The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
New York City has a tip line where you can text pictures of crowded supermarkets, or report anyone else who might not be practicing social distancing. Law enforcement will then respond to the location.
QUESTION: Would you turn someone in if they were not practicing social distancing, or not wearing a mask in public?
Talk about it….
No. I’m not the moral or health police. But I do understand why others are doing it, and they have every right to do so. To each his own.
No, I am not a rat.
Never! Not a corono snitch!
Frankly, managing my own state of affairs is a full-time job. I simply don’t have the time or inclination to manage the affairs of others. So, no!
No No No
Lol, there’s a huge difference. The Nazi’s wanted to kill the people they took away. Our government is trying to save your life no matter how stupid you are. I really wish these selfish people were just putting their lives in danger, the problem is it puts us all in danger. I usually don’t care what people do, as long as it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s well being.
I’ll do the Reich thing!
Rat- out your neighbor. It’s your social responsibility!
Hell no!!!! So every neighborhood has a busybody with nothing else better to do but to snitch on others for code violations, barking dogs, etc. A good and decent neighbor would have the decency to approach a fellow citizen and respectfully have a discussion instead of calling the authorities Behind their back.
Sounds like you live on the other side of my neighbors on Euclid ave
I’m the guy that gets code enforcement called on them for working on his own vehicle in a fully enclosed property far far away from my driveway .
And same neighbor called city on me to complain that I was throwing branches in their yard
Facts are I have a big tree branches fall in neighbors yard they throw branches back in my yard now normally I wouldn’t care but after calling code on me my yard is no longer a trash can for your yard
City sided with me on that one !!!
Please don’t misuse the system after a while they know your crying wolf and when real issue arrives I hope they hear you
The guy who used to call about everything in our neighborhood kicked the bucket, so now everybody just does what they want. Barking dogs, fireworks, garbage cans on view from the street, messed up landscaping, weeds, loud music, vandalism … we’ve got it going on!
No, I am not a Moronavirus snitch that would be a waste of time, and energy.
No! It starts with this then they want you to rat on them for something else.
I’d prefer to take a picture of these law breakers and post it on social media from my fake profile to shame them. hahaha
Absolutely not.
Prudent precautions are advisable.
What the government dictates is tyranny.
To each their own.
But, we all knew this was coming. I expected in CA first though … so I am sure CA will just up to one up NY.
Snitches get Stitches
Preach it brother.
Or end up in ditches.
How quickly the “See Something, Say Something” campaign was completely dropped!
While we’re at it, why not add block wardens as well?
De Blasio came late to the table. He and the governor, and the New York Health Administer are responsible for the many deaths of New York City. Unless somehow someone was endangering me or mine I would not turn them in but would think they are stupid. I find it amusing many think Governor Cuomo is such a wonderful guy since he is one of the causes. Yes New York City is packed in but not as bad as the country of India and they have much fewer cases than NYC in their whole country. How does that work?
No. Altgough, I liked my personal space prior to this plandemic, (see Event 201).
I won’t be tattling on anyone. Show us your papers next???
As for the poster who claims they will shame them on Social Media……..sure everyone will recognize them wearing a Mask, Ha Ha.
The Liberal saying ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ comes to mind. I am shocked and saddened that so many people appear eager to give their (U.S.) Constitutional rights up so easily. Intrusive surveillance, arbitrary method of determining ‘essential services’, and not this? Anyone who thinks THIS is a good idea can move to North Korea and work for Kim Jong Un because they have absolutely no cases of Xi Coronavirus!
Is that not what the communist’s countries do? With all the cameras out there if someone is really doing something wrong them I am sure the cameras would see it so NO
An example of how the mind of a liberal politician works.
Funny thing happened to Comrade de blasio’s experiment. New Yorkers let him know what they thought of his snitch line, as only New Yorkers could.
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-new-york-mayor-bill-de-blasio-snitch-neighbours-hitler-penis-memes-a9478681.html could.
Yes. Because that is what the Stalinists, Nazis and Red Chinese did in order to force the citizenry into submission. That way, the target population can be rounded up and murdered. Hundreds of thousands can be eliminated in this manner. This is historical FACT.
end sarcasm.
yes, grew up behind iron curtain, exactly how it worked
Welcome to our beautiful country. I feel compelled to apologize for the idiocy of our fellow neighbors and countrymen. While we were out vacationing and partying, the democrats were brainwashed by self serving socislists…funded by wealthy autocrats. They stopped teaching history, civics and economics. Preferring to drag them into social engineering 101.
In today’s world transsexuals are funded, rather than war torn soldiers and citizens that have been struck by disease. We have corporate healthcare/unions that is focused on their next raise. We have pensioners drawing far more money that those living in our wealthy working class neighborhoods. Our politicians are robbing us into poverty, giving stimulus money to their cronies during this crisis.
Ad nausium.
Thank you for speaking truthfully.
Use the hotline. Just dial: 1-800-IMA-NAZI
In later news, the hotline has been shut down, due to the pictures New Yorkers sent that apparently expressed their thoughts on the matter. See
https://www.dailywire.com/news/de-blasio-social-distancing-snitch-line-suspended-after-wave-of-obscene-texts for more information.
Yes I would. Then they would get arrested for not following the rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Then they would be sent to jail because of possibly spreading COVID-19. Then they would be released from jail because of fear of catching COVID-19. Actually forget it, that sounds like a lot of work to accomplish nothing. So, no I would not.
They also might come out of jail with a worse attitude than when they went in.
No, but I rat out Spare the Air violators and will continue to do so.
Well aren’t you just the neighbor everyone loves to have…
You guys must not live in my neighborhood. Violators that I turn in have been cited. The trick is to call repeatedly. Sometimes it takes more than one try. Where smoke is concerned, winter air has been much improved the last several years, but there’s always a few jerks that need correcting.
Give slagheap a break. He did time for ignoring a juror summons.
No, we already have too many self-appointed cops. Fortunately I haven’t seen anyone so far confront anyone about not social distancing or not wearing a mask. Let’s leave that up to the real cops who probably have too much to do already. Do you recognize this country anymore?
Nope. Mama didn’t raise no snitch
Do you know anything about Germany in the 40’s because your post clearly shows you do not.
Given that they don’t give a damn about me, my family or anyone else during a pandemic – what do I care what happens to them by calling the authorities?
yup. bingo!
If you’re scared, stay inside like a rodent until you’re no longer scared. Good luck to you.
In most cases no. I might try gently saying something directly to the violator but only in some cases and only if I felt safe. In egregious cases, absolutely yes, like someone deliberately licking or coughing on produce or ice cream (as rumor has it some have been caught doing)
Exactly! I am going to mind my own business unless they are doing something truly egregious/malicious/dangerous.
No I prefer not to get involved in other people’s affairs. I would follow the same guidelines as I would if someone else threatens me in public, which means I would have to feel my personal safety was at stake, and I don’t see that happen in this circumstance, if someone cough or sneezes I will just walk around them in a wide circle. When I’m back at Macy’s and stuck behind the counter it might be a different story, but I don’t think it will be a problem
Good luck, Hanne. My guess is that Macy’s will follow Sears, Penney’s and Neiman-Marcus in bankruptcy court. Are you any good at flipping burgers or making burritos? Amazon or Door Dash might have a spot for you if your DMV record is clean. I hate to say it, but this pandemic has accelerated the decline of many businesses.
To quote Pyrrhus, ‘Our government is trying to save your life no matter how stupid you are’ . Now there’s a true statement right there if i ever saw one. Yes, the socialist republic of California cares immensely about you and wants to save your life, especially if you’re an idiot, so you can vote for them again and again
No No No way
Probably not -but if the people next to me, who have people in and out of their house on a regular basis, get infected, then I might consider it.
Think about it – we spend time on highways trusting other drivers to follow the rules of the road, for example. I’d like to trust my neighbors to follow the rules during this health challenge. We need to be able to TRUST others, and others need to demonstrate that they can be TRUSTED.
Very well said, a little trust and some community spirit, would be a good thing. I’m tired of all this distrust, of other people, of the government, some skepticism is fine, especially of the government, but I truly believe almost everyone is just trying to do their best. Anyway I would rather be called a little naïve than walk around and be suspicious of everyone. Just don’t want to live that way.
no. i’m afraid you’re just a do nothing fence sitter, hanne.
And every time you enter the highway or freeway you are accepting the risk inherent in doing so.
you actually think this board reflects voting nation wide? california wide? even this county? this city? ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Without consequences or accountability, there would be no point. The purpose of the tip line is to give the witness a calming activity.
How about we take the unemployed, put them in masks and hats, and have them work in adjacent neighborhoods as snitches. We can put them on an incentive program to ensure effectiveness. Utilizing a new Bill Gates style app, a snitch could merely point their phone at an offender. Facial recognition would confirm the violation and the offender would be fined or imprisoned. China has implemented similar measures with amazing results. Together we can beat covid!
Martinez Rants and Raves, hardly a liberal, progressive hangout, has been running a poll on whether it is time to open up Martinez. Here are the current results:
Yes — 102 votes
Yes but slowly — 165 votes
No — 1,073 votes
There were a few outliers, including 6 votes for “Only if we run out of Tacos.” The Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death contingent got 4 votes.
Yep totally agree 1940s here we go Nazis or Connies well now it’s more communist that’s how I feel in California as a California Citizen if you don’t have a Facebook account you’re not an Instagram if you’re not wearing a mask you can’t shop here and I’m telling you there’s a lesson to be learned here and I hope to god it doesn’t go The wrong way I think a lot of these mass shooters are probably thinking about making this country communism because they grew up old-school old-fashioned values and what they see today is the exact opposite and they don’t fit in those are just my thoughts anyways yeah this virus sucksBut hey I don’t drink Anymore Budweiser is pretty good I guess,. Pun intended anyway stay frosty
The people on Nextdoor sure will. Someone wanted to call the Police on a guy spitting!! And for people playing in the park. Not very neighborly.
Leave it to liberals to quickly adopt fascist tactics that proved successful for Nazis. Another take on their warped “by any means necessary” philosophy.
The official stance of the Concord Police is to NOT write tickets on this matter. If called, they will educate people about distancing guidelines and facts about the virus. If people at that point create conflict with the police, and push things too far, then it’s possible they will get a ticket. However, their main goal is to educate, not punish.
The police have also ensured that families do have the right to gather in public. So they will not break up a family game of soccer, or a family hike around the city.
If you don’t want to call the police on specific people, you can vaguely report that a park or other location is regularly getting crowds of people.
People seriously need to stop comparing the shutdown to the Holocaust. You can go hiking, start a summer garden, get food from stores, order food from restaurants, go to Target to buy clothing and consumer electronics, buy a lawn-chair and a bird feeder from WalMart, go to the hardware store, get photos printed at Walgreens. You are not a Survivor.
“You can go hiking, start a summer garden, get food from stores, order food from restaurants, go to Target to buy clothing and consumer electronics, buy a lawn-chair and a bird feeder from WalMart, go to the hardware store, get photos printed at Walgreens.”
Everyone could do all that during the Holocaust as well, unless they held the wrong ideology according to those in power. Except Target and Walgreens.
It seems both sides are fond of using the Hitler/Stalin comparison. Some on the left, and although not a Trump fan I’m against it, like to suggest that Trump’s dislike and dismissal attitude of the press is similar to the Nazi.
Some on the right is comparing all these restrictions to both the Nazi and the communist. Can we all get a grip, Trump is not Hitler, Obama was not Stalin.
These two were some of the most evil people that ever lived and ruled, they caused much destruction and millions of death. To compare ANY leader in the US to these two makes light of what they did. Don’t like Trump, don’t like Newsome, I get that and that is legit, but try to keep your opposition reasonable.
Hanne, I agree with you 100%. Interesting there have been no replies to your comment. Both of us had relatives in WWII. That war had real Nazis and Stalinists with real death camps, real atrocities and mass violent war and destruction. It trivializes and shows contempt for those who were involved and suffered by using these terms as a cheap adjective to make a political point about today’s presidential candidates and other politicians. It is done by people who do not, and will not understand what actually happened. There is so much information lost as that generation leaves us. I share with you a frustration of the complete cluelessness and poor judgement of current commentators.
My father fought in two wars for my freedoms, WWIi being one of them, because the citizens of some other countries allowed their freedoms to slowly be taken away. Hitler and Stalin started somewhere. They didn’t arrive on scene full blown fascist dictators. They quietly and methodically moved their countries in the direction they wanted them to go. Just like Gavin Newsom is moving California, slowly restricting freedoms and extending the date they will reinstated … until they never are reinstated. Count on it.
Anyone who compares any US elected official to Hitler or Stalin is either tragically uneducated or willfully stupid.
Thank you Rollo Tomasi. I always suspected you were a liberal when you defended Lindzey and his Charter sham.
Thank you Gittyup, you got me. Flaming liberal here. By the way, you exposed yourself as a liberal by claiming you’re just too tired to move your shopping cart to a cart corral after unloading your items. After all, someone else will do it for you.
@RolliTomasi I pick up a stray cart on the way in and leave it where I found it because I have torn rotators and wrestling the stuck carts in the corral doesn’t help any. So freakin’ nail me to a cross, buddy!
If you’re the type of person to snitch on someone for this you would have snitched on Anne Frank and on Harriet Tubman.
On point, Googlar.
Sense. You’re such a joy to be around nobody would drop a dime on you. Wink wink.
Sense, Just because some of us comply in this instance, does not mean we always will. Do you really think we are not able to judge. What if Trump gave some orders and we didn’t comply, would you celebrate our independence, or is it just because it comes from Newsome, you have to call us lemming then??
If you’re trying to “get by someone”, you’re the one in motion, not them. That person is not obligated to move for you. Find another route not within six feet.
I spent a good part of four decades living and raising a family in West Oakland, and I had to be very selective about the whos and hows of narcing on scofflaws. I’m highly doubtful it would occur to me to turn someone in if they were not practicing social distancing, or not wearing a mask in public.
Masks aren’t required in open spaces and parks, unless social distancing between non household members cannot be maintained.
Googlar , You use your judgement. There is a difference between snitching on someone not wearing a mask, and someone you see stealing. As a retail associate I have several times called store security when I see something suspicious or witness someone stealing, it is in our job description. I have witnessed in a grocery store people grabbing items and running out, I told the nearest employee. I was brought up by parents that barely told a white lie.
As I got older I got confused about lying and ask my parents if it was okay to lie if you were protecting someone from the Nazi’s (which my parents actually did) and I was told it was, because you were protecting someone innocent from someone evil. That provided me with a guideline I have followed all my life. I don’t think I need to explain further, I assume people will use common sense.
It sounds as if you are saying property is more important than life?
If you find yourself yelling at people in the grocery for going the wrong way in the aisles, stop, reflect and mind ya business. Don’t be a Karen! If the police aren’t arresting people breaking into homes with machetes, there probably isn’t a mask jail. Unless someone is coughing Covid 19 on me, I plan on minding my business.
One way aisles are the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. If you’re getting mayo and potato chios and are 70, that’s a hell of a lot of unnecessary walking.
How will you know if someone is coughing the Covid-19 virus on you? If they are wearing a mask—no worries. No mask—-who knows? Could be an allergy cough or could be a Covid-19 hack. I guess when you have a raging fever, muscle aches, sore throat, and your own cough you’ll get a clue!
@Gittyup…. If “that’s a hell of a lot of unnecessary walking.”, you might want to back off the mayo and chips…..just sayin’.
If you’re so compelled to tell me what to do, you might want to back off the weed.
Extensive studies have shown that the more time you spend in a grocery store, the more money you spend. It’s why they keep rearranging the aisles — so you have to search for what you want — and you spend more time shopping. They must be absolutely celebrating this one-way aisle thing. Talk about slowing you down — more of your money for them.
One way traffic arrows… yeah I noticed those at Safeway…. but I don’t think anybody else did. Nobody gave a damn as far as I could tell and they were walking every direction except the designated one.
BTW – did you know those stores actually “sell” their shelf space? That’s right… If vendors want to move more product and want more shelf space they have to cough up some cash for it …. or kickback some product or $$ off coupons that consumers never used, store managers would submit them for cash. I saw alot of under the radar stuff like that when I worked in the soft drink industry for a really big world wide company that was as crooked as a stick.
I don’t like crime of any kind, of course life always comes first. As for reporting someone suspicious when I’m at work, that is just loyalty to the company.
The verdict on the mask is somewhat out, however since it seems that the stores are enforcing it, couldn’t get into Safeway without my mask. If I see someone in the parking lot or out walking I would not call the police, by the time they got there the person most likely would be gone. I don’t see my comment as confusing at all.
Gitty Up, All stores do things that will maximize profit. Macy’s often moved departments around. If something is not selling well in one area they try another area, or they might have to make room for a new brand. Also when they move things they know the customer will have to walk around the store to find their items. It is well known that many buys are impulse buys. If a customer comes in looking for a suit, and she find it at half price, then when she walks by handbags and see a Michael Kors bag on sale, she rationalize that she can afford it, because the suit was on sale. Men don’t shop that way (I have worked in the men department many times), but women do. The customer need to stick to the items they need and not to be tempted, if they are on a budget, does not matter if you are in the grocery store, Macy’s or Nordstroms.
Claycord, I just posted a comment a minute ago, just as I send it off I noticed the computer had auto in another name, from my address list not sure why, but I was not trying to post under a different name. Sorry.