Boy am I glad to get this info. My and I have been married 54 years, so I said to her its about time we started our family, I’m at John Muir Concord and the Doctor says I should be able to go home in a couple of days.I love my wife so
I didn’t make out a Police Report.
You’ve got to be kidding me. The County is now telling/advising us how to have sex. They must be leading up to a doctrine for the superior race. What a farce/joke. At least we can now masturbate in full compliance with the directives and feel “cozy” about it. Who even thought this junk had to be put out there? They have too much time on their hands…and now way, way too much power and perceived influence.
May 15, 2020 - 9:49 PM 9:49 PM
The county has now officially lost their minds. What kind of demented idiots are working overtime coming up with this crap? Truly disturbing. These sickos have no business publishing filth like that. What’s next mandatory porn orders? This has to be stopped..sick
This is the funniest and most disturbing thing I’ve seen! Our county health department is a JOKE! They should all be fired! Get your dumb asses off porn and do your actual jobs!
May 15, 2020 - 9:57 PM 9:57 PM
Liberals have ruined our state. They’re nuts.
Aunt Barbara
May 15, 2020 - 9:58 PM 9:58 PM
The news says males carry the virus in their semen….. have fun ladies!
shoot to kill
Still have to go to work all thru this and am seeing each week more and more people out and about. Pool parties, with many extra vehicles parked, going on around neighborhood and know some hosts to be members of law enforcement.
Really beginning to wonder how much more ‘the masses”
are going to put up with SIP.
Unelected bureaucrats, are so entertaining . . . . .
Can hardly wait to find out if we’re rolling the toothpaste tube correctly.
May 15, 2020 - 10:10 PM 10:10 PM
I thought April Fools was last month?
Alfred Einstein
May 15, 2020 - 10:12 PM 10:12 PM
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
Covid hasn’t stopped me from being me. See me on the corner. Support small businesses.
May 15, 2020 - 10:22 PM 10:22 PM
Do we need a partner?
Bishop Don Magic Juan
May 15, 2020 - 10:32 PM 10:32 PM
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
May 15, 2020 - 10:35 PM 10:35 PM
“Adapted from the NY Health Department”.
Sure, why not, because NY has been such a stellar example to follow during this whole fiasco.
Original G
May 15, 2020 - 10:56 PM 10:56 PM
Should press release be rated R or X ?
An speaking of condoms. shouldn’t a free case of condoms be mandatory with any purchase of 150 rolls of toilet paper in one shopping trip?
Isn’t it comforting to know the county has your best interests in mind and is willing to instruct . . . . .
Hmm, wonder how long before their press release is taken down. But before it is, doesn’t their ‘hard’ work deserve recognition.
Anyone forwarded their press release to TV networks?
After all such descriptive eloquence from CoCo Health, SHOULD be shared with the WORLD . . . .
but…. you are only allowed one roll of TP per shopping spree
DO you rake mask off or leave it on? I can’t bare to look at the instructions from Coco Health Dept, that cannot even clean up nursing homes or restaurants around the area
May 15, 2020 - 11:02 PM 11:02 PM
This is the “new normal” that the dumb sheep keep praising….baaaaa! baaaaa! baaaaa!
May 15, 2020 - 11:15 PM 11:15 PM
This county is completely absurd. Please put us inline with the rest of the state and remove these morons from their worthless positions.
chuckie the troll
May 15, 2020 - 11:21 PM 11:21 PM
Wear a mask and plastic gloves? And keep 6 feet apart? Heck, folks in Safeway can’t do that , much less go the right way down the isle.
May 15, 2020 - 11:23 PM 11:23 PM
But Dr. Fauci said it’s OK to hook up with a total stranger if you’re willing to take a risk.
Dr Fauci was asked, “If you’re swiping on a dating app like Tinder, or Bumble, or Grindr, and you match with someone that you think is hot, and you’re just kind of like, ‘Maybe it’s fine if this one stranger comes over,’ “What do you say to that person?”
Dr. Fauci answered, “You know that’s tough, because that’s what’s called relative risk. If you’re willing to take a risk, and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks, you could figure out if you want to meet somebody. If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
Just remember to wash our hands and have at it.
Casual sex with a stranger? Sure! The risk is your choice.
Going to a baseball game, concert, school, or church? Out of the question. The govt will make that risk assessment for you and deny your basic freedoms.
Did I Say That Out Loud
May 15, 2020 - 11:36 PM 11:36 PM
Unfortunately this isn’t a joke. We live in a society where “hooking” up with strangers isn’t a rarity, oral sex isn’t even thought of as sex by the majority of young people out there today. Then, add in the mixture of people who will sue at the drop of a hat, because someone in an authority position didn’t bother to tell them the dangers of Covid-19 transmission during intimate acts. Hence, a letter from the Health Department is warranted to literally cover their asses. Don’t cha just love how stupid the world has become?
Don’t forget, your tax dollars paid some bureaucrat to do this. Welcome to California.
Hookers and blow for everybody!!!!!
May 15, 2020 - 11:46 PM 11:46 PM
The one thing that disturbs me the most is having sex with the people you live with. What exactly are they saying without saying it? All those children stuck at home.😳
Yes, I found this part highly disturbing. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
May 16, 2020 - 12:22 AM 12:22 AM
Apparently some of us can’t see to the end of our nose. Hint: you can’t social distance and have sex.
May 16, 2020 - 12:25 AM 12:25 AM
I was gonna say whoever wrote this should have better things to do in the middle of a pandemic and with a ruinous SIP doing more damage every day … but on second thought, I don’t think anyone capable of writing this should be given any actually important work.
May 16, 2020 - 12:48 AM 12:48 AM
Cringe… smh
May 16, 2020 - 1:11 AM 1:11 AM
Sick. Disgusting. Disturbing. Unbelievable. America has officially been flushed down the toilet. Words cannot describe what a farce this is. County government bureaucrats paid by us to sit at a computer and make garbage like this.
This message are for people that have zero common sense. There are many people that are blind to reality. It is important to inform the public to avoid close sexual contact to avoid spreading the virus. Why are so many of you offended? Do you think that the Democrats are pushing you around? Ha ha! Get real. The virus does not care what political party you are!
@ILovePopvorn Your comments are culturally insensitive to a group of people who find this kind of explicit sexual instruction distasteful. Not saying you have no taste, just cultural insensitivity to those who do.
Popcorn, you just need to be quiet. Please remain hiding under your bed, wearing your mask and cleaning your sex toys. The rest of us will be out enjoying life and hooking up with whom ever we please.
May 16, 2020 - 5:50 AM 5:50 AM
This is so unnecessary
Commie California
May 16, 2020 - 5:59 AM 5:59 AM
I read this aloud to my husband last night in bed. Boy were we relieved to finally get the Go Ahead and we could finally be intimate! We had been waiting for some faceless government official to tell us what we could and could not do. Because well… we’re stupid and can’t think for ourselves. It’s a wonder both of us have managed to hold down a job and pay our bills for all these years. Oh and the Helpful tips! Most of them we had really never considered but all great information none the less! We will from now on take a break from whoring around and limit our activity to our closet friends. Won’t they be relieved! Thank you!!
Good one Commie California! Scariest wors ever, “I am from the government, and here to help”
Steven Powers
May 16, 2020 - 6:23 AM 6:23 AM
So how did these geniuses come up with this. Big government at its finest… not
May 16, 2020 - 6:32 AM 6:32 AM
This tops it all.
Who are these clowns?
The Wizard
May 16, 2020 - 7:17 AM 7:17 AM
I always had to step back 6′ and still had plenty, if you know what I mean.
May 16, 2020 - 7:25 AM 7:25 AM
That is a good message. They are saying that you can get the virus if you have sex with someone you are not close to. Why on earth is that suggestion making so many of you so angry? Answer: The haters want to think this is taking their personal sexual freedoms away! Not. It is the virus that is putting the brakes on everything we used to do even our sex life. Too bad you can’t blame the government or the governor. Baawaaaaaaaawa! Get over it and grow up. The truth is we all are in trouble until we have testing and a vaccine.
You must use your common sense. NO SEX WITH STRANGERS.
@Popcorn……….You asked others why they’re angry and then you answered your own question with your very own little spin. Are you related to shifty Schiff by any chance?
Thank you for being a voice of reason. It is incredulous how upset people get over a small paper of suggestions to keep people safe. It probably didn’t take to long to come up with this information. So tired of the Puritanical don’t ask don’t tell crowd. Stay safe everyone and stop your hook ups for awhile.
May 16, 2020 - 7:40 AM 7:40 AM
Just abandon the missionary position & there will be nothing to worry about…. no face to face contact.
I can’t believe the astounding audacity of county employees to believe they even have the right to produce something like this.
If you don’t comply will the county employees want to monitor your homes?
This is a failure of the county employees, the board of supervisors, and the voters.
The voters can fix this.
Elect better representatives.
Moving the goal posts
May 16, 2020 - 7:55 AM 7:55 AM
People. Exhibit A of where do you get your news? This is a spoof. Go to the website. I’m happy for a good laugh, but no verification of facts. Please tell me not everyone is brain dead. Embarrassing
I believe your providing cover for your tribe. If it is a spoof or fake news as some would call the it, I will wait for Claycord to inform its readers of that. As far as I can tell from researching the authors, it is in line with their ideology. Which begs the question, why do our health department officials appear to be so involved with politics to begin with. They don’t even try to hide it anymore..
Is this a spoof!?! That’s what I thought too, but this page on the county’s web site has a link to the letter toward the bottom:
Thanks to for their stellar investigative reporting and for giving me a good laugh this morning.
WC Resident
May 16, 2020 - 8:51 AM 8:51 AM
Thank you Claycord for this important PSA. Hopefully it was timely for many people.
Unfortunately, part of advice is both wrongly worded and outdated “COVID-19 has not yet been found in semen or vaginal fluid.” COVID-19 is the disease that you get when you are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in semen. Would you like a job as a semen collector? You will get to write reports such as “Among 50 patients identified, 12 patients were unable to provide a semen specimen because of erectile dysfunction, being in a comatose state, or dying prior to recruitment; therefore, a total of 38 patients were enrolled for semen testing.” I learned that you can’t collect semen from comatose people. That needs further research. Was it an issue of consent or performance?
The CoCo health directors make about $125k per year. “Dr” Barbara Ferrer, Public Health Director for Los Angeles County, is paid $500,000 per year. So I guess their letter’s illustrated and comes with VHS and Beta videos!
In 2015, Chris Farnitano made nearly $300,000, not including benefits, according to “Transparent California.” These unelected bureaucrats are petty tyrants, and need to get off the dole.
This stuff is garbage, not to mention, vile. I hope it makes a national show just so the rest of the country can see how perverse these clowns are.
Nothing wrong with extremely educated people in the top positions being paid for their service. The people in charge truly care about the citizens of Contra Costa County. Some of you sound like green eyed monsters.
May 16, 2020 - 9:20 AM 9:20 AM
And remember kiddies, be sure to leave the masks on for the erotic asphyxiation experience.
chuckie the troll
May 16, 2020 - 9:24 AM 9:24 AM
Is there a section in the Kama Sutra on this?
May 16, 2020 - 9:59 AM 9:59 AM
I want to see Governor Newsom reading this to us in his noontime speech with a signer standing beside him. It could be good entertainment.
The dumbest part of all, is that people who do some of the extreme activities listed in these guidelines, already don’t care about risk – STDs. So why would anyone think these guidelines are going to benefit anyone? Just ban COVID like they do with other things and we’re good. Then only criminals will get COVID
May 16, 2020 - 10:13 AM 10:13 AM
wow you thought that the dmv printing what ever gender you want on your license was funny …like gender…typewriter or nail gun ….or none lolwas funny
this is outright not a surprise
the gov and yes the politicians are pushing this
counties have no say about covid procedures unless advised by the gov or Pelosi
so yes this is what the brainchild socialist communists have put their time to
next will be proper covid hair cuts
and or beards
laugh its coming as well as proper summer attire to wear
this is reality that you have voted for in this state to make it a huge joke against yourself …..this whole study and production of this memo cost you money …that’s the best part
you have voted …..poorly
your next chance is coming soon …..
you can change the narrative and let these wasteful self soothing loser politicians know we the people have had enough garbage time
we want to thrive
not be sheep in a carnival
where only Politian’s get to eat the food and have a beer
and have their children ride the rides
and pet the sheep
this establishment has just shown how much of a joke they think we are
as well as how compliant you are follow what ever they say
you have just been told that your life is not your own
they are in control of you and your family
and you can not stop them
this is the message they have sent
I mean if this was Russia and we got wind of this message sent out by the government
what would you say about that and its country
I would have used china but they are obviously stifling any media that mentions them in A BAD WAY
like a guy holding a sign supporting hong kong at an American basketball game ….china had him exited from the building
like china informing the world to not blame them for the production and distribution of covid on the world
if Australia or the US or even isreal had unleashed a plague amongst this earth china and Russia would be doing everything to burn them down
yet china is pressuring the world to let it go and be quiet
and wait for the next virus they create to take out specific lifestyles or races
this county memo is the farce that you created in this country
and china is taking advantage of your head in the sand
I hope the children of the next generations don’t spit on you
like you have done to the many dead who fought for this country ….
to not be a puppet to the evils of communism socialists
weak and gullible to politicians while you work for minimum wage or collect unemployment
and complain about those trying to succeed
we have lost …..I am sure your proud
Hayden Barsoti
May 16, 2020 - 10:39 AM 10:39 AM
This is why we can have a 20% cut in staffing for the county. We can save a whole lot of money getting rid of the overloaded personnel.
20%? I’ll see you and raise you to 60%! Then there are the cities and “Special Districts”. And finally there is BART. And the only thing I can say to them is, “The Ice Man Cometh!”.
May 16, 2020 - 10:50 AM 10:50 AM
On a CCHS notice they referred contact tracing as disease investigators. Sounds like they could ask a variety of health questions.
May 16, 2020 - 11:02 AM 11:02 AM
People can act surprised at the guideline, and make fun of it, but the truth is, a lot of people are unsure what you can and cannot do during these times. Dating, outside of video chatting and texting, has essentially stopped for new couples not yet in a relationship. I know singles who have had questions about meeting up. Some have expressed this is not the right time and want to wait, which the major question is, how long is this condition going to last and what are the implications when restrictions start easing? I’m sure a lot of people who are already coupled are likely having sex. What about the others? This is just informational for those that had the question about it.
May 16, 2020 - 11:08 AM 11:08 AM
This is terribly offensive, objectionable, and can be viewed as prosecutorial to a small segment of society. It does not, hiwever, stop Contra Costa Health Department from putting their full ignorance and insensitivity on display. A pathetic, narrow-minded, pop culture, politically-correct approach to life gets you what you see here as an “official” county announcement.
Maybe not you. Someone wishing to be informed, but who specifically avoids such explicit discussions to maintain a purity of spirit will want to . Unfortunately, once you start reading, it is right there in your face before you know it. It’s something you can’t un-see, or in this case, un-think. There are also children on Claycord that don’t need specific instruction, which, if they put two and two together, definitely have some mysteries spelled out for them.
So, you’re thick skinned. Everybody doesn’t come like that.
Kentucky Derby
May 16, 2020 - 11:53 AM 11:53 AM
As annoying and asinine as this seems, the Contra Costa Health Department is just doing their job. Sadly, there are some people who really do need to read this. Hopefully, it’s nobody I know.
BS Literally NOBODY needs this. Quit giving these morons a pass and our tax dollars. They don’t need apologists for amount of dough they get. They need adult supervision and a substantial pay cut. 500k is what they get from taxpayers. No bueno
“…people who really do need to read this …” generally seek out the information in a more discreet fashion. If you are a father and have daughters, I’m guessing you don’t want them to find this out on a website of mostly adults making wise cracks about it.
May 16, 2020 - 12:43 PM 12:43 PM
this quote
People can act surprised at the guideline, and make fun of it, but the truth is, a lot of people are unsure what you can and cannot do during these times
so this is the whole problem
too many people with the pc politician blinders can not use their own brains
I mean the mentality of oh no my kid cant get dirty
or oh no my kid scraped his knee I will sue
or hey I need a dating site to meet people
no one can do anything for themselves or on their own or even try
you are brow beat or pc’d to death for trying to do what you as an educated ….hmmm well hopefully semi educated if your in cc county
anyways as an educated person your first and foremost duty is problem solving
stating that the gov or an entity of the gov or a politician or your own neighbor can tell you what to do ….besides using your own brain to figure it out
I mean if you cant come up with a plan to date then don’t
the government teet telling you how is and should be the most demeaning and bullied and boot to the neck I have ever seen
comments applauding such action makes me sad that this is what we are left with ……
acceptance of domination by a party political agenda through our taxes and hard work
that a seemingly simple thing or problem or even event has to handled by gov because you cant as an adult figure it our for yourself
huge wake up call here
I mean did you forget how to eat or where to eat
what about laundry
can you do it
geese shucks and oh my ….how will I ever date
so your telling me you have not put on a mask and shopped or walked your dog
wow I cant believe I am writing this it is such a derived circumstance of benevolence toward total control
May 16, 2020 - 12:44 PM 12:44 PM
It says my safest partner is myself. But what if that partner doesn’t want anything to do with me?
Lol !! I was going to try as well…. but my hand said no, I’ve got a headache ..
May 16, 2020 - 1:31 PM 1:31 PM
There are those who really do need this information, keeping it from them can wind up affecting you negatively. If it doesn’t apply to you just ignore it.
I don’t agree to be a part of a system that pays idiots half a million dollars a year to project such filth upon my community. Its degrading and done to undermine decency which has an adverse effect on overall social morality.
good point Silva.
history will reveal who was smart and made the right decisions.
I would be surprised if it turns out to be the people choosing to ignore the problem. but we will see.
Liberal minded Democrats demand open, frank discussions about sexuality and then can’t for the life of them figure out why we are all supporting so many illegitimate children and single-parent mothers on welfare.
Barbie Girl
May 16, 2020 - 3:05 PM 3:05 PM
Abstinence? ooops too late.
May 16, 2020 - 5:24 PM 5:24 PM
Need permission? Need tips? How on earth did the world get over populated without these?
May 16, 2020 - 5:49 PM 5:49 PM
Oh, but this is the kind of thing our children are learning in school.
May 16, 2020 - 10:21 PM 10:21 PM
Ok for the people asking if they really needed to put this out.. The real question you should be asking yourself is just how many people called or emailed them asking them about it that they felt they needed to put this out there.
JoJo The Circus Clown
May 16, 2020 - 11:14 PM 11:14 PM
I have not laughed this hard in a long time …
But seriously, I feel so sorry for all the good people in my former state, and my former country … I left for good last year and am now enjoying my newfound freedom in communist Vietnam … seriously, … you may not believe it, but Vietnam for me is AMAZING in terms of how the leadership runs the country …. feels WAYYYYYYY more free than the for “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave …”
It is so sad to see what some of the folks who are being paid to lead the country are doing and not doing. Total failures in my view (one man’s opinion).
I can recall my brother driving me to SFO … looking at my last Bay Area sunset towards Marin and Angel Island … but also trying hard not to cry as the images of the thousands of homeless people, priced out of a normal existence lining the roads leading to the airport.
I admit, there was a tear or two … thinking about what it would be like to leave for the last time, knowing in my heart there is likely no chance the state will ever return to it’s status as a “once great place to live.”
I love the old America. And just as so many have commented … I do not recognize it anymore … deep sigh.
Good luck to all.
Vietnam is my new home. The leaders here are strong and mostly good-hearted men and women who are by all tests are working very hard to build the country strong for the future, and give every citizen a chance “to live their own lives as they wish.”
Thank you Vietnam, I have fallen deeply in love with you!
May 16, 2020 - 11:31 PM 11:31 PM
Anna is getting paid $366k to publish garbage like this? What an embarrassment. How enlightened these “directors” are. SMH.
@Krissy – not garbage, Anna is a very competent leader who wants to keep us healthy. Can’t understand why you are so sensitive about her pay or safe sex practices.
Anna does a heck of a lot than this and I’m sure someone else wrote this up.
I think people are mad because they accept their low pay and think they only deserve low pay.
May 17, 2020 - 7:26 AM 7:26 AM
When I read the county psa about having sex during the Coronavirus I started laughing. I laughed so hard I started to cough. Now my wife thinks I’m sick. No nookie last night.
May 17, 2020 - 9:08 AM 9:08 AM
Well, they have been using mind control for many years. They are pros at it. Heck, they still use it on Hollywood. So sad!
May 17, 2020 - 11:41 AM 11:41 AM
Thanks alot there goes my excuse.
chuckie the troll
May 17, 2020 - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM
Having been at one point in my life a government employee, I used to tell people “We can’t make this s4!7 up.”. And sure enough, we get this. All I can say is that when the government gives you advice on how to ‘do it’, be suspicious, be VERY suspicious.
May 17, 2020 - 12:21 PM 12:21 PM
Wow, I thought all the idiots were in Sacramento, now I find out they’re also in Martinez. Have anyone e seen the Health Director of CoCo county. He looks like a fourteen year old and now hes acting like one too. Open up the dawn county and let people get back to work and save their small businesses before it to late. Yes more people are going to die sadly but there is nothing anyone can do.
We have had a flu vaccine for decades and still we lose 40 to 50 thousand people EVERY year to the flu and this won’t be any different.
This virus is far worse than the flu. How can you compare this to the flu? It is far more contagious and dangerous. It is there waiting for you. Pick your poison. Be patient and be safe stay home or go play on the freeway.
“Be patient and be safe stay home or go play on the freeway.”
You stay home locked up like a rodent – you’re free to do that. It will make you safe from all the people who value their freedom. Is my freedom more important than your life? Yes. Also – your freedom is more important than my life. Do what you will with the freedom some of us are trying to preserve on your behalf.
“It is there waiting for you.”
Also waiting for you is a slip and fall in the shower resulting in a fatal head injury. Pick your poison.
May 17, 2020 - 6:51 PM 6:51 PM
Wait, were we not supposed to be having the sex for the last 2 months? Oops…
Well……………………… there only ONE problem with that.
Just lay her down and softly touch her. Make her feel good first and it will work out
I don’t recognize my country anymore.
I’m so done!
It’s not the country, it’s the stupid Bay Area. Grew up here and it’s a shame to see what trash the place is now. I can’t wait to leave.
This is a joke, right?
hey puff….you took the words right out of my mouth….you cant make this stuff up….
I thought the same thing. My first thought … this is a joke right.
Second thought. What the heck
You’ve now entered the Twilight Zone…
THIS is what they’ve been working on these last 8? 10? weeks while people go hungry and small businesses fold?
There are no words.
Thank you for your permission, I guess.
What, no diagrams?
What do you mean by “tips”?
Boy am I glad to get this info. My and I have been married 54 years, so I said to her its about time we started our family, I’m at John Muir Concord and the Doctor says I should be able to go home in a couple of days.I love my wife so
I didn’t make out a Police Report.
You’ve got to be kidding me. The County is now telling/advising us how to have sex. They must be leading up to a doctrine for the superior race. What a farce/joke. At least we can now masturbate in full compliance with the directives and feel “cozy” about it. Who even thought this junk had to be put out there? They have too much time on their hands…and now way, way too much power and perceived influence.
The county has now officially lost their minds. What kind of demented idiots are working overtime coming up with this crap? Truly disturbing. These sickos have no business publishing filth like that. What’s next mandatory porn orders? This has to be stopped..sick
This is the funniest and most disturbing thing I’ve seen! Our county health department is a JOKE! They should all be fired! Get your dumb asses off porn and do your actual jobs!
Liberals have ruined our state. They’re nuts.
The news says males carry the virus in their semen….. have fun ladies!
shoot to kill
Not according to the Contra Costa County Health Department –
o COVID-19 has not yet been found in semen or vaginal fluid.
Someone has it wrong.
For those attempting abstinence they suggest watching reruns of the democratic national convention.
Lol, if that doesn’t do it, nothing will.
they pay people to come up with stuff like that???
Yes, Anna makes $366k a year to publish this garbage.
7000.00 a week..that’s a lot
OK, . . . is not 01 April.
Still have to go to work all thru this and am seeing each week more and more people out and about. Pool parties, with many extra vehicles parked, going on around neighborhood and know some hosts to be members of law enforcement.
Really beginning to wonder how much more ‘the masses”
are going to put up with SIP.
Unelected bureaucrats, are so entertaining . . . . .
Can hardly wait to find out if we’re rolling the toothpaste tube correctly.
I thought April Fools was last month?
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
Covid hasn’t stopped me from being me. See me on the corner. Support small businesses.
Do we need a partner?
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.
“Adapted from the NY Health Department”.
Sure, why not, because NY has been such a stellar example to follow during this whole fiasco.
Should press release be rated R or X ?
An speaking of condoms. shouldn’t a free case of condoms be mandatory with any purchase of 150 rolls of toilet paper in one shopping trip?
Isn’t it comforting to know the county has your best interests in mind and is willing to instruct . . . . .
Hmm, wonder how long before their press release is taken down. But before it is, doesn’t their ‘hard’ work deserve recognition.
Anyone forwarded their press release to TV networks?
After all such descriptive eloquence from CoCo Health, SHOULD be shared with the WORLD . . . .
but…. you are only allowed one roll of TP per shopping spree
DO you rake mask off or leave it on? I can’t bare to look at the instructions from Coco Health Dept, that cannot even clean up nursing homes or restaurants around the area
This is the “new normal” that the dumb sheep keep praising….baaaaa! baaaaa! baaaaa!
This county is completely absurd. Please put us inline with the rest of the state and remove these morons from their worthless positions.
Wear a mask and plastic gloves? And keep 6 feet apart? Heck, folks in Safeway can’t do that , much less go the right way down the isle.
But Dr. Fauci said it’s OK to hook up with a total stranger if you’re willing to take a risk.
Dr Fauci was asked, “If you’re swiping on a dating app like Tinder, or Bumble, or Grindr, and you match with someone that you think is hot, and you’re just kind of like, ‘Maybe it’s fine if this one stranger comes over,’ “What do you say to that person?”
Dr. Fauci answered, “You know that’s tough, because that’s what’s called relative risk. If you’re willing to take a risk, and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks, you could figure out if you want to meet somebody. If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
Just remember to wash our hands and have at it.
Fauci in a nutshell:
Casual sex with a stranger? Sure! The risk is your choice.
Going to a baseball game, concert, school, or church? Out of the question. The govt will make that risk assessment for you and deny your basic freedoms.
Unfortunately this isn’t a joke. We live in a society where “hooking” up with strangers isn’t a rarity, oral sex isn’t even thought of as sex by the majority of young people out there today. Then, add in the mixture of people who will sue at the drop of a hat, because someone in an authority position didn’t bother to tell them the dangers of Covid-19 transmission during intimate acts. Hence, a letter from the Health Department is warranted to literally cover their asses. Don’t cha just love how stupid the world has become?
Medical profession liability. CYA.
Anna and Dan can b*** me. How’s that for sex?
Don’t forget, your tax dollars paid some bureaucrat to do this. Welcome to California.
Hookers and blow for everybody!!!!!
The one thing that disturbs me the most is having sex with the people you live with. What exactly are they saying without saying it? All those children stuck at home.😳
Yes, I found this part highly disturbing. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
Apparently some of us can’t see to the end of our nose. Hint: you can’t social distance and have sex.
I was gonna say whoever wrote this should have better things to do in the middle of a pandemic and with a ruinous SIP doing more damage every day … but on second thought, I don’t think anyone capable of writing this should be given any actually important work.
Cringe… smh
Sick. Disgusting. Disturbing. Unbelievable. America has officially been flushed down the toilet. Words cannot describe what a farce this is. County government bureaucrats paid by us to sit at a computer and make garbage like this.
How is there not a revolution?
This message are for people that have zero common sense. There are many people that are blind to reality. It is important to inform the public to avoid close sexual contact to avoid spreading the virus. Why are so many of you offended? Do you think that the Democrats are pushing you around? Ha ha! Get real. The virus does not care what political party you are!
@ILovePopvorn Your comments are culturally insensitive to a group of people who find this kind of explicit sexual instruction distasteful. Not saying you have no taste, just cultural insensitivity to those who do.
Popcorn, you just need to be quiet. Please remain hiding under your bed, wearing your mask and cleaning your sex toys. The rest of us will be out enjoying life and hooking up with whom ever we please.
This is so unnecessary
I read this aloud to my husband last night in bed. Boy were we relieved to finally get the Go Ahead and we could finally be intimate! We had been waiting for some faceless government official to tell us what we could and could not do. Because well… we’re stupid and can’t think for ourselves. It’s a wonder both of us have managed to hold down a job and pay our bills for all these years. Oh and the Helpful tips! Most of them we had really never considered but all great information none the less! We will from now on take a break from whoring around and limit our activity to our closet friends. Won’t they be relieved! Thank you!!
Commie California,
That is great!
Good one Commie California! Scariest wors ever, “I am from the government, and here to help”
So how did these geniuses come up with this. Big government at its finest… not
This tops it all.
Who are these clowns?
I always had to step back 6′ and still had plenty, if you know what I mean.
That is a good message. They are saying that you can get the virus if you have sex with someone you are not close to. Why on earth is that suggestion making so many of you so angry? Answer: The haters want to think this is taking their personal sexual freedoms away! Not. It is the virus that is putting the brakes on everything we used to do even our sex life. Too bad you can’t blame the government or the governor. Baawaaaaaaaawa! Get over it and grow up. The truth is we all are in trouble until we have testing and a vaccine.
You must use your common sense. NO SEX WITH STRANGERS.
Ha Ha Ha Ha. That was the best laugh I have had in 2 months. Please continue your stupidity.
@Popcorn……….You asked others why they’re angry and then you answered your own question with your very own little spin. Are you related to shifty Schiff by any chance?
Thank you for being a voice of reason. It is incredulous how upset people get over a small paper of suggestions to keep people safe. It probably didn’t take to long to come up with this information. So tired of the Puritanical don’t ask don’t tell crowd. Stay safe everyone and stop your hook ups for awhile.
Just abandon the missionary position & there will be nothing to worry about…. no face to face contact.
Unbelievable. Outrageous.
I can’t believe the astounding audacity of county employees to believe they even have the right to produce something like this.
If you don’t comply will the county employees want to monitor your homes?
This is a failure of the county employees, the board of supervisors, and the voters.
The voters can fix this.
Elect better representatives.
People. Exhibit A of where do you get your news? This is a spoof. Go to the website. I’m happy for a good laugh, but no verification of facts. Please tell me not everyone is brain dead. Embarrassing
I believe your providing cover for your tribe. If it is a spoof or fake news as some would call the it, I will wait for Claycord to inform its readers of that. As far as I can tell from researching the authors, it is in line with their ideology. Which begs the question, why do our health department officials appear to be so involved with politics to begin with. They don’t even try to hide it anymore..
Is this a spoof!?! That’s what I thought too, but this page on the county’s web site has a link to the letter toward the bottom:
Thanks to for their stellar investigative reporting and for giving me a good laugh this morning.
Thank you Claycord for this important PSA. Hopefully it was timely for many people.
Unfortunately, part of advice is both wrongly worded and outdated “COVID-19 has not yet been found in semen or vaginal fluid.” COVID-19 is the disease that you get when you are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in semen. Would you like a job as a semen collector? You will get to write reports such as “Among 50 patients identified, 12 patients were unable to provide a semen specimen because of erectile dysfunction, being in a comatose state, or dying prior to recruitment; therefore, a total of 38 patients were enrolled for semen testing.” I learned that you can’t collect semen from comatose people. That needs further research. Was it an issue of consent or performance?
For those thinking it’s a spoof, it is on the Contra Costa County heath department’s web site at Go there and look on the page for “Sex During the COVID-19 Outbreak“. It’s also available in Spanish.
It’s from the city of NY heath department at with their document available here.
The CoCo health directors make about $125k per year. “Dr” Barbara Ferrer, Public Health Director for Los Angeles County, is paid $500,000 per year. So I guess their letter’s illustrated and comes with VHS and Beta videos!
In 2015, Chris Farnitano made nearly $300,000, not including benefits, according to “Transparent California.” These unelected bureaucrats are petty tyrants, and need to get off the dole.
This stuff is garbage, not to mention, vile. I hope it makes a national show just so the rest of the country can see how perverse these clowns are.
Contra Costa Health Services 2019 Pay
Anna M Roth, Director of Health Services
Total Pay $385,231.59
Total Pay & Benefits $506,687.10
Christopher Farnitano, Medical Director
Total Pay $352,165.56
Total Pay and Benefits $494,418.37
Daniel W Peddycord, Director of Public Health
Total Pay $210,061.51
Total Pay and Benefits $271,250.58
My pitch fork is ready. Seriously folks, what are we waiting for?
Oops, forgot their merit pay that we cough up. You’re welcome.
Nothing wrong with extremely educated people in the top positions being paid for their service. The people in charge truly care about the citizens of Contra Costa County. Some of you sound like green eyed monsters.
And remember kiddies, be sure to leave the masks on for the erotic asphyxiation experience.
Is there a section in the Kama Sutra on this?
I want to see Governor Newsom reading this to us in his noontime speech with a signer standing beside him. It could be good entertainment.
The dumbest part of all, is that people who do some of the extreme activities listed in these guidelines, already don’t care about risk – STDs. So why would anyone think these guidelines are going to benefit anyone? Just ban COVID like they do with other things and we’re good. Then only criminals will get COVID
wow you thought that the dmv printing what ever gender you want on your license was funny …like gender…typewriter or nail gun ….or none lolwas funny
this is outright not a surprise
the gov and yes the politicians are pushing this
counties have no say about covid procedures unless advised by the gov or Pelosi
so yes this is what the brainchild socialist communists have put their time to
next will be proper covid hair cuts
and or beards
laugh its coming as well as proper summer attire to wear
this is reality that you have voted for in this state to make it a huge joke against yourself …..this whole study and production of this memo cost you money …that’s the best part
you have voted …..poorly
your next chance is coming soon …..
you can change the narrative and let these wasteful self soothing loser politicians know we the people have had enough garbage time
we want to thrive
not be sheep in a carnival
where only Politian’s get to eat the food and have a beer
and have their children ride the rides
and pet the sheep
this establishment has just shown how much of a joke they think we are
as well as how compliant you are follow what ever they say
you have just been told that your life is not your own
they are in control of you and your family
and you can not stop them
this is the message they have sent
I mean if this was Russia and we got wind of this message sent out by the government
what would you say about that and its country
I would have used china but they are obviously stifling any media that mentions them in A BAD WAY
like a guy holding a sign supporting hong kong at an American basketball game ….china had him exited from the building
like china informing the world to not blame them for the production and distribution of covid on the world
if Australia or the US or even isreal had unleashed a plague amongst this earth china and Russia would be doing everything to burn them down
yet china is pressuring the world to let it go and be quiet
and wait for the next virus they create to take out specific lifestyles or races
this county memo is the farce that you created in this country
and china is taking advantage of your head in the sand
I hope the children of the next generations don’t spit on you
like you have done to the many dead who fought for this country ….
to not be a puppet to the evils of communism socialists
weak and gullible to politicians while you work for minimum wage or collect unemployment
and complain about those trying to succeed
we have lost …..I am sure your proud
This is why we can have a 20% cut in staffing for the county. We can save a whole lot of money getting rid of the overloaded personnel.
Looks like starting at the top would do the most good.
20%? I’ll see you and raise you to 60%! Then there are the cities and “Special Districts”. And finally there is BART. And the only thing I can say to them is, “The Ice Man Cometh!”.
On a CCHS notice they referred contact tracing as disease investigators. Sounds like they could ask a variety of health questions.
People can act surprised at the guideline, and make fun of it, but the truth is, a lot of people are unsure what you can and cannot do during these times. Dating, outside of video chatting and texting, has essentially stopped for new couples not yet in a relationship. I know singles who have had questions about meeting up. Some have expressed this is not the right time and want to wait, which the major question is, how long is this condition going to last and what are the implications when restrictions start easing? I’m sure a lot of people who are already coupled are likely having sex. What about the others? This is just informational for those that had the question about it.
This is terribly offensive, objectionable, and can be viewed as prosecutorial to a small segment of society. It does not, hiwever, stop Contra Costa Health Department from putting their full ignorance and insensitivity on display. A pathetic, narrow-minded, pop culture, politically-correct approach to life gets you what you see here as an “official” county announcement.
Perhaps they should have consulted former congresswoman Katie Hill for her input. She seems very open minded.
They called Katie, but she just brushed them off.
Thank you for your service
OMG!!……Claycord went X-rated………I thought this was a family friendly website
Minds in the gutter, some of yas!
Did you read it, Silva? Some of it is … “explicit.”
Yeah, it is. I learned something. Distasteful, eh? It won’t hurt me though.
Maybe not you. Someone wishing to be informed, but who specifically avoids such explicit discussions to maintain a purity of spirit will want to . Unfortunately, once you start reading, it is right there in your face before you know it. It’s something you can’t un-see, or in this case, un-think. There are also children on Claycord that don’t need specific instruction, which, if they put two and two together, definitely have some mysteries spelled out for them.
So, you’re thick skinned. Everybody doesn’t come like that.
As annoying and asinine as this seems, the Contra Costa Health Department is just doing their job. Sadly, there are some people who really do need to read this. Hopefully, it’s nobody I know.
BS Literally NOBODY needs this. Quit giving these morons a pass and our tax dollars. They don’t need apologists for amount of dough they get. They need adult supervision and a substantial pay cut. 500k is what they get from taxpayers. No bueno
“…people who really do need to read this …” generally seek out the information in a more discreet fashion. If you are a father and have daughters, I’m guessing you don’t want them to find this out on a website of mostly adults making wise cracks about it.
this quote
People can act surprised at the guideline, and make fun of it, but the truth is, a lot of people are unsure what you can and cannot do during these times
so this is the whole problem
too many people with the pc politician blinders can not use their own brains
I mean the mentality of oh no my kid cant get dirty
or oh no my kid scraped his knee I will sue
or hey I need a dating site to meet people
no one can do anything for themselves or on their own or even try
you are brow beat or pc’d to death for trying to do what you as an educated ….hmmm well hopefully semi educated if your in cc county
anyways as an educated person your first and foremost duty is problem solving
stating that the gov or an entity of the gov or a politician or your own neighbor can tell you what to do ….besides using your own brain to figure it out
I mean if you cant come up with a plan to date then don’t
the government teet telling you how is and should be the most demeaning and bullied and boot to the neck I have ever seen
comments applauding such action makes me sad that this is what we are left with ……
acceptance of domination by a party political agenda through our taxes and hard work
that a seemingly simple thing or problem or even event has to handled by gov because you cant as an adult figure it our for yourself
huge wake up call here
I mean did you forget how to eat or where to eat
what about laundry
can you do it
geese shucks and oh my ….how will I ever date
so your telling me you have not put on a mask and shopped or walked your dog
wow I cant believe I am writing this it is such a derived circumstance of benevolence toward total control
It says my safest partner is myself. But what if that partner doesn’t want anything to do with me?
Lol !! I was going to try as well…. but my hand said no, I’ve got a headache ..
There are those who really do need this information, keeping it from them can wind up affecting you negatively. If it doesn’t apply to you just ignore it.
Spare me with the “it’s for the greater good” crap. It’s a straight up vile document.
Seeing how it doesn’t apply to you, I gotta wonder what’s got the bee in your bonnet. You’re all super duper triggered.
I don’t agree to be a part of a system that pays idiots half a million dollars a year to project such filth upon my community. Its degrading and done to undermine decency which has an adverse effect on overall social morality.
good point Silva.
history will reveal who was smart and made the right decisions.
I would be surprised if it turns out to be the people choosing to ignore the problem. but we will see.
Liberal minded Democrats demand open, frank discussions about sexuality and then can’t for the life of them figure out why we are all supporting so many illegitimate children and single-parent mothers on welfare.
Abstinence? ooops too late.
Need permission? Need tips? How on earth did the world get over populated without these?
Oh, but this is the kind of thing our children are learning in school.
Ok for the people asking if they really needed to put this out.. The real question you should be asking yourself is just how many people called or emailed them asking them about it that they felt they needed to put this out there.
I have not laughed this hard in a long time …
But seriously, I feel so sorry for all the good people in my former state, and my former country … I left for good last year and am now enjoying my newfound freedom in communist Vietnam … seriously, … you may not believe it, but Vietnam for me is AMAZING in terms of how the leadership runs the country …. feels WAYYYYYYY more free than the for “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave …”
It is so sad to see what some of the folks who are being paid to lead the country are doing and not doing. Total failures in my view (one man’s opinion).
I can recall my brother driving me to SFO … looking at my last Bay Area sunset towards Marin and Angel Island … but also trying hard not to cry as the images of the thousands of homeless people, priced out of a normal existence lining the roads leading to the airport.
I admit, there was a tear or two … thinking about what it would be like to leave for the last time, knowing in my heart there is likely no chance the state will ever return to it’s status as a “once great place to live.”
I love the old America. And just as so many have commented … I do not recognize it anymore … deep sigh.
Good luck to all.
Vietnam is my new home. The leaders here are strong and mostly good-hearted men and women who are by all tests are working very hard to build the country strong for the future, and give every citizen a chance “to live their own lives as they wish.”
Thank you Vietnam, I have fallen deeply in love with you!
Anna is getting paid $366k to publish garbage like this? What an embarrassment. How enlightened these “directors” are. SMH.
@Krissy – not garbage, Anna is a very competent leader who wants to keep us healthy. Can’t understand why you are so sensitive about her pay or safe sex practices.
Anna does a heck of a lot than this and I’m sure someone else wrote this up.
I think people are mad because they accept their low pay and think they only deserve low pay.
When I read the county psa about having sex during the Coronavirus I started laughing. I laughed so hard I started to cough. Now my wife thinks I’m sick. No nookie last night.
Well, they have been using mind control for many years. They are pros at it. Heck, they still use it on Hollywood. So sad!
Thanks alot there goes my excuse.
Having been at one point in my life a government employee, I used to tell people “We can’t make this s4!7 up.”. And sure enough, we get this. All I can say is that when the government gives you advice on how to ‘do it’, be suspicious, be VERY suspicious.
Wow, I thought all the idiots were in Sacramento, now I find out they’re also in Martinez. Have anyone e seen the Health Director of CoCo county. He looks like a fourteen year old and now hes acting like one too. Open up the dawn county and let people get back to work and save their small businesses before it to late. Yes more people are going to die sadly but there is nothing anyone can do.
We have had a flu vaccine for decades and still we lose 40 to 50 thousand people EVERY year to the flu and this won’t be any different.
This virus is far worse than the flu. How can you compare this to the flu? It is far more contagious and dangerous. It is there waiting for you. Pick your poison. Be patient and be safe stay home or go play on the freeway.
“Be patient and be safe stay home or go play on the freeway.”
You stay home locked up like a rodent – you’re free to do that. It will make you safe from all the people who value their freedom. Is my freedom more important than your life? Yes. Also – your freedom is more important than my life. Do what you will with the freedom some of us are trying to preserve on your behalf.
“It is there waiting for you.”
Also waiting for you is a slip and fall in the shower resulting in a fatal head injury. Pick your poison.
Wait, were we not supposed to be having the sex for the last 2 months? Oops…