Home » Gov. Newsom Signs Order To Mail Ballots To All California Registered Voters

Gov. Newsom Signs Order To Mail Ballots To All California Registered Voters


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Friday to mail a ballot to every registered voter in California ahead of the November general election.

With public health experts across the country predicting a second major wave of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in the run-up to the election, Newsom said he signed to order to ensure that California residents don’t have to risk contracting the virus to vote.

Voting locations will still be available to accommodate those who may not be able to vote by mail, such as people with disabilities, people who speak a language other than English or people who are homeless, Newsom said.

“Elections and the right to vote are foundational to our democracy,” Newsom said. “No Californian should be forced to risk their health in order to exercise their right to vote.”


Voting rights advocates lauded the announcement from Newsom and California Secretary of State Alex Padilla but called on state officials and legislators to also expand polling place access as much as possible.

“It is imperative that the legislature work closely with counties and community-based organizations to ensure they have the resources to execute a robust public education campaign that reaches every eligible California voter,” said Anthony Thigpenn, president of the voting advocacy group California Calls.

Newsom and Padilla said they plan to work with officials at the county level across the state to establish in-person voting standards for the election. Newsom could issue a subsequent executive order later this year if those standards are not agreed upon by May 30.

Voters can check and affirm their registration status by visiting voterstatus.sos.ca.gov. Voters will not be required to pay for postage as mail ballot postage is prepaid in California.


“There’s no safer, physically distancing, healthier way to exercise your right to vote than from the safety and convenience of your own home,” Padilla said.


JazzMan May 9, 2020 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM

Awesome! Contrary to some opinions here, I think he’s doing a great job under the circumstances. We need to do all we can to keep 45 out.

The Wizard May 9, 2020 - 8:16 AM - 8:16 AM

JazzMan, Do all we Can..Do you mean voter fraud ? I hope not.

Anon May 9, 2020 - 8:39 AM - 8:39 AM

Glad you’re finally admitting to it…….because that is what ALL OF THIS IS ABOUT!!!

Eastbay Babe May 9, 2020 - 9:08 AM - 9:08 AM

So you are willing to let people suffer and even die just to remove President Trump? YOU ARE SICK!!! I have no doubt that this virus was created and spread intentionally to bring down Trump even if it kills us. Nice to see the Democrats, I mean the Communist Party have not changed their spots since they helped create the KKK. Looks like Democrat Governors (even some Rinos) are revealing their inner dictators with this virus.

Robert May 9, 2020 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM

This has nothing to do with those snowflakes who don’t want President Trump reelected. This just has to do with making sure people get to vote. Especially those that are afraid of going out to the polls. The election is not until November, and I for one intend to vote in person. One thing is for sure and that is that the lying liberal media are doing all they can to sensationalize and continue to push the fear.
The Democrats wasted no time politicizing this crisis And another blatant attempt to sabotage our president. None of their other false accusations in charges work so they are continuing to do all they can to pull a coup against a duly elected president. Anyone who can’t see that is as blind as a bat and pretty stupid too. Of course we all hope there is not a second wave of this virus!

OverWhelmed May 9, 2020 - 9:52 AM - 9:52 AM

@ JazzMan
He is doing a great job.
He has done a great job in destroying the economy of CA
He has done a great job in creating homeless camps along the freeways
He has done a great job in putting millions of people out of work
He has done a great job of creating a police state without actually calling the UN in (which was his intent)
He has done a great job of creating voter fraud so that Trump will not get back into office
Need i go on or are you actually getting this scum bag had done in a matter of how long has he been in office?

dude1 May 9, 2020 - 10:19 AM - 10:19 AM

@ robert….keep drinking that Kool-aid… this has nothing to do with safety… never let a crisis go to waste

JWP May 9, 2020 - 11:58 AM - 11:58 AM

JazzMan ~ I 100% agree with you. Often doing the right thing is not popular and it takes a strong person to make a hard decision and stick with it. Newsom and the local mayors have definitely saved lives. We are very fortunate California was pro-active, our results prove it.

MattfromConcord May 9, 2020 - 7:17 PM - 7:17 PM

@ OverWhelmed don’t know where you’ve been but all these thing you’re griping about have been around WAAAAY before the current Governor. For example there have been “homeless camps along the freeway” for many mean MANY years. You can’t just blame the person currently in the chair you need to get out and make a difference yourself.

Cellophane May 9, 2020 - 8:17 AM - 8:17 AM

Mail-in ballots can be easily falsified.

Ballot harvesting is more prone to fraud.

I have voted by mail for decades.

This year I’m doing something different.

Fred May 9, 2020 - 8:20 AM - 8:20 AM

I liked voting in person, but I’d rather not get sick.

Sam May 9, 2020 - 8:31 AM - 8:31 AM

Absolutely voter ID is a must. Make your vote count. Vote by mail should be safe and secure with the new incoming Post Master General. Clear and severe punishment for mishandling the mail or dumping votes.

MoJo May 9, 2020 - 9:01 AM - 9:01 AM

More assurance that California will continue to remain dark blue.

CoCoOld May 9, 2020 - 11:04 AM - 11:04 AM

And yet my rural county, which has no precincts and where everyone votes by mail, is Republican. And there have been ZERO instances of voter fraud.

Why are you so afraid?

JG27 AD May 9, 2020 - 9:18 AM - 9:18 AM

Ahhh.. Another crop to harvest this Autumn.

DVC Student May 9, 2020 - 9:20 AM - 9:20 AM

…And so it begins

FPN May 9, 2020 - 9:22 AM - 9:22 AM

Govenor is worried about the virus? I am so angry, voter fraud is a problem.

Noj May 9, 2020 - 9:43 AM - 9:43 AM

$53 BILLION in debt and Slick plans to keep it that way.

Dorothy May 9, 2020 - 9:53 AM - 9:53 AM

I have voted by mail for years. My problem is with all the other stuff that comes in the mail.

Ms. Mom May 9, 2020 - 6:23 PM - 6:23 PM

That’s great now all the dead people & illegals can vote! Way to go California 👍

The Wizard May 9, 2020 - 10:01 AM - 10:01 AM

I’m voting in person. Gav can take a hike.

Jojo Potato May 9, 2020 - 11:58 AM - 11:58 AM

That’s totally fine, there are going to be several poling places available. So what’s your beef? Gavin is giving you the choice of in person or by mail and you are still not happy.

The Wizard May 9, 2020 - 2:23 PM - 2:23 PM

No I’m not. It gives more probability of them being falsified or tampered with.

LIBERTY 1st - SAFETY 2nd May 9, 2020 - 10:02 AM - 10:02 AM

Democrats are in fact the “domestic enemy” of the Constitution that all politicians and bureaucrats took an oath to protect us from. We are now beyond the line in the sand for civil debate. I regret that California’s one-party state is proving to be anything but Pro-Constitution.

R May 9, 2020 - 10:03 AM - 10:03 AM

No mention of verifying voter rolls where obvious anomalies exist, and no mention of voter id. Guess “foundational to our democracy” excludes a concern for fraud and manipulation.

ON DA May 9, 2020 - 10:07 AM - 10:07 AM

betta register

Gebertx May 9, 2020 - 10:09 AM - 10:09 AM

I will be voting in person, I’m not worried with proper protection and diligence, plus the #s and the story behind the numbers make the risk acceptable (for Me) … I’ve had poor success in past elections with Mail In Ballots. And yes, I can see Ballot theft, Harvesting, and fraud are probably going to happen.

Ricardoh May 9, 2020 - 11:32 AM - 11:32 AM

If he mails out ballots you may as well stay home on election day. Your vote wont mean Jack.

Strad May 9, 2020 - 10:12 AM - 10:12 AM

Newsom must have something he wants you to vote in favor of.

jef May 9, 2020 - 10:35 AM - 10:35 AM

Great to see Newsome and our fear leaders focusing on the right thing!

“With public health experts across the country predicting a second major wave of the COVID-19 coronavirus”.

Newsome must be planning on upping the infected they are mandating to nursing homes (but no family visits) to enhance that second wave.

Newsome is no Cuomo, but it appears he is trying hard. Check it out.



chuckie the troll May 9, 2020 - 1:13 PM - 1:13 PM

Newsome speaking about residents in nursing facilities, “We had to kill them in order to save them.”.

If people with Xi coronavirus can be housed with THE most vulnerable population, then why in ^&$% have we shut our state down and destroyed so many businesses?

jef May 9, 2020 - 4:26 PM - 4:26 PM


Richard Lueck May 9, 2020 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

Trump proving Vote by Mail works – Here’s proof – Registered in two states
• Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump’s strategist, was registered to vote in Florida and New York, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune found.

• Tiffany Trump, Mr. Trump’s youngest daughter, was registered in Pennsylvania and New York, NBC News reported.

• Sean Spicer, his press secretary, was registered in both Virginia and Rhode Island, according to The Washington Post.

• Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and close adviser, was registered in New York and New Jersey, according to The Washington Post.

• Steven Mnuchin, who is nominated to lead the Treasury Department, was registered in New York and California, CNN found.

Ricardoh May 9, 2020 - 11:29 AM - 11:29 AM

So you think the above would vote twice in an election. You are out of your mind.

Cyn May 9, 2020 - 11:42 AM - 11:42 AM

Good thing they were all Registered. In California, they let anyone vote, whether they’re registered or not. The politicians in California prefer that you’re not registered and have no I.D.

Max May 9, 2020 - 12:11 PM - 12:11 PM

My ex husband moved out of Ca in 2012, and he is still a registered voter in Ca, even tho he hasn’t voted since. I once tried to get his name removed, I couldn’t,, only he could, but I have no contact with him. When my kids moved out yrs ago, their names were on for yrs too. Happens too much, especially when someone dies.

Hayden Barsoti May 9, 2020 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

Fraud – O – rama!!!!! Why not? It’s what they do anyway.

Ricardoh May 9, 2020 - 11:26 AM - 11:26 AM

Makes no difference if you are a Republican or a Democrat this will take away your vote. You will never again know who really was elected. This has to be stopped. I don’t believe the Prince of San Francisco has the authority to do this.

Jojo Potato May 9, 2020 - 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

I guess you mean governor Newsome? You elected him so stop whining about it.

Ricardoh May 9, 2020 - 12:30 PM - 12:30 PM

My first election was when I was in basic training at Ft Ord by absentee ballot. I voted for Nixon who was running against Kennedy. I have never voted for a democrat in my life. You are right Newsom is the Prince of San Francisco. Born into the democrat society of San Francisco. I am not whining just stating facts.

Fed up May 9, 2020 - 12:03 PM - 12:03 PM

Quote from poll worker “we are NOT allowed to turn away anyone who wants to vote”. Just imagine how much more fraud can be perpetrated if they do not even have to show up. Obviously, California will remain blue with either way but this will give credence to their argument that the electoral college should be abolished because their candidate won the popular vote.

mtzman May 10, 2020 - 9:56 AM - 9:56 AM

That is true but if the person demanding to vote doesn’t show up properly on the official roll, they must vote provisionally and their eligibility to vote is checked by county staff. A majority of Californians already vote by mail — many have done so for decades — and there are safeguards in place to minimize voter fraud.

Walter May 9, 2020 - 12:34 PM - 12:34 PM

without the voter roles being cleaned, there will be alot of dead democrats voting.

chuckie the troll May 9, 2020 - 1:09 PM - 1:09 PM

Will ‘vote harvesting’ be allowed again this year? Will the voter rolls be cleaned up so there won’t be more ballots cast than eligible voters? That practice is so corrupt it would make Al Capone blush!

BOOYAH! May 9, 2020 - 2:02 PM - 2:02 PM

Can’t wait to vote twice!!! Once by mail and once in person at the pole!!! Anxious to see how many dead people and illegals vote by mail!!! Oh well, my vote doesn’t count anyway …

Dave May 9, 2020 - 2:16 PM - 2:16 PM

I’m sending this message because with Gavin Newsom does with the voting is completely ridiculous he has no concept that we already have all of us in place the people that can’t vote because I want to stay at home or they’re afraid of the virus can use the voter registration mail to send in their ballots this is a completely ridiculous bill that he’s trying to pass on us to reduce us from being able to get an accurate voter count in the upcoming election and screw Trump out of the president it’s obvious that Biden and the rest of them people are completely behind whatever these Democratic governors are trying to do in the Democratic Party is trying to do Nancy Nancy Pelosi is completely out of her mind with the crap Annex

Carol Strohmeier May 9, 2020 - 3:08 PM - 3:08 PM

@Jojo—-I always had the choice to sign up for an absentee ballot. What we are NOT happy with is the vast opportunity for voter fraud afforded those who benefit from it. Gavin is giving me nothing I didn’t already have but he has taken away more of my peace of mind and tax dollars.

JustMe May 9, 2020 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

Friends of mine have been doing this for years, and although I’ve never been on board with mail in ballots, under the circumstances, this is probably the best option right now. I’m on board unless some better option surfaces. I just can’t see going to polling places right now.

In theory, turn out should be higher. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

FPN May 9, 2020 - 4:34 PM - 4:34 PM

Voter fraud and ballot harvesting is how the Dems roll. They don’t really care if your vote is counted. Come on they play to win and cheating is no big deal to them. Manipulating the truth in their favor is what they do. Power and more power come hook or crook. What does that even mean. Lol

The Fearless Spectator May 10, 2020 - 9:12 AM - 9:12 AM

Notice: Volunteers needed to collect and mail signatures of the homeless. You will be provided with cash and cigarettes.

Cyn May 9, 2020 - 5:49 PM - 5:49 PM

tRUMP? Get lost, Pat. Go post your nonsense on the other sites who spell exactly the same stupid way you do.

Tired May 9, 2020 - 10:35 PM - 10:35 PM

Crooked and conniving sharks! They will do anything to try and stop Trump from being reelected! He has certainly started draining the swamps and all of them are showing their true colors. If they get their way, a miraculous cure will be found to stop the BS Virus!!

Rosebud May 9, 2020 - 10:59 PM - 10:59 PM

Trump’s opponents, please check out BCP, Steve Moley and x22 report on youtube.

JWP May 10, 2020 - 9:10 AM - 9:10 AM

lots of conspiracy driven people on claycord……if anything is rigged its the minds of paranoid people and of course regarding voting, the electoral college, that system is antiquated and useless. popular vote should be the only measure of a candidates success.

Caskydiver May 10, 2020 - 11:21 AM - 11:21 AM

and now…let the fraud resume!!

ChuckStir May 10, 2020 - 5:56 PM - 5:56 PM

If you can stand in line at Lowes you should be able to stand in line to vote. This should sound an alarm and raise concern.

D May 12, 2020 - 2:27 PM - 2:27 PM

Please post the Co Co County elections notice re this.
I will put the link in Facebook

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