Home » DAILY UPDATE: 907 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 16 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 907 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 16 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 907 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 16 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have been 28 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM THURSDAY: DAILY UPDATE: 891 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 29 More Than Yesterday



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So they tested over 400 and found 6 new cases. We are tearing it up out there. How many businesses went bankrupt yesterday?

Nothing should re open until there’s a cure. People are just going to get infected and it’ll never end.

The lockdown isn’t about eliminating the virus, it’s about not overwhelming the healthcare system. So we’re told.

Kind of like the flu?

After a week of opening Georgia has 1,000 new cases. Let’s see if that grows exponentially. Hope they have their bleach and uv lights handy.

Ozzie don’t think it is from opening it takes 2 weeks for the virus to show any symptoms

6.7% of those tested are confirmed Covid-19 cases. Supposedly you need to have symptoms to be tested so what did the other 93.3% have the Flu?????

@Antonius – I believe nearly all of the COVID-19 tests are screening surveys of essential workers that also have significant contact with the public.

It’s another example of data point that the county is not releasing. Ideally, they would report on the number of screening surveys and their results vs. the number of tests to confirm suspected COVID-19 patients and how often those are positive. Eventually there will be population surveys and ideally, those numbers are reported separately.

This is the ennnnnnnd

Are you quoting the Door’s song “The end” song by Jim Morrison?

This is how viruses work… we have X amount of people that will need to get infected before cases new cases begin to flatten, and of those X amount of people, a certain percentage of them will not make it. I care about those that don’t make it and I wish that collateral damage was not a thing, but this is how nature works. The case fatality rate is proving to be near flu levels when adjusted for the projected number of untested mildly sick or asymptomatic individuals, this isn’t the end of the world.

Not enough people are getting sick so this is pointless, every time we step outside the virus is fed a new immune naive population to feast upon. So of course they will say that it’s because we didn’t stay locked up long enough when people get sick upon leaving the home. Flattening the curve means setting a goal for the number of infections needed per day, not eliminating new infections altogether. At this rate we’ll be locked down (perhaps with some “easing”) for a really long time.

Long story short: handwashing, social distancing and new protocols for cleaning and sanitizing public spaces were the answer, not what we’re doing.

Car accident death rate in Contra Costa County- 509 per 100,000 people

COVID deaths – 27 total

No wonder people are protesting to open the economy back up.

It’s now political.

@Robo. Maybe we should stop driving until there’s a cure.

As of May 1st:

907 confirmed cases with 28 deaths = 3.08% kill rate.

@Kauai – Survival rate is 96%. Of the 4% that died, 95 % of those people had underlying health conditions which made them already vulnerable to the flu or pneumonia, etc.

The chances of a healthy person dying of COVID is 0.03%

And as MathMatters will gladly verify using all six of his fingers and toes, .00005% of the people living in Contra Costa County died from COVID.

Communist China is responsible for each and every one. Just like SARS, they lied and still lie about it.

@Patriot – no argument. Both our posts are correct.



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