Contra Costa is now reporting 1,577 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 30 more than yesterday.
1,293 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.
There have been 38 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.
Currently, the county has 246 active cases of COVID-19.
Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:
RELATED STORY FROM THURSDAY: 1,547 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (232 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 34 More Than Yesterday (1,277 Recovered)
as of 06/05:
1,577 confirmed cases (CCC) with 38 deaths = 2.41% death rate.
“Hi, everyday I get the kind of endorphin rush that only us Karens know as I prove that I can divide to find a percentage, and then post it with no context or real knowledge since the broader picture actually contradicts my narrative, and truth be told just makes me look dumb.”
The case counts by location today, and from yesterday are identical, where are the 30 new cases from?
Both those charts look the same to me ??
There are still 20,000 or so cases nationwide everyday. If you were being super cautious 2 months ago, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be doing it still. My family and I are still sheltering at home as much as possible – if you’re not into that and want to venture out, just be cautious. Re-opening does not mean the threat is gone. Hopefully it will be at some point, but nothing has improved yet…we just didn’t see the catastrophic numbers because we got smart in time to avoid the worst case scenario. Be safe, everyone!
More news from Hysteria Central, it seems the two most prestigious medical journals in the WORLD, Lancet and NEJM, both had to take the EXTRAORDINARY step of retracting a paper they published because turns out the company (Surgisphere) that did the “research” is basically a shell company for some scammers, and the “study” is complete BS. So much for “peer review”…such rubbish, these “peers” were are so partisan and were so desperate to discredit Trump, they didn’t bother to give any rigor to the underlying data, which if they would have pressed just a little they would have discovered that it DID NOT EXIST.
To make it worse, this BS study said HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was not just ineffective but dangerous…this caused WHO and other entities to cease their HCQ studies, despite all the KNOWN/DOCUMENTED cases of people who improved/recovered using HCQ, often in combination with ZPAC.
This doesn’t mean HCQ is a cure, but it HAS helped people, and to stop research in this manner is effing CRIMINAL as there are people who may have been denied a treatment that might have saved them. So good job leftists, your unhinged TDS not only kills people in riots, now it has infected medical research and has potentially killed people in that setting.
Indeed! Liberals can take credit for the criminal element that infects their ranks and the thousands of deaths from Covid=19 that might not have occurred if they had not used “by any means necessary” methods to derail critical and life-saving medication that may have prevented or slowed the spread of the virus.
The perpetrators of this fraud should be charged with murder and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trump was right again, and the criminal element of the liberal wing just can’t seem to handle it, so they resort to fraud, as usual.
Checked the CoCoCounty Health website. Different totals by location. Think Claycord may have printed the wrong date totals.
@me – i’m not sure i understand what you are saying?
It’s quite obvious who the commentators above are injecting Clorox and own a Trumpy Bear… sad, sad, sad. In order to accelerate the decline of the virus, we are still sheltering in place and making sacrifices such as canceling our summer vacation, thereby protecting ourselves and helping save lives.
The non-mask wearers can vote in person and support idiocracy, while the hopeful majority keeps doing the right thing and follow the leadership of our governor. Mail in ballots are COMMON SENSE. I must say, Co Co Co. as a whole have done well keeping the numbers low, especially in communities where literacy rates are highest. The exception to that, are a couple communities where egos run high and the idea of wearing a mask is above those individuals. But, CCC has done a great job
in general. Let’s keep up the good work and follow our governor’s leadership, not that of our so called country leader!
Always an issue reconciling with what CC Health has on their scoreboard. What they do is go back and adjust prior days and then report only the current day new cases. The total is the same, but the daily numbers are different than the once a day numbers that come out at 1130.