Contra Costa County has rescinded its countywide curfew, effective today, according to County Administrator David Twa.
The order states that “As Contra Costa County’s Administrator of Emergency Services, I have reviewed, on a daily basis, the conditions that necessitated the June 2, 2020, Countywide curfew. At this point, it appears that the public order and safety has generally been restored in Contra Costa County and it is therefore appropriate to lift the emergency Countywide curfew.”
The order further states that “This action does not affect any city curfews that remain in effect. Cities will make their own determination as to whether curfews continue to be needed within their commercial districts or other areas within those cities.”
“We all continue to want peaceful protests and encourage everyone to stay safe,” said Twa.
note: The cities of Clayton and Pleasant Hill have also rescinded their curfews.
A curfew is a good thing for a lot of people.
I think it is outrageous that the voters have allowed the rule of law to be weakened to this point.
Criminals have to live in fear of breaking the law and punishment for breaking the law should be harsh.
Amen someone has some common sense. The thing that scares me are that directors like Laura and our health depts will never be penalized for their actions. I for one will never vote for these people.
Public order & safety were not restored.
Rioters looted what they wanted from this city & moved on to another city so they’re no longer here.
Public order & safety were not restored – Looters & Rioters left.
so why do we have a county board if the cities can do what they want ???
County government has absolute authority over unincorporated areas of the county, but not over cities. The same way that states’ laws can overrule federal laws if they are more restrictive than the federal laws, cities’ laws can overrule County laws if they are more restrictive than the County laws.
There supposedly may be protests in Martinez on Friday and Monday.
Reference: I work for County Health Services; previously for the Clerk-Recorder’s office, and before that at the State Department of Public Health in Richmond.
Time to open up the riot business. Follow L.A.
The right of people to loot shall not be infringed.
Curfew is lifted, SIP still in place, nothing has really changed
Interesting, I just watched the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor meeting 6/2 and there is no longer SIP, it’s called ‘mitigation in place’ now meaning high risk individuals should do what’s best for them…the shackles are off the rest of us, folks! Of course masks, social distancing, washing hands and staying home when feeling ill are still advised—-this straight from Farnitano.
ph voters did not want to sell their library but the county board took it and sold it
makes no sense that the county says something then defers to city
sounds like everyone is afraid to make a decision
that’s great the ones in charge afraid of their own shadows
sounds like we need new reps …ones who can deal with the new norm of abnormal and insanity and lawlessness
I agree with you that we need new reps, but, the problem is that the only people signing up to become reps are or will be doing it to benefit themselves and not us, citizens. So, getting new reps will be same story but different day.
yeah Rando it does make sense. Unless you enjoy pumas chewing chunks out your legs. Try it you like it.
Vote Republican
@Gebetex –
“I used to be disgusted, now I’m just amused.”
Sounds like a plan except that we need to share the planet with people that are too stupid or so quilt-ridden that they don’t realize the SIP they tout is contrary to protesting the cause they spew.
And Walnut Creek still plans to keep their curfew in place for 4 more days?
Keep emailing the county about opening up Contra Costa County!
The gig is up, we have plenty of data.
Open your businesses, even if not allowed.
Have church service before the 15th, and do it indoors if you have enough space and ventilation.
You know, civil, peaceful protest.
If they riot and loot, we can go out and eat food!
If you drive through Walnut Creek – you can see how well it is boarded up. It must have cost a fortune. How much is all of this costing?
Order RESTORED? Hahahahaha, oh man what a hoot, “restored.” Um, let’s try a bunch of hood rats were given free reign and literal police escorts (from cops on stand-down orders) to come vandalize and loot. Then they wore themselves out and left…you feckless morons didn’t “restore” a DAMN thing.
Y’know, I don’t really care why the curfew’s over. I’m just glad it is. Especially for anyone whose livelihood has been impacted.
Can we hit rewind on this whole stupid year?
I understand Concord has not lifted the curfew.
Is it true there is a protest planned at Todos Santos on Saturday?
Anyone know?
yeah ummm it’s hot. Most dopers are completely unaware impeded and generally speaking ******. Nice.
Stay off the roads or else.
Now do you think you can make even wider vehicles, narrower traffic lanes and tail gaters that completely ignore all safe vehicle operations ?
Ummm yeah I’m not from this area. Duh really hard to tell.
Do you think children, pets and even seasoned veterans can survive in such a harsh climatic environment ? Where’s those useless pushers of high density housing non sense when they install freeways in one’s own front yard ? If you want to continue to install such projects and buildings by all means install them on you own roof tops. GEEEZ.
You should be fired. And you know who I am talking too.
The stealth Concord curfew is still in effect, 8pm to 5a, until Monday morning. Concord City Council enacted it Tuesday but did not publicize it until last night on Facebook, after Contra Costa County lifted its curfew. facebook.com/CityofConcordCA/
Concord lifted the curfew an hour ago.