stay home.

Popcorn, you have been overcooked man.

This is not a law. Newscum did not make a law on his own. He can make an order, but that is not a law. Sorry dude.

And like Gittyup said, stay home.

As for a deadly pandemic? We obviously have different definitions of a deadly pandemic … vastly different.

And our rights ARE being taken away.

Actually being called Dumbo I consider a compliment and I’ll vote for the best candidates irrespective of their party affiliation.

@Ilovepopcorn If you choose to go out when you know that some people are refusing to wear masks and practice social distancing (like careless liberal protesters, for example), then YOU choose to put yourself at risk for infection and YOU must take the responsibility for exposing others to infection. Stay at home if you don’t want to accept that responsibility and cease trying to blame others for your poor choices.

Actually, the fools who refuse to follow the common sense public health order should stay home.

“Tyranny occurs when good people let dictators rein unchecked”

Will continue to wear a mask when among people but not in my car.

There is no reason to wear a mask in your car, I don’t. Only when I go to the grocery store, or now that I’m back at work, I have to wear it at work, as do our customers, as I mentioned in another post.

Will never know if mask wearing back in February – March would have kept cases down. What certainly would have reduced deaths was keeping CV-19 positive patients not needing hospitalization out of care facilities housing our elderly.

A possible plus for privacy, does wearing a mask mess with or defeat facial recognition ? Can anyone familiar with facial recognition provide info ?

@Original G – I can’t speak to more sophisticated facial recognition technology/applications, but I’ve been told by people who have facial recognition on their smartphones that it does not work while wearing a face mask.

O.G.: I am not familiar with the technology, but there was an article on March 9 on CNBC.com called “China firm develops system to recognize faces behind coronavirus masks” that I noticed.

Wearing mask and washing hands are very important. It’s not only protecting yourself but your family as well. Better follow than feel sorry in the end.

Simple as that. Six feet apart or six feet under and wear your mask.

Wearing a mask CAN cause harm to you and your family.

Each human has a microbiome, a collection of fungi and bacteria that is essential for digestive and immune health.

Healthy people have microbiomes that are constantly updated through interaction with the world and their fellow humans.

Rituals like hugging, kissing and shaking hands, ensure that our microbiomes communicate. More often than not, a benefit is passed on in the exchange. Hence the universality of these rituals.

We were never meant to be hermetically sealed away from others. Isolation is just as detrimental to mental health as it your immune health.

And though it may temporarily soothe your anxiety, obedience does not equal safety.

You can make a mantra of parroting propaganda if you like. But the drastic harm caused by this needless lockdown will soon be self-evident.

Simple as this, popcorn, If you’re that worried about it just stay home. No one died and made you the Boss.

Sounds like the reich thing to do.

They don’t care if you wear a proper mask that will protect you from virus particles. The just want your face covered. Hmmmmmm?

Not surprised ! Control, control , control. Newscum appointed Sonia Angell. So , quid pro quo, she will do and say whatever he wants. Data and science dont warrant a mask mandate. If she were really a hands on physician, she would know the numbers are going to spike when people are “allowed” back out! You dont quarantine the healthy! BS ! .

SNL – DA Bears, Da Bulls

Wearing a mask does not protect you from contagions, it only keeps your spit and carbon dioxide in your face for you to continue to breathe in over and over, re-introducing particles and potentially harmful contaminants of various types into your respiratory system. People please, do some research and don’t be afraid to question authorities. I refuse to walk around with a fkn mask on my face for no reason.

It should not have to be law. Everyone should be smart enough to wear masks and take precautions to stay safe. We are in the same boat as we were 3 months ago but more testing is available.

Masks are getting expensive..ESP. WHEN THEY SAY YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT EVERYDAY.. Gav needs to send some to us along with another stimulus check for terrorizing us for so long. It’s only fair!.

I am glad they mandated the wearing of masks once again. The state of Arizona, Texas, Utah, and South Carolina are prime examples of why we should still be wearing masks. These states were too quick to go back to “normal” and now there is a spike in cases. I completely acknowledge this new reality sucks; however, I will do what I can to protect my family (children, parents, spouse, siblings) to ensure our health if that means I wear a mask.

Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, an internationally known expert in infectious disease epidemiology who has advised both Democratic and Republican Presidents has stated that, “We can expect COVID-19 to infect 60% – 70% of Americans. That’s around 200 million Americans.” The darkest days are still ahead of us and we as a country need to pull together and get through this. Wear the mask.

Osterholm is a pitchman for Big Pharma.

He also stood on the soapbox in 2009 and called the Swine Flu a pandemic and pushed for more vaccinations.

Looking at the stats, most people still don’t know someone who has actually gotten severely sick from covid. And I have to thank the protesters in all their sloppy, ill-informed exuberance for driving that point home.

Group gatherings are not going to drawn down the wrath of God.

We can go back to living the lifestyle we’ve always known.

Take your dignity back, ditch the mask.

I use my cloth mask to make political statements (in permanent marker) – people cannot argue with me, and it’s fun to watch them react.

There are exceptions to this rule: You aren’t required to wear a mask nor keep 6ft distance in public space as long as you are blocking the road, causing property damage, breaking into stores to steal, destroying city property and anything that causes chaos and destruction. Gavin Newsom will be on your side.

Thanks for the clarification. Just remember to wear a mask whenever you need to foil facial recognition.

Best quote of the day!

God bless the intelligent posts.

I’d like to know how they are going to enforce this when masks are so hard to find. Additionally, the medical profession got all the really effective ones early on. The cheapest disposables I’ve found are 49 cents a piece and you are only supposed to wear them 8 to 10 hours total. That’s, to be on the safe side, a mask a day. Gets a little expensive for all the people Newsom has put out of work who are facing being in default on credit card bills, mortgage payments, car payments, etc. Does Newsome have any idea how far what he’s asking everyone to spend on masks will go in purchasing food, medicine, auto, health, life, homeowner’s insurance? I doubt Newsom ever worked a day in his life before he discovered politics. He certainly doesn’t know anything about managing money. He’s burning through California’s much ballyhooed budget surplus and the world’s fifth largest economy now isn’t, all since he took office. Now it appears he wants everyone else to follow his lead, throw caution to the wind, and buy masks to wear everywhere, basically … whether you have the money for them or not. Newson is completely out of touch with the everyday ordinary working individual. He’s a deluded elitist snob and he proves it every time he opens his mouth.

The different businesses are making it mandatory. You cannot go to a grocery store, CVS, and now that Sun Valley Mall is open without a mask. The have the same right to mandate that, as some establishment will require certain clothing, a jacket, no tank top, etc.

Masks are no longer hard to find, CVS has them at the check out counter, not sure if the put a limit on how many you can buy. Grocery Outlet on Willow Pass sells a box of 10 for 9.99, and 99 Cent only store sell the same box of 10 for 2.99 or 3.99 don’t remember, I left them in my car. They are all the same light blue ones, not too hot, and pretty comfortable.

Yeezus, why do you assume GittyUp does not read the news and know the obvious? EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELF FOR THE MAX TASK FROM GAVIN AND HIS OLD CROW SUPPORTERS.

I meant MASK TAX, but I’m so over it I can’t get the words out. Meanwhile, I’ll be printing out these mask price quotes and scolding all these stores if they don’t match Hanne’s comprehensive price list, asking for a price mask. *insert know it all eye rolling emoji*

@Hanne Macy’s isn’t the only store around. I wear masks, but if I didn’t, and a store wouldn’t let me in without one, I’d find a store that would.

Government mandating masks = government should provide them at no cost.
I don’t have an issue with wearing one in public; but I am a bit confused; I just saw a poster put out by the City of Concord that says; 12 years and older should wear a mask.
Now I see it is 2years and older: why does it have to be so confusing.

When gavin runs with HIS groomed, scripted, barely multilingual june cleaver personalityless puppet by his side, I pray to god Guilfoyle runs with Trump Jr and wins by a landslide. I don’t like either woman but Seibel is completely bland and cringeworthy and unethical in her feminist manifesto while declaring Ruby Tourke “the problem” not Gavin and his peen. Still figuring out how Guilfoyle can make that kind if switch.

In Japan people wear masks when they have to go outside and are ill. You never hear them complain because they know it’s for their own (and others) health. Many Americans are SO self-centered.

Jazzman, You are so right. Also I noticed a few years ago, when we had the big fires in Sonoma County, people were mask, no one had to tell them to, the air was bad, so they realized it was for their own protection. Not so many hear in Concord, but I was over in Benicia and American Canyon for some errands, and many were wearing masks.

right on man

You said it, JazzMan. They wear them in Japan WHEN THEY ARE ILL. They probably also quarantine people WHO ARE ILL.

That said, I don’t aspire to be like Japan or China in any way.

They wear masks in the orient because of the air pollution. It’s not mandated. I’ve been to the orient.


They also sell worn panties in vending machines. Should we also follow their lead?

@The Professor:

I’m sitting here alone in my office and that made me laugh out loud!

I wore a couple of N 95 masks improperly and nearly cut my eyesight by mistake. Also you can cut off your air intake again if improperly worn. Air quality can vary substantially from location to location so please get properly educated in your local area first before wandering out and about !!

yeah some of the cheap n95s are brutal, I have some Milwaukee brand ones which are just dreadful and have rough thin edges that abrade. The 3m P95s I have are nearly tolerable though and the best I’ve used yet.

No, as you can clearly see I was talking about Gavin Newsom. An egomaniacal autocrat who is Nancy Pelosi’s puppet being groomed to run for President in another four years … or so. But, certainly not on his record of running the State of California into a ditch as he has. Not to mention his immoral behavior which included drug use while Mayor of San Francisco. We have plenty to say about his inability to govern which the rest of the country might be very interested in.

While the state medical authorities lost ALL their credibility for supporting the protests, I still respect the danger of the virus. I will continue my self isolation.


Excellent post Bibbey!

No no. The ones worried about it can wear the masks.

It’s like vackzines.

If you’re vackzinated (assuming vackzines actually work) then why does anyone care if others aren’t ?

One big reason is. Babies are not born vaccinated and have to be a certain age and healthy before they can be vaccinated. Many people love to hold babies and talk into their faces. Can be very dangerous to the child there are other valid reasons for this protection

Ask me why I trust no dem of the new dem-olition derby.

Masks don’t help but jesus wear a mask or else.
Personal freedom all day but no american freedoms.
All blacks are good ppl but all police are bad.
Protest but don’t gather.
Break the law but follow my rules or suffer the consequences.
Climate change but freedom of gas leafblowers bc all hail the illegals.
Recession but oh hey price hikes + new mask taxes (get ready).


Masks to do objectively work, look at studies on doctors who are forced to interact with flu patients. Those with no masks have higher infection rates than those with surgical masks while those wear n95 had slightly lower rates than surgical mask group. Masking patients greatly reduced infection all around.

I mean the studies could be faked but they’re very old and that would be a looooong conspiracy wouldn’t it.

We can lost our collective minds

I have a friend who is a retired professor of psychology and I asked him recently if the pandemic isn’t a “field day” for psychologists. He replied that indeed it is. I can’t believe how many instant medical experts we have. I’ve spent 50 years studying medical issues and am still learning. I would say the jury is still out on this pandemic. The PBS Frontline the other night had an excellent overview on the pandemic.

wow the fear mongering appears to be working as comments reflect

people this is a virus …..you and everyone will get it
it is out there now and we have to get it so our bodies can learn how to fight it
your immune system is the key …so get healthy and improve your immune system

now if you hid in a bubble for 10-20-30 years and waited for serums and pills and whatever

when you came out you would get it …..

its inevitable

throwing numbers out and ooooh boogy man tactics is working on people who believe that a piece of cloth is going to keep you safe ….wow

and you also believe that democrats have your best interest in mind as well right


they have taken away funding for education .,…in favor for bringing in illegals so they can secure more fed money from the census that has no strings or ties or is tracked

but yeah go ahead and cheer and tout being controlled and feared into scared little lemmings

look around ……where is the city council …where is Pelosi or kamala or the board of contra costa county ….(well actually they are going to tax us again ) so at least they are on track …..and probably gong to give themselves a raise next year for being so vigilant during the seclusion and fearing of the citizens

its ridiculous to think that a piece of cloth is the answer
or do you believe the world is flat as well
and liberals are gods

wake up your being controlled and your children are suffering for it ….

but I guess even that will not open your eyes obviously ….

well stay emboldened and keep up the karenisms against truth justice and the American way
but if your against America and its citizens then just say it already instead of hiding behind lies that your being manipulated to say by liberals trying to impoverish the country so it can be taken over …..

oh why does it have to be so confusing …..lol
that’s how they control the narrative …..
its right infront of your face
they are throwing everything at you and getting exactly what they want

TOTAL CONFUSION ….and us back and forth talking about confusing and nonsensical derivatives

as they tax us and force us to divide ….gaining even more control
people are more concerned with tearing down history then watching what politicians are lining up to do to us

this lockdown will be thrust upon us at will to further control and tighten the control over us ……

open your eyes please before its too late

omg PEOPLE ….ahhh the spike in cases ……just because someone got a fever and ran to the hospital flailing around like a car lot blow up does not mean the world ended

the numbers lol are controlling you ….wow

people who have been locked in yes will get it ….as others have gotten it and fought it and are gaining even more immunity ….

they are keeping you afraid and down until they come up with a serum that will make them billions …..

don’t be a lemming ……don’t you think the media even though controlled by democrat government would be shouting from the roof tops if they thought you were all going to die if you didn’t slap a piece of cheap cloth over your mouth and nose ……lol

wow …its almost unbelievable to hear these comments of wear your mask so the numbers go down …..I mean do you hear yourself …..


Wow never read your posts.

Spot on Bibbey!!!

Thrilled with the whole throwing out the past idea. Nobody Can remember history as it was, from confederate soldiers to greasy wifecheats named Newsom. Under the new memory lapse I’ll be recalling every unsavory I ever dated along with a slew of regrets. 🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻 Newsom World Order

All the people who refuse to wear masks and suggest others stay home are basically either idiots or selfish monsters.

People have to go to work. Most people have to work full time. Most people don’t work from home. Many of them work with the public, interacting with hundreds or thousands per day. It is extremely selfish and dangerous to force your potential as a virus vector onto the bag girl at safeway or albertsons, or whatever other worker who has to wageslave just to get by. These people signed up to work in a safe reasonable envirnoment, not to huff your infected air and that of a hundred or a thousand other people. Obviously those who are so cavalier about all this and refuse to wear masks are more likely to be infected carriers, which makes the problem of attempting to deal with them professionally all the more dangerous.

Don’t want to wear a mask when in tight proximity with innocent people indoors? Then YOU stay home.

No no. The ones worried about it can wear the masks.

It’s like vackzines.

If you’re vackzinated (assuming vackzines actually work) then why does anyone care if others aren’t ?


Masks are considered PPE. PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment, meaning it protects the individual using it. If a person wants to wear a mask or any other PPE to protect themselves, then I have no problem with it. I do have an issue with being ordered to wear PPE when I am not at risk.

For example; I don’t walk around with a bicycle helmet on all day. Now if I were to ride a bicycle, I would put one on. If the threat of injury isn’t there, then there is no reason to wear my PPE. Yes, there is a very slim chance that I may trip while going down my stairs and fall on my head, but odds are, it’s not going to happen. I am a young, healthy individual. I am at an extremely low risk for contracting COVID, and even if I did get it, odd are I wouldn’t die. Obviously if I were sick, I wouldn’t go spread my sickness to others. That would just be stupid and inconsiderate.

Healthy people shouldn’t have to wear PPE. Healthy people shouldn’t be quarantined. If you’re sick, then stay home. If you’re scared, then wear your PPE.

I so agree anon. Not only wear a mask wear it right. The numbers are going up and it could get even higher. Some people have to go out. Do you have your children wear bike helmets? Do you put a seat belt on? Do you use a potholder to take something out of the oven? Wearing a mask protects you and proctects those innocent people you come around and those they come around. It protects your loved ones – your elderly grandma, your parent, your child with ashma – to be defient is just making this political and it is not political, it is human kindness that you care about yourself and your loved ones and yes others.

I have my children wear a helmet, when riding a bike.
Wear a seat belt, when in a moving vehicle.

They do not wear a helmet in a house, or a seatbelt while at home.

As Bob stated, PPE is protection for the individual using it when the threat of injury is there. So if I do not feel threatened, why am I being forced to wear PPE?

@ Anon, I am no idiot and I am not selfish. If you need to start your conversation on here with that type of statement, it makes me question where you are on that spectrum.

Parent. Because in the mask situation you could be infected not knowing it expose others by not wearing it. It’s that simple. Why don’t you care about people you come in contact with.

With the helmet only your child will end up with brain damage if they don’t wear one. No one else can be effected unless you count the increase in everybody’s insurance premiums yo cover your negligence.

So unless you test your self each morning before you leave the house and know your clean you are a threat to others you come in contact with. Maybe that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

@Bob Wiley – A surgical mask or those cloth face masks are not not defined as personal protective equipment (PPE). Their intent is prevent infections in other people.

You are confusing the surgical and cloth masks people are wearing in public these days with respirators, such as N95 masks, which are PPE intended for use by healthcare workers. Unlike surgical or cloth face masks, respirators are not intended for long term use. You put on the PPE for a specific procedure and once completed you remove and dispose of it per the regulations for dealing with whatever hazardous material you were exposed to while using the PPE.

@WC Resident The 3M surgical masks, for example, are disposable and recommended only for 8-10 hours use.

The math on this is really simple:

If you don’t care about the folks you interact with in stores and such, y’know – the “essential workers” you were so happy to see the last few months – that’s fine. Selfish, anti-American, but hey – freedom comes with a price tag, amirite? However: you don’t have to believe in the virus, but the virus believes in you. As such, no masks mean spread. Spread means sickness. Sickness means businesses close.

I always thought being an American meant looking out for each other. The same folks who want us to make the country great again don’t seem interested in what it was that was considered great about it. Hint: it ain’t the guns, it’s the Patriots. 😉

Pre-school teachers have the strongest immune system because their system gets the most practice.

Looks like it changed for age of children, unless a typo. Says 2 and under are exempt now, not 12 and under. That’ll help for people that have thought it’s a good idea to take whole family shopping like it’s an outing.

If a man reports something, is he a ‘Karen’?

A Karen is a person calling someone that name trying to control them because they don’t agree with them.


Good point. I propose we call men who try and control others “Ozzie” from here on out.


“popcorn” would work as well.

He’s a ‘Kevin’.

Yes JJ. Good point Janus but sadly a Karen is a Karen. Ozzies can most definitely be Karens tho. Don’t worry Oz theres plenty of Karen’s out there living really kick a** lives. My first wife was a Karen, she’s a pilot now.

This search for a definition of “Karen” is stressful for me. I know an actual teenager. I could ask her what a “Karen” is and if “Kevin” is valid, but the cost to me will be the cold stare of quiet disdain. Is it worth the cost.


When you’re feeling bothered by any of this a good fix is to learn about the bubonic plague. I’ll take these problems anyday.

So thousands of protestors were shoulder to shoulder, screaming in each others’ faces, for weeks and the PHO and Gav were fine with that. The PHO even said that the protestors’ message was more important than the risk of catching the virus. Now, 2-3 weeks afterwards, supposedly, there has been a spike in cases. None of them are making a connection between the protests and the spike? Then they’re astonished that the average citizen doesn’t take them seriously? The average citizen would be ok with following their guidelines if they would give us factual information we could use. Instead we are fed vague, random numbers with no specifics. Average citizens would be more cooperative if it wasn’t so obvious that it is all based on political maneuvering. But it’s too late now – no one believes a word they say.

I agree!

Some of the people are fed up.

That’s what happens when people are pushed too far.

An unelected government employee dictating to the people only makes people mad.

The government works for the people.

The government better remember that.

Gavin may have some masks for sale, maybe with signage “Gavin for Pres”.

Gavin, Kiss my Mask

It’s time to have a Mask burning.

Ah yes. The same state that says they don’t have to follow federal laws they don’t like now says we all have to follow every non-law they “order” whether we like it or not.

California has a big case of the “do as I say not as I do” illness, I think they need to get checked for that.

On another note, this “pandemic” has shown very clearly to more people this state needs to be broken up into smaller states. SF and LA must be in the same new state (don’t want them controlling an extra state). This state is far too large and has too much diversity in geography and people to be ruled from sacramento.

Beak California up!

We won’t be participating!

You won’t be shopping in stores.


I care more than you ever will know about.

But, on this point, many stores are not enforcing it. Many stores will let you in without a mask. This ‘order’ from the Scum in office will not be enforced by Sacramento County, nor will it be enforced down here.

I’m sure the “kids” who attended the protests still live at home. Parents prob see them more than enough, because they’re still supporting them.

From reading the newspapers, watching news on TV, getting news updates online, and reading blogs like Claycord, it appears that there are only two camps regarding the wearing of masks.

The mainstream media, democrats, leftists, and the fearful demand that masks be worn. They say follow the science and obey our decrees or you are a selfish grandma killing disease spreader who has no compassion.

Right wing media, republicans, and the right questions the need and/or authority to wear masks. Many vow not to comply and complain of government over-reach and tyranny.

I think that there’s a bit of a middle road that is getting lost in the furor. Just wear the mask while out in public. But not necessarily because you fear catching the bug, spreading the bug, or are instructed to by our “leaders”. Just wear it out of common courtesy to the people around you. Sure it’s uncomfortable, but so is wearing shoes (and you put them on to go to the store). The mask is designed to impede your germs from spreading to others. Most are permeable to the virus and therefore offer little protection to you if infected droplets land on your face. They are essentially wearable sneeze guards. It’s not the end of the world to deal with a mask for a few minutes at a time.

But what the lefties do not comprehend is what the mask has become to symbolize. CONTROL. I think that mask opponents have vowed to disobey a “wear” order because they do not trust a guideline that is constantly changing, often illogical, and usually arbitrary. Most people do not like being told what to do and will resist being coerced by force (govt decree) or guilt (“You are all selfish!”).

I put myself into this group. I surely do not like being scolded by holier-than-thous wagging their finger in my face. Nor do I trust a government that demands people wear a mask to the salon while simultaneously cheering on mass gathering of un-masked anarchists.

But I will continue to grudgingly wear my mask while in public, not because Gavin told me I must, but because I won’t go out of my way to make those around me uncomfortable. It just seems like good manners.

@The Professor- I agree with you. I wear a mask when I go to the store. It seems ridiculous but it’s not that big of a deal. I do not wear a mask when I am out walking, but I will move away from anyone who is wearing one. Those people may have an underlying medical condition that makes them more cautious, and I will respect their space. I am not doing it as a result of anything Newsom or the PHOs have ordered. As far as I am concerned, they lost all credibility when they endorsed the protestors. Isn’t science supposed to be objective? They’ve thrown science out the window. We’ve found out that these PHOs’ decisions are not based on science- they are based on their political opinions. That makes me question everything they’ve said and done since this started.

I like the cut of your jib.A very thoughtful answer

I still won’t wear one, mostly because the folks who push for me to wear out are rude, and downright aggressive. My family has suffered greatly with our family businesses closing, with other family member businesses being significantly damaged…all due to policies that don’t actually follow the data. What’s crazy is the data for CA is skewed high (the death count reported is too high – death certificates have COVID listed as the cause to increase the funds provided to hospital) but I will use them as they are still so low it still proves my point. Back to the point – If the fearful, or the hardcore liberals don’t like me not wearing a mask, they can stay home. Why do I get to say that? Because I’m not forcing anyone to adjust their behavior. I am happy to try and accommodate, within what I personally feel is appropriate. I’m an adult and I will respect others rights to make decisions for themselves. If you want 6ft of distance, I am happy to try and make it happen, but you can’t force me. You do you, I’ll do me.

@professor, You sound very reasonable, and obviously you care about your fellow human being. I wish more would take your approach, instead of getting all up tight about “being told what to do”. However, when you live in crowded society you can’t just do want you want and feel like all the time. We all stop for red light, follow the speed limit, to a certain extend, wait our turn in line, although I have had customers that seem to have trouble with the last one, I never let them get away with it, it is not fair to the other persons in line.

These masks people are wearing… say right on the package that they don’t work. It’s a medical fact that they do not contain the COVID-19 particle size.
Therefore this mask rule can have no real effect, other than psychological… which is unconstitutional.

Wow so your concerned w out people infecting others ….
You mean now you are concerned

Where were you when the weiner a elected representative pushed a law to allow people who know there infected with hiv to knowingly infect other’s with no recourse or actions or arrests

So your liberal bias is showing pull up your skirt and man up
You can’t have it both ways I am sorry

You opened up the do what ever you want door
You shoved it down our throats

Now you want to fear monger and tout rules and laws to us

Go suck a lemon Karen’s

Your hypocrisy has no bounds as usual dems say do as we say not as we do

You wanted and voted for lawlessness but now are up in arms over a piece of cloth

Ridiculous and you should at least accept your wrong and apologize to the ref of us who don’t agree that your logic of lawlessness unless a democrat politician changes their mind and strongly accerts a hypocrisy at you

Your arguments for a mask are mute

You sound like children who take their ball away because others aren’t playing the way you want them to

Ignorance does not promote acceptance lol

Your arguments are mute when you legalize
theft and giving someone HIV/aids

End of democrat griping right now
you do not get to dictate laws when you abolish them continually

Until democrat voters recognize everyone as equals
There will be no acceptance of your silly rules and strong recommendations
Wow how elitist are you democrats

Spreading AIDs knowingly is unethical.

Abortion is unethical in 95%+ cases.

Murder is unethical.

Not wearing a mask around others, particularly in an indoor environment, is also unethical.

Just because a bunch of bleeding-heart Libs disregard border control doesn’t mean wearing a mask isn’t in YOUR best interest and the right thing to do morally for other people you may be infecting while in a asymptomatic period of the disease.

Hey all those with their homemade fabric masks…. please be advised that in order for your mask to be effective, light a candle and see if you can blow that candle out.

The Sac Bee reported the Sacramento Sheriff says his department won’t enforce the mask order. However they will take an educational approach with people not wearing masks.

He’s a smart guy. He realizes any confrontation with law enforcement is bad right now. Further, he knows they can’t confront black non-mask wearers about anything.

I understand that ‘scientific studies’ have conclusively demonstrated that rioting, looting and arson confer immunity to coronavirus, and therefore the State will not require masks when engaged in these activities.

The disease only targets conservatives and only they should be forced indoors. CNN seems to indicate, anyway.

A lot of people have a very hard time wearing a mask. While it’s suffocating to some, others easily breath. Suffocation behind a mask is more life threatening than the chance of spreading a virus that 99% of us don’t have. Keep it in perspective, and if you can easily breath… be thankful.

@Kentucky Derby

Give me a break. Anyone can suffer a mask for the 2-25 minutes necessary to get their shopping done, particularly if it’s just a light mask like a bandana. No one is being asked to run a marathon in a mask, there are in fact explicit exceptions for strenuous physical activity. Climbing Mt Diablo? Take your mask off. Going to safeway? Put your mask on. It’s a very modest requirement that will prevent deaths.

And really, think of the poor wageslaves who are in that building for 6-12 hours a day, exposed to hundreds or thousands of people. They have to wear a mask that whole time, and your wearing a mask greatly reduces the amount of viral exposure these poor people have to exposed to. Think of THEIR well-being, think of their suffering wearing a mask for 6-12 hours while doing a job, all you have to do is wear it for 10 minutes while you pick up a 12 pack and a prescription.

For everyone upset that people aren’t respecting the order to wear masks, look no further than this governor, and past governors, not respecting federal immigration laws.

You can’t thumb your nose at laws you don’t like, and expect others not to do the same. The groundwork for this has been laid, and f you cheered on the illegal immigration, I got news, this is the clown world you helped to create.

What’s my incentive to obey a state mandate when the state allows rampant illegal behavior? And the state continues to flout the law by allowing “peaceful protestors” to rip statues (i.e., our history) out of the ground.

If you answer that I should respect the order to save lives, but you are ok with hundreds of thousands of abortions taking place each year, stop right there. While not wearing a mask could, might, maybe lead to, and eventually cause death, an abortion will always cause a death, so enough with the selective caring about life argument.

I’m guessing most of the “wear the damn mask” crowd, are the same bozos who throw a pink hat on their heads and scream “my body, my choice”. Ironic now, isn’t it?

Abortion is unethical. Refusing to wear a mask indoors when around innocent people is also unethical, as you could very well be a asymptomatic carrier huffing viral loads into their innocent faces.

Anon. I choose logic over “your” ethics.

Day Care Center, Preschools, K-12 Schools: This state regulation now mandates facial masks statewide for nearly every non-family unit member age 3 and older when 6 feet separation cannot be maintained. So who is going to enforce mask wearing by all kids/students 3 years and older in day care, preschool, and k-12 classes when they resume? There is no way those kids/students can maintain 6 feet of separation all day. Based on this regulation, they are all going to have to wear masks. In my opinion, that’s completely unrealistic and pie in the sky crazy to think that’s going to happen. Did Newsom give that pesky detail one iota of consideration?

Its quite simple, wearing a mask is not going to be forced in all circumstances where it should be and more than likely never will be. You are responsible for yourself and it is up to you to navigate through these times. All of your complaining on here will not change the behavior of those who do not see the problem as you see it. Get over it and live your life.

So in other words life as normal. You are ALWAYS responsible for yourself. It is ALWAYS up to YOU to navigate through life. That’s what life is about friends. Gavin Newsom or any government can’t protect you and don’t have the right to pretend like they can. Land of the free home of the brave 🇺🇸.

Would you condone a typhoid Mary situation? Because you really are literally condoning a typhoid Mary situation. SOMEONE IS ILL AND HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS!? Why should that typhoid Mary have have to wear a mask when shopping, why shouldn’t they be able to huff highly contagious viral loads into innocent people’s faces, including employees who HAVE TO BE THERE JUST TO MAKE RENT AND NOT BE HOMELESS. Why not let people with infectious tuberculous become lunch ladies at our school, WHY NOT?

Yea! Now let’s get everyone to follow. Let’s get back to a healthy state. Can only happen when everyone follows correct procedures.

Stores would have to remodel to provide ample space for “social distancing” and that is not going to happen. Safeway still has aisle direction markers but those are absurd because shopper will wind up backing up into those aisle the wrong way when waiting for check-out. I think Nob Hill had those markers then removed them since shoppers were backed up into the aisles for checkout. No one pays attention anymore to the aisle directions at Safeway. One could make some funny YouTube videos showing some people trying to be a completely compliant bot!

The problem with the Clayton Safeway is narrow aisles, sometimes with extra wide end caps. One cart plus a wide shopper can block the entire aisle. Added to that a shopper will sometimes stare at the shelf for long periods while oblivious to others trying to get by. Total lack of situation awareness throughout the store.

Wait a second. When Gavin Newsom was San Francisco mayor he was heralded for not obeying the law because he didn’t believe in it. Now he makes the law and we have to follow it? What am I missing here

All of these Boomers now whining because they have to wear a mask.

Your parents and grandparents that fought the Nazis are shaking their heads at your weakness.


Boomers parents/grandparents are most definitely shaking their heads if they’re alive and rolling in their graves otherwise, at all the weakness and wokeness going on in this country. Just look at the sh!t going on in Seattle. The “Chop” people won’t let the cops in. WON’T LET? Are you effing kidding me? And look at all of the weenie spineless cowards tearing down statues of people they’ve never even heard of and getting away with it because of spineless cowards letting them.

My parents and grandparents FOUGHT the Nazis, instead of obeying them and cowering in place.

Not a boomer, not wearing a mask. Disappointed in your nazi reference as I had Jewish family kick nazi a**. Not all old people are as gullible as you think. You forget some have seen these games in other parts of the world. Totalitarian government is not a new fad. We’ve literally been fighting it for all of human existence..but go ahead and use your nazi reference like it’s nothing..

Rob, when you say Boomers, you must realize you are talking about rich hippies, right? You know, credentialed privileged liberals. California’s ONLY party. Most are retired and collecting retirement payouts. Which caused tax increases and raised the rents.
Democrats to be precise.

If you want to refer to Nazis, read up on their methods. Hitler was a socialist, first. That is one way to sell a fantasy. It changed to fascism quite easily from there.

Hydroxychloroquine is used successfully in Europe, Australia and India to name a few countries. The doctors (bureaucrats) that prohibited use of this time tested drug are criminals. As in On The Take. Bribed.

How many in hospital today and how many deaths?

CCC dashboard shows:
25 in hospital
zero new deaths
93 new positive tests

I hope everyone knows these are “guidelines” and a recommendation.

Also, the Governor by law can NOT require this. Any state (Governor) can NOT require people to do this.

The CA State health department can issue an Order on this, but they have not done so. They have issued guidelines, recommendations and press releases.

With that said… I will continue to wear a mask when I voluntarily visit an establishment that requires it because they CAN.

Correct, his mandate is nothing more than taking advantage of people who will assume it is law. It may be a decent idea, but it’s not law.

Review Gallagher & Kiley Vs. Newsom for a good education on how our Governor is using the excuse of a pandemic to change laws having nothing to do with it.

As someone who has to wageslave during this crisis, please wear the ****ing mask. Please.

Why are people so touchy about this? Are people actually worried about losing their so-called rights? When did any of us have any rights? Grow up, wear a mask or don’t, but you’re all sounding like a bunch of morons complaining about being forced to wear a mask. And since when did you all become epidemiologists?

None of the commenters above seem to have read the latest daily research reports from the medical centers at Duke University, Mayo Clinic, and Stanford. (I mention only those three because they are the only ones I consult daily.)
Research at those sources now has proven that a person can test NEGATIVE, then remain in laboratory-controlled quarantine for 5 or so days and then come down with obvious symptoms of Covid-19. DURING THOSE FIVE DAYS, THEY SPREAD THE VIRUS TO OTHERS!

Anyone who is scoffing at medical attempts to keep ALL OF US well, is reprehensible.

Then hide under the bed. The rest of us are ready to get back to normal. This is affecting less than 1% of Americans. Strengthen your immune system. Quit smoking, eat healthy, lose weight and exercise more.

If your retired, you’re less affected. You’re not working for a living or raising a family. You’ve lived your life, and if you received a stimulus check, you’re benefitting financially, while others are suffering financially.

Let the rest of us get back to normal. And if you’re scared — STAY HOME.

@Kentucky Derby – Your post is likely one of the most ignorant and disrespectful posts I’ve seen on Claycord. So if someone is retired, the person has lived his or her life, and screw them. You ignorantly state regarding the retirees, “and if you received a stimulus check, you’re benefitting {sic} financially, while others are suffering financially.” And by the way, sweetheart, many ‘retirees’ are still working.

Moreover, if you had a clue from your above ignorant and inaccurate comment, you would know that the stimulus checks go out to everyone based on income, not just retirees. The NY Times today had a large article about the Gen Xs that are reaping big rewards from working remotely, while living at home at Mommy and Daddy’s house, and not paying a drop toward living expenses. So many of the “others” your suggest are living high off the hog at Mommy and Daddy’s expense.

This doesn’t have one thing to do about being “scared” as your putrid ignorant post states. This pandemic has to do with common sense, taking precautions. You might think you are ok, but how many people will you infect with your reckless, callous, and ignorant behavior in public? Sick, disrespectful, putrid way of thinking. There are millions of people in society that have underlying health conditions regardless of age (I’m one of them), or are of age that they are of high risk, that you seem callous to disregard and give the middle finger to. So take your Kentucky Derby hat that may not be used this year and shove it. Afterwards, have a nice day. From a 54 year old, at risk COVID-19 person who is not SCARED and hiding under the bed, but takes sane healthy precautions in public. As you clearly appear to think is immoral to do. Shame on you!

So you are telling me because I have lived my live (I’m in my seventies) which I have, and at times a pretty good and exciting one, I should be okay with getting the virus and perhaps dying from it. Well, I’m not quite ready to pack it in yet. I still have a lot of living to do, places to see and miles to go.

It used to be “women and children first”. Now we’re coerced into a lifestyle where our freedoms can’t exceed that of the old and infirmed.

Our future and our freedoms are being sacrificed for the fear of a few. And if we don’t assent, we’re shamed and told to hide our face.

America wasn’t founded by the fearful. It was founded by those who hoped to be free.

It used to be “women and children first”. Now we’re coerced into a lifestyle where our freedoms can’t exceed that of the old and infirmed.

Our future and our freedoms are being sacrificed for the fear of a few. And if we don’t assent, we’re shamed and told to hide our face.

America wasn’t founded by the fearful. It was founded by those who hoped to be free.

Yoyohop — A fear of a few is correct. They’re paranoid worrywarts, and most of us are ready for back to normal living. Be thankful you don’t have that mindset. How do they live with themselves, and who could live with them? The elderly that I know don’t feel that way, and they want the rest of us to get back to normal living. They’re not selfish people, and they’re happy. They’re more than willing to stay home.

No one is shaming me. These three women overreact all the time. They get hysterical over the littlest things. That’s a reflection on them. They’re drama queens. We are entitled to our freedom.

Thank you, Mary and Hanne!

@ Mary Fouts. Then stay inside. Problem solved. You can take your holier than thou lecture elsewhere. You’re not my mother, and you don’t have children. To quote an article “The pandemic isn’t over, but American are over it.” I typed this same comment on anther blog, and a lot of people agreed with me. If you have underlying health problems, don’t take it out on me. I’m in excellent health. Take it up with your doctor.

Just existing without a mask in an enclosed environment can potentially spread the disease. You could be an asymptomatic carrier at this very moment, and your gross ignorance and negligence could have spread the disease to hundreds. It is morally reprehensible not to wear a mask given the graveness of this situation. All you have to do is wear a mask for the 5-50 minutes it takes to do your shopping, it is a minor ask to save lives and keep the nation strong.

Given asymptomatic spread is a scientific fact, given the high infectiousness of the disease, it is simply immoral not to wear a mask around other people in enclosed spaces. It is wrong.

anon — I never said I don’t wear a mask. Of course I wear one. I’m not allowed in (anywhere) without one. Try reading comprehension, and calm down.

Deaths in the Bay Area: 525
Population of the Bay Area: 8 million
Percentage of “C19” deaths in the Bay Area: .00006%

Deaths in California: 5,424
Population of California: 40 million
Percentage of “C19” deaths in California : .00013%

With the death rate so low, why are we still shut down?

Looking at the stats, Covid probably won’t kill you either.

Tyranny probably won’t kill you either. But it sure helps.

Ah, fun with statistics. Given that COVID-19 is highly contagious what are the chances the mask-less man will catch it? What are the stats for being sick for 4-6 weeks? If no one wears a mask what percentage of the population will catch it? What percentage of the population has to be infected to actually impact the economy and how bad will the economy fall if a significant percent of the population is out of work 4-6 weeks?

So I guess Health Care Workers just wear masks for show… Got it… What a bunch of snowflakes – your penis won’t fall off, nor will you die from breathing your own Co2 wearing a mask for 10 minutes in a store…

Looking at the stats, Covid probably won’t kill you either.

Tyranny probably won’t kill you either. But it sure helps.

Anon, I wear a mask and feel all should but I state fact and that fact is, it will never happen. People have a right to their belief and until it is absolute law to have to wear a mask let those exercise their right not to.

Yeah let’s just say what we think
Instead of parading around the bush

If you want or feel the need to wear a mask ….then do

But do not preach your mandate to the rest of the people as a stabbing narrative of just and fear antic-dotes

Making unsubstantiated claims like democrat politicians that a virus not a disease has to have numbers and falsehoods thrust upon us like natzi Germany did to its citizens is NOT a great idea

It appears that tearing down history is causing it to repeat just like they want

Again I ask the question
How has this democrat regime in California helped you and your families
Are you more well off
Are your children well educated
Is your retirement sound
Is you community thriving
Do you have the means to help your family
Is your vehicle maintained properly
And newer than 15 years old
Do you own property
Are you a hater
Do you despise anyone not a democrat
Do you still love America

Let’s see how many democrat voters answer

Democrat here. That’s some amazing straw-manning you’ve got going there. I’m guessing this kind of nonsense is why a lot of Dems aren’t too fond of the fanatical side of the opposition.

I don’t think either party gives two craps about the population at large. Those in power only care about maintaining their power. If that involves enraging the population on either side of the divide or pandering to the base to keep themselves in office, that’s what they’re going to do.

I vote Dem because the policies on the other side of the aisle are completely wrong-headed, as opposed to slightly wrong. It’s that simple. Do you want to destroy civilization with a match and dry tinder or completely annihilate it with an entire nuclear arsenal? I prefer my conflagrations a little smaller, thanks much.

As for your list:

More well off
No kids
Retirement iffy, thanks to decades of Republican mismanagement at the federal and state levels
Community was thriving til COVID
Vehicle is well maintained and 20 yrs old. I don’t need or want a newer car. Give me a free Tesla and I might change my mind 😉
Own a house
What do you mean by hater? I’m pretty apathetic and undecided about most things besides cooked tomatoes, cilantro, stinky cheese, and egg whites. By that standard, yes.
I judge people based on their ability to think. If they’ve reasoned out their position, I’ll disagree but respect them. If they haven’t, I don’t respect them. And that includes people I agree with.
Love America? What does that even mean? I don’t love abstract notions, I love people and accomplishments and my personal surroundings. I don’t waste my time with trying to hug a flag.

“Love America? What does that even mean?”

Ooooh, that hurt. This is a real Democrat, ladies and gentleman: “What is America? Why should I love my nation? Damn those who do!”

As someone without kids, who I assume is at an advanced age, I doubt you truly care about America’s future.

You wear a mask for others. It is to stop them from catching what you may unknowingly have. People need to quit being so selfish. You don’t wear a mask to prevent yourself from getting sick from others. Some people have to work with the public. It would be nice if the public was appreciative enough to wear a mask. Also, this is not about politics!

Think of it this way:
Those who don’t like masks, will really not like being on a ventilator!

Wow all this uproar to wear a mask while shopping, I get it, it is the me first attitude, I am important and don’t need to wear a mask. Got it. Self entitled people. Understand.

How would you people have survived living during World War 2 when gasoline was rationed, food was rationed, Would you have cried like you are doing now and not make the sacrifice to save the world from Fascism & Hitler?

A mask protects your family my family doctors and nurses. I don’t want you to get Covid-19 and I don’t want it either. We are protecting each other.

I’m not a wide shopper but I stare at items and read labels before putting them in my cart. I wear a mask and gloves. Oh and if no one is in the isle, I go against the arrow

Lizzie I wasn’t aware that the Republicans control this state and what are they doing that is hindering your finances in particular or specifically? What specific Republican federal mandated law has financially hurt you? Funny you want a free car very typical of someone with a left-leaning brain. Retirement iffy? I smell a government worker. You said it yourself you’re apathetic and undecided on most things which means you really don’t think things through or take a stand which is a passive r type personality trait. Logic and reason doesn’t really coincide with your thought process does it ? You judge people on their ability to think so basically you judge people on their IQ levels/perceived education (I smell professionalism worship) thought process matching yours instead of stats and facts? What do you mean by the way that they think? are you talking ideology? vocabulary? pronunciation? there are many factors to the way that people think. Mathematics doesn’t lie the odds of catching this virus are slim to none this was a calculated move by the Democrats and the Chinese to undermine trump.. notice all the riots and major damage are happening in democratic run enclaves! My question to every leftist that has ever come on here basically anybody that votes Democrat ..what is the definition of communism? My definition of it is The organized mutiny of quantity versus quality!



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