Home » The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report

The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report



  • None.


  • Atchinson Stage Rd./Nottingham Cir.  Take Vehicle Without Owner’s Consent/Vehicle Theft; Warrant.  A 38-year-old Concord female was arrested after being contacted by officers.  She was transported to Martinez Detention Facility for booking.  (06/11/20 – 1543 hrs.)



  • Kenston Ct.  Petty Theft – Vehicle.  (06/08/20 – 0823 hrs.)
  • Kenston Dr.  Petty Theft – Vehicle.  (06/08/20 – 0845 hrs.)
  • Newman Ct.  Petty Theft – Vehicle.  (06/08/20 – 2043 hrs.)
  • Cardinet Dr.  Burglary – Residential.  (06/09/20 – 1750 hrs.)


  • None.



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No mention of the teargassing of innocent protestors???

Talk about whitewashing — pathetic.

BTW, what’s up with the new South Park version of Clayton P.D. logo? Clayton could only afford a cheap graphic designer?

Innocent? Pfff

There was also no mention of a bunch of people refusing to obey rules. No mention of a bunch of people refusing to obey MULTIPLE police warnings. No mention of police not allowing things to get out of hand, as it did in every other city with peaceful protesting. No mention of a bunch of grateful Clayton residents and shop owners. Wow, talk about whitewashing.

nice to see 3 and 4 year old mentalities still throwing tantrums CHEAPSKATE !!!

Agree Cyn, it’s not like they don’t provide warning after warning.

I support peaceful, legal protest, which the one in Clayton was, until they broke curfew. They should have known that the police had a low level for disobedience, given the recent activities in other cities. My son never broke curfew. He knew I’d come down hard on him (maybe not tear gas and smoke grenade hard), but he knew the consequence of it. The police were generous by giving the protesters another 30 minutes past curfew. Maybe that was a mistake.

The protesters should have been greeted with Rottweilers and fire hose. Drive them back to the sewers where they came from.

American Citizen, Nice to see nothing has changed since Martin Luther King Jr. Was shot for being disruptive to the current social order. Still willing to stack the bodies rather than deal with the issues

Joe Biden has suggested that George Floyd’s killing has had a larger impact than the assasination of Dr. King. What he Intended was that cell phones give current events global impact. His statements just don’t seem to flow as intended.

Dr. King’s family was not amused and addressed it right away. They seem to take offense that George Floyd’s death is being used to encourage anarchy.

No self-respecting white person would accept the manipulation that is rampant today in groups claiming “civil rights,” attempting to make whites the villain in a narrative that shames and persecutes them for the color, or absence thereof, of their skin.

These attempts at making whites feel guilty for the problems people of color create for themselves does simply not wash. There exists a wealth of statistical data collected and studied over years that proves otherwise. Once again a very vocal minority drives this attempt to impose guilt and shame on white individuals.

Lay on all the “white privilege” and “white supremacist” emotionally-charged monikers you want, whites do and always have worked very hard for causes that benefits the entire nation, that further the interests of mankind, and everything functions according to a plan with that as the goal when whites are in leadership roles.

We see clearly the result when society bows to the anarchy foisted on us by those who think they have a better way of doing things in their infinite inexperience. Chaos and deterioration of law and order are not what furthers anyone’s interests in civilized society and a simple perusal of history will prove this to be true.

Absolutely, Unequivocally well said @gittyup

Lets see, a 4 pm start for demonstration at Clayton Rd and Ygnacio. Chanting and pizza guy on the corner sign waving, followed by walking all the way down into Clayton which has a 6 pm curfew in effect.

Once in Clayton they are down in a natural hollow with no wind an after chanting, sign waving and walking it’s maybe 5:30 pm when they got there.

Now NON Mensa member who came up with the idea an thumbed it out over social media should be one anger is directed towards. At very least sign ’em up for a time management class.

Was a brilliant plan, get a group of people down into that hollow right before a curfew. Only way out was to run back up the hill they came down after breathing tear gas. General Armstrong Custer could not have planned it better.

Says something for the Lemming youth of today.

“Custer’s Last Stand” aka Little Bighorn massacre.

There is clearly something to be said about the benefits of studying war in the Clayton protest organizer’s failures.

They are using cars to block the Bay Bridge Westbound right now.

The most pathetic thing about the Clayton protests was the virtue-signaling parents who drove their kids to the protest. If the kids want to protest they can sure as hell find their own way there. And if they’re minors, forbid it. Only a complete moron lets his minor children participate in that stupidity.



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