They probably don’t quality for loans because they are majority-owned by China. I think I read the majority of their revenue comes from their China locations, so it’s probably only their US business that’s suffering.
The Wizard
June 5, 2020 - 10:19 AM 10:19 AM
Thanks Gavin Newsom, Another one bites the dust because of you. I bet you sleep real good.
So it’s a Missouri-based corporation with over 600 theaters across the US and over 200 outside the US. It is the largest theater chain in the world and the US. The possibility of a closure is not the result of a California governor. Like many major companies, that have a lot of debt and thin margins. The future of their business does not appear to be promising, at least for the short term. Like many companies, they’re calculating how long they can survive.
As I understand it, they are a potential acquisition target. I suspect there’ll be more consolidation in the industry, and the weaker businesses will not survive.
I’ll admit to being old, but I just don’t enjoy the theater experience anymore. The first Star Wars was great on the big screen, and I loved Jurassic Park in the Dome. I think Superman did me in. Even sitting in the back of the theater, I got explosion overload. Now, I’m content to wait for a movie to show up on HBO or Netflix.
June 5, 2020 - 10:46 AM 10:46 AM
Lol..and watch them all fall! Anyone upset about this can blame Hollywood. “Get woke go broke” as they say. Nobody needs to spend money to watch propaganda, just watch the news..
Jackson Hammer
June 5, 2020 - 11:05 AM 11:05 AM
How does that work when they’ve been closed for like 3 months.
SF oh
June 5, 2020 - 11:12 AM 11:12 AM
All movie theaters’ evening prices were getting a little steep. But we always enjoyed going to a matinee and then grabbing some lunch afterwards. Ya, the good ol’ normal days… when we could watch a movie in a theater and eat in a restaurant. I hope all the movie theaters can make a comeback.
Bad Nombre
June 5, 2020 - 11:15 AM 11:15 AM
The loss of the Dome was the death knell of movie theaters around here.
Yes, but big difference between a 30”-55” screen, and a 75’ wide screen, surround sound, movie popcorn, experience. My $10/month movie club is money well spent.
Mike Favar
June 5, 2020 - 11:57 AM 11:57 AM
I can wait 2-3 months and buy a film on blu ray for $20. That’s cheaper than going to even a bargain matinee. I can have my own food & beverages. Picture and sound are much better on a 55″ TV and great stereo system. Plus I don’t have to worry about anyone talking during the movie.
Theaters are going the way of the dinosaur, into extinction.
Captain Bebops
June 5, 2020 - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM
I’ve had a home theater pretty much since 2001. Large scree, surround sound and a pause button. I don’t think I’ve been to the nearby theater in about 6 years. My current big screen TV is 4K and can rival the image you will get at theaters that are still running 2K digital projectors.
Most of the theater movies were “tentpole” (as the industry defines them) or IOW “blockbusters” which I may not even watch on my home theater system. Hollywood does too much by group testing so the result is often droll. Even with TV I much prefer foreign productions where the emphasis is on storytelling and not glitz. I hope US productions takes the cue because begins to work more like this and it’s less costly too.
June 5, 2020 - 12:06 PM 12:06 PM
I don’t like the trash coming out of Hollywood anyway, or the celebs.
Kentucky Derby
June 5, 2020 - 12:09 PM 12:09 PM
We enjoy going to the movies. We have pay channels, and a nice system at home. Of course we can enjoy at home, but the whole idea is going out and having FUN! Like going to a ballgame or concert, when you can easily watch or listen at home. I’m NOT a homebody. It would bore me to death. Life is for the living, and you only get one chance!
June 5, 2020 - 12:31 PM 12:31 PM
For our family, the “oh-noooooo it costs too much” factor kicked in when the theaters suddenly decided to forbid people the choice of bringing in their own refreshments (even searching purses at the beloved Dome), and to hike ticket prices up SO very high. I truly love to watch a fine film on the big screen, though; so if something really appealing comes along, I’ll go with family or friends. We make a day of it…. having a meal and doing a bit of shopping afterward.
Cautiously Informed
June 5, 2020 - 12:49 PM 12:49 PM
Maybe all of Hollywood will go out of business, if the country is lucky. Then people will instead maybe seek out forms of entertainment that are intellectually stimulating, instead of brainless shallow pompous drivel from Hollywood.
I have no problem with Hollywood, there are still good actors, yes some are somewhat shallow, but I don’t care about someone’s political views, when I go to the movies, or watch them on TV. I think James Wood is a great actor, have seen him in several movies, don’t care for his politics, but that does not keep me away from his movies, same with Jon Voigt, love him in Midnight Cowboy. At times we need entertainment that is just that, entertaining, can’t get bogged down with the serious stuff all the time, it will drive you crazy.
June 5, 2020 - 12:51 PM 12:51 PM
Movie theaters are classified in my book right along with flying and Princess cruises. I haven’t been to a movie theater since Columbine. I have flown, but it was somewhat like torture. Only seat left on the entire plane was right next to two lesbians, and they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Almost hurled my peanuts.
June 5, 2020 - 1:17 PM 1:17 PM
Speaking of theaters, does anyone remember the name of that theater behind Lamps Plus on Contra Costa? I saw Bachelor Party (1984) there the summer it came out and I don’t remember the theater name.
The location where Lamps Plus is today was the Regency Cinemas. I used to go there all the time, and it’s where I remember seeing Batman. And behind the theater was the Regency Game Palace, a sizable arcade for the area. I still remember when the theater closed, and later Lamps Plus moved in. I seem to recall there was a parking lot dispute, and the cinema couldn’t stay because of the amount of parking it needed and I guess they couldn’t afford to pay for the land they were using. If I’m not mistaken, Lamps Plus is faced the other way, so that the parking lot is on the opposite side.
Other theaters that are gone…
Festival in Walnut Creek, where McCovey’s ended up.
And the Century 5 (one of the few cinerama domes!), later CineArts in Pleasant Hill, that is now Dick’s Sporting Goods. That one hurt, as I used to love going there.
There was one in the Park and Shop. The Capri? …which I remember show second run movies. Saw Tron there.
Oh, and how can I forgot the theater at the Sunvalley Mall. They played that movie 9 to 5 for over a year! Oh and Rocky Horror at midnight on weekends.
Hanne Jeppesen
June 5, 2020 - 1:38 PM 1:38 PM
I love movies. When I was a teenager, living in Copenhagen, I would often go to the afternoon matinee, saw lots of American movies, “From here to eternity, Dr. Strangelove, To kill a mockingbird, Gone with the wind”, many others loved them all. When I was living in Westport Ct and New York City in the late sixties and early seventies, movies was almost a weekly event, either with girl friends or a date. Through the seventies and eighties I would still go to movies, but with less frequency, especially towards the late eighties. Now I never go, the last one I saw was “The Bookclub” with Diane Keaton and Jane Fonda. I even have a $30.00 gift card I have never used.
First of all, I don’t know many of the new actors, the movie theater is often noisy, and when a new movie comes out that sounds interesting, it seems it is not in the theater very long, so by the time I might be able to fit it into my schedule, it is gone. It used to be that older movies would be shown several times later, especially for a Sunday matinee, not anymore, suppose because you can get them on DVD. There were certain actors that could get me to see almost any movie, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Montgomery Clift, Ingrid Bergman, just to name a few. Stars of today don’t have the same glamour and star power. I realize I’m dating myself, but I’m sure I’m not the only on that feels that way.
June 5, 2020 - 1:45 PM 1:45 PM
If we’re lucky we get what one good movie a year out of them the rest are all remakes and woke versions of older movies I haven’t been to a theater in years and I do not support Hollywood in any way so good riddance to the movie theaters
Thats okay
June 5, 2020 - 2:47 PM 2:47 PM
This theatre chain is owned by a Chinese conglomerate that has 80+ Billion in Assets. If they wanted to save it, they would. Fine – file BK, liquidate it for pennies on the dollar and maybe some Americans will step up and reopen these theatres.
I have zero interest in almost every movie coming out of Hollywood these days. Except for anything from Michael Mann or Peter Berg. The last decent movie that I saw was Den of Thieves. The movies are too expensive and they make most of their money on popcorn and $10 soda pop anyway
June 5, 2020 - 6:17 PM 6:17 PM
Outside of the Metreon in San Francicso, I don’t know of an AMC theater I’ve ever been to, and me visiting that one is really infrequent. It’s a bit far to travel, costs more, and doesn’t really provide any better experience than any of the theaters here.
I think theaters are going to struggle for a little while. There going to lose some business to those who are reluctant to return.
Me, I love the movies, and usually go every week. But even I’m not enthusiastic about returning any time soon.
We’re starting to see a new trend, where some new movies are skipping the theater entirely as of late. Trolls World Tour was the first to test this option. High Note went straight to VOD most recently. The Lovebirds went directly to Netflix. Artemis Fowl is going directly to Disney+ I suspect this was inevitable, but the timeline has possibly been stepped up. If the production companies squeeze out the middleman, perhaps movies will be sold directly to consumers. This is good and bad.
I’ll miss the theater going experience. I’m sure it’ll survive in some form, but we’ll likely seem some theaters close or evolve. Dinning options and alcohol were the most recent trend, which I sure was only going to expand further.
June 5, 2020 - 10:53 PM 10:53 PM
Hollywood movies have been so sickeningly pc and ‘social impact entertainment’ That I haven’t wanted to go to a theater in years. Wont cry a single tear if Chinese owned AMC and half the Chinese backed studios in hollywood fail.
I have no idea where this Japantown is but I love dollar theaters I think it’s great but they’re advertising it’s horrible because I have never heard of Japan town otherwise I would’ve spent money there
They probably don’t quality for loans because they are majority-owned by China. I think I read the majority of their revenue comes from their China locations, so it’s probably only their US business that’s suffering.
Thanks Gavin Newsom, Another one bites the dust because of you. I bet you sleep real good.
Movie theaters were going out of business anyway. Relax.
Gavin Newsom isn’t the reason AMC over levered themselves to sustain a dying business model….but nice try!
So it’s a Missouri-based corporation with over 600 theaters across the US and over 200 outside the US. It is the largest theater chain in the world and the US. The possibility of a closure is not the result of a California governor. Like many major companies, that have a lot of debt and thin margins. The future of their business does not appear to be promising, at least for the short term. Like many companies, they’re calculating how long they can survive.
As I understand it, they are a potential acquisition target. I suspect there’ll be more consolidation in the industry, and the weaker businesses will not survive.
Relax, our Governor has no interest in closing theaters.
He likes to close prisons.
Ummmmm……. that reporter doesn’t know what “Netflix & Chill” means.
Last movie I saw was a Marvel movie.
Not interested in much being produced for the big screen.
Don’t even find much on TV to watch anymore.
I would rather be outside, than being a spectator.
So, no, live theatre, not interesting for what it cost.
I’ll admit to being old, but I just don’t enjoy the theater experience anymore. The first Star Wars was great on the big screen, and I loved Jurassic Park in the Dome. I think Superman did me in. Even sitting in the back of the theater, I got explosion overload. Now, I’m content to wait for a movie to show up on HBO or Netflix.
Lol..and watch them all fall! Anyone upset about this can blame Hollywood. “Get woke go broke” as they say. Nobody needs to spend money to watch propaganda, just watch the news..
How does that work when they’ve been closed for like 3 months.
All movie theaters’ evening prices were getting a little steep. But we always enjoyed going to a matinee and then grabbing some lunch afterwards. Ya, the good ol’ normal days… when we could watch a movie in a theater and eat in a restaurant. I hope all the movie theaters can make a comeback.
The loss of the Dome was the death knell of movie theaters around here.
The best place to watch an epic movie!
Who cares, there’s Netflix, etc. All the producers, directors, movie stars etc. will all still get their millions of dollars.
Yes, but big difference between a 30”-55” screen, and a 75’ wide screen, surround sound, movie popcorn, experience. My $10/month movie club is money well spent.
I can wait 2-3 months and buy a film on blu ray for $20. That’s cheaper than going to even a bargain matinee. I can have my own food & beverages. Picture and sound are much better on a 55″ TV and great stereo system. Plus I don’t have to worry about anyone talking during the movie.
Theaters are going the way of the dinosaur, into extinction.
I’ve had a home theater pretty much since 2001. Large scree, surround sound and a pause button. I don’t think I’ve been to the nearby theater in about 6 years. My current big screen TV is 4K and can rival the image you will get at theaters that are still running 2K digital projectors.
Most of the theater movies were “tentpole” (as the industry defines them) or IOW “blockbusters” which I may not even watch on my home theater system. Hollywood does too much by group testing so the result is often droll. Even with TV I much prefer foreign productions where the emphasis is on storytelling and not glitz. I hope US productions takes the cue because begins to work more like this and it’s less costly too.
I don’t like the trash coming out of Hollywood anyway, or the celebs.
We enjoy going to the movies. We have pay channels, and a nice system at home. Of course we can enjoy at home, but the whole idea is going out and having FUN! Like going to a ballgame or concert, when you can easily watch or listen at home. I’m NOT a homebody. It would bore me to death. Life is for the living, and you only get one chance!
For our family, the “oh-noooooo it costs too much” factor kicked in when the theaters suddenly decided to forbid people the choice of bringing in their own refreshments (even searching purses at the beloved Dome), and to hike ticket prices up SO very high. I truly love to watch a fine film on the big screen, though; so if something really appealing comes along, I’ll go with family or friends. We make a day of it…. having a meal and doing a bit of shopping afterward.
Maybe all of Hollywood will go out of business, if the country is lucky. Then people will instead maybe seek out forms of entertainment that are intellectually stimulating, instead of brainless shallow pompous drivel from Hollywood.
I have no problem with Hollywood, there are still good actors, yes some are somewhat shallow, but I don’t care about someone’s political views, when I go to the movies, or watch them on TV. I think James Wood is a great actor, have seen him in several movies, don’t care for his politics, but that does not keep me away from his movies, same with Jon Voigt, love him in Midnight Cowboy. At times we need entertainment that is just that, entertaining, can’t get bogged down with the serious stuff all the time, it will drive you crazy.
Movie theaters are classified in my book right along with flying and Princess cruises. I haven’t been to a movie theater since Columbine. I have flown, but it was somewhat like torture. Only seat left on the entire plane was right next to two lesbians, and they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Almost hurled my peanuts.
Speaking of theaters, does anyone remember the name of that theater behind Lamps Plus on Contra Costa? I saw Bachelor Party (1984) there the summer it came out and I don’t remember the theater name.
It was the Regency theater! I saw Back To The Future there, and celebrated a birthday at the Regency Game Palace way back when.
@cheeseburguesa Thanks. That’s it! No, it was all the way in the back where Chef Choy is today. Lamps Plus was in its current location when Regency was still in business.
The Regency Theater… a friend of mine from Concord High was the asst. mgr. If he wasn’t working, we didn’t go. The price was “right.” Good times!
The location where Lamps Plus is today was the Regency Cinemas. I used to go there all the time, and it’s where I remember seeing Batman. And behind the theater was the Regency Game Palace, a sizable arcade for the area. I still remember when the theater closed, and later Lamps Plus moved in. I seem to recall there was a parking lot dispute, and the cinema couldn’t stay because of the amount of parking it needed and I guess they couldn’t afford to pay for the land they were using. If I’m not mistaken, Lamps Plus is faced the other way, so that the parking lot is on the opposite side.
Other theaters that are gone…
Festival in Walnut Creek, where McCovey’s ended up.
And the Century 5 (one of the few cinerama domes!), later CineArts in Pleasant Hill, that is now Dick’s Sporting Goods. That one hurt, as I used to love going there.
There was one in the Park and Shop. The Capri? …which I remember show second run movies. Saw Tron there.
Oh, and how can I forgot the theater at the Sunvalley Mall. They played that movie 9 to 5 for over a year! Oh and Rocky Horror at midnight on weekends.
I love movies. When I was a teenager, living in Copenhagen, I would often go to the afternoon matinee, saw lots of American movies, “From here to eternity, Dr. Strangelove, To kill a mockingbird, Gone with the wind”, many others loved them all. When I was living in Westport Ct and New York City in the late sixties and early seventies, movies was almost a weekly event, either with girl friends or a date. Through the seventies and eighties I would still go to movies, but with less frequency, especially towards the late eighties. Now I never go, the last one I saw was “The Bookclub” with Diane Keaton and Jane Fonda. I even have a $30.00 gift card I have never used.
First of all, I don’t know many of the new actors, the movie theater is often noisy, and when a new movie comes out that sounds interesting, it seems it is not in the theater very long, so by the time I might be able to fit it into my schedule, it is gone. It used to be that older movies would be shown several times later, especially for a Sunday matinee, not anymore, suppose because you can get them on DVD. There were certain actors that could get me to see almost any movie, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Montgomery Clift, Ingrid Bergman, just to name a few. Stars of today don’t have the same glamour and star power. I realize I’m dating myself, but I’m sure I’m not the only on that feels that way.
If we’re lucky we get what one good movie a year out of them the rest are all remakes and woke versions of older movies I haven’t been to a theater in years and I do not support Hollywood in any way so good riddance to the movie theaters
This theatre chain is owned by a Chinese conglomerate that has 80+ Billion in Assets. If they wanted to save it, they would. Fine – file BK, liquidate it for pennies on the dollar and maybe some Americans will step up and reopen these theatres.
I have zero interest in almost every movie coming out of Hollywood these days. Except for anything from Michael Mann or Peter Berg. The last decent movie that I saw was Den of Thieves. The movies are too expensive and they make most of their money on popcorn and $10 soda pop anyway
Outside of the Metreon in San Francicso, I don’t know of an AMC theater I’ve ever been to, and me visiting that one is really infrequent. It’s a bit far to travel, costs more, and doesn’t really provide any better experience than any of the theaters here.
I think theaters are going to struggle for a little while. There going to lose some business to those who are reluctant to return.
Me, I love the movies, and usually go every week. But even I’m not enthusiastic about returning any time soon.
We’re starting to see a new trend, where some new movies are skipping the theater entirely as of late. Trolls World Tour was the first to test this option. High Note went straight to VOD most recently. The Lovebirds went directly to Netflix. Artemis Fowl is going directly to Disney+ I suspect this was inevitable, but the timeline has possibly been stepped up. If the production companies squeeze out the middleman, perhaps movies will be sold directly to consumers. This is good and bad.
I’ll miss the theater going experience. I’m sure it’ll survive in some form, but we’ll likely seem some theaters close or evolve. Dinning options and alcohol were the most recent trend, which I sure was only going to expand further.
Hollywood movies have been so sickeningly pc and ‘social impact entertainment’ That I haven’t wanted to go to a theater in years. Wont cry a single tear if Chinese owned AMC and half the Chinese backed studios in hollywood fail.
I have no idea where this Japantown is but I love dollar theaters I think it’s great but they’re advertising it’s horrible because I have never heard of Japan town otherwise I would’ve spent money there