Home » Bay Area Health Officers Keep Shelter Guidelines In Place Despite State Changes

Bay Area Health Officers Keep Shelter Guidelines In Place Despite State Changes


Health officers in six Bay Area counties and the city of Berkeley warned residents Thursday that the regional COVID-19 coronavirus shelter-in-place guidelines will remain in place through at least May 31 despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announced changes to the state’s order.

While state health guidelines will allow more restaurants and retail stores to operate with curbside pickup and delivery, health officers from Berkeley and Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara
and San Mateo counties will continue to prohibit curbside pick-up at non-essential, non-outdoor businesses.

“We need to continue to work together so those sacrifices don’t go to waste,” the seven jurisdictions said in a joint statement. “It is critical to maintain our gains.”


During a Thursday afternoon news conference, Newsom and state Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said that the state will slightly loosen its health and safety guidelines starting Friday, allowing
manufacturing facilities, some retail stores and other “low-risk” businesses and industries to resume operating, provided that they enforce state health guidelines like physical distancing.

The Bay Area’s revised order that went into effect Monday only permits businesses that operate primarily outside to resume operating. As a result, construction projects and real estate transactions could be completed
and retail nurseries, landscapers and gardeners could reopen for business.

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No thanks

BBQing with friends Saturday, wife goes back to work tomorrow.

Sheltering in place, in this household, is over.

Business owners – Open up!

We will support you. Civil disobedience is the way to go.

Fine! Kill us all!

@ JazzMan

My kids and I are going to the in laws today for some swimming and dinner and then on Sunday my husband’s family plus my family will be getting together for Mother’s Day and having drinks and dinner together. But hey last time I checked I didn’t know spending time with family can kill us all!

Ya , that’s great, make it so the rest of us that are unemployed during this time have to stay out of work longer because you want to bbq with friends. Nice.

Your government did that to you Alanna.

I second that Mitch. Real Americans will overwhelmingly support any business that can no longer afford to remain shuttered. California is in serious trouble and Democrats own it. Give me liberty or give me death. It’s way past time to get back to work.

No, it was China.

Paging science and data. Paging science and data.

Where is the science and data supporting this? Not “losing gains” is bumper sticker logic. We could say the same about being hit by a meteor. I know hiding out reduces that too.

Civil disobedience is NOT the way to go .. but good luck not getting covid that way

@ Whatever
Not one thing is prevents you from continuing to shelter in place. Hell, you can wear a MOPP 4 level NBC suit if it makes you feel safer. So why all the anger? You make it sound like catching Covid-19 is a death sentence. It isn’t. Life is a risk. Covid-19 isn’t the only thing humans on plant earth. Come up with a cure tomorrow and people are still going to die.

landscapers should not be allowed until residents are allowed to leave our home without restriction. Trapped with the gas pollution and noise is despicable!
Those with the virus would have more breathing issues, as if the allergies aren’t bad enough. No right to quiet enjoyment anymore. Stop the Stupidity

You have chosen to live in a densely crowded society, one cell in a vast organism. If the bad outweighs the good you could move into a more rural area.

Time to get back to work and stop letting folks ruin our lives. Those who want to can stay home but those who need to go back to work and aren’t afraid should be allowed to do so

Kirkwood -We should be able to live where we were born and grew up if we choose. The ones causing the polluting can leave, but thanks for the brilliant advise

Who gave health officers the power to legislate?

CCC has 29 total deaths they can just stop with this now.

And why do you think it’s “only” 29??.
Maybe…hmm..could it be that SIP works?

Adjusted for inflated data, it is actually more like 15. Officials have been lying about the health problems that would have caused death anyway.

You shouldn’t focus on the death statistics but rather the infection rate.

Rough figures: in CCC 88 people infected per every 100,000 mean around 1 in every 1100 persons.

Since testing rates are so low, the infection rate could be much higher.

What’s the membership of your church? The enrollment in your kid’s school?

We take orders from unelected unaccountable career health “officers”. That will be the first order of business that needs to be changed when the courts open up. This broad sweeping imaginary power is apparently to much for some people to handle.

The courts are open and have generally upheld the various actions taken. One example was the unsuccessful attempt by two Orange County cities challenging Newsom’s order shutting down beaches.

There is no science in this continued Quarantine. My wife and i are going out Saturday again. Breed is trying to outdo Newscum … and the other 6 counties are just sheep to her for some strange little reason.

In our area gardeners usually two man teams never stopped their weekly rounds.

Yes, my house and cars continue to be covered with gunk blown from gardeners despite washing them a few weeks ago. The gardeners visit 3 days a week… Or more. The neighbors also use blowers.

Not a chance……….Thanks China!

“ landscapers and gardeners could reopen for business. “ ?????? WHAT
Where I live there have been Gardners around every day of the week.

Yes. They were all in violation, many illegal
as people with the virus can’t breathe

Feel like I’m living in the twilight zone.

Easy for them to say “sacrifice” when they probably don’t have much to lose. Lot of us aren’t as rich as some of these health officials that are still ABLE to work. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a stimulus check due to status or get approved for unemployment.

Bay Area continues to waste ammunition on an enemy that has fled the field or lies dying. Will there be any ammunition left when the enemy regroups?

At first it was because we needed to prevent hospitals from being over run, then we needed to flatten the curve…

And now we can’t go out because we need to “maintain gains?”

Sad to see people believing in this.

Now that the battle is won, it’s time to bayonet the wounded.

When things first started, I was promised a serious plague where everyone would end up seriously ill, from which none could escape (just prolong the inevitable to keep hospitals from overflowing all at once).

Now, apparently, it can be mild enough that people write it off as a small cold and don’t even realize that they had it.

So far, the worst things about covid are the preventative measures.

Look at Georgia’s infection rate. Their rate was declining. They opened their economy and the infection rate immediately spiked. If we are not careful, the same thing will happen here. If it does, do you think people will go to the movies or out to dinner? Some may, but most will stay home. Business will continue to fail and unemployment will increase. We need to find good, reasonable safeguards to help people feel safe so the economy can hum.

Oh my gosh, we are done! Enough of this crap….we are officially in an upside down world. Look at the latest the liberals are trying to enforce, it’s bad enough that our children have been robbed of 3+ months of their childhood, and now this?? Kudos to the San Jose police chief to state that CRIMINALS ARE BEING RELEASED FROM PRISON, but yet we need to enforce this. Maybe if we had the sex offenders recently released to dress up as clowns and lead these car parades, it would pass the liberal sniff test.
I am done, I dare any of the regular liberal posters here to defend this enforcement….popcorn? dan? Anonymous? clueless Ozzie? math challenged Maui Mike? Natalie? plenty of money Macy’s Hanna? John P.? Androgynous Pat?
Us critical thinking logical ones are listening…..

I’m with Mitch, my family is going to bbq and enjoy life. The rest of you can hide under your beds. Kiss my mask.


Robbed of their Childhood lol…..What do you think School does?

This is total BS! I work in a local hospital, I see it, the numbers are low. Our ICU is pretty much empty. This is not about a virus anymore. People need to stop drinking the fear kool-aid and think outside the box. Look at the numbers yourself . The US has approximately 330 million people ( that are counted). There are 40 million people in CA ( that are counted) , approximately 8 million ( that are counted) in the bay area, the numbers don’t add up about the “spread”. People are always going to get sick, we always have and we always will , it can’t be stopped. It is how we build our immune systems. . We need to open up !!! Something is going on and it isn’t good!

What’s going on is a blatant attempt to destroy the economy in hopes of removing President Trump from office. Anyone who cannot see this is blind.

Will… Hit the nail on the head, Democrats are a Cancer to this country. And they will do what ever it takes to undermine our duly elected president. Ask Mike Flynn…Drain the Swamp….

– if that is the case, why are states that vote democrat and republican instituting shelter in place orders? that just doesn’t make sense that this is a broad based conspiracy to remove a president… whether or not he is a narcistic, inept fool.

@dan I see you are again threading needles today lol..you must be getting paid

@sam – how is sharing the truth threading a needle? I get tired of listening to all of the misinformation and I want to set the record straight. People must be free to make their own assessment and decision but they have the obligation to base their assessments and decisions on facts.

Who’s facts dan? You know the media is sold to this highest bidder. Your so quick and dedicated to pushing the approved facts. Questions are still allowed, debate is still allowed.

Dan…The Republican states have had less restrictions and are opening up sooner than the Democratic ones. And that a fact…Trump 2020

@sam – debate is allowed and encouraged. I simply ask that you offer a counter point that is backed in something other than your opinion. Statements like “you know the media is sold to the highest bidder” is a matter of opinion with no supporting evidence. It offers nothing to the conversation.

@wizard – I generally agree with you. Republican states are opening more quickly. Watch their rate of infection. My guess is that it will spike like Georgia’s. I bet if that happens, people will not be flocking to bars and restaurants but rather largely staying at home. Opening the economy too soon may negatively impact the economy instead of helping it as intended.

This controlavirus scam is about the globalist agenda to institute the new world order. Both democrats and republicans are in their pockets and playing along with this. Why do you think they all hate Trump? Because they can’t buy him out to abide to their agenda so they’ve concocted this evil plan we are seeing today

” …health officers from Berkeley and Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties …”

Do health officials not consider Berkeley part of Alameda County?

Berkeley has its own health district, that’s why they are always mentioned in this lineup of unelected officials making policy.

Berkeley has its own health department. It was founded in 1880. The Alameda County health department wasn’t started until 1930. Berkeley kept its own department, even after the county established one, maybe because it’s a university town and gets so many students and visitors, or maybe they just saw it as such an important community need in general that they maintained it..

Berkeley has their own health official.

Right..because we should always listen to dirty Berkeley burnout hippies..Seems legit

You can open things all you want but no one is going to social distance. I’m surprised the BA isn’t more inflected after seeing so many people not social distancing, not wearing masks, and not giving a F.

More truth in what your saying…if “so many people not social distancing, not wearing masks, and not giving a F.”

and are not getting infected. What does that tell you?

This is ridiculous. I’ve been law abiding my entire life. I’ve never been arrested and I’ve had one traffic ticket. I’ve never protested anything.
But it is time for civil disobedience.
The virus is not beatable. We were told to flatten the curve. We did.
We need to get on with life and hope when we contract the virus, it is mild.

Time for people to stand up, reject this BS! Business owners need to open up.

Covid is not a death sentence to everyone. Most don’t even need to go to the hospital. Those with compromised immune systems and underlying health issues are at risk, but that’s the same with the regular Flu.

Democrats ARE TRYING to get Trump out, at the cost of American Citizens and their livelihoods. They don’t care because the politicians get paid no matter what. Take their pay away, and see how fast everything would open up.

Where is the ACLU in all this? Or, are they all too busy representing illegal aliens to trifle with the rest of us who are having our civil liberties violated?

I hope they are ready for people to rebel…..

Curbside is less exposure for everyone. I guess everyone is going to be at target/ Walmart for summer clothes and I hope they can keep up with that demand for summer clothes for everyone.
I barley found anything for my growing baby at target because everything was out of stock.

Clothes are essentials…..

Yeah I can online shop but, everything takes a month to get here.

Also, they are reopening everything once SIP is over ? Opening things little by little is the BEST way!
You’re going get large crowds Everywhere and we will have large numbers once again.


What company do you shop on line with that takes a month to deliver? I ordered something from Amazon and got it in 3 days. Yesterday around noon I placed to order at Macys.com, I received an email a couple of hours later the order has shipped, I should get it next week.

For those that are interested Macy’s on line have tons of items at 30% of and some items you might be able to use the promo code FORYOU and receive another 25% discount. Happy Shopping.

Even supposedly in-stock Amazon Prime items are being delayed by days or even weeks.

The only things I’m getting in timely fashion anymore are stuff that’s health related. Even stuff that costs lots of money is taking weeks, and you don’t get a certain delivery date but rather a date range. Then sometimes something will arrive sooner than they said, without any notice. I bet when Amazon drives moms & pops and bricks & mortars out of business they’ll do away with our one and two day deliveries. I wonder if we’ll even get those back after we get a handle on this situation, if we ever do.

This is unnecessary and excessive. Who gives them the right to mandate? Nothing. No one does yet we all just lay down and give up our rights as citizens. But hey, I wanted to be an American. Guess that is a pipe dream anymore. People don’t even know what that means. I’ve never seen more people living in fear of the boogie man and other things that don’t exist in my life. It’s a new world filled with man made and irrational fear.

Once the County employees get the power, they never give it back.

Power corrupts, absolutely.

We the people have to retake control of our Government by any means necessary.

Politicians and bureaucrats should never control the people.


The Bay Area is the mecca for liberalism first place your freedoms will disappear Stop voting for Tyrants!

Who the hell are the health officials to be dictating what happens in this state. Last i heard Newscum was still the Governor

That is BS-Socal has the problem, not the bay area-Only 3 deaths on 5/7/20, in the entire SF Bay Area. Just more corrupt government

Everyone complaining about this, I hope you realize that this is for our safety! Just because the virus isn’t affecting you DIRECTLY, it doesn’t mean you’re not at risk at all. Listen to how selfish you guys sound just because you want your “haircuts” or your “nail appointment” or you simply just wanna go shopping and hang out with friends. SHAME ON YOU. This country is the laugh stock of the world because of how SELFISH you people are by ignoring the orders. You are praying for a death wish.

Selfish? Selfish is when people who scream stay inside keep the lock down going can do so because they have an INCOME!? People need to get back to work and can do such by using safe measures that is NOT SELFISH!

Selfish? Selfish because we want folks to be able to work. Selfish because we care about the greater need then some individuals fear of a virus that has killed under 80K people in the United States. That 80K translates to 0.02% of our population and that 80K is an inflated number based on the CDC guidelines.

Selfish is you wanting to impose your fears on us. If you do not want to go out because you are concerned with your safety, then DON’T! If you are afraid to drive a car, do you mandate that no one can drive a car? What about if you are afraid to fly, no one gets in an airplane? Jumping out of a plane does not sound fun to me, but I do not push to not allow that for everyone- NO! I choose simply not to do it.

Laughing Stock of the world … we all have opinions. But what is real is that you will not be able to know we are the laughing stock when you can no longer pay your bills because of the unemployment and you lose your internet access.

Oh, wow. Just think about all of the people who have lost their jobs. There are people who have spent years building their businesses and now will lose them. Are the people with no income selfish for wanting to go back to work? But I guess poverty is not a big deal as long as they have to keep their businesses closed to keep YOU safe.

People who still have income or enough cash to weather this shouldn’t be criticizing others for needing to work to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads so THEY can feel safe. How selfish is that?

80% of Americans are working.

@ Ozzie
You realize that translates to a 20% unemployment rate! We average 3-4%, so this is 5-7 times more than normal! The depression rate was almost 25%!

We should be worried about the 20% not working!

So, Ozzie, do you think that 20% unemployment won’t have a huge effect on the overall economy? That’s approaching Great Depression unemployment levels. As of April unemployment hit 14% nationwide. It will get higher. It’s devastating to those who have lost their jobs and their businesses. It’s not something to be taken lightly.

There is a human cost to the lockdown, which will only increase as this continues.

As the great Thomas Sowell said, “There are no solutions, only trade offs.”

How altruistic of you to sit home on your butt collecting a paycheck while all your essential services are provided for you by those selfish people who are willing to risk a tiny chance of death to provide them for you.

Since you don’t want people going back to work, please don’t call the police, order food, get your bikini line waxed, or partake of any of the services that the selfish people provide you.

Selfish is denying other people their rights and liberty due to your own fears.

Ever notice when they want to control you they say people will die? As if I’m supposed to care about the whole world. What a crock of shi Times are getting tough around here they say. Food shortages, health officers telling people they can’t work and enjoy life. It’s time to get some local power back to the people. Gavin is probably going to jack up taxes so high and get all kinds of creative to bleed us dry worse than before. Stay home stay scared. This things already cracked open. The rest of the business need to make a stand NOW. Open up they can’t stop you

Explain to me these “gains” when only 1% of Contra Costa County has been tested! We have no idea where on this “curve” we are!

Think about it Djin, how come there are not more cases given the fact there are so many out there not distancing and still gathering in large groups without mask. There were a large number of people who did shelter in place, wear a mask and still got the virus and there are large numbers of people who did not shelter in place or wear mask and are fine.

More worried about being drilled in the jugular by the Murder Hornet than getting the Coronavirus. It’s time to release the hounds and see what happens. This Country needs to get back to normal sooner rather than later or we’re done for. If the hospitals start to get overwhelmed then sip may have to be reinstated. The virus will never go away and we may or may not ever have a vaccine so we cannot stay locked up forever. Too much more of this and it’s gonna get real ugly.

When they come for more revenue in the form of taxes, forget it.

There is probably going to be more psychological damage PTSD-like from the over hype by the media about the pandemic than the virus itself. And this is a non-partisan concern as folks from both sides are beginning to scratch their heads and wonder what is really going on. There is a bigger elephant in the room they really don’t want you to look at.

Quit sitting home and complaining

CvS, Walmart, instacart,Amazon, Albertsons, Pepsi, Dollar General, Papa John’s, Dominos, and 7-11 are hiring.

In the meantime you should read The Grapes Wrath by John Steinbeck.

The reason why people are sitting at home and not applying for those low paid jobs is that the federal government is giving out additional $600 per week unemployment benefit on top of usual state unemployment benefit.

They have a valid reason to stay home…

Those are the people who think we should keep everything closed forever. Why would they care about anybody else when they’re actually doing better than they would working.

I’ve had enough. Let’s get back to living. Life is too short to allow unelected officials to impose their will on society. To business owners, please open your doors, let’s get back to normal. I will support your business. To my neighbors and friends, take your life back and live it to the fullest. Let’s get back to being the “Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave”.

Toot Toot for Tugboat !

There is nothing BRAVE about exposing yourself and others to possible deadly diseases. Bravery would be standing up for those who oppose all the radical BS about not protecting oneself, all in the name of freedom.

Newscum & Crew….fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Very few deaths, and almost nobody in the hospital from all these ‘cases’. How many overdoses and suicides have there been during this time ? You have been played folks.

Sure open it all up. Of course you may kill your parents or grandparents , but by golly these doctors were not elected so what do they know any way?

I really suspect a lot of people here have never done anything hard. Lots of participation trophy holders.

A lot of people want things opened back up because they are out of work and have kids to feed. Are they participation trophy holders? Ive done a lot of hard work in my lifetime and have a screwed up back as a result. I suspect you have no idea what the people here have done in their lifetimes.

People need to open their businesses and go back to work. Poverty has some pretty unpleasant costs, too. Vulnerable people like the elderly and those with comorbidities should continue to shelter at home and should be protected. It’s not an either or.

There are no solutions, only trade offs. Make no mistake, there are definite trade offs to what is being done now.

It’s easy for retired people to sit back in their retired ivory tower and collect their pension and social security, while others work for a living and they’re raising children. And millions of people have lost their jobs. And not all parents can afford a home computer, which means children aren’t being taught through Zoom.

Are you willing to part with your pension and social security, so others can pay their bills? Are you willing to teach children from your home? Are you supporting local businesses on a daily basis?

You’ve lived your life, and the rest of us are ready to get back to LIVING. We’ve flattened the curve, and enough is enough. The mass hysteria and overreacting needs to stop.

If you’re scared, stay home. The rest of us want to go back to work, and we want the state reopened… with precautions and provisions. Let the elderly and sick be quarantined, while the rest of us live in reality.

Be nice to those retired people in their ivory towers. Otherwise they will find your least favorite charity and donate their entire estate to that instead of you……checkmate!

Once again, I find that I do not possess enough Middle-Fingers to adequately reply to our overlords, er, I mean elected leaders.


Beautiful spiritual song. My friends and I use to sing it when we lived on a kibbutz in Israel. It was very appropriate. Let my people go, when Israel was in Egypt land, oppressed to hard they could not stand, go down Moses, go down Moses. Israel was less than 20 years old then and knew what it was like to be oppressed

It’s a no-win scenario for governors and even the president. I don’t envy their responsibility. California seems to be a success story so far anyway so it’s odd that people try and use it’s success to clobber Plastic Boy. I’m not gonna shed any tears about it though. I don’t like him either. But KD is right, working people need, not want, need to work or the wheels come off entirely. For everyone I remind you. As it is, the damage is already generational. And if we’re lucky this virus or the next one, doesn’t mutate and take another, harder pass through the global population while we heal. That there’s no guarantee this is all just gonna get better at some point is kinda sobering, best not dwell on it I guess.

Boy, do we live in interesting times. 😷🌎

Yeah, just have another Peete’s and forget about 30 million people losing their job, people not being able to earn a living, not eating. That’s it, interesting times. Hey, but you got yours apparently. You’re perfect for the Bay Area.

Till come of those unwashed come and rob you for are so hungry they beg at your door.

Interesting times, best not dwell on it…



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