Home » CoCo County To Ease COVID-19 Restrictions, Several Businesses Reopening On June 3

CoCo County To Ease COVID-19 Restrictions, Several Businesses Reopening On June 3


Contra Costa County residents can shop at local retail stores, get childcare and hang-out with small groups of loved ones starting June 3, according to the health department.

Indoor retail shopping, business offices, outdoor museums, and pet grooming are among the businesses that will reopen in Contra Costa County under the latest shelter-in-place order released today. With this reopening, companies like Total Image Group can help businesses ensure their staff is outfitted with professional uniforms and workwear, suitable for various sectors. The order also permits services that don’t require close customer contact, such as housekeeping, car washes, plumbing, and pet grooming, making it essential for these businesses to look professional and maintain brand consistency, which Total Image Group can provide.

The new health order also allows small outdoor social gatherings, as well as childcare and camps for all children, not just children of essential workers. Those childcare services and camps still can only have up to 12 children in stable cohorts.

Libraries can reopen for curbside pickup service and protests of up to 100 people will also be permitted. Religious services will be able to resume on June 15, although with some limitations. In the coming days, the County will be consulting with the state about reopening swimming pools and outdoor dining.


To date, 37 people have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa, a county with a population of 1.15 million people.

All eight hospitals in the county have said they now have a 30-day supply of personal protective equipment, one of the five reopening indictors.

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Now Communist banditry is a far greater threat to us than the Chinese virus. Lovely times we live in.

don’t get caught singing in church though

Cases have not gone down. There are still more and more cases. I think this is going to backfire.

No one is forcing you to go outside, just continue to stay home.

Stay home then. More parking for us and less cars on the road.

Then you can stay home for the next year. Lock yourself in your house. Whoever is going to get the virus would have already had gotten it now since we’ve been through so many quarantine periods.

Yes, there have been around 25-35 more cases a day, but of these, only 11 people have been hospitalized. The majority have mild cases or no symptoms at all

So a DOG can get groomed but not a HUMAN? What are these outside museums they are talking about? Where is one in CCC? You’re ok to get together with a “small group of loved ones” Oh please.

This is by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Read the press release here

Karen Mitchoff’s Chief of Staff: Email her and tell them to REOPEN NOW!! Anne.O@bos.cccounty.us

Hey look, they finally opened us up just in time to issue a countywide curfew.

This is planned, this is strategic, this was plotted from within.

Open your businesses, your restaurant, as soon if/ when the looting subsides, and tell the county to pound sand.

37 deaths
divided by
1.15 million people
* 100%
= ~0.0032 %

Yep and the CA and US economy destroyed

Your math is correct, and that was exactly the point. There’s no way to know how many more people would have been infected. The actions taken have kept the number of infections and death low in Contra Costa as compared to other nearby counties. How would you feel about 370 deaths? What’s a life worth?

Chris, we were told the actions taken were to avoid overwhelming the medical facilities by spreading infections out over time. Mission accomplished. If you think the lockdown was about achieving a lower mortality rate, you’re misinformed.

So Chris, are you condemning the people out protesting right now that aren’t following these recommendations? If it results in even one more death, isn’t that too much? They are not following the recommended county actions you speak of.

This whole thing has been about different standards for different groups. Large corporations can stay open and rake in profits, while small businesses that could probably operate more safely are forced to close. Some groups are banned from going out and protesting, while others are endorsed by the same politicians to go out and do it on a larger and more dangerous scale.

Rollo, nope I’m not misinformed at all, and I agree that the purpose of the order was to flatten the curve. The natural result of flattening the curve is to be able to provide medical care to those who need at, and there is the additional result of fewer people contracting the disease in the first place. How do you separate these issues that are clearly connected?

“…and there is the additional result of fewer people contracting the disease in the first place.”

Please provide your data in support of that assumption.

TD – I dont recall condemning anyone. Please don’t assume what I might think to try and argue against what I never said. I agree that big business received a huge advantage while others suffered. I agree with the right to protest injustice. Fighting to protect rights is important to the success of our society. But if you can take actions to protect yourself and others, isn’t that also to the benefit of your community?

Chris, you’re right I did make some assumptions there and for that I’m sorry. I think there’s a certain frustration with the “what’s a life worth to you?” phrase, that has been commonly used for the past several months. There have been people, like myself, that have had concerns about how effective some of these measures were becoming, and whether they weren’t possibly causing more harm than good. A common method for trying to bully people for even theoretically posing questions of that nature, has been for others to imply you are some sort of monster that wants people to die and ask how much a life is worth. And to suggest if even one life is saved it’s worth whatever else we do.

As time went on, and more data came in, I really started to disagree with aspects of the SIP more and more. Particularly, politicians continually referencing science, but then making arbitrary and capricious decisions. I felt my personal risk factor was very low. But, I respect society and its rules and I have continued to follow them in regards to the SIP. Then, a few days ago a good portion of the people who have been lecturing us for months, and telling people they were selfish if they even theoretically questioned the SIP or suggested even slightly loosening its restrictions, just went out and started exposing everyone to Covid in just about the most egregious ways imaginable. They’re breaking every rule they sanctimoniously preached about for months instantly, because they suddenly decided they wanted to go do something else.

– You’re wrong. Mitigation was about slowing the rate of infection to give the medical community time to gear-up and so they would not be overwhelmed. We were promised multiple times by the highest levels of HHS and CDC that mitigation would not affect the NUMBER of people infected, only the rate at which they are infected.

Now that COVID-19 is proven to be a nothingburger, the Doomers are changing the narrative and saying mitigation decreased the number of people infected.

Rollo – Okay, you got me. I don’t have any data on who didn’t contract a disease through shelter-in-place or social distancing. Same could be said for wearing seatbelts, vaccinations, or any number of other issues. It’s not really possible to provide a statistic on things that didn’t happen. I will continue look at issues and apply common sense to form an opinion, and yet reasonable people will always disagree. I think that keeping people from infecting one another through social distancing and other actions has lead to fewer infections. I would also agree that there could have been other methods of dealing with the issue so that people were protected and the financial hit may have been reduced. None of that changes my belief that fewer people got sick and there were fewer deaths due to the restrictions put in place. It isn’t a statement of 100% unwavering support for decisions that were made, it is simply a belief the under different circumstances, there would have been a different outcome.

.0037% is definitely a good thing and proves the strict measures we have taken have been working. There are a lot more deaths in other states where the government didn’t act as quickly. We obviously can’t do this forever but the effort has been worth it.

It allows only small outdoor gatherings and not until June 3rd. But, the governor said he supports these large protests with tons of people crowded together. Is this the “science” that everyone keeps referring to?

Yeah, we went from “why do we have politicians when SCIENCE tells us what to do” to “justice is more important than social distancing” real, real fast.

This kind of news story would be so great with a link to the new health order …

Swimming? Sitting by the pool ?

Barber Shops
I guess it’s time to drive to Napa.
Contra Costa won’t get the tax. Too bad so sad.

Good news for those who got furloughed but aww bummer, I’ve been enjoying working from home in my robe…

I just don’t get this. They allow protests of up to 100 people ?! but limit gatherings … so why don’t 99 of my closest buddies and I just get together and say we are “protesting” .


It’s science, don’t question it, or the “experts”.

Who wants to shop in a boarded up store full of fearful employees?
We are all toast.

Can the Pet Groomer give me a haircut, I’ll bark twice and leave the tip on the floor 🙂

Just don’t lift your leg up in the salon!

I think that might work. Just make sure your owner…Sorry….Caregiver brings you to the groomer. Still laughing with that visual. Especially the tip on the floor. Great post.

Kids, remember- there are fat slobs sitting around watching t.v. just waiting for you to break a window so that they can blabber about how you (minorities) are scum of the earth,


Covid-19 restrictions are OVER in light of hundreds of protesters and looters taking to the streets! Protesters can exercise their right, but WE can’t??!! Many of the looters and protesters aren’t being fined and jailed, but we are fined if we open our businesses and forced to SIP, stand 6feet apart, mask wearing??!! Can’t go back to work until THEY say we can?! The hypocrisy is right in our face!! Unbelievable!!!

But protesting in groups of thousands is still ok, right?
And Church gatherings still must be under 100, right?

Read the article: “protests of up to 100 people will also be permitted.” You are off by a zero.

For those of you questioning human v dog cuts–do dogs spread COVID-19 as humans do?

But protesting in groups of thousands is still ok, right?
And Church gatherings still must be under 100, right?
Makes sense to me. *Not*

Why do I keep seeing so many hateful posts on this forum?

This is great news! I’m glad we have reached the recommended threshold for safely expanding our activities. I appreciate the work of our health care workers and the swift action of our local leaders to help keep as many of us as safe as possible.

Let’s hope everyone continues to act responsibly and courteously as we all navigate these difficult times.

Why? Do you read?

Protests up to 100 people are allowed, but social gatherings are limited to small groups. Does that make sense to you?

Contra Costa County residents can shop at local retail stores, get childcare and hang-out with small groups of loved ones starting June 3, according to the health department.

Aw, ain’t that nice of them?

Aren’t those folks just the best?

Part of the reason they won’t be opening more businesses is because they still need to triple the amount of testing. Well, whose fault is THAT? I say it is the fault of the County Health Department. Why haven’t they been testing people?
I read an article that said the majority of the cases in CA came from nursing homes, prisons, food processing plants, and large parties. So why doesn’t the County Health Department go into every single prison and nursing home and food processing place with mobile testing sites and test every single employee, patient, prisoner, guest, guard in the place?

Mandated testing. How perfectly authoritarian of you.

How convenient, and just in time, a new crisis arises so we can magically forget about the virus for now.

Once again, All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. I guess it will have to be Backyard Church for the small gatherings, and a 100 person outdoor ‘protest’ at Church facilities. And now, one more time:
Almost cut my hair
Happened just the other day
It’s gettin’ kind of long
I could’ve said it was in my way
But I didn’t and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, to someone, yeah

Must be because I had the flu this Christmas
And I’m not feeling up to par
And increases my paranoia
Like looking in my mirror and seeing a police car…
Thanks for the memories, CSNY!

Many of these protest exceed 100, so the County saying 100 is O.K. They say that so they can justify only 100 in a church gathering. I would venture to say if there were 200 in a church service nothing would happen as far as arrest. If this Covid-19 is really that bad and easily spread we should see numbers spike within the next two weeks. If not, get on with living, because if your not living your dying.

Time to stand as a community and support local businesses. If you are a business, and know your way around Facebook and social media, please start a group and have local businesses post up that they are open and breaking the law. I will support any and all businesses that open against these tyrant commies we loosely call our leaders. Enough is enough.

Here’s the bar we have to meet to close up shop. Out of 1.16 million people in our county the death rate (37 people died) is 0.0007%. So, ask yourself, how much would it take to be above the bar in order to justify another shut down? I’d say the bar (since they are starting to open up) is 0.0007% in order to shut it down again for any disease they deem is so called “threat”.

@Denise I understand your frustration. When
you do the math for percentage, you have to move the decimal point 2 spaces to the left. the actual number is .0037, which is still a small number. We can’t give in to posters who don’t care about the math! I support opening businesses and am interested in helping out in any way possible.

So yeah, my church has been meeting the last two weeks already in our parking lot. We all sit in our car, listen through big speakers and only get out of car for communion. So, not sure what they are saying about waiting till June 15th .. county director can go pound sand!

Protests up to a 100, but I bet you they are not issuing citations.

This ‘release’ allowed by the wanna be dictator means nothing. Nothing has changed with his new ‘privileges’ he is allowing us to have. Nothing … Kinda matches what is between ears!

I wished they mentioned masks; either as a requirement or highly recommended. COVID-19 is still floating around. So stay safe.

The headless Galloanserae’s at the health department refuse to relinquish their power.

They will hold on to their power over the people as long as they can.

They’ll string this reopening out until fall hoping a new virus will come along so they can justify their power and keep their knob heeled boots on the necks of the people.

So I can’t see my parents but now 100 strangers can get together? They feel like strangers at this point, so SIP is over? This is ridiculous and confusing 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’ve often wondered about the number of ‘cases’, are these people who test positive with or without symptoms, are these only the first test or are subsequent tests counted, what is the distribution geographically? Are these cases found by contact tracing, or people who randomly show up?

They are never going to get to the number of daily tests they want unless they start paying us big bucks to be tested or pass another stupid law to require testing and fine us if we don’t comply. Even then it’s iffy. Wonder if they have enough work for the contact tracers?

If you want to hold a huge gathering for any reason, just put up a big picture of George Floyd and they will leave you alone. Pathetic but true. Dishonest, but true. Our Governor says it’s our fault. I should say he is full of ****.

All I can say is that I am sorely disappointed in the leadership of Gavin Newscum, Luella Haskell and Countra Costa County Health. After driving through downtown and seeing everything boarded up, barricaded and shattered, I can promise you that I will never look at certain people the same again. I had heard about riots in Chicago from my grandma who lived her life hating you know whats because of it. I tried not to listen and convince her otherwise. She seemed close-minded and scarred for life. But now that we’ve been given permission to hate ALL police based on a few officers, I too find myself hating ALL because of the tens of thousands of lawless creeps setting back progress hundred of years.

Leadership and Newsom are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.

and as America and Americans are divided by forces of the left, our enemies see they don’t have to invade us. all they have to do is use the ignorance of our youth, the anger of the blacks and the anarchist to destroy us from within.

I just want to get my HAIR CUT!!!!!!



p.s. if you aren’t aware El Dorado county is or soon will be open for haircuts. i think you will need an appointment however. 2hr drive and we can all start to feel civilized again well other than the looting, burning, wanton destruction of property all over a known violent criminal who sadly died in police custody.

Remember the David Bowie song, This Is Not America? “A little piece of you, a little piece of me, will die”?

I grieve for my nation. Rather than march and protest, may I suggest that my fellow believers in God do a prayer walk in your own neighborhood? Pray for your neighbors and great them with a smile and wave if you see them. The prayers of a righteous person are effective!

We need to stay home until at least Jan 1, 2021. I’m calling on elected officials to not reopen our state. This COVID-19 PANIC is very serious. We must 1st flatten the curve like Gov. Newsom said. Where is the Leadership? Stay home it saves lives otherwise we will die! You have been warned.



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