Home » Contra Costa County Health Services COVID-19 Dashboard

Contra Costa County Health Services COVID-19 Dashboard


Please visit the Contra Costa County coronavirus dashboard for the latest update on COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.

The site is updated every day at 11:30 a.m.

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Does this article mean Claycord will no longer be doing the daily reports which were based on the dashboard?

ok by me

Thank you Claycord👍🏼

I come to claycord daily for updates along with the city numbers. Hope you continue posting this valuable info

The County should name the 3 skilled nursing facilities with active Covid cases.

To find those 3 skilled nursing facilities it would take at least a 90 study by an outside agency and it would cost at least a million dollars.

Half of that money would be donated back to the sups re-election funds.

*Outbreaks, not cases.

The facilities are named but you need to dig a bit through the county reports to get the list of facilities. When I wrote yesterday’s summary of the week I chose to not name them as it appears that naming something these days makes it a target for “activists.” People burn down a Wendy’s because a cop shot someone in the parking lot?

An outbreak of COVID-19 within a facility is a matter of pure chance and has little to nothing to do with how well the facility was run. At present, roughly one in every 2100 people in the county is contagious. If you happen to have an encounter with a contagious person that is long and close enough then you may become infected. While one in 2100 seems like low odds for us as individuals facilities have much more exposure because usually you have three shifts of employees coming in every day day of the week. Let’s say a facility has 300 staff. The odds then fall to 300 out of 2100 and it’s repeated every single day. By the end of the week the odds have dropped to around 2100 out of 2100.

The reason there have not been more outbreaks is that the employees and their families are taking a great deal of care in personal hygiene and in their work practices.

Why should anyone have to dig for information on which Contra Costa County skilled nursing facilities currently have Coronavirus outbreaks?
And… one of the serious problems with nursing homes/skilled nursing facilities is they’ll allow Covid-positive employees who are asymptomatic (but still positive and contagious) to be at work inside these facilities as long as they’re working with Covid-positive residents. John Muir, Kaiser and our own County hospital DO NOT allow this!

– I’ve already explained why I chose to not disclose the names of the facilities. Generally I would agree with you that transparency is a good thing. However, a COVID-19 outbreak seems to be a matter of bad luck rather than the result of bad choices. If it can be shown that bad choices are being within a particular location then I’d support making the name of that location public.

An employer allowing a known contagious employee to continue coming to work, or ordering them to do so, seems unlikely. Can you cite a news report that this is a common problem?

Someone who tests positive for COVID-19 in CC county is ordered by the health department to self-quarantine, regardless on if they are asymptomatic or symptomatic. As part of that, they are required to notify contacts that may have been exposed to the virus. If an employer then tells the person that they are required to work then I suspect the employee should report that to the county health department. See “Updated Mass Quarantine Order” on https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/health-orders

Proofreading should happen before pressing [Submit] 🙂

“If it can be shown that bad choices are being within a particular location …” should be “If it can be shown that bad choices are occurring within a particular location …”

It’s my belief that clusters of bad choices are rare as the exposure risk for a large facility are high and yet outbreaks within them are rare. Thus, it seems the system for protecting the residents is working well. It’s still not perfect given there was an outbreak in Concord in mid-May. As the outbreak spread to many residents it appears there was a was a cluster of bad choices and I’m feeling inclined to to name it. However, I’m going to run it past the Claycord dungeon master on if they want a facility to be outed.

I think it’s great to see many enterprising individuals safely working around many of the over the top edicts battering us all from the state and county dictators.

Smart government people would look at the enterprising individuals for suggestions and insight for opening businesses and restoring a new semblance of freedom while taking appropriate precautions.

But then, government and smart is an oxymoron.

The county employees who have the power are reluctant to relinquish that same power.

The County sups are doing nothing.

We need far better representatives at all levels of government.

The link to sign up to get tested doesn’t work.

The link for testing goes to https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/get-tested At the top of that page is “Click here to quickly schedule a no-cost test.” which goes to https://lhi.care/covidtesting

What does not work about it? The sign-up process seem simple enough though asks for vast amounts of personal information. One bit of weirdness is that it appears they will be texting and e-mailing potentially HIPAA compromising information to you.

as of 06/15:

1,983 confirmed cases in CCC with 44 deaths = 2.22% death rate.

I’ll check the CCCHS dashboard form now on but I will miss seeing the numbers all in one spot with everyone’s comments here on Claycord.

Me too.

@WC Resident… Now you can devote all your speculative prowess and charting abilities toward the more important crisis like Asian Murder Hornet investations and the all time classic “chem-trails” conspiracies. Inquiring minds want to know.

Nail salons closed, lash salons closed, hair salons closed, waxing salons closed… It’s getting ugly out there.

Additional reasons to shelter in place.

I too will miss Claycord’s easy to read daily chart



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