Home » The Water Cooler – Early Release For Inmates Because Of Coronavirus

The Water Cooler – Early Release For Inmates Because Of Coronavirus


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you agree with letting inmates out of jail/prison early due to concerns over the coronavirus, or are you against it?

Talk about it….

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If they are in prison due to violence against others then they should stay there.

Yous eider bes wit it or agin init….

I’s agin it!

What is the release set-up? Do they just walk out? Released to a family member or friend? Need more info..

probably if they have good behavior than that might be Okay
Inmates with bad behaviors stay behind bars.
that being said, our governor is letting criminal s commite crime and if more inmates get release than more crime will rises up.

This is going to be very hard letting inmates our because they have to promise to SIP and they cannot be trusted. There gonna be more questions with less answers are the problem. Where you gonna sip are you going to sip at your parents’s house friend’s house????? House arrests possibly. This is going to be more of a swing in the fence cause those inmates are excited to get release earlier.

I do not agree

Lock up the lawful – release the lawless. Makes sense in Bizarro world.

This was my thought exactly. Why are we freeing convicted criminals and criminalizing freedom?

Wasn’t there a Peter Sellers movie on just that?

They must let them out so they can make room for the stay at home violators, and the peaceful protesters.
Oh, but they are only releasing low level felons, so it’s ok. The truth is, just because a person was convicted of a low level felony, doesn’t necessarily mean they were arrested for a low level felony. With the way they plea bargain, a person arrested for attempted murder could have made a deal to plea guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, or simple assault.
Honestly, it boggles my mind how any sane person can vote for a Democrat.

@Dawg. Agree 100%. Also , it is going to get better(sarcasm). The dems have introduced legislation , that absolutely can’t pass! Our country as we know it will be gone. It is called the “New way forward act” Basically its open borders to all, all the illegals , including those we have deported and those who have committed Heinous crimes , murder , rape , child molesters. and we have to pay for them and their families to come “home” . It is a long bill to read but Tucker Carlson on foxnews reported on some of it , it is unreal. And of course AOC , Talib and Omar are on it , nuff said. The media is being very hush hush about it , I wonder why. Trying to keep the fear mongering going with the virus , to distract us. Look it up . https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5383/text

More important than law breaking inmate rights are those of their victims and those of the public at large. So, no, I would never support their early release.

I disagree. If the Navy can find a way and maintain readiness so can the prison system. People literally live and work on top of each other on-board the ship. This is more about the prison guard union than anything else.

I agree.

There was a suggestion to house them in individual tents in the exercise yard and strictly maintain social distancing which sounded like a better idea to me.

They only deserve what they were sentenced to and that was a cell. No one asked them to rob, steal, and rape. Whoever lets them out should be prosecuted for whatever crime they commit when they are released.

@Ricardoh I’m not saying to let them out. Just make it possible for them to social distance, instead. You know, of course, that the each one of them is well represented legally and attorneys are already filing suit to have them released because the jails cannot provide them social distancing. So, I say let them sleep in tents in the prison exercise yard. It’s better than letting them out and they can’t sue to be released.

Dear CCC.

Please quit using Amber Alert just to let us know that the SIP extended until May 31. We already know that.

CCC not a missing child CCC just informing the extention


Absolute lunacy. You do the crime you do the time. You pays your money and you took your chances. T.S.

It depends on the crime. For non violent crimes, an option for shortened release should be on the table. They could be released into a work program, picking crops and other menial jobs that would introduce a work ethic along with the beginnings of a resume and references.

A tier system depending on crime profile and also tracking cuffs and home confinement. Their records of good behavior would make them good candidates for employment.

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.“

Now now nytemuvr. I am willing to believe these men are just mislead an would be grateful for a chance at Work Ethic 101.

I think sentences are too lenient any way, so no. And there has already been crime by the prisoners that have been released.

What is the rate of CV in the prisons? We need facts before we release criminals.

No. It’s already shown itself to be a bad idea. The East Bay times had an article on an early release guy who was re-arrested 40 minutes later for an attempted carjacking. The problem is the criminal has zero incentive to stay out of trouble. They simply keep rolling the dice until they are caught again, and of course released.

Without significant consequences it’s impossible for this idea to work.

I once heard that the prison guards union was complaining that with prison overcrowding, the state needed to build more prisons but the state said no, and passed the problem down to the counties.

Microchip them

They need to make room for innocent people such as myself, I will be defending my castle if any uninvited ex-cons decide that mi casa is their casa.
Glad we still have 2nd Amendment, hopefully WE keep it.

Let inmates out but the Deputies still have to risk their lives watching the ones NO ONE wants to release? I say teach everyone in jail a lesson they will never forget…break the law and it might be a very costly mistake.

for non violent offenders, its a great opportunity to use some of those ankle bracelets.

This shouldn’t even be a question! Absolutely not, they should finish out their sentences! Period!

Early release from county jails has been going on for decades, just not in the amount we’re seeing now.

Soapbox alert,
As Kirkwood mentioned state gifting their prison overcrowding upon CA’s 58 counties, causing overcrowding in all of CA’s county jails, starting back in 2011.
As a result misdemeanor criminals are routinely turned out onto our streets long before their sentences are up.

What’s amazing is lack of accountability.
Voters kept reelecting those in state legislature who voted AB-109 into law, even made one of ’em a congressman.

Those of you who vote then can’t be bothered to provide adult supervision to those you elected. Your apathy caused deterrence of crime in CA thru threat of incarceration to be eviscerated, by progressive liberal politicians.

Enjoy the fruits of your apathy.

Dismounting, Soapbox.

Doesn’t matter, California is SOFT on crime period!

If these people have been thoroughly investigated, cataloged, and identified then by all means get them out. Especially if there is a health issue that cannot be remedied. I suspect there is more than meets the eye here for sure.

Who would agree with letting these criminals run free? If they are sick, let them be sick in prison and quarantine them. Covid-19 isn’t the worst punishment for a serial rapist, child molester or murderer.

At least my 2nd amendment rights are still in effect…Gavy cannot take that away from me. Cross me, and these criminals will get shot.

No. I think this will increase the crime rate quickly.

Let them all out and then put us under house arrest. Makes perfect sense

We are all going to hell in a hand basket anyway, handcrafted by Mr. Newsom .

Speak for yourself Aunt Barbara, I have no such plans.

@Aunt Barbara Thank you! Tell it like it is

It’s really difficult to actually end up in jail, so they probably really need to stay there.

If you do the crime, do the time.

I’m sure that the Demorat politicians are licking their lips at the idea of this! It’s a chance for them to do more to support, enable and encourage criminals!

How many ankle bracelets do we have? A week or two ago a serial burglar was arrested while awaiting trial on other burglaries. Put a bracelet on him with the warning if he cuts it off he stays in jail and that might be a death sentence. The county and state needs to buy a lot of bracelets because this virus is not going away soon.

Criminals and GPS, here’s a few of very many this state trusted to GPS since 2011, AB-109 mandate . . . .

2012 ‘New law releases sex offender early; caught on video violating parole’
2013 ‘Sex offenders routinely released from California jails, records show’
2015 ‘Sex offender linked to toy-aisle attack by GPS anklet’
2016 ‘Convicted Sex Offender Still At Large After Authorities Say He Cut Off GPS Monitor’
Search GPS failures CA

Liber… keeping you and your loved ones safe.

jail doesn’t work. You know this. Quit acting like you guys have any opinion that matters. You don’t have empathy or compassion to even begin to understand the big moves done without your input. Years go by and the ones in these comments sections should all be behind bars not the ones actually living. You’re all weak and soft. If you got what it takes then take the ball from me. You can’t.

Had to call Walnut Creek PD last Saturday to come take away a drunk, naked, homeless man. One officer told me that he was “The Success” of the current WC Homeless Outreach Program, if he’s the success, what do the failures look like.


Hell no. Just another example of how ridiculous our broken system derails daily. You do the crime you do the time no matter what the issue. We continue to see lax enforcement of rules and regulations daily.

We live in a very sad society where the criminals run the system.

I am disgusted by our government and the continued electing of loser politicians.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal to let people out and clear up the jails a bit. The fact is, if someone’s going to end up back in jail they’re going to end up back in jail. Let him go a few months early isn’t going to make a profound difference on their rehabilitation.



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