Home » The Water Cooler – Wearing Masks In Public – Do You Like/Dislike It, And How Long Will It Last?

The Water Cooler – Wearing Masks In Public – Do You Like/Dislike It, And How Long Will It Last?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: When it comes to wearing masks/face coverings in public, which answer fits you best?


A. I don’t mind wearing a face covering

B. I don’t like wearing a face covering

C. I don’t care either way.

Also, in your opinion, do you think the county will require masks to be worn inside stores/businesses for the rest of the year?


Talk about it….

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I am not wearing one out in public unless I walk into a store. If I am on the street, I will not wear one.

I do not like wearing one in the stores, but I understand the fear associated with it, so I will comply. It is like, no shoes/shirt = no service. Now it is no shoes/shirt/mask =no service.

An unfortunate reminder to everyone that many people need to be forced to wear pants and a shirt in public

I would rather people wear them and do not mind wearing myself, until there’s a vaccine or some kind of treatment.

The Mamba
you will be wearing your mask for a very long time. this is a VIRUS. There are no vaccines going to be made and the only treatment is to drink plenty of fluids, take fever reducer, get plenty of rest and don’t go around other if you are sick. It is the same with a cold. It is a VIRUS. There is no vaccine nor will there ever be one.

I don’t like it, but will do so for so.e time as I know it is for my own good.

Exactly I don’t like it, but wear it when I get close to people. Doctors say we could stop the spread by 98.5% if we all wore masks.

It is actually not for YOUR own good but for the good of others.

I prefer oxygen, and freedom


Public health is a pinnacle of a strong economy. I will wear a mask to support the economy and public health. I would rather do that than be quarantined for another 2 months.

I can’t wear one due to claustrophobia and sometimes difficulty breathing, so I’m staying away from any place that requires them. Thank goodness hubby doesn’t have that problem, so he does all the shopping.

If the above wasn’t the case, I would comply in places where they are required, but I’d hate it. Definitely hoping that this won’t become a permanent thing.

I will wear one for as long as I need to, to protect myself and my family from getting infected. How else can we try to come back to some of our normal activities? Or at least not be subjected to a strict SIP if we don’t attempt to take some personal precautions (apart from practicing good hygiene).

YES! For the rest of the year..
We got to do what ever it takes to eliminate or at least control this virus 🙂

I’ve bought too many cool balaclavas to back out now. Wearing a mask helps prevent others from exposure of accumulated viral load over time, especially in doors. I wear one around my neck (coordinated with my outfit, of course) and will pull it up when someone passes by or gets too close, or when I go into a store. It’s all about Pandemic Fashion Sense and whimsy. A boy has to accessorize!

I wear them…because I feel i need to, even when going out for a nice walk.

The idiot lady who was walking by and decided to cough without covering her face will force me to continue the practice of wearing masks in public.

Now only if we could get people to follow the simple rules of social distancing when in grocery stores and not crowding other shoppers.

Don’t mind the mask, but have trouble with my glasses fogging up–

I don’t mind wearing a face covering. It might potect me and it will protect others if I am asymptomatic. I don’t want to be at the mercy of someone else’s hygiene or lack of hygiene habits.

Mask do not protect you. Your eyes are still exposed. This is why medical staff wear shields or glasses with a mask if concerned about COVID exposed patients. We only wear the mask to reduce our own droplets should we cough or sneeze the mask will catch most of it not all. Only purpose of a mask.

I hate wearing them– I constantly feel like I can’t breathe– but wear mine where it’s required. There’s no way I’m wearing one outside in an open space like a park or around the neighborhood.

So long as the law requires it, I’ll wear it in person to person exchanges like curbside or in retail/grocery stores or oudoor nursuries or those stupid outdoor lines to get into a store. I’ll obey the letter of the law, but I’m not looking for gold stars or extra credit.

I don’t like them, and I don’t wear one. I haven’t been ticketed or arrested yet.

Lizzee, it’s not a law.

A. I’ll wear one outside/while exercising for as long as required. Sets a good example and helps me remember to keep up my social distancing.

I will wear a mask until a vaccine is found. It is for my own protection as well as others.

Odds are you’ll be wearing a mask in your casket then.

I don’t like wearing one, but do understand in large gatherings the risk reduction in wearing one.

N95 respirators are used by construction and factory workers. They meet a federal health standard for filtering out 95% of airborne particles. The rest are BS.

I bet my N100s aren’t BS.

Well of course the N100s aren’t BS.

B – No likey wearing mask

But being a hypocrite, I want everyone else to wear one…

I will not wear one outdoors, unless I plan to be in a crowd. I have no problem wearing one inside a store or public building.

I will wear one, I don’t mind. Don’t usually wear outside unless I am near someone. It’s fine.

It is good for the soul wonder.

A. If someone has Coronavirus and doesn’t know it, less likely to spread to someone else.

After wearing an EAB for hours at a time, I can handle wearing a cloth mask. I wear them in a store, or even outside, if I’m in any kind of crowd. I’m not ready to decide how long I’ll continue to wear a mask in public.

I’ve not seen any compelling evidence that masks are any more effective than a placebo.

Nor have I seen any compelling evidence that this pandemic is real. The root “pan” means all. And like many people, I don’t know anyone who has contracted the virus. The one thing we have all been threatened by is a loss of civil liberties.

I left off my standard disclaimer, but your mileage may vary.

Yoyohop -Perhaps you could expand your news sources into many, even foreign.People all over the world are wearing masks. People all over the world are getting sick and dying from COVID-19. The US is #1 in deaths and infections. Please reconsider your position.


Thanks for helping to make my point. You say people all over the world are wearing masks and getting sick and dying. Isn’t that evidence that masks don’t work?

Even if I were to believe Google’s current stat of 327K deaths, its a number that closer to 0% than 1% of the world’s population. To put that in perspective, diarrhea kills 2.2K children each day. Is there a diarrhea pandemic too?

As far as the US being #1 in Covid infections, that can be easily attributed to the lax standards of what constitutes a Covid case. Hospitals have been hurting for money due to the SIP. At the same time, hospitals are offered a financial incentive, around 10-40k for each Covid patient they treat. Hospitals are in no way being penalized for misattribution of a Covid diagnosis. Perfect circumstances have been created for the creation or inflation of Covid numbers.

As another poster asked: If it were not for the news, would you honestly have any reason to believe there was a pandemic?

And no, this question isn’t rhetorical.

Yoyohop -The news tells us what is happening beyond the lily pad we live in. Otherwise how would we know? That is why we know this is a global disease. Based on the news you already know all people are not wearing masks and masks are effective in slowing the spread down.

Willful ignorance is no way to go through life.

same as @parent above. i won’t wear one except where it’s required.

I don’t mind wearing one. I understand wearing them is to keep my germs from others, but as an older and recent cancer survivor, if someone isn’t wearing a mask, I won’t go near them.

No I don’t wear a mask as the entire Covid19 fear-pandemic is just that: unmitigated FEAR with no basis of reality otherwise! It is social-experiment used as a guise to vaccinate the world by eugenicist’s like Gates, Fauci and the puppet masters who control not only them, but all Presidents, too. Regarding: The Mamba and Caskydiver posts, with all due respect, you both are the epitome of ignorance and or naivity. Do a little research on Bill Gates and you will find he not only sterilized 2 million plus women in Africa through mass-vaccinations, but also millions of others throughout Asia not to mention tens of thousands of others who suffered from vaccine caused illnesses and even death. He brags about wanting to depopulate more than half the world population. His dad worked in the U.N. and sat on the board of Planned Parenthood (how many abortion protocols did he help enforce) for thirty years and his mother worked at a fairly high level in the World Health Organization. Bill Gates and his equally evil wife are using their so-called philanthropy to depopulate the masses. Funny how Bill was worth $54 Billion yet supposedly gave away $46 Billion saving the world, but is now reported to have $104 Billion today. Hmmm? How did that happen? This is how: he gives money through his tax-exempt foundations to other organizations disguised as charity which he also owns and then all money returns to him with a total tax write off doing so. Brilliant, huh? Warren Buffet does the same. He was worth $49 Billion and gave away $42Billion bit he is now worth $99 Billion. Presto! Again, you and most other people have been duped! Don’t believe me, Google: Norman Dodd Interview With G. Edward Griffin. Norman Dodd was the Chief Investigator/Researcher for the 1953 Reece Committee, investigation Tax-Exempt Foundations. It is an eye-opener to say the least!

Well reading that rant was a complete waste of time.

Gates is also involved in undermining public education. Read The Educator and The Oligarch.
Google Ted Talks, you’ll hear him talk about depopulating through vaccines. Hmmmm, what does that mean??

It is amazing how many people don’t understand that the mask order is NOT for your protection but to protect others from YOU. Unless you are wearing a respirator it is questionable whether you are getting any protection by wearing a mask.

I don’t like wearing a respirator but will wear a mask where required for the protection of others.

Thank you for your sensible comment. I am really tired of people who don’t understand the mandated requirements. Wear your mask and stay minimum six feet away from all people! Come on you people!! Please think.

Stay home so you’re not exposed to all those rebels.

I am under the mindset that we do not need the government or the media to rescue us. There is much we can do to not catch it, like staying home. If you don’t want it, don’t leave the house. Many needs are deeply disguised wants. I feel the media (ratings) and government (votes) have agenda other than our well being which muddies the water and the facts. Unfortunately, trustworthy sources of correct and unbiased information are difficult to find and it is important if we are to make informed decisions for ourselves. I don’t need the government to make decisions for me. I am very capable of that.

I live by myself (no wonder right?) so I am in a particular position not to transmit to my family. I have yet to wear any mask, but if I had a family at home, I might.

Ask yourself this, if news didn’t exist, would we even know we were in a pandemic? I still do not personally know a single person that has contracted it. The sheets have been pulled and the sheep are inline.

I feel the same with my speeding and driving however I want.

If you are afraid of how I and others drive like crazy – don’t go on the roads.

My freedom is > than your safety.

Don’t be a Sheep – do not follow anything the government tells us about.

The left can’t meme..and satire is also not a strong point. That’s your 2nd attempt..please stop now



Wait a minute, didn’t WHO, SG and CDC state that masks were not effective?? I’m so confused… Why the change or why did they state they were ineffective to begin with when all hospitals and doctor offices recommend the use of them when visiting while sick, even pre-covid Era?

I’ll wear them out of respect for others that may be overly concerned.

I’ve been wearing particle and/or noxious vapor filter masks all my adult life when doing several types of jobs, at work and around home. With chronic asthma I’ve actually needed a good excuse to wear them out in public for about the last 25 years as many aspects of life in the city lowers my level of comfort, so no. I don’t mind one bit. If it weren’t for all of the catastrophe we’re (hopefully) living through, it wouldn’t matter to me how long it lasts. I feel like I’m finally breathing clean air when I go out. I may never stop.

A.,…only when we need to on outings,…shopping. Also a hat & gloves, so I need less sunscreen lotion,…and no make-up LOL,…why bother.

As far as require masks to be worn for the rest of the year,…time will tell and will cross that bridge then.

Lol. Funny you mention make up. My sister keep on putting lip stick on and, wear mask cause she forget that she have to wear mask

I have to do what is required by law and for common
sense! My only hope is that others will comply too. This virus
is horrible and must be taken seriously. I am doing everything possible
to keep myself and others safe. I only have had essential workers in my house. Nobody is allowed in and I cannot allow anyone in my car.
So six feet at minimum away and wear masks while around people and in places of business. Very restrictive and depressing. Ugh. Hate it.

It is not the law. It was not signed into law. In Los Angeles they are saying it is the law. It is a health order in our county which is not the law. There is a difference.

Whenever I step off my property, I am wearing a mask….. plus gloves if I am going into a public place. Why all the whining?

People actually think COVID19 is a hoax and they think their personal freedoms are being taken away by the government. Morons. Just ignorant hyper politics! SICK OF IT.

Remember when they told us masks didn’t work and that’s why we all had to stay home?? Now they tell us to wear masks because they do work?? I’m not buying it. I only wear one at the grocery store because they wouldn’t serve me without it. Beyond that, I won’t go anywhere that it is required.

I don’t like wearing a mask but do so when required.And now all the people that purchased 50 gallons of Clorox and 90 boxes of wipes can return them since the CDC did a flip again and said that it is very hard to catch the virus from touching a surface. ????????????/

I wear one in stores only because I am required to do so.

If you really dig into the subject, you will find that an N95 mask has to be size-fitted to your face and tested for an air-tight fit. Medical masks can stop most large droplets, but not aerosol. So when you wear your mask and your glasses fog, that is aerosol size droplets being directed up into the air, when it will be suspended for a long time, which probably makes matters worse.

I can’t stand wearing one, and I only do when/where it’s absolutely required (like inside a store). I do, on the other hand, love the idea of social distancing, and I’m perfectly happy when nobody wants to come near me.

Don’t mind, there’s the entertainment value when you slap on the extra level of protection. An old 2005 norton antivirus CD on the front of an N95 mask.

Folks have enough on their minds with SIP stuff, if a little laughter brightens the day of a few people we’re better off for it.

Plant extra vegetables and share with those having a rough time, brighten their day !

An to the guy on motorcycle on Kirker Pass with large American Flag, THANK YOU ! , . . .
needed to see that ! Made my week.

I wear one, and I don’t find it to be that big of a deal. Happy to help. If I had any concerns, it would be these two things. Eventually, I think we might be delaying the inevitable and weakening our immune system to other things due to a lack of normal exposure. The other thing I find concerning, is that the officials and experts were insistent that masks did nothing to help. I found that concerning at the time, because I’ve had training to the contrary. Now the same people are requiring them. Is there anything else they’re not being completely forthcoming about?

A. I am fine wearing mask dose not bother me. I rather go with safer than sorry.

Aa far as duration goes wearing mask. That will probably depending on the, curve.

I don’t like wearing masks. But I do in stores, as required. I feel better wearing gloves and using wipes, frankly. I actually have to fly to NY next week to help my family and I’m not looking forward to a long flight with one, but I know that I don’t want to sit near a stranger without one. I don’t know if stores will require masks the rest of the year…it really depends what happens with the virus.

Given that a few months ago id get there police called on me for wearing a mask on public I’m enjoying the freedom for the moment. If it protects others so much the better. Had one of those asymptomatics get a bunch of people sick at work so I understand the need

Speeding and Red light traffic cameras can not prove it is you with a mask.

Fun fact – if the car registered to you receives a traffic violation and you are NOT the driver, you are legally obligated to provide the NAME of the driver, otherwise you’ll be on the line for that ticket. So wearing a mask is not a free pass…

Downtown WC Rez, If you’re talking about a moving violation, that isn’t true. As long as you can show that you weren’t the driver, the ticket isn’t yours. There is nothing that requires you to name anyone else.

The masks are uncomfortable, but if everyone wears one, there’s a significant difference in transmission rates. The one thing I’m getting from this is that people who are in continuous contact with the public need better quality masks:
So, that clerk at the grocery store probably needs the N95, from what this is saying. “With social distancing orders in place, essential service providers (such as retail workers, emergency services, law enforcement, etc.) represent a special category of concern, as they represent a largely unavoidable high contact node in transmission networks: Individual public-facing workers may come into contact with hundreds or thousands of people in the course of a day, in relatively close contact (e.g. cashiers). Such contact likely exposes the workers to many asymptomatic carriers, and they may in turn, if asymptomatic, expose many susceptible members of the general public to potential transmission. Air exposed to multiple infectious persons (e.g. in grocery stores) could also carry a psuedo-steady load of infectious particles, for which masks would be the only plausible prophylactic (Lai et al., 2012). Thus, targeted, highly effective mask use by service workers may be reasonable.”

I wear one in public and hate every minute of it. Irritates my skin and fogs up my glasses. Will be so glad when this is over, but I fear it will be like 9/11, many things will be ruined for life. I will be leery of people for years.

I only wear them in places that require masks to be worn. I think it’s ridiculous and it gives people a false sense of security. I can’t wait for the day that they are no longer mandated in our county.

I wear two masks and when I go out in public I take one off. Then I feel like I am not wearing a mask at all.

There is some suggestion that repeated exposure to the virus increases viral load which can be related to severity of illness. That can be one explanation for the mortality rate among health providers caring for covid patients. It also would mean that people who are infected, and wearing a mask, are rebreathing the virus and increasing their viral load. So by wearing a mask, you may not be spreading to others as easily but you may be making yourself sicker. Just my thoughts, don’t quote me.

No problem wearing a mask . . . until the demographics reverse.

Don’t like it at all, but I wear mine faithfully..

We’re all adults. Wear one to stores. It’s probably less than an hour of your day. Although many don’t believe it (still), we’re talking life and death. Wo(man) up people and deal with it. To those that don’t complain and wear one-thank you.

“…we’re talking life and death.”

In a statistically insignificant sense, yes.

B. I wear one because I have to. Don’t like it, don’t think I’m protecting anyone from anything. I don’t have the virus and no one around me does either. If I had to wear one all day at work I would not go to work. I’ll happily work from home the rest of my career.

I hate the mask. I will wear the mask. Cause it’s not all about me.

First sensible post in this thread.

How come BART is allowing passengers on the trains without masks????

As a person with severe seasonal allergies ( I have to take inhaled steroids just to survive the season), I welcome the masks! Finally socially acceptable to wear a mask without people thinking you are diseased. The extra time I have spent at work wearing a mask 8 hours a day have helped make this year’s allergies the easiest yet for me. Course there could be a factor of reduced air pollution, too, but either way this has been great for me personally.

As long as people are out there in public, coughing, sneezing and breathing on others, wearing masks might be the new normal for a while. I expect to use this practice even well into next year. Winter could bring a second wave of this virus.
My biggest complaint is the lack of awareness that many people out there have. Spitting on the sidewalks, coughing while running by without covering mouths, etc. The worst people are the ones who will be walking with their dogs off leash. These dogs will go and try to attack other dogs which forces people to congregate together and separate them. I saw this the other day when one fat lady was walking her mutt off leash and it attack another dog. The fat lady didn’t try and separate her creature from attacking the other dog. Now the other owner had to separate that dog and risk himself get exposed to being bitten or maybe even exposed to the virus via saliva exchange.
The other group are those people who insist on stopping and chatting with others in large groups.

It’s not a matter of liking them or disliking them.

It’s about being told I have to wear one by someone who does not have the authority to tell me I have to wear one.

I wear one only when I need something in a store that I insist I wear one.

And I don’t care if people don’t like my attitude.

It’s more about freedom than the phony health emergency.

A. I don’t mind wearing a face covering

However, people are wearing their masks underneath their chins so they’re not wearing their masks.

COVID is a virus. The common cold is a virus. The seasonal flu is a virus. More people die from the flu than from COVID. It wasn’t mandated that people wear masks for the cold or flu. So why wear masks now for COVID? Again, it’s a virus. There will never be a cure for COVID…or the cold…or the flu. I do understand that the elderly and people with compromised immune systems need to be protected, as well as protecting themselves. However, a strong healthy adult should not have a problem.



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