Home » DAILY UPDATE: 842 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 842 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 842 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 22 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have been 25 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM MONDAY: DAILY UPDATE: 820 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 3 More Than Yesterday



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With all of the people being tested there is going to be more testing positive everyday. That doesn’t mean they are sick. Time for most stores to open with everyone wearing a mask. It is likely that at the end of May we may be in the same contaminated rate we are now. Going through May is bad enough if we have to go through June it will be a bigger catastrophe.

I have concerns that the housing values will drop to levels in the ’90’s.

Ricardoh my understanding is no one is getting tested if they aren’t sick. Have you heard different? Where are they testing asymptomatic people in this county?

You’re trolling

Over 500 got tested in the county yesterday but only about twenty have the virus. So I would say they have symptoms and that is allowing them to get tested. We probably all have had symptoms since this garbage started. I know I have some but I am not going to get tested. I just stay at home.

Stanford is laying off Doctors and nurses ER rooms are 40% empty Galvin Newsom is saying business COULD open in weeks which he also said weeks ago He is stalling and causing great damage to the economy

Stanford not laying off workers. They did have to implement pay cuts, but that was done that was done to avoid people losing their jobs.

Natalie they have a choice pay cuts or time off guess they are not that busy!

They are testing a lot of essential workers even without symptoms. I know this for a fact. A certain Bay Area water company is testing all their essential employees.

I work for a large local public utility and have heard nothing of the sort from folks I know at other facilities. They cant even get us masks and have asked us to bring them from home.

Ummm so my partner works for a water company as an essential employee in the filter plant. Was tested as a precaution and so were coworkers . So you can argue with me if you’d like but it’s true.

The right to earn a living is a fundamental human right. I was of the understanding the closures were to “flatten the curve,” thus giving the medical community time to prepare. Closures were never meant to prevent transmission. The CDC, Fauci and other experts have said as much.

Well, they’ve had enough time to prepare. It’s time to get back to work. We cannot continue in this state. We are saddling our children with enormous debt and causing Bay Area families to burn through what little financial safety net they have left.

The banks will eventually demand their mortgage payments. Payments may be delayed, but they will not be forgiven. Those who cannot work from home will be left holding the bag.

In the end, thousands of US companies will fail and even more manufacturing will fall to China. China wins and Americans get screwed again,

Agreed!@ anonymous

@Ricardoh – doing math on those numbers seems like a useless exercise as we have no idea who is being tested and why.

I would assume that:
1) Some people are being tested as it’s strongly suspected they have COVID-19. A high percentage of this group should be COVID-19 positive.

2) Some essential workers are getting tested. To make use of the test results we would need to know the nature of their contact with the public, the reason for those contacts, and the number of public they dealt with, since their last test.

Without this data we can’t make useful inferences on the test numbers other than noting that 512 people were tested on 4/27/2020. 512 is a decent number and is the second highest ever for a day. However, compared to the population of the county (1.1 million), it’s not even a drop in the bucket. At 12406, the total tested is starting to amount to a drop in the bucket but again means little other than to the 842 who tested positive.

The county is still not reporting on the number of active cases. As the disease runs its course in about two weeks we could say that there are 219 active cases (the sum of the new cases for the last 14 days) and, 598 recovered cases, and 25 who died. However, I’ve read that the 8th to 9th days are the worst meaning people likely don’t qualify to be tested until that point. If we use the last 7 days then it’s 90 active cases and 727 who have recovered.

That’s why I said it’s useless to do math on the numbers. Sure it’s fun to guess and speculate but it does not help people make informed decisions.

There is certainly more we could learn. My answer to MTZ was in his response that no one is being tested unless they are sick. If there are only 25 new cases and five hundred were being tested obviously people are being tested who are not sick.

When are all the Covid-19 experts going back to being climate change experts?

842 confirmed cases in CCC with 25 deaths so far = 2.96% local kill rate.

We need wide-spread testing locally (including those not showing symptoms) to determine who IS safe. Make it cheap or free so people will get the tests.

Otherwise, asymptomatic carriers will continue spreading Covid-19 in wave after wave.



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