Home » Contra Costa County Continues To Open Businesses And Activities

Contra Costa County Continues To Open Businesses And Activities


Contra Costa Health Services is taking another step toward alignment with the State of California’s guidance on opening businesses and activities at a pace that protects public health and safety. At the same time, CCHS continues to recommend that residents stay home as much as possible and take steps to protect themselves and each other when leaving the house.

The Contra Costa Health Officer has amended the county’s health order to allow hair salons and barbers to reopen for business beginning Wednesday morning. They must follow state health guidance to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

The new order also increases the number of swimmers who may share a pool to 1 person per 75 square feet, as allowed by the state.


The social distancing order also allows as many as 100 people to attend a funeral or other religious service at an indoor place of worship, in line with the state’s health guidance.

Some of Contra Costa’s key indicators for measuring how well the community is slowing the spread of COVID-19 did increase in the first half of June, an expected outcome as more people come into more contact with each other as the county gradually reopens businesses and activities.

CCHS is carefully monitoring that data and could adjust the reopening timeline to protect the public health.

CCHS encourages everyone to take simple steps to protect themselves from COVID-19: Follow the shelter-in-place order, and wear a face covering when you go out or are near other people. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, and always stay home from work or school if you are not feeling well.


Visit cchealth.org/coronavirus to read the new health order and its appendices, and for local information about Contra Costa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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So are damn playgrounds open yet.

At Arbolado Park a few days ago they had just restrung the playground with tape and within an hour it was being torn down. Put back up, taken down. It’s time for playgrounds to be open. So they’re open.

So wait
These are recommendations or is a police man or city employee or council person going to jump into the pool and measure 75 square feet

That means for the average size swimming pool, you can have 13 people in the pool. What are they supposed to do, measure off squares with yellow tape

It makes you wonder if we were to be entering winter vs entering summer would they be opening things up so quickly? It seems we could have started this 60 days ago with 2 weeks separation between phases but now we are playing catch up creating another wave we won’t see until July 4th.

So DMV’s are open, hundreds and thousands of people can protest, up to a 100 people can go to church or a funeral but I still can’t take my child to the damn park. Tell me how this makes sense! Well it is CA so of course it doesn’t make sense.

The reason parks and playgrounds are not open yet. Who is going to clean the equipment every time a child touches it. It’s a no brainer on why they are not opening them. It only takes one child being sick to make all the kids sick

Read the fine print. What special thing do places of religious activities have to do that no one else has to do?

Remember, last time when they demanded LISTS of people attending? Wonder what nefarious purpose those LISTS had?

Communion they drink from the same cup.

@ Ozzie
You might want to check out a church again … most Baptist pass a little individual cup of grape juice and the Catholics do not pass a cup during flu season, so you can be sure that they are not doing it now.

I have seen macro pictures of the CLOUDS of droplets which come from people’s mouths when they are singing. No mask can contain all that.
So perhaps the rule pertains to the propensity of people to sing in church? Add also to the “so who’s gonna stop me?” attitude of so many evangelical groups…. not good.

News flash: you don’t have to sing in church.

Just another tease of reopening.

They say all these restrictions are for health concerns.

Frankly, I don’t believe it.

Never before in America have we experience such actions by our government.

If anyone wants to protest, protest the people at the Health Department.

Yet, there are 49 COVID-deaths in our county. Please continue to wear masks, socially distance, and be wise

Or, as that obese, 74 year old, weird hair do person in the White House said, “What do you have to lose”? Hmm, maybe your life, a family member’s life, a friend’s life, my life?

Right and 29 of the 49 died in Long Term Care Facilities !!!


Whether in long term care facilities or at home, they STILL DIED. Dead is dead, whatever be the cause.

Sounds like a nursing home problem so we’ll shut down the county

That’s okay. It’s not like the county is expecting property taxes this year / s

Nothing makes sense.
Get rid of the clowns at CCHS.

once again ….My hair hurts

Antonius, …
Search using words, newsom nursing home 1,000
Do a second search using, new york nursing home covid

“… CMS gave 14 different sets of guidelines to help ensure that seniors would be protected in nursing homes, and New York violated those protocols, they went a different direction.”



You can get your haircut on Friday,

I got my hair cut, colored and styled in Benicia yesterday. It looks great!

Last time I checked the sun is hot.

Check the news reports today
The COVID death toll in the United States has now exceeded the total number of people we lost in WW1.

Think, people! THINK !!!

They lie.

The government cares. Haha
We’re not slaves or anything.

Numerical illiteracy is rampant. At the time of WWI the US was about 100 million strong. Now we’re about 350 million strong.

But Orange Man Bad I guess so numbers………what me worry?

I can continue wearing my mask, out there in public walking around, going shopping, etc.
Don’t need to have the middle aged fat guy, looking like Shamu coughing at me while he walks by…

Hey Rod,
George Carlin had a name for people like you. Just don’t be mad at your immune system when it doesn’t work from lack of practice.

No need to worry about me, Real…I am in great shape, still working out at home, going for walks, jogs all while protecting myself by the inconvenience of others.
And I don’t even need to hop into a public pool with others.

Haircuts are a no go if you have gotten a COVID-19 test or have close contact with someone who has, even though the test was negative.

I just got back from the shop after being turned away. They are requiring forms asking if you or someone close to you have been tested for COVID-19. My wife works in a skilled nursing facility and was tested per county order. Result was negative. I answered the question on the form truthfully and mentioned that the test was by county order and negative. Still no go.

This whole business is FUBAR.

Not sure who came up with those questions or required the forms but it looks like I am permanently banned based on those rules.

Either lie or don’t get tested … if you want a hair cut.

Please wear a mask outside in public.



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