Governor Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation declaring a statewide General Election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, and signed an executive order to ensure that Californians can exercise their right to vote in a “safe, secure and accessible manner” during the upcoming election.
“We are committed to protecting the hard-fought right for Californians to make their voices heard this November, even in the face of a pandemic,” said Governor Newsom. “As the demonstrations across the country remind us, civic participation is critical to our democracy. If we are to address the racial inequities that exist in our institutions, policies and representation, we must ensure that all eligible Californians have an opportunity to safely cast their ballot.”
Recognizing the threat COVID-19 continues to pose to public health, the Governor last month signed an executive order requiring county elections officials to send vote-by-mail ballots to Californians registered to vote in the General Election, while ensuring that those who may need to access in-person voting opportunities are able to.
To curb the spread of COVID-19, today’s order ensures in-person voting opportunities are available in sufficient numbers to maintain physical distancing. It requires counties that are unable to comply with current law to provide three days of early voting starting the Saturday before election day and requires ballot drop-box locations be available between October 6 and November 3, while also allowing counties to consolidate voting locations, with at least one voting location per 10,000 registered voters.
No mention of vetting the rolls, despite multiple counties showing more votes cast than registered voters- some by double-digit percentages. Democracy is being taken from us, brazenly.
Please cite your source(s).
Source for your claim?
CalOldBlue read the news.
“Not a smidgen…”
Let me know if you need any more sources:
Thanks, Noj. It’s hard to resist the temptation to do other people’s homework.
Dead people are receiving stimulus checks, why wouldn’t they be receiving ballots as well? /rhetorical/
So; NO sources that report “multiple counties showing more votes cast than registered voters”.
Like I said, these protests and riots being not just condoned but encouraged and allowed to occur unfettered by local/state govt shows there is no reason why a normal election can’t be held, and that Vote By Mail is unnecessary. Of course the hysteria-driven panic was just a pretext for VBM in the first place.
And before any of you say “we already have VBM”, no we do NOT, at least not in the form that is being rolled out now. We have had ABSENTEE VOTING where the voter must actively REQUEST the ballot and effectively sign a affidavit, whereas VBM is the govt just sending ballots to everyone on our unpurged voter rolls, which often includes people who have moved, died, or even noncitizens.
Further, you have the third-party USPS being entrusted to handle exponentially more ballots than they ever did under Absentee. And to cap it off, with the legalization of ballot harvesting in CA, there are basically no safeguards in the chain of custody…but of course all these flaws are EXACTLY why leftists are huge proponents of VBM.
Let’s be clear – it took a Civil War, 600,000+ dead to end slavery.
It took further protests, not always peaceful to end Jim Crow laws.
White America has taught Black America over the last hundreds of years that peacefully waiting for stuff to change doesn’t work.
@Rob literally what are your demands? George Floyd had asthma, a bad heart, was almost 60, was on high does of fentanyl and meth and was clearly inebriated at the time of arrest, if you read his autopsy and toxicology report. The autopsy shows he had a heart attack due to these factors combined with being restrained after refusing to be taken into custody in the police cruiser. The incident is being investigated, all the police involved are under arrest, yet people are still looting, raping, killing and rioting over a drug addict who once put a loaded pistol to a pregnant woman’s stomach while shaking her down for drugs and money, before one of his cohorts beat her. A black woman, and an unborn black baby, he threatened with a gun.
It’s a farce.
Way to go Capt. Miss The Point, none of your drivel about the Civil War or anything else has anything whatsoever to do with my point about Vote By Mail. But I will note that you support riots, looting, wanton destruction, because hey gotta crack a few eggs, amirite?
whatever this guys is a joke
Still trying to figure out what the dangers of going down and voting compared to attending a protest with no mask
If people can go out and protest and riot by the thousands they can get out and vote!
We no longer needs laws. Rule by proclamation, order, jucical panels, and emergency powers. Also add, social Justice, the media, shaming, and fear. How many will stand when politicians, policemen, and athletes kneel?
lime your vote matters
there were over 100,000 dead people spread over all counties
who voted for democrat last election
and they were dead for over a year
the demorats are abolishing the electoral college and basically steering elections in their favor …illegal yes but they do it anyways
Love that signature.
So he can deny it was his when he gets sued.It looks psychotic
@JJ: I was about to say the same thing…in a sarcastic sort of way.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
Apparently, he has a weak wrist as well as a weak spine.
Listen to the democrats howell. I hear Republicans have many in place to harvest ballots. So it may turn out to be a harvested election. Republicans will probably harvest all of the ballots in nursing homes and cemetaries.
I’m okay with absentee voting, but not comprehensive vote by mail, and I LOATHE ballot harvesting…that said, if harvesting is going to be allowed then yeah I guess might as well try to beat them at their own game.
Ho hum, whatever
California is blue state and it’s not going to change anytime soon. So, what does it matter?
I thought the same thing Barbosa, VBM will encourage rampant voter fraud. But at the end of the day, California is a blue state, so not seeing a change in outcome.
At the federal level sure but at the congressional level it matters. See Orange County last election. And of course it matters for the popular vote and it should matter to everyone that their vote is more valid than a dead persons or someone that had their ballet stolen. If you can’t see this for what it’s worth then you are willfully blind or you don’t care. As it is this state is in long term trouble as its non corrupt voters look to get out of here as fast as possible.
Yes, CA is a lost cause, the leftists won…BUT, it still matters on a national scale in Congress, particularly the House. Look at Orange County, 2018 midterms were soon after ballot harvesting was legalized in CA. At the end of election night, it’s something like 7-8 Republicans were ahead at the end of the night, in traditional Republican enclaves. But then the VBM ballots started to pour in, and elections that should be over ON election night or maybe a day or two longer if close, now they dragged on for 1-2 weeks, and like a miracle from heaven, wouldn’t ya know it, enough mail votes came in to give the Democrat a come-from-behind victory in every single one of those races. But I’m sure just a wild coincidence, nothing untoward happened there at all.
I am waiting for a democrat initiative to defund the police. Wouldn’t that be fun? It’s going to be like the old west folks plus throw in the Indian wars. I can hardly wait.
All they had to do was move the voting machines outside and require face coverings and social distancing, very simple. But that would not allow for massive voter fraud.
All of those words that make no sense. We would still have absentee ballots. Sometimes it takes rocks to fall on someones head.
The king has spoken, let it be done. What next? Prima nocta?
Hee hee. Saw what you did there. 🙂
Give that man a Crayon.
It’s ironic we have the best weather in the country and the worst politicians.
This guy shouldnt be able to get elected dog catcher let alone Governor.
There he goes again, giving himself the power to be the executive and the legislative branch! It is unconstitutional what he is doing, he doesn’t care though , the rules don’t apply to him in his opinion !, POS !!! Recall Newscum 2020 !
Resign you worthless puppet.
Couldn’t keep your zipper up when you were mayor.
Why would anyone in this state think you care about them one bit.
Hey why were you always traveling to China when you were mayor of San Francisco?
Love the beginning of paragraph 4: “To curb the spread of Covid-19…”. Sorry, Gav-Meister but that ship has sailed. Using the virus as a reason or excuse for anything is OVER! Allowing thousands of protestors to gather together for hours and, also, travel from city to city to gather – totally killed using that argument for anything!
I appreciate that he took the lead on this ahead of what the president was saying on Twitter. Even if we can and do vote in person, the ability to vote from home if we happen to be stuck in our homes is a big deal.
Why anyone is sitting here saying this is a bad idea is beyond me. Do you want them to declare Marshall Law because of the riots and/or pandemic, be stuck inside your homes and have no way of voting for this next election? Or is that why all of you are saying this is ridiculous are hoping for? That we can’t vote and that keeps this president in his place?
@Sarah….Marshall Dillion would have used his six-shooter if he had to keep the law. You might want to Google “martial law”.
So it’s OK to protest and loot without social distancing, but we need mail in ballots to be safe. How dumb does he think we are?
Don’t answer that.
now LA wants to cut the LE budget by $100-150 mil and give the money to placate the blacks. LOL it won’t be enough! whatever number you come up with they will just ask for more.
If they cut LE funding and put it into those communities – then they should cut LE services to those communities.
excellent point! maybe by $100-150 mil 🙂
How does giving away money end racism?
It sounds like he is trying to pay off racism, that’s quite different.
Promise ‘em more free stuff – works every time.
Just another pelosi puppet
People should read the order. There will still be in-person voting: “Nothing in this Order shall be construed to limit the extent to which in-person voting opportunities are made available in connection with the November 3, 2020 General Election. It is the intent of this Order that my Administration continue to work with the Legislature and the Secretary of State to determine how requirements for in-person voting opportunities and other details of the November election will be implemented—guided by California’s longstanding commitment to making its elections accessible, as enshrined in existing California law”