The current shelter-in-place, which is set to expire this week, will be extended through May, according to the Contra Costa Healt Department.
This following message is a joint statement of the Seven Bay Area Health Officers on the upcoming extension and revisions to the current shelter-in-place orders:
Later this week, the Public Health Officers of the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara as well as the City of Berkeley will issue revised shelter-in-place orders that largely keep the current restrictions in place and extend them through May. The new order will include limited easing of specific restrictions for a small number of lower-risk activities.
The shelter-in-place orders in effect across the seven jurisdictions are set to expire on May 3, 2020. Thanks to the collective effort and sacrifice of the 7 million residents across our jurisdictions, we have made substantial progress in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, ensuring our local hospitals are not overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases, and saving lives. At this stage of the pandemic, however, it is critical that our collective efforts continue so that we do not lose the progress we have achieved together. Hospitalizations have leveled, but more work is needed to safely re-open our communities. Prematurely lifting restrictions could easily lead to a large surge in cases.
The Health Officers will also release a set of broad indicators that will be used to track progress in preparedness and response to COVID-19, in alignment with the framework being used by the State of California. Future easing of restrictions requires that each jurisdiction and various sectors continue to rapidly build critical infrastructure and systems to respond to and control the spread of coronavirus infections and to ensure the health care system’s ability to meet demand.
This global pandemic of COVID-19 is still in its early stages. The virus spreads easily, testing capacity is limited and expanding slowly, and vaccine development is just beginning. We expect to be responding to COVID-19 in our communities for a long time. As effective as our efforts have been, if we move too fast to ease restrictions, the potential of exponential spread could have grave impacts to health and wellness of our residents as well as the economy.
The Health Officers of these seven jurisdictions have been working closely together in leading a unified, regional approach, to protect the health and safety of our residents. Details regarding this next phase will be shared later in the week, along with the updated order.
I don’t recall seeing the part in the constitution that lets a health officer order people to stay at home for 2-1/2 months.
People are going to correctly just start ignoring this farce and go back to work. I’m sorry if Democrats disagree, but power/water/food are essential too. Have these health officers not read the reports coming out of Stanford and UCLA? They’ve overreacted to this virus and seem incapable of saying maybe we were wrong….
25 deaths in CoCo with a population over 1.1 million. If we don’t get back to work immediately, the county may not even have the budget for a health officer.
The stupidest thing the CDC (aside from the botched testing policies and failures) was to tell people not to wear masks. This virus is spread by droplets. Diligent mask wearing would keep transmission to a minimum and allow most life to resume. Bars and restaurants will still in problematic because you can’t eat or drink with a mask on.
These restrictions are unsustainable. The virus isn’t going away in the immediate future, and we can’t just huddle at home until a vaccine comes out (if one ever does). Enforce mask wearing in public and let us go out again.
I’m sorry that you missed the parts of the Constitution where we gave Congress the authority to do this. We did it because we saw what a virus can do to a society. When we wrote the part about “promote the general welfare” we weren’t talking about giving people free money, we were talking about keeping people safe from foreign invaders, criminals, and pandemics.
We wrote Article 1 Section 8 with this in mind. It also came into discussion when we were writing the Interstate Commerce Clause. The Supreme Court understood our thinking pretty well in Jacobson V. Massachusetts. Check it out, educate yourself. Or rant on the internet. After all, you’re free to do that!
Your needs as an individual? What if he has family to support? This is what none of you virtue signalling idiots care to explain to me, how is me going to work to support my family selfish, but your ass telling me to let my bills mount up and my family go hungry, so you can feel warm and safe, not selfish? You gonna feed my family? You gonna pay my mortgage?
@ Dude
Really … look who is overreacting? Calling people names is the first way to get folks to disregard what you are saying. Man Bear, myself and many others are thinking of the many. The many who need food, water and a roof over our heads. The many who want an education for our children. They many who want to be free to make our own choices.
Hope this helps. The last sentence is important
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that the freedom of the individual must sometimes be subordinated to the common welfare and is subject to the police power of the state.
My wife is a health professional and a trained respiratory therapist, she can’t understand why the masks weren’t enforced from the beginning, she always thought that was stupid.
Furthermore, she said 6 feet is a rather made up number, respiratory droplets can travel 27 feet or beyond at high velocity with a sneeze or a cough. Wearing a mask is what will protect the public, not social distancing, not shelter in place, but simply wearing a mask. She thinks it’s time for this SIP to end, and so do these UCLA Doctor’s that held a press conference as well:
I really appreciate Claycord and think it’s a great site, but here’s the problem with screen names. Nobody else was using ‘The Dude’ so I’ve been commenting with that name recently. Then somebody just comes along and pretends they’re you. It seems pretty clear people use multiple screen names on purpose to cause confusion. Fairly generic name, but absolutely no one has been using it until now, to cause confusion.
To be clear, that was not me calling you a d-bag, I tend to think you’re correct.
MODERATOR’S NOTE: You are not the original “The Dude.”
Nice try Ozzie. I’m glad that the Geneva convention does not hold that position.
Where there is risk = there must be choice. Period.
You cannot force surgery on anyone. Look it up, injection falls under surgery.
You are off on this one. The constitution does not give the power to the Federal Government to do this. Jacobson v. Mass declares states have the power to force vaccinations. So your quotes on interstate commerce and general welfare have no bearing here. Sounds to me like you are parroting the favorite liberal clauses while not truly comprehending the argument. Please pick another name Madison was a genius.
@ Ozzie
Jacobson v. Mass is about vaccinations. Yes it could be argued that the State’s power to mandate SIP is in it’s purview, but since it is a leap to go from vaccinations to the complete obliteration of our core civil liberties it needs to argued in front of the Supreme Court. The court may reverse itself, or not expand the power beyond forced vaccinations.
The court is not infallible. Past decisions do get overturned.
Korematsu v. U.S.,1944, Japanese Internment.
Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857. Slavery in the Territories.
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896. Separate But Equal.
Roe v. Wade, 1973 (soon to be over turned)
Death sentence to small business…Barbers, stylists & manicurists. resturants…. no financial relief!
They can file for unemployment.. so yeah.. There’s that.. I do nails.. And Im fine with it.. No one NEEDS their nails.. and have someone at home cut your hair.. dont be selfish.. This is a BLIP in our lives! Get it together people!!! Dont be selfish!!! and dont be a douche like ManBearPig
Lola… how nice for you. And you are probably making more on unemployment that you ever did working! Other people don’t have that option. Way to be selfish when you don’t think about small businesses and everyone else who needs the economy to survive!
How fortunate for you, Lola, that it’s just a blip in your life. The owner of that salon where you “do nails” might not be as lucky. They might be losing their livelihood, their home, etc. Stop being a douche and thinking only of yourself.
@ Lola
Good you can file for unemployment. How long does that last? Does it meet all of your monthly expenses? Most people cannot live on unemployment …
Not sure I agree with your BLIP comment. 2 weeks was a blip, 3 months is to long, like my nails/hair … LOL
Lola and Rico,
Quit with the lying. Quarantines are for SICK people.
Tyranny is when you quarantine Healthy people!
Why don’t your kind ever mention things to Boost ones immune system??? You cannot hide from life and force your fears onto others.
Good luck with that vaccine.
@Lola, glad it’s just a BLIP in your life. You must have some savings. Or be married to someone who still has income. I am in your shoes too where this isn’t hurting me, I’m actually saving money. However!! News flash: millions of people are living a completely different lockdown life than you and me!
What are a few more weeks of lockdown going to do? We won’t have a vaccine. They’ll open up with social distancing rules in place and pray for the best. They can do that now!!!
Yeah, so let us continue to KILL our economy. Kill the social development of our kids.
Why, cause we get false news about the mortality rate because we cannot unify on how to properly identify a SARS2 death.
Then get your kid and get together with other families that think this is a farce. Just stay away from the rest of us. It’s like smoking…you can smoke, but keep your distance from those who don’t. And when you or your child gets stick, do us a favor and treat it at home. Don’t bring it to the health care workers who have been begging us to shelter in. selfishness now doesn’t deserve sympathy later. Honestly, I’m at the point I don’t care about the naysayers, their children or anyone close to them that may die. You don’t want to ask for permission, I don’t have to forgive.
@ Concord Mom
Ok. I don’t care about the fake news and the blown out of proportion numbers that the media and our politicians keep dishing out.
I choose to believe in data, facts and science. None of those supports this SIP. If you want to choose to live in fear, LIVE IN FEAR! But do not come crying to us, seeking mental assistance when you children or you suffer from some mental disease as a result of this! But unlike your attitude, I still care about people’s well being, so I would still provide assistance.
The healthcare workers are NOT begging us to stay in. Most I know are saying that the SIP is a farce, not needed. Most are making silly videos or have been furloughed because of no work to do in their hospital.
And lastly, I am not asking your permission. I also do not need your forgiveness. I have taken my kids outside the house. It is unhealthy to stay inside all day, every day …
Not surprised..too many people are still not complying..I know people in my neighborhood not following SIP rules. I hope the worse is over, but I doubt it. Stay safe everyone…
There will never ever be 100% compliance. Not even close. This is a waste of time. Easier to enforce people wearing masks and gloves when they enter a business and just get on with it.
How are we ever going to flatten the unemployment curve? We were so quick to shut down the Country based on predictions. But we have a real number of 26+ million unemployed Americans and none of the people making our decisions for us seem to care about that.
What was the new date it will be lifted by? Or is it now June?
Channel 7 says May 31. I believe it when I see it.
It’d be much more useful if Gavin Newsome would give money to people in need instead of people here Illegally. That would help mitigate the spread with less people at work. Maybe next time use your brain and don’t vote for Democrats.
Undocumented workers are vital to the food supply in CA and the United States. I see giving them money as pragmatic despite Newsom’s true blue leanings.
Waiting for newsom to tell us how many small businesses are expected to not survive his shutdown and how many people won’t have jobs to go back to.
Warm weather this past weekend in southern CA saw in excess of 40,000 people headed to the beaches.
An hot weather promoted openings of “cooling centers”. At least 11 across southern CA. Even with social distancing and masks, people are in a building with a recirculating HVAC system. Doubt systems are equipped with UVC light systems, to mitigate virus spread.
An if you get the idea you’ll protest, think again,
“CHP bans protests at California Capitol after rally against Newsom’s stay-at-home order”
Questions are increasingly being raised as to accuracy of covid-19 modeling done thus far.
Majority who contract Covid-19 do survive, thus creating what some refer to as herd immunity.
Stanford University antibody study has raised questions.
Questioning world health organization fatality estimates.
Thanks for the links… useful read. Especially the last one on letting immunity run its course. I have been wondering if things haven’t slowed down to the point now where it is prolonging effects.
There has to be some balance of more infections and yet still not overrunning hospitals that will also allow business to reopen and people go to back to some daily life. Hopefully things will slowly open up to allow that.
Happy to help out.
Am Thankful we have this platform to provide each other with information.
People are going to read the headline and not the actual memo, which states there will be some EASING of restrictions. In May, we might be entering the threshold between the full shutdown and the first phase of establishing some sense of normalcy.
People are going to pass judgement on a revised order which hasn’t even been released yet.
In the meantime, people can still go outside and get fresh air, talk to neighbors if they so choose, get take out food, go for a nature hike, go for a bike ride around downtown, do their shopping, do their DIY projects, et cetera.
A seniors die from loneliness and are unable to do what you brag about..also locked up in nursing homes without visitors and none checking on neglect and abuse, which is rampant.
@Aunt Barbra well what’s the alternative? Even with the restrictions seniors in homes are still being exposed to covid. Also it’s common knowledge that the elderly are more likely to die from covid so how is it that you don’t understand that those restrictions are put in place for their wellbeing???
@Natalie, that’s your experience. Not everyone has the luxury
yes people can do so if they choose. But you forget one essential facet of your stupid remarks. People have to be able to earn money in order to go shopping DIY’s, take out food, etcetra. And, you have to understand that the state of CA is not giving everyone EDD. They are being selective on who is getting it. So, there are more people that are losing homes, businesses and resources then can justify what newsom is doing. So don’t give your stupid speech about how nice it is. You have no clue.
Told everyone, it is going to be July or August……and these liars will still be telling us: “Just two more weeks”.
Glad to see that Police are not participating in this Unconstitutional order. Meanwhile, Doctors and Nurses are so bored that they’re posting dance videos on social media. Total Garbage.
Yep 🙁
I have a hunch it will be the end of August or early part of September
Don’t be shock if they extend it to the end of August or Early September
Here is the dance video of doctors, nurses, and administrators at the Oregon VA [scroll down in article]:
They didn’t slow the spread. It was already here for months before any action was taken. The medical community missed it when it was already here in November and December, perhaps even earlier then that.
This isn’t about slowing the spread. It already made its way through the majority of the population. The reason we are seeing these nursing homes getting hit now is they’re already more isolated from the rest of the population. The virus made its way thru the population which includes the workers who finally brought it to the nursing homes
This “pandemic” is already over. This isn’t the first or 2nd wave, this is the 3rd or 4th or 5th since it has been here for MONTHS before March.
Watch as these other states open up and are not overwhelmed at all. I’m curious to see what their “narrative” will be. They’ll need to justify it of course, there will be so many out of work and angry people they will never admit fault. They will only stand behind the lockdown as “necessary” and saying the crisis was avoided because of the lockdown.
If this virus was as bad as they are pretending bodies would have been dropping in November and December in enormous numbers.
It’s not. Vulnerable people will always be vulnerable but those that are not have to keep working so there is a society left to save.
100% agree
Complete, utter nonsense. The R0 of the virus is at .88 in Ca. Meaning that it isn’t spreading. The mythical as a unicorn “Asymptomatic” never materialized. Domestic Violence, suicides are up as high as 30%, economy destroyed, education destroyed, lives ruined….for what, exactly? And for those who will cry: “But…but….you’re naive, selfish, uninformed, etc etc”….The cure should never outweigh the disease….but it is, quite drastically. Sheltering weakens immunity. Power drunk Health Officers need to be removed. Newsom needs to be recalled.
TOLD YOU SO. That nurse from John Muir WAS right. She was saying June 1st and that was in EARLY April
So “Grabit NewsCON” was going to do this ALL along.
A story on how to boil a FROG> turn up the heat SLOWLY. By the time realizes he is being cooked- it is TOO late for the FROG.
FYI- 2 months of trying to get a bit of meager $$ from the EDD site is USELESS. No Money available. Too bad I am only Self employed. If I were an Illegal, He Says there WiLL BE $$$ for them. Small Biz is so escrewed they might as well bail—-oooops, Have you seen? Some are already clearing out as they will NEVER be able to recoup and pay their rents
It looks as though a number of small businesses in Southern California are going to, or already have, filed suit against Newsom and the Mayor of Los Angeles for violation of their civil rights in prohibiting them from earning a livelihood.
Just when I was getting my hopes up, seeing the weeks long downward trends, and then THIS! It ain’t rocket science … probably not any science at all.
The only science that is making sense here is that we’re being put through a litmus test throughout the world…the litmus test of any civilisation is not how it treats its majority, but how it treats the minorities that make up that majority.
Kind of hard to go back to work when your company isn’t unlocking the doors anytime soon
Prediction: July 4th we will have limited Re-Opening, CA to see a huge migration exit out, Housing will collapse (big effort to scrap Prop13) , a Tax Tsunami is coming (w/Bart leading the way), and we will still elect the ones who brought our economy to it’s knees
If these shelter in place increments could be two weeks instead of monthly, it would sure give us all a better ability to plan ahead, especially financially.
@The Fearless Spectator
They want to take your ability to plan at all away from you. Don’t you get it? This farce is meant to bring you to your knees and keep you there. Especially Financially. Control the resources you control the people. They have control over the water. They tell you how much you can use and when. They tell you when you can use a fireplace to heat your house, they tell you when you can use electricity. If you disobey them they shut you off. They are now telling you when you can work. So now they control your income as well as everything
else. Get used to it. This is what you voted for.
Hope all you Democrats that voted for Newsom and happy now!
I am, thank you. Glad to see some positive discussion.
@Mr.Dioji Good one! Needed a laugh today.
And don’t forget Aunt Nancy, who is pulling his srtings, as well as most the other politicians in this once great state, which they destroyed
Those counties better start hiring deputies and schooling them on the actual law, because people will not shelter for another month. Every day there are more businesses opening up, you’re not going to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
The government shot their shot, it failed miserably. Nobody will listen again.
Herd immunity for the win, as it should have been from the beginning. Complete and utter fail on the part of our masters, they screwed us big time.
Gonna take marshall law to keep business from reopening May 1st.
Good luck everyone, SHTF time.
Who is this Marshall you’re talking about?
Obviously you’re not referring to a Marshal which would be a title in an army, judicial, police, or fire department. Nor are you talking about martial which would be relating to, or suited for war or a warrior?
Marshal Matt Dillion is going to rise from the grave?… I loved Gunsmoke, I hope they don’t ruin it with a crappy remake, Festus was a hoot!
I can’t even handle this right now. Total and utter BS. I can’t even handle the economic devastation that’s going on. Unemployment. Small businesses closing. Livelihoods lost. Unknown economic recovery rate. Increase in abuse and neglect. I have a job, I work in healthcare, I don’t have much to complain about but I’m ready to move to Sweden.
An entire generation’s education and social development– and their future economic prospects– ruined. We haven’t even begun to see or project the true costs to society yet.
Let alone the mental health crisis waiting in the wings. Or the dental crisis. Or people’s “elective” medical conditions degrading into disability….
The way the Bay Area is handling the crisis is criminal.
Most people agree on this comment sheet. We all have common sense. This situation is more than meets the eye. Check out what Glen Beck has to say about war on corona virus and email your governor of the state of calif. enough is enough.
So we were trying to lower the curve to prevent run on hospital resources. It appears that has happened, why extend through end of May.
Schools closed, no gatherings over ten people, wear face masks and let’s let business deceived how to restart now. What are we trying to accomplish? Death rate is never going to equal zero, just like the flu, driving, smoking, etc.
Alrightee, when’s the demonstration???
Listening to you all is like listening to anti-vaxers instead of scientists. Why don’t all of you get together have a giant group hug, share some eats, and prove us wrong. Post pictures so you can show the rest of us that you aren’t a hot air chicken.
@concord mom
I like your sense of humor.
I’m with ManBearPig, this is stupid. If this were a Republican shutting down the economy I can assure you the opposite would be true. Every Liberal Left thinking Progressive would be UP IN ARMS!
Just imagine if John Cox were governor of California. And he scolded the citizenry of the great beaches of California….oh my how things would be different.
The governor should cut his pay and all government officials should forego their pay….if they truly care about us. They don’t and they won’t. How much does the president of the united states accept for pay??? 0.00 since the beginning…..that’s leadership! Step up Gavin!!
There are republican governors who did the same thing.
common sense tells you to email those who have legal authority. let your voice be heard and put your money where your mouth is. stand up and having done all STAND , this is more than meets the eye. we are really fighting a war that has come in the form of a virus and fear to change this country into a different america.
Bail out? You do know California started this with a surplus.
I know in your mind California can do no wrong and is a workers paradise but even you cannot be that naive!
California has an estimated budget surplus of several billion dollars; however, Forbes estimates California in on the hook for $1 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities which does not include outstanding bonds, loans, and other long-term liabilities, along with the officially reported unfunded liability for other post-employment benefits (primarily retiree healthcare).
So Ozzie, which is bigger, several billion or 1 trillion (and remember 1 trillion equals 1 thousand billions)?
Since public health officers now have the most power over our lives of any government official, shouldn’t their names and addresses be a matter of public record? In what world does someone get to weild that kind of power in relative anonymity in a democratic republic? Ah yes, the 1st amendment, the right of people to peaceably assemble to redress grievances, unless an unelected bureaucrat says you can’t. I remember the clause well.
Don’t give me the argument that this is the right course. It may very well be. And it doesn’t matter, because NOBODY IN THE GOVERNMENT, IN THESE UNITED STATES, HAS THAT POWER. They can ask nicely, they can plead with the public to adhere to their recommendation, they CANNOT continue with this unaccountable power grab.
It blows my mind that people are so afraid of something, they will allow their most fundamental rights to be eliminated without so much as a peep.
And some of you quislings are going to be cheering when the cops arrest a poor family that went to the beach because they have no AC. This state disgusts me.
Let us know how that works out for you.
Not unexpected. But I sure could use a haircut.
$27 + Tip; I got some scissors on my pocket knife….
to quote Paladin: Have pocket knife will travel….
ps: not to be confused with the Paladin who posts on Claycord…
So could I. I have very short hair, and love how easy it is to take care of, problem if it does not get cut every 6-8 weeks it becomes a problem. I’m not going back to work until I can get a haircut. I can cut the bangs myself, and a little trimming around the ears, but that is it.
I knew they would extend it! And they are going to keep extending it until we really push back and say enough! This is total BS!!!. Everyone please go to youtube and watch Dr. Dan Erickson and his colleague , both are Emergency physicians in Kern county. They gave a press conference a few days ago to the media regarding this virus. There are 2 parts , Part 1 is approx 51 min long and part 2 is approx 1 min long, please watch both parts to the very end. part 2 goes the full time. It looks like it is done at about the 10 min mark , but it is not , it goes the full 12:27 min. I personally have been thinking this all along . There is something behind this.This is not about keeping us “safe” the government has never , ever cared about what is best for the people. Newscum and all the others have forgotten that they work for us. They are supposed to do what the people want, not their own agendas. One example is Newscum , as soon as he got into office, he stopped all executions. We, the people in CA voted for the death penalty and we voted to expedite the process ! But as soon as he won, he did what he wanted , not what the people wanted. I think the bay area is going to have to file it’s own lawsuit ! Too many people are out of work and suffering.
“You do know California started this with a surplus.”
Subtract massively underfunded state employee pension liability.
Continue believing their new math way of balancing the books. . . koolaid overdose . . .
An yes mismanaged liberal states are using covid crisis to try and get taxpayers of other states to bail them out of their years of self induced financial problems.
‘never let a crisis go to waste’
— rahm emanuel
Which states are going to bail out liberal states ? Mississippi? Louisiana? Kentucky? Georgia? The states that are bailed out year after year after year that can’t stand on their own. Get real.
but OG
Last week you were concerned about the employees of the City of Monterey, remember? I know you responded why you changed your mind but the dog ate your homework.
Those that doubt the value of sheltering in place should look at the Nordic countries. Sweden, the only country to have virtually no restrictions ,has a disastrous rate of fatalities compared to Finland, Norway and Denmark, all of whom have restrictions similar to ours.
Second point: Health officers have a lot of power and always have. They are not part of some plot to steal our rights. They are trying to save our lives.
And the last thing:I’m reading a lot of posts about rights , but not much about responsibilities . I suspect a lot of people that are critical of restrictions have never done anything hard.Not all, but most.
@ Anonymous: One quick Google search turns up the Swedish curve: Looks like it is flattening out nicely. The other countries you mention have a ways to go as there is no avoiding the virus.
Point 2: If auto mechanics came out and said cars would last longer and safety would improve if everyone only drove 25 mph (both likely true), should we obey?
Last thing: Are responsibilities unilateral or reciprocal?
I’ve been working at a grocery store this entire time, and I do shopping for elderly folks that can’t get out or use online shopping. I cover my face, wash my hands, and deliver the food. I take more risk than 99% of the people commenting on here and am fortunate enough to still have my income l. And I still think this is all overreach.
Health officers DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO PUT THE ENTIRE COUNTY UNDER WHAT AMOUNTS TO HOUSE ARREST. That is an absurd jump in their power, and it is galling to just hand wave it away like that. They don’t have to have nefarious intent for it to be blatantly beyond their authority. I don’t believe they are doing it for ill reasons. I believe they are doing it because they will get blamed for deaths, so they are being as cautious as possible. They dont have to worry about the countless lives that will be permanently harmed financially though.
Further, guess what will happen in Norway when they loosen up? Infections will go back up, followed by deaths, because there is no cure for this. The only way through this is to suffer through and get herd immunity, because we are never locking down for two years for a vaccine that may never come. Same thing will happen here in a month, which is why they will try to push it back again. We are delaying the inevitable, instead of focusing our efforts on the most vulnerable while practicing best practices like distancing and mask.
The goalposts keep shifting. We needed to lockdown to flatten the curve, which we did. Now what? Hospitals in the area are sitting mostly idle. What is the next goalpost? What will be the one after that? How much debt can we keep writing to finance all of this?
People seem to think this will all be a nice taxerpayer funded summer staycation, after which we will all come out of our holes like the groundhog and declare no more Covid19. That is a fantasy, and we are ruining ourselves for a decade chasing it.
Masks are not gonna work if you keep wearing your mask below your nose so your nostrils are exposed.
Masks are not gonna work if you keep adjusting & re-adjusting your mask with your hands every 10 seconds.
Gloves are not gonna work if you’re not changing your gloves after each person you touch/contact. You’re just keeping that person’s germs on your gloves & touching another person, getting that 2nd person’s germs on your same gloves…. and then…. re-adjusting your mask with those people’s germs on your gloves every 10 seconds.
So what do you suggest??
It is very hard to breathe and have people hear me with my mask. It is very thick.
It also almost covers my eyes, so I need to keep re-adjusting it so it is at the tip of my nose.
My other mask is too loose since it is a tying one. Or it is too tight.
in total agreement with you AMERICA . wake up people this is not about the corona virus.. its far more. Please checkout Glen Beck newest on the war on virus .. also blaze there are other people who have something worth listening to.
I know many people are struggling with not being able to work – Most of the financial industry is doing what they can for those that are hurt by not working. Many are waiving fees, deferring payments and giving forbearances. The only organizations that are not are utilities who can not turn off your power or water or garbage right now but will not lower the bill, call them and they may have a program that can assist – This site may help in those cases: Their are also many food programs to assist and if you are not working because of being laid off due to COVID contact the unemployment office – find info for what they are doing here: I also know that instacart is hiring as well as other delivery services, it is some money coming in. I know that not working can be very hard but it this was in normal times being unemployed would not have all these opportunities to get help. I worry so much more about the small business owner and self employed and not having my favorite places when this is over – so buy gift cards from them, pre order from them to help them.
I know it is tough and it is really tough on the older people who are sheltered, more so those with dementia and alzheimer’s who just do not understand but we as a community are equalizing the curve and as hard as it is we can do this – for our medical team, first responders, store clerks, delivery personnel, family, neighbors older grandpa, younger sister with asthma. This is a war we are in – medical war but a war none the less. I am not taking politicates into this – the situation we are in is not a political one this is a world wide situation. Please wear a mask, protect the population and this too shall pass.
you sound just like the newsoms of this state. Deferred payments do not mean you don’t have to pay. It just means that you will pay 10 more when this is done. Those places you are talking about for help? ya right. most those places rely on donations from people like me and 95% of those that are not working. No worky, no way to helpy.
Sorry Governor, your time confining my business and my liberties are up. I will practice social distancing and wear masks and use hand sanitizer. But, I am opening for business after May 3rd.
This is ridiculous. The mortality models are wrong as we can see from current death figures.
Covid -19 is dangerous- but only for some people. Most infected healthy people are asymptomatic or experience mild to moderate symptoms and do not require hospitalization.
We were told to isolate so the health care system would not be overwhelmed. Hospitals are presently below capacity. We are told that’s because we sheltered in place. No, it’s because the mortality models are incorrect.
We are told we need to keep sheltering or there will be a surge of new cases. There won’t be because, again, the mortality models are wrong.
Sweden pursued a different tactic and that was moderate social distancing in an effort to achieve herd immunity. They’ve had a lot of deaths but at about the same rate as other Western countries. Where they have experienced more deaths, in comparison to countries on lockdown, is in vulnerable populations. About half of all of Sweden’s deaths are related to nursing homes.
So, here in CA we are supposed to stay in our houses, become alcoholics, and go bankrupt because we are worried about people who are vulnerable, including the elderly, people with pre existing health issues, the homeless, the people in jails, and the people in nursing homes might die.
No one wants to see anyone be at risk or die but the virus is not beatable It is not a matter of when there will be a vaccine it’s a matter if there will be a vaccine. The virus will otherwise continue unabated until it runs out of hosts or mutates to a more benign version. So, let’s get to herd immunity, now. .We need to go to work despite the risks to the vulnerable. This is the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
No coincidence that the TV and print news outlets are doubling-down on the scare tactics. “Santa Clara woman’s heart exploded due to Covid!!!!!” “Young people in their 20s & 30s having strokes due to Covid-19!!!!” Even if you’ve already had Covid, you can get it again!!!” …. “It’ll come back in the Fall and be even worse!!!!” The crying wolf has got to stop. That’s why people just don’t believe them anymore. I sure hope the States that are opening up will be successful.
It’s working well for me, I’m wearing my avocado netting mask 🙂
Next step, I am going to just paint a mask on. If you want to shelter…..Help Yourself, stop forcing your religion onto others.
Good news everyone: Cower-in-Place is being phased out and replaced with Swelter-in-Place.
Now wait for the heat, all the AC’s blowing cold air for those that SIP and PGE having rolling brown outs. That oughta be a lot of fun.
Yea deep state is taking control.
Fusion Reactors—
1960’s: “It’ll be here in 30 years!”
1990’s: “It’ll be here in 30 years!”
2020’s: “It’ll be here in 30 years!”
What do we do now with 25 deaths in Contra Costa County with a population of 1.1 million. Do the math. How many cardiovascular disease deaths have occurred in this same time frame?1million nationwide, diabetes deaths 1.6 million. We need to get real and live with this. We need to have our elected leaders step in and reverse this decision by these health inspectors.
One reason that many people are in financial trouble now is that they have been trying to live permanently beyond their means or needs. They have saved either no money for a rainy day (like unemployment), or an ineffectively small amount. They bought too big houses, too new cars, or live in locations beyond their means. Economists recommend workers have liquid assets to go 3 months without any income. You have made your beds, now you can sleep in them.
@ kirkwood. You need to cut your tongue out of your mouth.
Hard to save money when we are taxed to death on every dam thing. Leaving very little on our paycheck.
Kirkwood, . . . Absolutely agree.
Never giving up my mid 1990s BIG American cars with LT1 Corvette engine.
Tell newly hired electrical engineers fresh outta school
to put six months gross salary in the bank and don’t touch it. They proceed to tell me of all the years of college and student loan debt they’ve piled up.
Married ones buying first house are told, you buy just enough house. Meaning what it costs to live and make house payment with one person working full time and one person on unemployment.
Was told six month gross salary plan early in my working career. A better plan since adopted is over one years gross salary.
These days it’s about having a skill set an employer wants and is willing to pay up for. Company just hired a gal who went thru a two year junior college program, zero student loan debt and her starting pay as a skilled crafts person is more than engineer supervising her, who has all that student debt.
Four years or more of college is not needed to have a living wage job.
Perhaps it’s time California voters begin electing frugal politicians.
I believe in living below your means and saving for a rainy day, but you’re taking it too far. You don’t care about anybody but yourself.
I think you comments are a bit harsh, but you are also bringing something up that few like to talk about. If you listen to Dave Ramsey, he recommends up to a 6 months emergency fund, the same is recommended for businesses. I got hurt very bad in the 2008 recession, because of that experience I made some changes. I have kept my expenses low, and every week add money to my savings account, and 401k. I work 28 to 35 hours a week (furloughed from Macy’s) and get social security, needless to say that does not amount to a lot of money in the Bay Area, I will get unemployment, but I could squeeze by on my social security, if I have an emergency I have savings to cover that. I have no credit card bills. To those who say they can’t save, try to look at your budget. The discipline of saving is much less painful than all of sudden not being able to pay bills and necessities.
Their comments are extremely harsh. Even if you have six months of savings (I prefer years) what if you’re both self employed venture capitalists making 450K, which could easily support your lifestyle… when you’re working, and now you can’t work… because the country has been shut down. .And you have to put your house on the market. For the record, my husband and I are gainfully employed, and we don’t make that kind of money. But this is affecting people of all socioeconomic levels, and we’re in this position by no fault of our own. Even those who have saved forever, without an income, it will go fast. And $1,200 (that not everybody is eligible for) won’t go far. And encouraging people to not go to college is asinine. A lot of professions require an undergrad or graduate degree. There are people who don’t care about anyone but themselves, and it’s sad.
Kentucky, I think Kirkwood is about right. Financial advisors never stop telling us to have months of savings for emergencies, not including savings for college and retirement. Too many max out mortgages and car loans and credit cards pretending to have more income than they do. In your example, venture capitalist have an inherently risky business and should have proportionally more resources to fall back on instead of levering up to maximize profits. At 450K income they should easily be able to have more than a year of savings to live on, and if not it is likely because they overbought housing and other toys.
Thank you. I totally agree.
AG Barr has released a memo, today, which seems to be the first shots at reigning in these county health “Officials”. It directs the Justice Dept’s Civil Rights Div to monitor, and possibly take action, as, according to the memo, the Constitution isn’t suspended in times of crisis.
People: we are at war against an invisible enemry. This is what our president said. Therefore, you need to sacrifice, period. If this means staying at home until 2023, you need to do it. Stop complaining like a bunch of two-year olds.You will survive. How do you think people who had to endure WWII survived?
If necessary, then so be it. We must ALL sacrifice. Life isn’t supposed to be easy. Do you think it was easy for the people who lived through WWII???
Pretty hard to survive economic devastation. Supply chains are brittle and already breaking down. Food shortages are a distinct possibility. A lot of people won’t survive. There will be suicides, deaths from domestic abuse, deaths from substances abuse because of despair, there will be a horrendous human toll should the economy be shut down for much longer, let alone until 2023. People need to make a living, to feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads.
This is my complaining like two year olds. This is a very serious adult concern. It’s not just sitting and home and watching Netflix while someone delivers your groceries from Whole Foods.
@Yves Harlowe:
With all due respect, I think you are being alarmist. No one is going to die. As for food, there are always food banks, soup kitchens, and SNAP (food stamps). Rent and mortgages will be waived if this persists much longer. There will be more stimulus funds from President Trump..
Thank you. Well said. It stresses me out to witness stupidity. We must follow all the mandates! I cannot believe all those people in Southern California going to the beaches. Not six feet apart. Crazy fools. We are in this together. How selfish can people be? Answer. Extremely
I actually live with someone who remembers those times, my grandmother. She says we got through it then & we can get through it now, the only difference was back then everyone was united in being a part of the war effort. Regardless of politics. Sad, most of you are old enough to be her child.
But that explains why you feel so threatened though. You never had to really sacrifice anything for the common good, unless you had a loved one in Korea or Veit Nam and welcomed them home with open arms.
Those of you whining you have to stay in must not realize you can go out, where social distancing is possible. Put your business online… not many of them can’t reside there. If you are a laborer or contractor, plenty of work being done right now. The only thing that will collapse is Wall Street & I don’t see that as a bad thing.
The President of the United States put us in this position because he had some imaginary score to settle with the system. You voted for him, thank god we have leaders in this country that are actual leaders and make the tough decisions, Pathetic.
You can only stay at home so long before you run out of money and get hungry … realistically. Then what are you going to do?
@Susan Ingram – Those of us who lived through Vietnam learned to Never trust the government. What they said and what they did were two very different things – and it cost thousands of young men their lives. People were probably united during WWII – but we sure weren’t united during Vietnam. It was as bad – or worse – than it is now. Blindly following your “leader”, thinking they have your best interest at heart, is naive. Think for yourself – question everything. Respectfully, your Grandma should’ve learned this by now.
A Wall Street collapse not a bad thing?
Spoken like someone without children or family. Those of us with children and family have embraced capitalism the best we can in order to build a brighter future for them when we are gone.
I find that preferable to the “Mad Max scorched earth” model.
Thank you.
More states united with science ahead of politics.
– The states of Nevada and Colorado joined a western regional pact Monday to help fight the new coronavirus outbreak while moving closer to reopening businesses and modifying stay-at-home orders.
Maybe the conspiracy tinfoil people have something.
A new country with the western states of California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada,and Colorado. Could work. No more bailing out red states and more money stays local. I’m liking it.
You ain’t just whistling Dixie. John Calhoun and Henry Clay would be so proud of your new Confederacy.
I’m down for that… let them finally have to pay their own way!
California will be begging for federal aid before its over … if there’s even any federal aid available.
Even better GU… finally we might see some of that money we have been shelling out to pay other states’ bills! WIN WIN!!!!
Paragraph 2: Most intelligent comment yet.
The Health Officers of these seven jurisdictions have been working closely together in leading a unified, regional approach, to control, punish, and strip away all remaining freedoms from our residents.
Those Health Officers, appointed county employees, can shove those control orders where the sun never shines.
Very good Cellophane, you have discovered a super secret plot by health officers to control and punish us. Pretty good chance they are preparing secret FEMA camps to lock us up in awaiting the arrival of their bosses ,the Klingons.
You keep a sharp eye out and advise us of any other conspiracies you detect..
I don’t understand why this has turned into an political stance. I understand most people that use this site hate the state and local Democrats. Fine. Then listen to the conservative Republican White House. Their guidelines for reopening would not come close to allowing California to reopen now. Georgia is closer to fulfilling the guidelines but not there and Trump strongly chastised Kemp. The Trump’s selected medical and science experts say SIP IS working and that we need to be patient and that we need to fulfill the guidelines before phase 1 of the reopening. So if your going to criticize California democrats you need to also criticize the White House position.
We are nowhere near reaching capacity at our hospitals. There is no evidence of excess deaths in Contra Costa County. The rates are falling over a two week trend. Science is not or should not be affected by our “behavior”, i.e. the Governor is trying to politicize science. Economics and Psychology are also sciences, ironically those that deal with human behavior. The Governor is not interested in those fields.
We need to know why we must continue to make these sacrifices. Show us the science, Governor. Don’t make up science to suit ambitions and politics
Smee, You make too much sense, you are trying to point out that this in not a political issue, unless some make it so. However, there are posters here who live to bash Newsom, the Democrats and anybody that disagree with them.
Democrats are ripe for bashing.
25 people in Contra Costa County in the hospital for COVID so yeah
S&S And when Obama was President how many issues did you agree with him on. You are very unrealistic if you think liberals will agree with Trump on many policies. I certainly don’t expect conservatives to agree with a Democrat President. That is just reality.
JFK was lifelong member of the NRA, that’s a good thing.
Harry Truman made one the toughest calls in world history and he got it right.
So there’s two…hmmm, I’ll sleep on it.
Andddd… it’s been debunked. Further research into the claims suggest sample bias; non-validity & non-reliability:
2 doctors in Bakersfield. Wow you’ll grab at anything. What’s next Hannity?
This is nonsense. The general population is well aware of the dangers/risks this virus poses and ways to mitigate its spread. We don’t need a nanny state telling us when we can conduct business or how to live our lives..we can make those decisions on an individual level going forward. Especially since this virus may not be all that bad after all depending on your age and presence of other health issues. Enough is enough…
What’s your point? Just go back to how it was and trust everyone will do the right thing?
When is the last time you saw everyone in lockstep to act properly?
How many deaths will you accept to escape the Nanny state ?
Have you ever done anything hard?
I guess depending on your age you’re expendable.
How can the people of California be trusted to do anything on their own when only about 23.57% have any common sense?
We don’t really know what is going on in other countries. You apparently didn’t see the reports that they were showing scenes from an American hospital and reporting that it was Italy or China. If you think you can trust what the networks are reporting, you are sadly mistaken. Between the mistakes and the outright lies, the information you get is terribly corrupted.
Talk about screw loose, Newsom is such a neurotic mess you can tell he was raised by a nanny.
Cower-In-Place is an excellent case study in White Privilege. Or rather Wealth Privilege. If you have enough wealth, you can stay in your home, turn on the A/C, and order anything you want from Safeway, Amazon, Uber Eats, etc…
Other people (everyone else), however, are forced to work or shop under conditions where they are at a high risk of infection. And if you lost your job and/or business, good luck on paying your bills.
Think about the whole concept of ‘essential’ work or workers…it makes everyone else EXPENDABLE!
Newsom is the new “Jim Jones” here in the People’s Temple of California … what he sez goes! Follow him blindly.