Home » The Water Cooler – Are You Addicted To Caffeine? What’s Your Favorite Drink?

The Water Cooler – Are You Addicted To Caffeine? What’s Your Favorite Drink?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: How many cans/cups of soda/coffee do you drink a day? Do you think you are ‘addicted’ to caffeine or can you stop drinking it anytime? Also, what’s your favorite caffeinated drink?


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Yeah, I’m probably addicted to caffeine. Been a 2+ cups a day drinker for 50 years. Started out with supermarket coffee, Hills Bros., Folgers, Maxwell House, etc. Today my favorite is Jaocob’s Wonderbar from Philz. Some say coffee have antioxidant properties, so not that concerned about the addition.

OH, no-no- no! I already bounce off the walls without Caffeine,…would drive my Hubby crazy.

That is so darn funny Roz. My wife is the same exact way. Our families are so much alike it’s crazy.

My favorite is Beer…I can typically live without Caffeine for the most part.

Simonpure ~
That is Funny! Also, Hubby drinks a whole pot of leaded coffee in the morning, tons of water through the day, then beer in the evenings. Beer is his favor too. When it’s time to ‘Hit the Hay’, he’s out in 3 minute. LOL!

I used to drink a lot of extremely strong coffee solely for the effect of the caffeine. About four years ago I developed an allergy to caffeine and consequently it can now trigger a bad headache. I didn’t have a problem stopping, so I would say I wasn’t addicted. I never really liked the taste of coffee, so I don’t miss it. What I do miss is Pepsi and Dr. Pepper, so now it seems the only soda I can drink without caffeine is ginger ale and orange soda, and I don’t like 7 Up. I found some root beers must have caffeine even though it isn’t listed on the ingredients, because they can also trigger a headache.

I miss Jolt Cola.

Yes. One monster ultra, 1 bulletproof coffee every other day, 1-2 cup of green tea, and on occasion a second monster ultra or a Zevia cola/tea/energy.

I usually have one coffee drink in the mornings and sometimes one in the evening. These days it is mostly a press coffee and going into summer I may make some cold brew too.

I did for years own consumer espresso machines but they often go bad after a few years with leaks or the pump goes out. The last on made a good espresso but began leaking and even opening up it was difficult to find where the leak was. I can walk away anytime and sometimes at points in the year do that for a week or two.

Cascadian Glee founded many years ago.

I like Cowboy Coffee!
Here’s the recipe for a good strong cup.

Boil some water in a coffee pot over
an open fire. (Especially tasty on
Spare the Air Days).
Add ground coffee beans.
Keep adding ground coffee beans
until a horseshoe will float on top.
Drink up and you’ll be able to outrun
your horse! Espresso is dish water
compared to Cowboy Coffee.

I’ll see your Cowboy coffee and raise you a longshoreman’s coffee.

How do you know if you got longshoreman’s coffee? You put a stainless steel spoon into a cup of coffee. One of 2 things have to happen. 1) spoon starts dissolving. or 2) spoon stands up vertical.

Grrr! You’re all drinkin’ lolly water! How do you know when you’re drinking Compliance Auditor coffee? You don’t drink Compliance Auditor coffee – Compliance Auditor coffee drinks YOU!

Two cups in the morning cream and sugar. Maybe one at night after dinner. I get headaches if I skip my coffee. I am an addict.

I’m not addicted, but I do drink a couple of pots of coffee every day. I drink it Navy style, just coffee. Any sailor will tell you that if you want cream or sugar, you should have joined the Air Force.

True that !!!

My husband calls his “Marine Corps coffee”, sometimes “high octane coffee” or “high test coffee”.

Right now my favorite labels are Paul Newman’s and Peet’s, and I have a double-large mug with a slurp of half-and-half in there. Iced coffee is delicious, too. But I do switch to decaf if I drink any in the afternoon/evening.

Back on USS Ustrafish, we had a Chief Torpedoman who assumed every cup of coffee in “his” torpedo room belonged to him. A junior Torpedoman got tired of always having his coffee hijacked by the Chief, so one day, he dumped about a half a cup of sugar in his coffee, and left it in the torpedo room. The Chief took a mouthful, and his eyes got huge. He spit the coffee back into the cup and hollered that someone had messed with “his” coffee!

Am not addicted to caffeine, I drink it to ensure your safety.

I get a speeding ticket even though I parked my car for drinking coffee

I start my morning with breakfast and a very strong cup of tea (today ice tea w/lemon because of the heat). Sometimes when I work I will go to Starbucks for coffee, at times I will make a cup at home, not often. I love ice coffee, I make my own, also Starbucks have one Cold Brew that I like. The only sodas I drink is diet Sprite, and once in awhile Zero Coke, don’t like the diet coke, and don’t like sodas that are not diet, too sweet. Anyway I doubt I drink more than 2-4 sodas a month.

I have my first cup around 4am-and probably drink a few more cups during the day, depending on what I’m doing. I notice during SAH I drink quite a bit more that before. I’m enjoying the McCafe brand these days.

I’m actually more concerned about how many angels can really dance on the head of a pin.

Love to drink a lot of coffee in the morning.

I can stop anytime I want, but why would I?!

I typically drink coffee (hot or iced depending on the weather) in the morning, my favorite cold drink is Mtn. Dew.

I don’t have a problem with coffee.
I have a problem without coffee

Does Gin and Tonic have caffeine?

It doesn’t need it.

Coffee. Double Dark
on a lighter note.
If everyone had a puppy in their life, the world would be a better place!
L.L 5/26/2020

If I want to start moving I have one cuppa strong coffee with some heavy cream in it. My coffee cup holds two cups worth though. If I feel like a tea I don’t care what color it is, but it needs a splash of milk. If I don’t have it I could get a headache, so yeah, I guess so.

I almost always start my day with a cup of coffee, often have a second, but rarely drink coffee after about 1130 AM. My favorite is Peet’s Costa Rica. My favorite caffeinated drink is Coke, but I don’t drink it very often. I drink more water than any other liquid.

Howdy! Okay. I enjoy coffee, and used to drink it daily. In more recent years, as I get older, I find that I have to skip it sometimes. I have acid reflux disorder. My stomach is more sensitive than it used to be. When I do have coffee, I make enough for about 2 1/2 to 3 mugs, depending on size of mug.
When I’m not having coffee, I drink herbal tea, which doesn’t bother my stomach at all. (Herbal tea does not have caffeine) I like different flavors and like the fruity ones the best. I would say my favorite is lemon ginger. I will also admit that I am a big soda fan! Yes, I know it isn’t good for you. I prefer diet sodas, but it can’t be sweetened with sucralose (aka Splenda); I can’t digest that.

I don’t think I’m addicted to caffeine. I don’t think much about it. Some sodas have caffeine and some don’t. I do enjoy the zip that coffee gives me, but I wouldn’t say that I’m addicted to it; I just enjoy it, stomach permitting.

I love beverages. When I run out of soda and juice, then I switch to Crystal Light. And yes, I do sometimes drink plain water in between everything else. I’ve got plenty of bottled water on hand.

I at times have the same problem with coffee if I drink too much, or if I feel stressed then it bother’s my stomach, burns.

Celestrial Seasoning Lemon Ginger tea is my favorite, in the winter or if I’m getting a sore throat I drink it at night, I like it strong, so 2 bags to one cup, if I want to relax I add a shot of rum. I always drink water, throughout the day, especially when I’m working at Macy’s the floor gets hot, and because I talk a lot it helps my voice.

During the week, we drink store-bought coffee, usually Dunkin Donuts coffee, but I like special coffees for weekend. We have a collection of mugs from Death Wish Coffee, but I prefer the taste of Valhalla coffee to Death Wish.

I do that, Cowellian, drink different coffee on weekends. I can’t afford to drink gourmet coffee all the time, so I drink cheaper coffee during the week, and save the gourmet coffee (sometimes flavored, sometimes not) for weekends, holidays, or anytime I feel like I deserve a little reward.

Are you giving those brand names as an example of your admirable wit???
(Or are those real brands? …in which case I’ll do due diligence and will try to find and try them….)

Several years ago, one of the drivers on Ice Road Truckers wore a hat or jacket that said Death Wish Coffee, so I Googled it. They claim to be the world’s strongest coffee. It is good, and it is definitely strong. They also sell Valhalla, and it is also very strong, but I like the flavor much better.


I have been drinking Death Wish coffee every day for years. It’s the only coffee I drink anymore. I also tried Valhalla, but I prefer Death Wish (though I like both of them). I used to have to order it from Amazon, so I was pretty excited when Safeway started carrying it. Now, if it were just a little less expensive…

I’m addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop at anytime.



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