Home » Tolls To Resume For Express Lanes On Bay Area Highways

Tolls To Resume For Express Lanes On Bay Area Highways


Tolls will resume on express lanes in the Bay Area as traffic volumes have increased amid the easing of restrictions in the region’s shelter-in-place orders related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission announced Wednesday.

Beginning at 5 a.m. Monday, express lanes on Interstate Highway 580 in Alameda County, Interstate Highway 680 in Contra Costa County, state Highway 237 in Santa Clara County and southbound Highway 680 over the Sunol grade in Alameda and Santa Clara counties will resume weekday tolling that has been suspended since March 20.

According to the MTC, weekday traffic in most Bay Area highway corridors is now at least 60 percent as high as the levels reported during the same period last year.

FasTrak transponders are necessary to use for drivers on most of the express lanes, although carpoolers and motorcyclists can still use the southbound Highway 680 one without a FasTrak device.


Between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m., signs over the lanes will display toll rates, which can rise or fall depending on the level of congestion on the highway.

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Things haven’t opened up all that much, have they? Bay Area counties are still pretty locked down. My guess is that traffic has increased because people are traveling to counties that are open. People want to return to a semblance of normal life. Two and a half months of severe restriction is more than enough for anybody.

Tolls resume before all business’s can resume?

The state wants your money.

I’ve been enjoying the easy commute since the lockdown started, but traffic is definitely getting heavier in the last couple of weeks.

I support people who want to go back to work, but I’m sure going to miss the light traffic.



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