By Louis Freedberg – EdSource
Students should be encouraged but not required to use face coverings when California schools reopen for classroom instruction, according to a draft of “interim guidance” from the state obtained by EdSource.
However, all staff should use face coverings, according to the document, which sources familiar with it say was drawn up by the California Department of Public Health in collaboration with the governor’s office.
That is only one of the numerous issues addressed in the document on what schools need to take into account when reopening. The guidelines, it says, are based on “the best available public health data at this time, international best practices and the practical realities of managing school operations.”
School administrators around the state have been grappling with the multi-dimensional complexities of reopening schools in a system that serves over 6 million students, by far the largest enrollment in the nation.
What is striking about the guidance, at least in its draft form, is the flexibility that it would allow school districts on multiple issues.
The document acknowledges the diversity of California’s districts and communities. It says that implementation of the guidance “will depend on local public health conditions” and “should be tailored for each setting,” taking into account “the needs of students and families.”
One of the biggest worries of school administrators is how to ensure social distancing in a school setting.
Significantly, the draft guidance does not require 6-feet distancing for students, except for 6 feet between the teacher’s desk and their students. Rather, it calls “for maximizing space between seating, desks and bedding” and for schools to consider various ways “to establish separation of students through other means if practicable.” Those could include “6 feet between desks, partitions between desks, markings on classroom floors to promote distancing or arranging desks in a way that minimizes face-to-face contact.”
Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to announce his widely anticipated guidance on school re-openings soon, perhaps as early as Friday. Jesse Melgar, Newsom’s press secretary, declined to comment on the draft guidance but said “the administration is committed to continuing to work with all stakeholders to support the safe re-opening of schools.”
Terms like “to the extent practicable,” “as much as practical” and “to the extent possible” are dotted throughout the 10-page document.
Here’s one example: “Students should remain in the same space and in groups as small and consistent as practicable,” and schools should “keep the same students and teacher or staff with each group to the greatest extent practicable.”
In addition, schools should “limit communal activities where possible. If this is not possible, stagger use, properly space occupants and disinfect between uses.” It also calls on schools “to minimize congregate movement through hallways as much as practicable.” For example, schools should designate “more ways to enter and exit a campus,” and set up “staggered passing times when necessary, or when students cannot stay in one room.”
As for staff who become ill, schools should provide “flexible sick leave” – once again “to the extent practicable.”
The document seems to be responding to concerns raised by many school administrators about the difficulties of having younger children wear masks, or maintaining social distance at all times in large middle and high schools where students have to move from one classroom to another throughout the school day.
The guidance, at least in its draft form, ducks the issue of what to do about school sports and extracurricular activities. It does say that schools should limit gatherings to those where physical distancing is possible along with “proper hand hygiene. Further advice on those issues “is forthcoming,” according to the document.
wait so now newscum is a superintendent
a sociologist and a traffic coordinator
I mean they said
Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to announce his( widely anticipated )guidance on school re-openings
wow I ddi not know he was an expert or even knew anything about schools since he defunds them to pay for illegals and dem campaigns
I thought he wanted to have the children down trodden and undermine their education so the dems could control them …..
this seems yet again very hypocritical for a dem to care about children and their education
wow well he either has highly paid writers and publicists to sound careing or he is lying …..
wont be surprised about either one
not one dem politician has ever stood up and said where is the money for education ……they only take from it
and still people vote for them ….never understood that
I guess kids education is a non thing … this state …sad really
politics over education I guess
Did anyone consult a psychologist when drafting this idea? You cant do that to kids. The optionality is fine for staff but kids cant tolerate that variance. This would be a breeding ground for infighting and bullying. Let them wear them if they want but don’t put any sort of recommendation behind it.
Terms like “to the extent practicable,” “as much as practical” and “to the extent possible” are dotted throughout the 10-page document Should, maybe, if you can. This document is useless.
All for a fake virus that has NEVER been isolated on a petri dish. What I just claimed is true. Please research it on your own!
Viruses cannot be grown or isolated in a Petri dish. They are not bacteria.
Read a book for God sake.
Anyone who knows anything about children (which excludes our State Superintendent of Schools, evidently), knows that children are not going to remain 6 feet apart. It simply isn’t in their nature or how they are wired. We need full-time classroom instruction for our students ASAP. Our schools are already failing students in the Mount Diablo School District, let’s not abuse them!
Looking for the fine print that states ” Don’t cover your mouth when you cough, as it might cause emotional distress”.
This doesn’t sound like it will help with the other safety issues that we need at schools such as an aggressor getting on campus and causing a physical danger to students. Having “more ways to enter and exit a campus,” and set up “staggered passing times when necessary, or when students cannot stay in one room” means it would be harder to lock down and contain people if needed.
How do you feed 1,400 students during brunch and lunch with face masks on in a crowded cafeteria?
With a hose. Kinda like the hose our governor is using on us.
IF you have doubts about home schooling and are concerned about overall safety of your children, fear not. Just look at how progressive liberals have done, how spot on they are on “reducing” crime and how well they protected our elderly during this pandemic with their best ideas.
Thankful my Great Grandson is still a few years away from being subjected to ‘an education.’
These idiots need to shut it.
They were not elected, there is no crisis and death rate is .02%.
It’s about control.
I question the motivation behind the community pushing on the politicians so hard to reopen schools in the fall. SCIENCE tells us that the main factors in transmission of SARS-CoV-2 are how many virus particles are in the air and how long one exposed to the virus. In an enclosed space, such as a secondary classroom you have 30-37 humans breathing the same air for 55 minutes at a time. Some in masks, some not. Sounds pretty risky, doesn’t it?
SCIENCE also tells us that asymptomatic carriers of SARS-CoV-2 aren’t sick! They don’t feel sick, don’t look sick and won’t have a fever! One asymtomatic person in the room of 30-37 humans could infect everybody.
Please remember that Public School isn’t your free day care. Teachers aren’t free babysitters. If you truly want what is best for our community, sending K-12 kids back into the classroom without a VACCINE isn’t what is best for the community. It may be best for YOU, but it isn’t best for all of US.
I’m not sure why you use “SCIENCE” is all caps.
Are you indicating that it is some omniscient intelligence to be obeyed without question?
Science is a tool. A tool only as good as it’s user. It is by no means unanimous in it’s conclusions. It’s findings can be corrupted as easily as the politicians that fund it.
Without morality, science has no value to our society. As such we should think critically when evaluating it’s findings.
Science is not a higher power and should never be deferred to as if it were.
Every parent has the option to home school their kid.
Shouldn’t they also have the sole decision to vaccinate?
If vaccinations are so safe, why does Big Pharma have legal immunity, preventing them from being sued from harm caused by the vaccines?
@chrissy – You mentioning school is “ free “ babysitting made me laugh. Nothing is “ free”. Our taxes cover those cost. How about we get vouchers, and let parents decide where they want to send their kids. Relying on a vaccine is a joke. If vaccines actually worked, we wouldn’t see The Flu each year, and millions dying. Viruses mutate. There will never be a vaccine that prevents COVID. Did you know vaccines such as measles don’t always work. Many who get vaccines don’t make the antibodies necessary to prevent any illness. A lot of measles outbreaks are among vaccinated kids. Don’t allow Big Pharma and the media to give you a false sense of security, especially when it’s all about money.
@ Chrissy – SCIENCE also tells us that 80% or more that contract the virus fully recover in a relatively short time. Only 5% or less experience severe illness or death. Therefore, it is better for the students to return to class.
Also, we cannot deprive our students of an education indefinitely. I have witnessed first-hand the devastation “distance learning” caused among low income students. Many of them failed the last quarter of school, some have to repeat the grade. Without in-person teaching, these students will fail again, setting them on a path of ongoing failure.
What you propose is preposterous and cruel.
I 100% agree with Chuckles wife
This “guidance” is how liars talk after they’ve been caught in a lie and must save face.
“Saving face” is an appropriate metaphor, as many of us intuitively understand that the mask requirements are about control and shaming the population to that end.
A new study came to the conclusion that face masks have no benefit or even a negative benefit.
Another data analysis came to a similar conclusion
Face masks can cause skin damage which leads to its own health problems, concludes this study
I trust science and fact more than anything, and I agree that kids are NOT going to stay 6 feet apart. I agree that staggered start times, breaks and lunches is ridiculous. I agree that increasing entrances and exits to middle and high schools is “something bad/stupid” waiting to happen. And like Chrissy, I agree that school isn’t daycare because too many parents send sick kids to school thinking it’s just a little cold.
Any plan to reopen school should be a priority, but also keep in mind the safety of the kids, teachers and admins that will be there all day making it happen. The bottom line is no matter what you believe, nobody likes the idea of sick kids, especially if there’s a chance that the school could become a source for illness instead of healing. And we owe our teachers the respect of sending kids to school as ready as they can be to learn- and that means, not coughing all over the place, COVID or no COVID.