Home » Gov. Newsom Expected To Announce Closure Of All Beaches, State Parks

Gov. Newsom Expected To Announce Closure Of All Beaches, State Parks


UPDATE: Gov. Newsom only closed beaches in Orange County.

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Bad little boys and girls! Daddy told you not to go! I’m just doing what’s best for you! Now if you keep it up I’ll get the National Guard. And they’ll really take care of your disrespectful, non compliant attitude.

~Revenge of the Nerd~

Good that he is taking action regarding the little minded people who go to the beach and act like nothing is happening. Hopefully I can see Gavin as President someday. He’ll for sure have my vote. If he is acting so well as a Governor, can’t imagine what he can do as President.

Gavin will NEVER be president. The guy can’t even talk right. Everything that comes out his mouth is garbage…broad strokes..yeah keep on stroking buddy

Givin Newscum is trash and does not deserve to be a governor or president. And Sam you’re describing Trump who is just as much a piece of worthless trash as Newscum.

Recall Newsom 2020

Sam, Don’t be so sure… Nothing in this Country’s politics should surprise us anymore.

I was crushed to hear this news tonight. Mt. Diablo State Park is practically in our backyard and has been a great escape on somedays. I think it’s really nearing the point of overkill on the shelter in place.

I suspect that this closure, like all other laws and regulations in MDSP, will not apply to bicyclists. I got a good laugh when, during a news story on KPIX (I think) about people parking on the very narrow roads on the Danville side of the mountain to access the park for hiking while the park is closed, two bicyclists casually road up to the gates across the road and lifted their bikes over it to exit the park. Closures, stop signs, speed limits? They don’t apply to bicyclists.

Thank Newport Beach.

So I have to wonder whether Newsom is doing this for actual good reasons, or just to make everyone understand who is in charge and they need to see his power. As an example, as WC Resident said and I have seen elsewhere, there is a study out of China of 3,000 cases of infection, and when they studied where the virus was contracted, found only one out of those 3,000 was outside. That’s right, one. Is there any actual evidence to shut down the trails, parks and beaches? I do not know. Does Newsom have any actual reasons or evidence, or is he just showing us his power because it seems right? If you look at the 1917 Spanish Flu, there were all sorts of suggestions that seem idiotic with 20/20 hindsight like eating lots of onions. Is Gavin just making us eat onions?

@ To Do List
It has never been about good reasons. It is to try to bring people into his ways. He wants a police state, and socialism. He is a follower of George Soros, and the nephew of Nancy Polosi. His values are not those that support the american people but those that support a people totally reliant on government aide. Only the rich will be exempt from his ideology and plans.

I would be very cautious about unless it was peer reviewed. The Chinese government is notorious for manipulating data to further their political objectives.

You can stay home. UV light and disinfect are PROVEN SCIENCE to kill virus. I think you know that..keep towing that line. Getting heavy yet? Yes we chose freedom over unelected health nerds spreading fear. By all means stay home, wear your mouth gag.

I will never understand why some people are so selfish refuse to accept facts. This is not about fear mongering. The numbers speak for themselves. It is not about fascism. It is not about taking away your rights. You do not have the right to hurt other people.

I dont believe this is about job loss or economics either. Safeway and Amazon are both hiring right now. If you need a job, apply there.

I truly believe you are opposed to this simply because a democratic governor is creating these rules. Do you oppose everything that a democratic governor and legislator pass simply on the principal that they are democrats? If so, I fee bad for you. Open your mind, think critically, use common sense.

@sam and to do list – you are welcome to your opinions. However, we should not cite statistics as fact to support a position unless you know those statistics have been validated. Figures never lie but liars use figures.

We know that China has repeatedly manipulated facts throughout this pandemic. They lied about when the first case occurred, they lied about the quantity of cases, they lied about the quantity of deaths and they even lied about the effectiveness of treatment options (which our own clinicians have proven). Why would they lie about these facts? Why would you trust this study knowing their history. Think critically!

The US has had 60,000 people die from COVID-19. Of those people only 1,800 were from the most populous state in the union thanks to early and strict action. I’m willing to trust that Newsome and his team have a better grip on what is necessary than commentators here.

dan: I believe questioning announcements is exactly critical thinking. I looked on the CDC website starting with Google using search terms “cdc coronavirus outdoor activities.” The CDC site says we should go to parks and the beach but we need to listen to local authorities if they say different. There is nothing I could find on the CDC website saying outdoors exercise contagion is likely or even possible. So, then about your China idea: yes they mislead and lied about coronavirus to pretend it did not come from China, but I do not see why they would create documents to convince Americans to go to the beach. The Wuhan area is no where near an ocean, it is completely landlocked. So, back to you, Dan. Where is your critical thinking to show me Gavin is not just trying to make us eat onions?

@parent – I’m not sure i would trust statistics from China. I hear people on this website refer to fake news all the time. I find that somewhat offensive and uneducated but you are entitled to your opinion. I’m always leery of what I believe coming out of Russia or China. Not sure why you would not believe the domestic media but would follow China when they have a history of misinformation.

This has NOTHING to do with the legislature. This is a governor executing his will on the people because a reporter ask him WHAT POWER HE HAD. As of yesterday they were easing recommendations for state parks, skateparks, beaches, golf courses. Get it right, it’s 1 guy making the “rules”

@Matt – I agree with you in principal. The shelter in place has been effective, however, California and New York together have experienced far more deaths than the 1,000 you indicate. Perhaps it was a typo but worth noting.

@ to do list – i’m not sure why China does what it does. Why would it lie about a potential treatment? They did. China is taking advantage of this situation to further their geopolitical ambitions. That is clear.

The one thing everybody here seems to be missing is that this is an issue of national security. If we loosen these SIP requirements and the infection rate spikes, we can expect a few different things to happen;
1. Impacts to the food supplies, health care and other essential services
2. Impacts to law enforcement’s ability to maintain peace
3. Reduced effectiveness of the military (which we saw when the virus made its way on to an air craft carrier)
4. Greater economic impact than you have already experienced.

Don’t you know that Newsom is in close contact with Auntie Pelosi throughout all this, and that she’s urging him to tighten the screws at any hint of a conservative rebellion brewing? And, interesting how Feinstein has completely dropped of the radar on this one after weathering the HIV/AIDS epidemic in San Francisco as its Mayor. She certainly has the experience to add some insight here, but she’s missing in action. Gives me all the more reason to believe this is a Newsom/Pelosi coup in progress. There obviously are ulterior motives because the numbers just aren’t there.

“Impacts to the food supplies, health care and other essential services”

Interesting this is first on your list. What do you think happens when the economy crashes, genius? I guess we should just print more money, right?

Protests will be held in Sacramento and SF on Friday, May 1st.

We should have masses of people head out to the beach and state parks at the same time.

@parent. what does that accomplish?

Dan, your trying to carry so much water your about to drowned. It’s ok maybe you can pull yourself up with the line your towing

What would that accomplish, Dan? Freedom. That thing we all took for granted 6 weeks ago and has since been stripped from us in the blink of an eye, and that should scare all of us more than any virus…

Dan is a sheep. Dan follows the crowd. He believes without verification.

@ Dan
Protest at the capital so Greaseball NewScum can see his serfs, and then a party at the beach to see if they can enforce that ‘law’.

Oh I get they want to control the narrative. It’s too bad the SCIENCE AND FACT don’t agree

@Sam – can you walk me through how the facts do not support my position or how they support loosening the SIP directives?

I would most definitely sit down with you, in person, no masks. This is overreach any way try to frame it. It’s really simple I promise

That’s the exact opposite of what he said today. He said easing as far as beaches, state parks, skateparks. Then some reporter asked him what power he had to close the beach and he got puffy. Little does he know WE have the power, he works for us. Good luck with the cops and that constitution. I was gonna stay home, but I may go out just to get the payday from my lawsuit. Baby tyrant got puffy when ask about HIS power. Wow bro it’s ours. BARR is watching don’t make more poor financial moves dear leader. It’s called FALSE ARREST UNDER COLOR OF LAW. Your officers can be immediately placed under citizen arrest. The state will pay huge restitution. You work for us get it straight

Hilarious! Don’t call us when you’re in the county jail…

“The constitution is not suspended during a crisis” Bill Barr UNITED STATES attorney general

Why would I call you?? Are you a lawyer?

Oh this should be good

Can’t wait for the beach clashes with police

And national guard rolling in

And newscum with a smirk on his face on the news
Declaring martial law and curfews

And the siege will begin

Oh yeah allready making popcorn

This ought to be good

Talk about out of touch and I’ll informed and full of himself so much
He would rather stab the citizens then offer them salvation

He should at least try and actually listen
Instead of doing what pelosi wants

Time for a trip to the beach!
So what was the problem in Southern California? The pictures posted by the Huntington Beach showed small groups (family units?) by themselves. They were socially distanced from other people … so why is the little tyrant going on a tyrant?

” The pictures posted by the Huntington Beach showed small groups (family units?) by themselves.”

*********** of course they were………..
these are the exact type of people that feel that the rules do not (& will never) apply to them..get real

“The constitution is not suspended during a crisis” Bill Barr UNITED STATES attorney general

By the time barr gets around to it it will be over. Has he taken action against any state? He’s full if it.

Ozzie such a short view of life you have.

The court and legal challenges that take place today will be for Government overreach during COVID-20 et alia pandemics….

Ozzie, Barr has already stated that they are monitoring the states closely. If DOJ feels it appropriate to step into a case, probably through an amicus brief, they will do so.

That should go over well.

Take a hike Newsom!

Tyrant Newsom has spoken, but we have to look on the bright side. At least he has made room in the jails for the beachgowers and they should be released without bail..I’m waiting to see what he has planned for Cinco de Mayo. Will he be called a racist if he cancels it?
Oh, I just thought of something, since the state of California is a sanctuary state can’t the general public claim sanctuary at a park or a beach?

You can stay home. UV light and disinfect are PROVEN SCIENCE to kill virus. I think you know that..keep towing that line. Getting heavy yet? Yes we chose freedom over unelected health nerds spreading fear. By all means stay home, wear your mouth gag.

At this point it should be obvious to anyone with even half a brain that the liberal Governors like Gavin are keeping the shutdowns going as a way to hurt President Trump. Most of the Republican run states are opening back up, while the liberal run ones like CA, IL, MI, CT etc keep their citizens shut in and locked down. The liberals should be careful, it’s not going to take much to turn their states into a tinderbox. They’re standing in two feet of gasoline and are holding a match. Liberal idiocy is redundant.

Again, this is not true. There have been multiple cases where Republican governors have pushed back against reopening because the protocols and safeguards are not in place. The governor of Maryland, for example, is opposed to reopening.

I get it, you believe this is a partisan issue that was cooked up to undermine Trump. How then do you explain the quantity of cases in Spain, Italy and Asia. They do not influence our elections but are following the same protocols as California. Why, because they work.

Please understand the science before you try to make this partisan.

They only care about winning the election, and what happens to our freedom and finances is immaterial. With Mr. Biden’s reputation injured, their only real chance at election time is to try and keep the economy in the tank. However citizens, even former supporters, have started to revolt. We are still a long way from November, and people are pretty restless now.

@ Fearless Spectator you are 100% correct. And people are tired of it. Like I said they’re standing in 2 feet of gasoline holding a match. Won’t take much for the state to explode.

Let me see here,
Talks hoarse like Bill
Talks in cadence like Barry
Smirks like Racheal
Runs the State like Nancy
Insures CA remains a Kakistocracy

Is there anything real about this guy?

He makes Gray Davis look like a good Governor.

All of the kids who were last to be picked for the team are now in positions of “authority”……….now they want to punish and ruin life for everyone else.

A Beach? How close are you going to be to others, seriously???

This is called Tyranny

Exactly! Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.

Did you notice how je slipped in the terms ” statewide surveillance” and “Goetrackers” nonchalantly…wakw up people….This is alarming

I think our dear leader Gavin has forgotten something. We are ALL public land owners. I look forward to the rangers trying to stop me from enjoying Mt. Diablo. There are lots of hidden ways into the park. Come and get me if you can Tyrants!

You tell em’ Larry!!!!

Are you all really surprised Don’t vote Democrat or all YOUR rights will be taken away and given to whoever suits them

@Ann – not sure if you get your news from sources other than Facebook but there are plenty of states run by Republicans with similar shelter in place orders. This is not a partisan issue but a public health issue backed by the best science available at the moment.

Backed by science? Not by legitimate science sources.

Multiple countries independently have come out with studies saying the same thing … the mortality rate is between 0.1-0.5%. Furthermore, these studies are showing that those that have died as a result had one or more underlying serious medical conditions. Not one of these studies has been peer reviewed, but when you have ~10 studies, all independent showing the same results, it validates itself.

It has been shown to you already that Dr’s do not need a positive test result to classify you as a COVID death statistic.

But you can go ahead and keep believing that NewScum is your friend and has your best interest at heart. You hide in your house, living off of your savings/Welfare until a vaccine is found. But those of us that can think, can read the real science, know that what NewScum is puking out of his mouth is absolute garbage. I do not care about the politics, but I do care about the abuse of power and the attempts to steal my constitutional rights of freedom.

parent, that’s not the kind of science Dan will pay attention to. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

Mt Diablo is currently closed to cars. But the ride up on a bicycle has been fantastic.

If I have to get arrested for riding a bicycle, so be it. If they completely close Mt Diablo, there are other rides.

Guess where I will be this weekend. Could it be Cambria? See you there.

They can’t cite or arrest what they can’t catch. Let’s see if a LEO, strapped with 65lbs of gear, is even remotely interested in enforcing these ridiculous orders, let alone doing a marathon in sand or up hills. I’ve trained my whole life for this, lets go!

Newsom for president!
Just donated 20,000 to his fund.

You know what they say about a fool and his money

What will they do when the landslide hits? I actually feel bad for the ones so removed from reality. Sure hope Gavin sets aside some billions for mental health for after the election.

Never saw so many scared people.

Agreed. It’s pathetic how they’re all locked in their houses, hiding under the bed, and blindly following the maniacal diatribe of their King, Gavin Newsom.

Exactly. Never seen so many people huddled in their houses like rodents, believing the government will take care of them if they’ll just bend over and comply.

First they came for the schools, but I didn’t attend school so said nothing. Then they came for the bars, but I drink (a lot) in my own home so said nothing. Then they came for the restaurants, but we’re really good cooks so said nothing. Then they came for the worship services, so we worship online. Then they came for the gun stores, but we had already anticipated THAT move. And then they came for the parks and beaches…will the sheep Finally look up?

BTW- I lived in San Diego for many years. If the police couldn’t even make people wear clothes at Black’s Beach, how can they possibly think they can enforce this order?

@Chuckie, You are paraphrasing a famous quote by Pastor Niemoller, who was a pastor in Germany, and initially a supporter of Hitler, but he changed his mind when he saw freedoms taken away and with the persecutions of the Jews.
His quote was: First the came for the socialist, but I was not a socialist so I didn’t speak up, then they came for the trade unionist, but I was not a trade unionist so I didn’t speak up, then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I didn’t speak up, then they came for me and there was no one to speak up for me. He spend the years from 1938 to 1945 in concentration camp, but survived and lived to be 92.

Yes, Hanne. You win for being the first person to make that connection. I don’t like what I am seeing in our country. And when was the last time a government willingly gave back a right or freedom, after they have taken it?

San Diego is heavily Republican. I think the Governor will have a fight on his hands … in fact, I hope so.

@ chuckie the troll. Are you forgetting marijuana? That’s kind of a big one. That was about a hundred year prohibition, and it is coming to an end. What about Prohibition with a capital “P”? I’m not black, but I suppose if I were, the question about a government giving back a right that had previously been taken away would reveal an appalling lack of historical perspective. Gay rights, black rights, other minority rights, women’s rights, drug rights, booze rights, free speech rights… our current governor putting up a “beach closed” sign not withstanding, you can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting an example of the government giving back rights that it had previously taken away.

Hanne, chuckie’s comment is not paraphrastic, it’s parodic. Adam Schiff can help you understand.

Of course he did…anybody expect anything different? His hair sure looks nice and glad he is listening to his own advice…I hope people storm the capital as it is making it’s rounds on the internet. i thought Brown was bad but this guy is on a whole different level.

@Momofboys- Lots of stuff I’d like to respond to but I’m too exhausted from my risky hike in Mt. Diablo State Park. I feel horribly guilty about playing roulette as you call it because I actually came within 1/4 mile of another human unit on the trail. My poor kids. I hope they’ll be ok.

People are starting to get fed up with the Government overreach that’s going on. What usually happens when you tell someone they can’t do something? Vote these clowns out of office or vote with your feet because they will never stop chipping away at our freedoms and grabbing our money for their pet projects. We cannot allow them to remain in power or the blame falls on our shoulders, not theirs. If anyone needs to glean anymore of my wisdom, I’ll be hiking in Mount Diablo State Park. That is all!

Unfortunately Not everyone thinks responsibly!!!!! They ruin it for those that do!
Weed them out!
Dont cry out for help when you have gotten yourself sick and complain there is not enough help or equipment to make you better or save your life. Blame your government for your actions. Yes they suck and kicking them out will just leave rooms for more!!
Are the numbers not proof enough it is real!!???
Probably because it has not happened close enough to you yet!
It has mutated many times already, they still do not know exactly what it is capable of (except possible recovery or death,) what will it do to us in the long run, our Gene’s in the future or our next generation! Go ahead and be selfish, play roullette with your family, children, and friends lives!
Aaahhhhh that’s right…..if you believe you wont get it, it must be true!

Quarantine fatigue = Newsom fatigue

Did you notice how je slipped in the terms ” statewide surveillance” and “Goetrackers” nonchalantly…wakw up people….This is alarming

At Dan watching to much CNN? This is not a communist nation I am happy people are waking up to the dictatorship of Galvin hopefully he will be voted out looks like that will be the case

I do not watch CNN but I’m not sure I see an issue with it? It is one of many reputable news sources.

@Dan. Try watching CNN once in awhile. You will notice that they are conducting a non-stop propaganda war against President Trump. CNN is not exactly impartial. Neither are you.

Earlier you mentioned Maryland’s governor Larry Hogan. He is a never Trumper. Look it up.

“It is one of many reputable news sources.”

Wow. Well, that proves you never watch it.

Yeah, they knew it was coming, right after their Event 201 Drill.
Enjoy your Bill Gates injections.

@Say what on tyranny. The current situation is that you can’t tell the difference between someone that’s infected or healthy and where you can become infected by being in the same area as someone else who is infected. Testing for COVID-19 is both not readily available and is not 100% reliable.

Shelter-in-place and social distancing are providing a much more safe and controlled environment that buys time to better understand the conditions in which the virus is transmitted, development a treatment methods, development and deployment of tests, and hopefully, development and deployment of vaccines. It also slows down the spread enough that hospitals and the funeral+burial systems do not become overwhelmed as what is happening in the city of New York.

The weirdness is that this has become a political point. Pro-life conservatives now are saying that rather than trying to slow down COVID-19 that it’s okay to practice Russian roulette and to let nature take its course which results in killing most of the older people and those younger members of society unfortunate enough to get a severe case of COVID-19? It’s also a disease that is disproportionately affecting poor people who tend to live and work in higher density conditions that encourage transmission of COVID-19 from one person to another. The conservatives that normally attempt to wrap themselves in the flag of Christian values are saying it’s okay to cull that group while ignoring that they are essential to providing nearly all of the goods and services that we use. Maybe it’s okay that a bunch of poor people die as they are also easy to replace?

Not everyone is making it political. Only political extremists do that. The far left and the far right. Political extremists make everything political, and it’s pathetic.

WC Resident, I think the anti Newsome group are way over reacting, like someone pointed out, this is not a win for Newsome, telling people the can’t work and go out and enjoy themselves. Those of us who have some common sense and listen to the experts and the scientist, understand his reasoning, and follow the guidelines. This idea that this is a win for Newsome does not hold water, tax revenues are down, businesses are shut, even those that agree with this is not happy about it I just don’t see it as a plus for Newsome. I understand someone not being a liberal and not agreeing with his policies, but from that to suggest he is trying to control us, and become a mini dictator in the state of California is just outrageous, but obviously thinking logically is not their strong point.

The “experts” can’t seem to explain why we aren’t seeing the numbers they originally predicted and they admit they may have overreacted. But, Newsom is on the Highway to Hell and he is not ever going to admit he’s wrong. It would look so bad for his Presidential run that he bankrupted the state and millions of its residents for next to nothing.

This S O B is talking about opening schools back up and shutting down parks and beeches.Where is this meat head coming from.Opening schools to soon would spread the Covid faster than fire.Let them stay closed till September at the beginning of next school year.Put him on a boat to China.

In Kalifornia we lock up surfers and people enjoying the beach while we release felons.

Lot of testosterone flowing here today!

I’ll be at the beach all weekend giving free hugs

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” If Newsome was new on the scene and we didn’t know much about him, we might be willing to give him a chance. But this fool has been around a loooong time – we know his track record. Look at San Francisco!! It’s a dump – and Breed is just making it worse. Newsome wants the whole damn State to look like that. Ok fine, we’ll wear the masks and gloves, but people aren’t going to put up with this lockdown much longer just so the Dems can advance their political agenda. How is Newsome planning to enforce this? Arrest people for walking in a park? Kind of a hard sell when he’s releasing rapists and other violent criminals from jails so they won’t get a case of the sniffles. What’s happening in the States that opened last week? Is everyone dead? Don’t think so. Stop the BS – we’re not stupid.

I get this sinking feeling that we are part of a grand experiment created by Newsom. His numbers don’t tell the whole story. He needs to spend a lot of time out seeing and listening to the people. He needs to hear their pain.

Our governor was voted in and we like him! We honor his decisions. He is trying very hard to protect us. The virus does not know if what political party you belong to. This is not about politics folks. This is life or death. Please stop the critical hateful comments. If you hate him so much why don’t you move to a red state, where they are letting people loose. Then you can get your massage, go bowling and then after that go to a movie. Please follow the mandated rules so we can get out of this mess. If you think Gavin Newsom is too strict and is just doing this to be on a power trip, than you need to read books. Ignorance is no excuse. I am sure this comment will provoke more nasty haters. Po Baby Dat TOO BAD.

@ilovepopcorn Maybe you love him and a few others judging by the comments most do not love him He doesn’t love the people if he did he would slowly open up the economy in a smart way and I don’t see that happening!

I did not vote for him, but unfortunately he is my governor.

Ignorance? No. I am fairly well informed. Following the dictator will not get us out of this mess unless you plan to hide in your little bucket of popcorn for a couple of years. If you do, you will have more health issues and an immunosuppressed body because of the lack of exercise and sun.

He is on a power trip.

Life or Death? Read the stats again, we have a ~99% survival rate. People like comparing this to Vietnam and WW2. What was the survival rate of a helicopter pilot in Vietnam? Clue … not 99%!

You can’t please everyone. But if 90% of the people are with you you’re doing good. It’s a good plan and in the end will be the most successful of any state. Both he and Cuomo will be fighting for President next time around. And win

We should all be thankful that you’re still here to provide us with entertainment in these difficult times. I, for one, deeply appreciate your sense of humor.

California will be wiped off the map soon.

@ILP – Well, we all have plenty of time to read books.

If it’s “not about politics,” how do you explain the fact that Democratic states, those that voted for Clinton in the 2016 election, are more adversely effected by Covid-19 infections? The states with the most Covid19 cases lean heavily Democratic. Those with the lowest are Republican. What are scumbag adulterer Newsom’s ulterior motives? He wants to be puppet master! Frankly, it looks very much like you’re peeing on our leg and telling us it’s raining, popcorn.


Gitty. Well let me guess. Because its more prevalent in the more densely populated areas and those states that have less population per square mile are less effected. So keeping social distancing works. Great point.

Do we need to storm the beaches again? If we don’t do something soon, we’ll be sweltering-in-place all summer!

When it is 90-100 degree most people don’t feel like going outside they prefer to be in their air conditioned house or car, I don’t see SIP has an effect on that.

What about people who are not fortunate enough to have air conditioning? Seniors? Where do they go without malls, movie theaters, restaurants etc. open for business?
Use your head, this will be the demise of many people.

Hanne, maybe people who grew up in Scandinavia hide from the heat, but to say most people do is just wrong.

So sorry you will be sweltering. The sacrifice you are making is noble indeed

Aunt Barbara, There you go with your doomsday predictions again. Even with all the establishment open that you mentioned they are not open 24 hours.

Hanne Jeppesen: The reply choice is found under the Original Poster, no matter how many replies that have been returned.

JL, don’t bother. Hanne has been instructed numerous times on how to get her replies in the right place, to no avail.

Newscum just changed the order to only SoCal beaches….. Or so I heard.

This is turning out to be almost as ridiculous as the internment of Japanese in California after the bombing if Pearl Harbor because the government had indications there were Japanese spies among us.. The state has a history of idiotic decision making at upper echelons, so Newsom is acting according to tradition.. When they start taking your property and business, look out!

Looks like the people where heard Regardless of which party it is NEVER good to give anyone that much power The people have to keep these politicians in toll for our Freedoms to remain

Only closing the beaches in Orange County is only going to make Orange County more resistant. I hope that a million people go to those beaches, lay down on their towels or go into the water, and simply resist! And even better…if the county Sheriff and Police Chiefs throw Newsom a big Middle Finger.

Calling Jane Fonda!

Apparently he pissed off enough ..

Huntington Beach is suing him to keep the beaches open ….
From the article: “Newport Beach Police Chief Jon Lewis and Fire Chief Jeff Boyles said a majority of the beach goers they observed on April 24, 25 and 26 were spread apart. The city shared aerial shots of the beach taken on April 25 that showed more people spread out.”
“I’m disappointed that the governor’s making decisions based on a few photos rather than on the reality of the situation on the ground.”

Congratulations to OC. We are winning the narrative. Every government worker is a servant of the people. They are not our rulers. Gavin needs to be knocked down a few rungs. Maybe we can work with him or maybe we will get him out but no matter what we need good people in office who know their place and always serve the people.

“Inject bleach and irradiate yourselves with high intensity UV,“

Easy to guess where John P gets his information.



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