The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think the shelter-in-place should be officially lifted so all businesses can reopen (with restrictions)?
Talk about it.
It’s already been unofficially lifted. We’ve had protests, some rather large crowds. There’s been lootting, and people mobbing the freeway. It’s rather amusing that the county health department’s updated orders said that protests of 100 people or fewer would be allowed starting June 15. Ooops. Never mind.
People have been visiting friends and family and having gatherings. They’re been engaging in “non-essential” travel for recreation and visiting, going to open counties to eat out and get haircuts, and to shop. The only thing now is to let the rest of the businesses reopen before they all go bankrupt.
The problem is the Demon-rats in Martinez are the same as the one in Washington they don’t have the slightest idea would going on in their own district.
They keep tell us that they’re waiting on the health dept. The health dept can’t or won’t tell us how many people have died OF c19 and how many have dies WITH c19.
Yes enough is enough
Yep, it never should have happened in the first place. While they’re at it, they can also scrap the mask requirement.
AGREE Masks should be a choice not mandatory, especially in 100 plus heat.
A restoration of uninfringed 2nd amendment rights would be nice also.
Accountability would be nice also. I hope our health department gets suid for the lives they ruined. They caused this, not Covid.
No. Open without restrictions.
I’m with Yves on this one. With the same people condemning others for wanting to go to work, the beach, the salon, etc., also encouraging and marching alongside THOUSANDS (not 100 or less, which allegedly isn’t allowed to happen until after 6/15) in demonstrations, is anyone enforcing it? Are we in danger or not? Does SIP need to be in effect? It sure doesn’t look like it is.
Well yeah do the opposite to the recommended and see what will happen. Makes sense?
Would be nice to 100% officially lift the SIP but, I do not see how soon that gonna be. People are having to wind up about the SIPPING because they are so sick of being SIP, curfew and mask!!!!!
The point is that if you are too scared than just stay home!
The co co are too lazy to officially lift the SIP
Should have ended a month ago…think about how sad and STUPID it is that kids basically have no camps or sports for the summer. I mean even SWIM TEAM where it’s hot, sunny, in CHLORINE, and oh yeah, they’re KIDS who are at extremely low risk with this Chinese virus. But no, these idiots aren’t even allowing that, at most even if a team DOES offer something, it’s with absurd rules, no socializing (KIDS!), and all you get to do is swim some laps, no meets, no team events, no fun. All because “flatten the curve” transformed into some weird, dystopian power trip.
You Karens who support this are literally insane…you mocked the shutdown protests, you know the ones with American flags, no litter, and people WANTING TO GO BACK TO WORK, but yet you’re the same ones cheering on these current protests/riots, I have no doubt some of you have already “taken a knee” in deep apology for your “privilege”.
Curfew should be 10pm not 8 … I notice Walnut Creek City Hall is cowering in place now.
Reopen and let us have our lives back!
I think it got lifted a few days ago.
and fire those incompetent goobers that keep us imprisoned while at it.
I think should waited until it’s safe open too many stores are getting destroyed because of George Floyd death
Yes, absolutely, keep everyone locked up and continue to destroy the economy with the exception of allowing protests and rioting because that’s important. We want to do everything possible to harm the country so the demoncrats can take full control of the Senate and White House and run us into oblivion. Sounds like a plan.
Is anyone even still following the order?
I follow what I have to like wearing a mask in the store or picking up to go food, but I’ll take my little one to a park and let her play for a little bit. Oh and we have been seeing close family members every weekend for like the last two months, I have been able to get a massage and my husband still gets his haircut so I guess it’s 50/50. Not much else to do to not follow the guidelines.
Wait, there is still a SIP order? LOL
People are out. Traffic is up. Neighborhood BBQ’a are happening. Neighbors are out talking and hanging out with each other. Family gatherings have started. A team playing baseball at WIllow Pass Fields. People are shaking hands again.
If people still want to stay home, or still wear a mask, then they should feel free to do so. No one is stopping them. That is why we have freedom of choice.
I will no longer wear a mask unless I walk into a store that requires it … If you approach me, I will not put my mask on and I will not be bothered if you wear yours.
So yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the SIP should be terminated. This state of emergency should end.
One month ago you were called “Anti-American” if you wanted to Protest closures of Parks, Shops or Places of Worship.
Now, the same people (when it suits an agenda) are promoting protests. Funny how that works.
I support Opening WITHOUT restrictions.
I support opening WITHOUT restrictions also!
Obviously, there was some hidden agenda with this whole SIP thing or they will eventually have to admit they really had no idea what they were doing.
I think we should have probably EASED into lifting it, allowing more small businesses to open and more activities to increase at a faster pace than we were going, while monitoring the consequences. Last week, I would have been called a “science” denier or accused of wanting to kill old people for saying that. Now, the same people and politicians suddenly decided to actually ENDORSE activity that is riskier by incredible orders of magnitude, and arguably not absolutely essential (the officer was going to prison anyway and the whole world was going to see it happen). They just instantly moved on to their next cause and completely got away with epic hypocrisy and completely crashing our economy, ruin peoples’ livelihoods. This should not be a political thing; if you aren’t absolutely outraged, you are drinking the kool-aid. And just wait, if this current disruption starts to fizzle out, I’m sure they’ll make an attempt to go back to SIP in the fall, regardless of the actual “science”.
So yeah, at this point, why not just open up everything short of mass gathering like sporting events? The numbers are going to go up from this, but unless they are absolutely terrible, we might as well just go-for-it; since the same crowd that was preaching to us about not going to the beach, just arbitrarily, suddenly and based on no science, decided to endorse effectively lifting it anyway.
Agreed. The reopening pace wss too slow, but some of the continuing restrictions like those on crowded indoor activities seemed to have merit.
Now the mass gatherings and the positive official response have invalidated any arguments keeping anyone out of work. Just ged rid of SIP already and tighten mask usage regulations. That’s the only thing that makes sense going forward.
If thousands can march without masks on I should be able to get a haircut.
The length of these lockdowns has already contributed in part to the rage and unrest we are seeing in the streets. Contra Costa County leaders and Dr Farnitano are completely clueless as to the economic and social damage their draconian policies are creating. They’re also ignoring their previous benchmarks for reopening.
Time to open up and get people back to work and back to friends, family and recreation. Oh, and let’s refill the jails we emptied out in the name of the virus.
Agreed about opening up everything! Scientists and doctors talked about herd immunity being one of the cures for covid 19. There you have it, all those mass protests did the job!
…but forget the restrictions. Open our economy back up!
All businesses that want to be open should
State campgrounds and private swim clubs and swim teams need to open NOW
Yes, and with no restrictions, allow all business to open, allow sports to open back up, allow swim teams to be… let us live our lives. if you want to still SIP then that is your choice. you want to wait for a vaccine {good luck}. allow these kids to be kids and allow schools to open back up when the new school year starts. to many kids have already lost so much {graduations, birthdays, last sports seasons etc etc}
I personally don’t believe we are getting any 100% honest information.
deep down I think they made a huge mistake having us SIP to begin with but they will never admit to that. I feel the virus was here long before we told it was. TIME HAS COME TO “RELEASE THE HOUNDS”
Open everything
NO. Just because everyone is tired of it is not a good reason. COVID-19 is still around and there is no vaccine. There is more testing available but not as much as there should be. Go out when you must, wear your masks and wash your hands frequently. The pandemic is not over.
Vaccine? are you going to stay in SIP for possibly a year or two? will you be a vaccine guinea pig? not a chance. you want to stay in SIP then your choice. Let us live our lives, let our kids be kids, let small businesses do their best to survive and provide. I am done with this.
it was an extreme over reaction….
Now I know this is crazy, but hear me out…ready? How about YOU cower in place as loooong as you like, and then the rest of us who are capable of rational thought and using common sense get on with LIVING as free people.
Exactly. If you’re frightened, stay inside, wear your mask, bathe yourself in hand sanitizer. You are free to do all of that. Hence the beauty of living in this (once upon a time) free country.
Don’t put words in my mouth that I never said. I pointed out the obvious. The pandemic is still here and there is no vaccine. It might be available in a year. In the mean time it would be smarter to wear a mask and minimize risk.
Or you could run down the street and kiss everyone you see with an open mouth. My words into your mouth.
Give me liberty or give me a .02% chance of death.
You wrote “Go out when you must, wear your masks and wash your hands frequently.”
Then you wrote “Or you could run down the street and kiss everyone you see with an open mouth.”
Those are the only two options?
I don’t know, there were 34 new cases reported yesterday, which is twice as much as the day before. I’d like to see where we’re at in a week after all these protests and marches, but I don’t have a problem with it being voluntary, as long as people aren’t forced into uncomfortable situations.
A more accurate analysis is that 964 people were tested which resulted in 34 positive cases which represents only 3.53%. Also, as of today, there have been a total 38,420 tested with 1,547 being positive which equates to 4.03%. This 4.03% has been consistently going down since April 14 which was the peak at 7.74%.
Its the hospitalization rate that matters, not the number of cases. You could be infected and not seriously sick, which is no different than having the flu.
We are not the people to ask!!! Only the health officials which will be respected and followed to the letter of the law. You don’t get to muck up the place with your germs unless they say so thank goodness. We are into this together. I have the responsibility to protect you and same to you for me. What is wrong with you all? Don’t you believe that the virus is here just as much as it was March? Please be aware this is the new normal until the authorities change the rules. Even when they do you must be very careful. The big business needs their money at the expense of your lives. NO HOAX!
Health officials are a bunch of hacks, no clue what they are doing whatsoever.
“Please be aware this is the new normal until the authorities change the rules.”
Ever think about a new job? The communist Chinese government could use some faithful lackeys.
Why don’t you stand between the protesters and the police and admonish them with your logic? Use the exact same words as you just wrote and see what happens.
The protesters will laugh at you. The Police will ignore you. The anarchist goons will beat you up and take your lunch money.
I agree Professor. Is he joking or serious? I can’t imagine anyone could seriously still be lecturing us on here, given what the protesters are doing and how the politicians are supporting them. Have any health officials even strongly denounced their reckless behavior? If so, why not? Why is he so upset with businesses, but not the protesters?
Popcorn thank you for posting your satire. It took me a while but I see you now..
Popcorn, you may have been overcooked there.
We are NOT in this together. Some are working, some no longer have jobs or unemployment. Some of roofs over there head, some now sleep in a park or car.
You have a responsibility to protect yourself, your family and those around you, but how you exercise that, can be different. I will stay home, wear a mask when i go OUTSIDE, only if I am sick. If not, I expect YOU, to wear a mask if you are outside. That is the responsible action to take.
Believe me, popcorn is 100% sincere with that comment. The hand wringing garbage posted by popcorn is far too consistent to be attempted satire.
Shut down the health emergency and let people get back to living.
If some businesses and stores want to keep precautions in place, I’ll respect that.
People have the right to make their own choices.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
! ! ! YES ! ! !
Majority of new cases in 5 southern CA. counties.
Majority of deaths have been in 5 southern CA. counties.
I know it is off the subject but if you would like to see something you have never seen go to Daily Mail and look at this. It is like what many say about California.
Astonishing moment massive landslide sweeps eight buildings into the sea in Norway as huge chunk of coast vanishes underwater.
Heck NOOOOOOO… They should keep that in place for the rest of the year. I just love having to go to work, being an essential worker, with absolutely NO TRAFFIC!!
No. Not until the county infection rate drops significantly.
Wow you are unreasonable the curb has flatten If you want to stay in your SIP then do so and others can open up their business and get on with it!
Why “lift” the shelter in place? The protesters and rioters are ignoring it.
Might as well have the law abiding citizens also ignore it.
Let’s keep it the way it is now: hard working, honest, law-abiding citizens must stay inside and take orders from incompetent health officials and power-mad politicians. But homeless drug-addicts, criminals, looters, and protestors can do whatever they want, take whatever they want, and travel to wherever they want. Just keep those welfare checks rolling in to sustain them. Make sense?
Sorry PH Susan – My post was intended to be a separate comment. Accidentally hit Reply.
Yes! With all these protests you might as well just do the herd immunity!!! Just get the virus out of the way already.
All of you talk real tough, until this stupid virus hits home and possibly lose a loved one
I could lose a loved one to a car accident or anuerysm tomorrow. Would that be less tragic than a loss from COVID? Complete lack of logic.
No. Not until more testing is available.
Also, we now need to see if the protests lead to a spike in infections.
The protests WILL lead to a spike in infections. I hate to say it but the groups who will be hit the hardest are:
1. Protesting minorities
2. Entitled protesting white millenniels
3. Rampaging anarchists
4. First responders who are dealing with 1,2,and 3.
5. Senior family members who contact 1,2,and 3.
The lack of mask wearing and social distancing makes a spike inevitable. If the spike does not happen, then you will know that you’ve been duped by our “leaders”.
End the SIP. Open up the economy. Arrest the looters.
Um, testing centers are empty and some have shut down, there are more than enough tests available. Now I know I’m about to blow your mind, but here it is: MOST PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GO GET ANY KIND OF MEDICAL TEST IF THEY CAN HELP IT….i.e. many people who get the virus are asymptotic, or many who do present symptoms have have them very mild or not severe enough for them to get tested, they stay at home to recover.
Well, hopefully we can all agree that if it doesn’t get really bad after these protests, it is definitely time to open. I can’t imagine there are even too many more ways to spread it more effectively.
In regards to the testing though, I’ve driven by two different testing centers now and seeing workers waiting for people to test, with absolutely nobody there. It does not seem to be a lack of availability.
Get the hell back to life
Yes! Let people decide if they want to be cautious, wear a mask and avoid crowds, but don’t mandate it.
Hmm…only one negative reply…the neighborhood nanny who loves to tell everybody else how to live as IT eats it’s popcorn. A professional guilt tripper, probably works for the Nazi Health Department Go live in your closet, I am so done with this nonsense.
10- 1 it was on the Jerry Springer show years ago, getting fork lifted out bed.
Shelter in place is no longer enforced, so this conversation is strictly academic.
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.
Haven’t seen or heard of law enforcement enforcing SIP. Businesses have been taking their own precautions to keep their business open which all should have the opportunity to do.
Its OK to eat in a restaurant if you break the window first and then sit down to eat, but they cannot voluntarily let you come in to eat. Stupid
Ray Stevens has the answer…. I think he speaks for all of us:
Yes. On top of the shelter-in-place, it’s too much. It’s claustrophobic. My residential area certainly does not need a curfew and never did. I feel sorry for small business owners who are just starting to reopen, and now this. What happened in Walnut Creek last weekend was unacceptable, but it seems to be over. Innocent people are being punished. By the way, it would be nice if some commenters would stop assuming Democrats are all on board with this. Generalizations are rarely true.
I’m glad to hear you say that. I don’t think anyone of either political party should be happy at the way things are being run right now, at any level of government.
TeacherMom, the question posed was about the shelter-in-place. No mention of curfews.
It’s time to ditch the term shelter in place. The state is headed towards Phase 3 of reopening, with some counties already in Phase 3. So that concept of sheltering doesn’t apply.
As for Contra Costa, non-essential businesses can now have in-store customers according to the county health department website. Business offices were opened this week too. After the next announcement on June 15, there won’t be much left that is still closed in Contra Costa County.
The toll lanes are back again, as the traffic is increasing, with more people able to go back to work.
The restrictions placed on retail should stay for a little while. Keep the spacing, try to prevent crowds inside stores. More so for the health of the workers, than the health of the customers.
Cities need to work on how to support restaurants, providing solutions for outdoor dining to make up for decreased number of tables inside an establishment.
There will still be some health precautions we need to take, and some people will still have a few changes to their normal routines. However, we’ve reach the point where most people will be actively getting back to work or going back to their regular hobbies.
Yes. And if protests are being held in Clayton, let’s get Concerts in the Grove back on schedule. It’s too much.
Agree 100%. It’s time to open everything back up.
Yes, I agree with President Trump and we should reopen all states but going forward we need to maintain social distancing and wear face masks. We need to get our workforce back to where President Trump got us before this China Virus (COVID 19) destroyed what he and all you hard workers have accomplished.!. He/We did it once and we certainly can do it again.!.
I just want to see this 2-week experiment.
Rioters, Looters, Arsonists, and Shooters have congregated in large, closely-tight, packs ranging from 100s to 1,000s over the course of 8 days.
If after 2 weeks, there are no spikes in COVID-19 cases, then there will have to be some explaining.
You better believe the politicians are going to try and wiggle out of it, but anybody that’s still got any common sense left had better see through the smoke screen. Either things get real bad, and they were irresponsible for encouraging these kind of protests/riots- or things aren’t terrible and there is no reason we should have still been locked down the way we were. They are going to try and explain it away, but it’s going to be a bunch of garbage.
It’s as little as 5 days to two weeks to see symptoms; so we’re already nearing that 5 day mark. I haven’t personally heard of a direct spike yet. Guess we’ll see the closer we get to the two week point. As you’ve said if we don’t see a spike then there will certainly have to be some explaining.
They will sweep it under the rug, just like the $1Billion of our money wasted on Chinese masks. So how will they try to explain the necessity of mail in ballots? Well, an asteroid may hit the earth, so just in case……..
The Shelter-in-Place is no longer in effect. The allowing of “non-essential” business to open for limited business on Wed. June 3 allows for people to leave their homes to visit those businesses. Therefore, no shelter-in-place.
But, you still need to wear a mask when you go to those places. 🙂
I say lift the shelter in place, and let individuals and businesses decide if they want to open back up. Let us device for ourselves what’s best for our own health!
I believe all businesses should open and the public should be left to decide if they want to visit those businesses.
After allowing the protests and riots to take place, the Dems have gotta be wracking their brains right now on how they’re going to spin this. If there is a Covid spike – especially in the AA community – they’re going to have to explain why they encouraged young people to gather in large groups. Especially when they’ve been warning for months that young people can catch it and spread it to older relatives . If there isn’t a spike, then they’re going to have to explain why the hell we had this SIP in the first place.
Good thing most of you are not in charge. None of you respect science or reality. This is real! COVID19 is here to get you. Fortunately we have authorities in charge who are trying to protect us. If you break the rules you will pay dearly. I have no sympathy for ignorance. I can’t believe most of you. I feel sorry for the innocent who could be victim to your dangerous actions.
I am glad that you must wear masks! At least they can curb that behavior.
Boo! Boogeyman gonna get’cha.
Take a pill Popcorn… you’re hysterical.
I’m an essential worker so I am out there 5 days a week, shop at whatever stores are open..I’d go to anyplace that’s open (legally or not).
I see unmasked people all over the place… most folks don’t wear the masks properly anyway.
Everything can reopen tomorrow & I doubt it will make much difference.
The hospitals won’t be overwhelmed and everyone knows this friggin virus isn’t nearly the plague it was cracked up to be.
You namby pambies can stay home & hide.
Never should have closed down businesses.
All the “experts” overreacted.
Brandi thanks for sharing a bunch of meaningless non sense. Your words inspire.
I do feel for the people that have had the misfortune of have their emotions manipulated by media and fear mongers. The CDC had pretty much back peddled on everything they said and have even come out and said they were wrong on some things. But that won’t keep people locked away so you won’t see that on your mainstream media outlets. Statistically, for example, a child has a better chance of getting struck by lightning than dying from covid. Make sure you keep your kids locked away if you see clouds. 😉
Pay dearly? How? Give me a ticket? I spoke to an officer recently, no mask … we were far enough a part.
Unfortunately the leaders we have are not following science. You seem to be stuck on LOCK EM UP without any evidence.
Popcorn, make sure you sleep with the light on and your security blanket nearby.
“You will pay dearly???”
Good God, popcorn. You seem to live in fear of your own shadow, and completely dependent on “Big Brother” to tell you when it’s “safe.” You ask a dozen doctors about COVID19 and its effects, transmissibility, etc, you’re going to get a dozen different answers.
Just keep cowering behind your keyboard with your hysterics and await orders from your masters.
The masks don’t protect you, they limit the spread of the aerosol virus from infected individuals. If you’re not infected, why wear it?
And given that so few rioters were wearing masks, why hasn’t there been a dramatic upturn in COVID19 infections and deaths? Theees. Or hi g that says it can’t be transmitted or infectious before 14 days…
Spare us the hysterical handwaving.
For a virus in which they inflated the death rate and is less deadly than the flu, they should’ve opened up quite a while ago. Our immune systems get strong when we are exposed to other germs. Leaving people sheltering in place with their own family members causes their immune system‘s to get weak. This goes on throughout our whole lives not just when you’re a baby or a small child. We need to be exposed to each other‘s germs. This is basic immunology. People who are highly immuno compromised or are sick should stay home.
You know what you know.
You are not expected to be an expert on race, or civil unrest management, or knowing the situation on the ground 1500 miles away.
And unless you ARE an expert on those things, you’re not an expert on those things.
So don’t pretend that you are. It’s poisonous, and we as a herd aren’t great at parsing a lie repeated five times from the truth – so be careful repeating -anything-.
This isn’t just about the riots here, it’s about everything. No one thinks less of you for not knowing something. Ask questions rather than stating a “fact” and waiting to be corrected to try its truth.
It’s also okay to ask questions of folks who do obviously know things privately (and it’s okay for them to not have the spoons to answer you).
When things get complicated you have to do some work. There’s no coasting through it and letting others handle it for you. It’s the only way to have a society.
OK, here is a question:
What exactly happened to the $1 Billion our Governor spent on masks to be manufactured by China?
Where are the masks? Where is the Money?
It seems a legitimate question.
Everything should open WITHOUT restrictions.
Covid was just a large misunderstanding, but at least we are safer.
Your comments are astonishing. You are all pretty much living in a world of complete denial. So anti reality. Just making up your own way of thinking is pretty risky. I would not trust any of you around older people or even any people. Such arrogance and ignorance too. I don’t know one person that believes the way you all do. Pitiful and very sad.
ILP – ” I don’t know one person that believes the way you all do”
Well of course not, how could you if you stay home hiding under the bed? You should get out more often.
Thank you for shining light on the failure of all or nothing thinking. Your satire is truly genius. You have done more for the truth then you get credit. It’s hard to get people to think. Your posts in previous times would be considered trolling. Keep lighting them up, they are starting to think for themselves
I see you were up late last night. Having nightmares about “the scourge”?
Let me help ease your fears, child. Here are some of the latest REAL numbers.
The latest CDC mortality estimates are .004%. This means your odds of dying of Covid is 4 in 1000.
1% of the counties in the country have 50% of the nation’s deaths.
90% of the deaths have happened in just 10% of the counties.
Approx 50% of the counties have 0 deaths.
42% of the deaths have occurred in nursing homes.
At the beginning of this mess, we had no idea what we were dealing with. We grudgingly went along with SIP because we all of the reports were God awful. But now shotgun approach is no longer needed. It has become obvious to the less hysterical that the best way to reduce covid deaths AND allow civil liberties is to use a rifle approach and tailor our response to protect the seniors and those with health issues (heart disease, renal failure, diabetes, obesity, etc.) If you fall into one of these categories, then stay isolated. If you don’t fall into a vulnerable category but are fearful, then stay isolated. If you just don’t feel like going out yet, stay isolated. But please stop preaching hysteria when the numbers don’t back your reality.
YOU ARE THE ONE IN DENIAL! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS ANTI REALITY! YOU ARE THE ARROGANT AND IGNORANT ONE! And your judgmental finger pointing does nothing but make potential allies to your cause roll their eyes and think, “There he goes again.”
I really think you would be much happier living in China or Cuba ,Venezuela or Russia . Then you would never have to think for yourself . Just follow orders from the government officals .
@The Professor:
That’s FAR too much math and statistics for someone who is so dependent on the government to tell them what to, when to do it, and what to say.
Popcorn will emerge from his safe room as soon as CNN gives him the all clear.
On Nov 3rd.
“I don’t know one person that believes the way you all do”
You need to get out of your popper more.
Wow! Look at all of the comments here by doctors and scientists. Didn’t know we had so many!
It’s not necessary to be a doctor or scientist to review verifiable data. All it takes is the ability to think critically.
Ha, says “you’re all denial” as YOU are the one in denial of the “science and data” that definitively proves it’s a narrow band of the population who are most vulnerable to the Chinese virus. For healthy people under 70 it is NOT EVEN more dangerous than seasonal flu.
You are wrong. Except you can be a carrier. Being selfish and inconsiderate go together. All ages are able to get this monster virus. COVID19 is a pandemic which cannot be ignored. It has not gone away. You cannot live the way you used to! Our mandated rules in retail and every business will not stand for it. You must wear your masks and the public will not let you encroach less than six feet. Your attitudes are pathetic, rude and very destructive. Good luck living like fools.
“All ages are able to get this monster virus.”
“Good luck living like fools.”
You write like a child. Good luck living out your days in isolation. If you call that living, more power to you.