Home » Contra Costa County Library Launching Front Door Service

Contra Costa County Library Launching Front Door Service


Beginning today, the Contra Costa Library will offer Front Door Service at 23 community libraries.

“We are eager to reconnect with library users and take this important step toward reopening,” said County Librarian Melinda Cervantes. “Staff are taking every precaution to provide visitors with a safe, library experience.”

Front Door Service is available during regularly scheduled hours at 23 locations.


For the safety of our patrons and staff, Library items will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours in between each use. Staff will wash their hands frequently, wear masks and observe social distancing protocols. Patrons approaching the front door should also wear a mask and observe social distancing guidelines. All returns should be placed in the book drop.

The service will allow patrons to pick-up books, DVDs and audiobooks placed on hold through the Library’s website at ccclib.org.

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Wow, what a joke! It’s amazing what people will give up because of a little fear.

“Library items will be quarantined” Somehow I find that statement hilarious.

Stopped using the library back in the 80s when most of the children’s books were drawn in and had pages torn out.

If I want a book I save my money and purchase it.

Oops, I meant to write 90s.

Sad but true.

I’m afraid Libraries will go the way of newspapers if they don’t change their method of delivery from “let them come to us” to remote access. If not, technology will make them a quaint idea from a bygone era…. and parents will actually have to start paying for after school daycare.

Almost every library in the state has ebook collections.

I checked out a beautifully illustrated children’s book in pristine condition today. Your loss.

The library should also be purged of books that contain or promote incorrect thought. Woke-ness should be observed at all times. Library workers should receive extra pay for their bravery during this time of Covids

Pretty obvious most of the posters here haven’t used a library in the past decade at a minimum, as you can easily check out a ridiculously large variety of books, audiobooks, DVDs and whatnot remotely, in Kindle or other ebook formats. It was obvious they aren’t big readers for other reasons.

Yay! I have several DVDs on hold. Looking forward to getting my hands on a good book too.

Bookstores are open.
And don’t need quarantine.

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