Another Spare the Air Day has been issued for Tuesday, according to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
Light winds combined with triple-digit inland temperatures along with vehicle exhaust are expected to produce smog, or ozone accumulation, according to the district.
“As temperatures and traffic increase, unfortunately, so does unhealthy air quality,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the air district. “When it matters most, we can protect our respiratory health and reduce our exposure to smog by avoiding outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day.”
BURRrrrrrP ! My Brisket was DEE-LI-CIOUS.
so was my ribs…. even better with friends from Alameda Co!
Gee, and I was hoping that Broadbent and his minions had dropped off the edge of the earth…. once again time to try to justify their existence…
Ocean beach completely packed..very few social distancing..huge groups..huge plumes of bbq smoke.. National cemetery thousands of American flags.. double the amount of people then usual. Fingers crossed we may be through the worst of it.
We will backslide if these self centered yahoos can’t figure out how dangerous it is not to follow the common sense mandates. Too bad there is not a way to control stupidity.
It’s possible but I prefer a more optimistic outlook. You can get there popcorn. It’s been weeks now and we have yet to have an explosion of cases as predicted in any way. Sure, all our efforts..possibly. Or possibly it was blown out by the media and governments..we have a pretty good thing going now. Things have been open, people have been interacting since at least Easter and nothing..negatively and constant reporting on numbers is not our friend. I’m officially waiting for the first covid related heat stroke to be announced by the big pharma big media industrial complex.
Time to paint my Cad outside with some out of state lacquer paint.
OH, well. I’m not going anywhere today. Didn’t go anywhere yesterday. Won’t be going anywhere tomorrow. Or the day after, or the day after …
I did smoke a rack of ribs yesterday, though. Mmmmm. Delicious.
Time to furlough this agency and never open it up again. Have the resources do something more useful like figure out how to maintain the roads better.
So what is wrong with you? You like dirty air?
Spare the ribs day OK.
What a joke…. thousands of cars off the road and you can’t BBQ. I hate these fools…! Smoking a Brisket RIGHT NOW!!!
I hate to pop the “Bad Guy… Bad Guy” fits so many on here are throwing, but the FACT is that no one and no agency has suggested we cannot COOK outside. They do request, however, that you grill using propane for fuel rather than using charcoal or wood….. that’s all.
Mmmm…propane. So delightfully tasty.