Home » UPDATE: 212 Homes Without Power In Concord Due To Planned Electrical Outage

UPDATE: 212 Homes Without Power In Concord Due To Planned Electrical Outage


212 homes are currently without power in Concord.

As we previously reported on Wednesday, PG&E planned to cut power to several homes in Concord today to install new overhead equipment.


The outage is between Bailey Rd. & Kirker Pass Rd.

PG&E says they expect power to be restored by 7 p.m.


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Don’t ya just love how PG&E picks the hottest day of the year so far to do this work? Idiots! I feel for those in the shutoff zone that will not have working air conditioners today. Read the forecast PG&E!!!!

Because, you know, they just planned this yesterday, right after they saw the weather forecast.

Chicken Little- today was forcasted to be a 94 degree as early as Monday. PGE has a duty to mitigate the inconveniences their work causes the ratepayers. It’s absolutely ridiculous for PGE to leave people without power on a hot day with no place to go to cool off. They know and have known, just like the rest of us, that we are all under orders to isolate. Is it absolutely necessary to do the work they’re doing today? If it is then at the very least they should have provided generators to people so nobody suffers heat related illnesses. If it’s not an absolute emergency to do the work today then they should have rescheduled. This is another example of PGE not giving a s*** about ratepayers.

They just apparently can’t win one way or the other can they? With the weather heating up, if a fire starts because the equipment wasn’t fixed it’s their fault too. I do feel for thise that were without power, but don’t see either, when exactly the perfect conditions would have been?

TLC – I understand work needs to be done on lines to maintain them but there’s no reason it couldn’t be delayed a day, done at night or very early. To leave people to suffer on 94 degree day with no fans, no AC and no place to cool off while we are all quarantined is unacceptable. How would you feel if someone got sick or died? For those people who think 94 degrees is no big deal I’m here to tell you it is. Elderly people are particularly susceptible to heat related illnesses. PGE picked a bad day to do that repair work.

I love how they couldn’t reschedule to next week when the weather is a lot cooler. How sweet of them!

Plus everyone is probably stuck inside with no cooling off places like malls and theaters open.
Very mean thing to do. when it was not an emergency.

Hold on, I’ll go get my GAS LEAF BLOWER to cool you off.

exact mentality and stupidity

S- you must be an employee of PGE. You’re so compassionate. I wonder if you would feel the same way if you, your elderly parents, spouse, children and pets were suffering in a hot house with no fans, no AC, no cooling centers and no where to go to cool off. And you know what you can do with that leaf blower.

They can run through the sprinklers.

Rut Roh, I struck a nerve. Opps… make that two.

Last night it was reported on Channel 2 news at 10 that PG&E had relented and was only planning a 5 hour shut down because of the weather rather than all day. Let’s see what happens.

It is almost 100 degrees outside!! There could be elderly people living there. It’s not like people living in that area can just go somewhere else until the power comes back on either. PG&E has no problems with killing their customers.

Why didn’t they schedule the work at night or in the early mornings to help customers? Typical of Pacific Gas and Extortion.

What a bunch of crybabies! If you can’t make do for a few hours in the spring what are you going to do if you lose power this summer? Better start preparing NOW!

On the hottest day of the year? They couldn’t have rescheduled this? This is classless. It doesn’t affect me but if I was one of the customers I would be mad as a hornet.

It’s not that hot, people. Relax. It’s not killing anyone.

Did anyone suffer?
A.) Do you think the lineman really want to be in the bucket on the hottest day of the year?
B.) The estimate for power being off is based on worst case scenario, and will be much less if they are able to safety perform the work.
C.) This is what the public wanted More Government oversight. Well you got your wish…….PG&E must perform these upgrades or face fines Daily until the work is completed.



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