A heat wave expected to kick-in this morning for the Bay Area will linger through Thursday night, with record-setting temperatures possible, forecasters said.
The heat is expected to peak on Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the region and areas of the Central Coast, according to the National Weather Service.
A heat advisory has been issued for interior areas, which will see temperatures ranging from the 90s to 104 on the hottest days. Shoreline areas and the Santa Cruz County coast could warm to the upper 80s and lower 90s,
forecasters said.
Downtown San Francisco can expect temperatures in the lower 80s while oceanfront areas will peak in the mid 70s. Other coastal areas should remain relatively mild, in the 70s to about 80 degrees, compared to inland areas.
Overnight lows will range from the upper 50s to mid 60s, which may limit the amount of typical overnight relief from the heat, the weather service said.
I saw that on my google weather app says it will be hot for the next four days. Not sure if I will go lay on my hammock outside even if it just under the shady tree I probably just stay in door.
Time to start using the air conditioner.
Cranked mine up at 4am this morning. Takes hours for my AC to cool up my apartment.
Eastbay Babe, … We open a window at night after it cools off and put a 20 inch box fan on window sill pointing out.
Use a piece of cardboard to block screen above the fan so outgoing air doesn’t make a U-turn. Then open windows at other end of the house and let it run all night. By morning house is cool, allowing us to delay turning on AC until late in the day.
Learned it from Dad who opened a second story window with a fan in it and opened first story windows when I was a kid.
It means I’ll have comfortable temps in my house since I have those reflective shingles that keep it cool in the summer (rarely need the AC). Unfortunately it holds the cold in the winter.
I’ll have comfortable temps in my house, too, since I have perfectly good air conditioning and I have no problem using it.
……bout to kill us some Covid………..
or kill US wearing our masks out in the heat 🙁
Which means that people are going to be lined up at the ice cream shop ignoring social distancing guidelines.
I’m not paying for an air conditioner. Even though I have one. All the air in the attic gets super heated. Keeps house hot. AC is ineffective when you have that issue. Attic fan and whole house fan is best.