The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think high schools in Contra Costa County should be able to have graduation ceremonies, if everyone wears a mask and stays 6 feet apart? Currently, school’s can have a “drive-thru” graduation, where kids are not allowed to leave the vehicle at any time, including to take pictures, and must wear face coverings if the window is rolled down.
Talk about it….
If they must wear face coverings with the window down for safety, I’m guessing they should be wearing their seat belt too rather than hanging out the sun roof???
Yes!!! Let them walk!
I believe outdoor graduations such as at the Concord Pavilion are relatively safe.
One issue is if people are sitting in chairs it’s hard to adjust the spacing. For example, last week I was walking on the canal trail. A couple of women wearing masks were approaching from the opposite direction while chatting with each other. Just as they were passing me the woman on the far side from me had a coughing spell. Her friend had a horrified look and jumped as fast as possible away from the coughing person. I adjusted my course a bit and continued on. If we all were seated it would be a bit of an uncomfortable stir should a person in the middle of a seated crowd have a coughing spell.
That said – Teenagers never stopped clustering together. It’s their nature. Illness, much less death, from COVID-19 is so rare in that age group that it’s national news when it happens.
The parents or guardians of teenagers are nearly always mid-fifties or younger. While serious forms of illness are uncommon they happen. Deaths are very rare but also happen.
More at risk are the grandparents, who already seem to be carefully following shielding protocols and are unlikely to break that to attend a graduation.
So far in CC county there have been zero deaths for people under age 50. Unfortunately, they have not been reporting demographics on those hospitalized and those needing intensive care.
Students can get out of the car to get diploma, take a picture, back to car. No more then 200 cars per drive through ceremony. Schools with more then 200 Seniors will have to do this over several days.
The drive throughs are now and schools are planning “real” graduations in July if restrictions are lifted for large groups.
Do it at the drive in, lots of space and already set up for cars to park, a radio system to communicate to the messages. Show a picture of the graduate on the big screen when their name is called so that they do not get out of the car.
They have earned their graduation and should be able to enjoy it.
@ Parent~
I didn’t even think about that as an option,…like your IDEA!
I agree that sounds like a great idea! It could be pretty cool, different and fun. In these strange times we sure could use our drive in movie theaters again.
Credit where credit is deserved. I can no longer find the reference, but this was something I read about a high school somewhere else doing. It would be a great way to recognize the achievement that these kids have earned.
The “Drive-thru” graduation sounds AWFUL. Some of the High School Kids wouldn’t even be interested in a gathering/ceremony and are just glad it’s over with. So, with that being said, maybe it would work for the others who want to Celebrate with Classmates.
I think that under the conditions stated here, It would be relatively safe. Since emotions usually trump common sense, some people will disobey any restrictions anyway. If health repercussions arise due to the event, lets hope the only people affected are the ones who put their own selfish desires above the good of the masses.
If only it worked that way.
Aren’t stupid yard signs good enough ? Can’t they just pose in front of them?
Pretty much. A sticker in the back of the car and painted windows on the van. “My Kid is a Cova 19 survivor.”
Just grab your diploma and get the hell out of there.
Should they? Of course. Will they? Of course not. Kids: best to conjure a celebration of your own design
Let the kids have their graduation ceremony. They’re 17 and 18 year old kids, not 85 with underlying health conditions. No masks. If they’re uncomfortable, the diploma can be mailed. Let parents enjoy the milestone too.
I really feel for ALL of our children during these times, including grads. I feel like I could crying for them, having to live through it. No, they’re not 85 with underlying health conditions, but neither do they live in a bubble or off on an island somewhere, separated from the rest of us.
My son is graduating this year from Northgate.
We both agree that it’s not needed.
I think that students who want to advertise their diplomas to the general and uncaring public fall into the same category as those who build gaudy roadside memorials anonymous dead people.
I graduated from Mt Diablo H.S. (we called it Diablo High) in 1957. It took place in the boy’s gym, we marched in to Pomp And Circumstance, sang a couple of songs, listened to a few speeches, received our diplomas when called, and marched out (well, maybe a few skipped and hummed), past our parents, relatives didn’t go things like that then, at the door we tore off the caps and gowns and headed out to parties.
It’s not 1957, nor were the grads born in the 30s. Get with the times.
Sure. Let them celebrate.
Have drones deliver their diplomas
Yes, there are different ways to have a safe ceremony; and Contra Costa County has not been hit that hard. Let them do something!
On the plus side they aren’t graduating and being pulled into Military Service to go to fight like those during WW2 and Vietnam.