Home » New Guardrail Causes Golden Gate Bridge To ‘Sing’ In High Winds

New Guardrail Causes Golden Gate Bridge To ‘Sing’ In High Winds


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Voom dee bah !!

Makes me wonder – Wind caused vibration is making the screen structure vibrate. Is it possible that the vibration could transfer as a harmonic into the bridge structure, causing the steel to fatigue ( become brittle), ultimately causing collapse? Think Tacoma Narrows bridge. ????
It IS a fun feature, might increase tourism.

I was thinking the same thing! I also think the noise will become annoying after it’s novelty has expired and lawsuits are filed!

Ummm NO. That would cause permanent hearing loss. WHATTT???

That odd harmonious sound reminded me a LOT of the sound of the musical instrument Benjamin Franklin created and named the “Armonica”. I don’t really know why, it might sound completely different. It is pretty weird but I already like it. It plays whole chords! I’m imagining it could make for remarkably heightened moody atmospheres around the Bay, especially in fog. And I did think of the very unfortunate “Galloping Gertie” which spanned the Tacoma Narrows for a short time as well…

“We knew this would happen.” LOL. Sure, they did. This will be great for tourism. Especially for the bridge walkers.

I’d be concerned about the affects of constant high frequency vibration on the bridge and on people who live or work in the area. I started to get a headache listening to the videos.

@WC Resident…Your headaches are probably from extrapolating virus statistics and your thesis of the same.

You are right again WC Resident.

I’m not going near it unless I have my hat lined with tinfoil!

Does anyone know where I can park at the GGB? I read that the parking is closed and that the parking at the welcome center is also closed, so pretty much all parking is closed.

I wonder if it will attract whales 🐋

Ummm NO. Bats in the Bell Free Ummm YES.

Sounds like the toadfish of Sausalito!!

Good point!

Interesting and sounds (pun) like fun.

I sometimes get a similar effect when I have new tires and am on a really good road.

“We meant to do that”… uh huh. Sure ya did!

Maybe it’s the “Dinah-Moe Humm” Frank Zappa sung about.

Like we tell new electricians at work that engineers are provided for your entertainment, ’cause they screw up so often.
Am just sure new railing drawings were labeled, musical railings.

Labeling the noise as singing.

What if these new “slats” were designed in the shape of an airfoil instead of rectangular?

They knew it would do that?! It was part of the plan?! I call BS! So a whole bunch of people thought this was a great idea and approved it…ah ha Right. If I had to hear that all night I would be really irritated. Uncontrollable noise pollution, great idea! 🙄

Wait until they ask for a ten million or so to stop the bridge from “singing.”



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