Home » Can You Identify? Man Wanted For Breaking Into Vehicle At Walnut Creek Park & Ride

Can You Identify? Man Wanted For Breaking Into Vehicle At Walnut Creek Park & Ride


Walnut Creek Police say the man pictured above broke into a vehicle parked at a Walnut Creek Park & Ride.

If you can identify the subject, please contact officer Boemer at Boemer@walnutcreekpd.com.

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108RS is 10-8 on this one…….too close to home.


That thing needs

Great snapshot! Shouldn’t take long until arrest.

His profile eerily looks like the surviving brother from the Boston Marathon bombers.

More like a young basil Rathbone

I guess he ran out of masks.

QUESTION: Means of transportation: bicycle, car or walking?

I don know but Ralph Cramdon sure can arrange his next mission.

arrest for what the people voted to have criminals fleece us

cant have it both ways now demorats

he is exercising his free will to adhere to the law and do his job
to rob you create chaos and allow politicians to rule over you because of it

politicians love chaos …..it forces lemmings to vote for anything

worked several times already

with covid oh boy are you going to get screwed

you think some lowlife staling is the worst

you are going to have to get a vaccine if you want your children to attend school …or get your license or lol get a job

Mr. Random – what??

^ But fun at parties I’m sure…

Take it easy there, Random.

Fine reward for essential workers, come back to a vehicle that’s been broken into. Rest of you are stuck at home while criminals roam free.

Even if they catch the guy they’re just gonna let him right back out on our streets, same day he’s arrested, under Covid-19 ZERO BAIL that’s in effect !

Mom and Dad can put this photo in their scrapbook for posterity.

I think it would be prudent for us to consider to sacrifice some of our personal liberties for a more secure society. As they do in Singapore. I would start with drones armed with automatic weapons. This would easily deter many of these common thieves.

Wasn’t too long ago Singapore used public caning as a punishment for crimes. Do we want to go there?


Perhaps not canning for minor crimes, but I am in favor of public hangings for murder.


And this way is better? I would love to see him caned.

I though auto burglaries were legal? Prop 47???
Don’t thieves have more rights?? California is a criminal sanctuary. Thanks liberals.

Not sure why Walnut Creek P.D. are so intent on catching this guy, when they do he will get his citation and promise (yea right) to appear in court.

Little Punk needs to get an ass whipping.

He will get a slap on the hand for breaking into the vehicle but perhaps not wearing a mask will land him in jail?



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