The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Westport, Connecticut police are testing a “pandemic drone” that can monitor people’s temperatures from 190 feet away and detect sneezing, coughing and heart and breathing rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to NBC Connecticut.
Police said they are working with Draganfly, a drone company, to test technology in an effort to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.
QUESTION: What’s your opinion on this, and would you be comfortable with a law enforcement agency in Contra Costa County using one of these drones?
Talk about it….
Go for it. Whatever it takes. I know the people who feel too regulated will have a fit, let them. These are different times folks. Get over not all your independent frustrations and go with the program please. It is time to keep America Alive Again. I just made that up. Pretty good I must say.
How would you feel about using such technology to track down and identify disability fraud, for example? It could save $billions. All kinds of “benefits” of a police state.
Let’s see camera’s in school hallways, outside of businesses and streets, tracking us on cell phones and now drones checking our body functions (6 feet apart please, got to get the right person). Hmmmmm, I sure love socialism (under the guise of safety).
I am sure that is how some felt before they were ushered onto trains and sent to the gas chambers.
Wouldn’t bother me one bit.
Invented for use in the pandemic but will be very useful afterwards I bet. Looking for lost people maybe? Following crooks trying to hide? Double edge sword.
when the drone sends the SWAT team to my door because I had a sneeze attack from allergies, can it have them pick up some Claritin for me on the way here too? It’s a good idea in principle but the accuracy of something like this is questionable.
They can detect “sneezing”……oh the Humanity, someone sneezed -: Better call SWAT!!!
If you all love Wuhan so much…..move over there, I’ll even pay for your one way flight.
I’ll take you up on that plane ticket, anything to get me far away from you.
Plate of Bacon has a law license and studied constitutional law extensively.
Such generalized surveillance is unconstitutional. Period.
Isn’t this whole lock down unconstitutional? So what’s to stop them from ever increasing limitations? So far, all this has gone mostly unchallenged and is even welcomed by many. Scary!
Are You Fricken Kidding Me ! sounds like target practice will get very popular soon if that’s the case.
Stupid. Let’s turn life into a third-rate, futuristic science fiction movie. If you body is your temple, it is yours to decide when you need medical attention and no one else, especially a mindless drone subject to all the glitches the same as your home computer. In fact, idiot artificial intelligence is the greatest threat mankind will face in the coming years.
That’s right, Gittyup…we’ve reached the point where the Unabomber Manifesto makes complete sense!!
I would not be comfortable with any law that is clearly in violation of the Fourth Amendment. We are slowly losing our civil liberties under the guise of protecting us from ourselves. Only the foolish believe this will be temporary until the pandemic is over.
I fought in a war to defend our Constitution, and protect the liberty and freedom of every American. Watching our freedom diminish is sad. What’s even sadder is when I read a comment from some poor gullible citizen who believes everything on the news and thinks what they are doing is for our own good.
We are citizens of the greatest country on earth, and it’s time to take the Constitution seriously.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.
Thank you.
This is just a really bad idea for so many reasons! How about a chip implanted at birth that can do all this plus tell if you eaten to much fat, You haven’t exercised enough, drank to much alcohol……
Observation & monitoring are one thing.
But what action will “authorities” take with such info? Detain / monitor w/o a warrant? Follow you to ensure to are staying home? Detain & quarantine?
That’s the bottom line…
Fine with me! Since it’s so difficult to get tested (no, there are not nearly enough tests) and to see a doctor in person, this might help people
It’s ridiculous. LE needs to stick to the criminal element. Let the medical profession handle the medical needs of the community. Let moms take temperatures of their children and adults can take their own temperatures. This is America, not the Twilight Zone. If this doesn’t spell technology has gone too far, I don’t know what does. Unbelievable.
Well, What if I farted??? dose that count?
I knew I needed more .20 gauge ammo.
Using the thing to catch burglars makes more sense!
Congratulations folks. First they send us another disease then they sell us the drones made there to ‘monitor’ us. Are we fools or what. Not to mention the Dumbass PD that bought them.
Big Brother is watching.
Maybe Santa can use it to see who’s been naughty or nice.
We’ve heading down a slippery slope here. How quickly a little fear makes people surrender their civil liberties. There are some situations where drones are a useful and civil police tool but their use will need to be regulated so they don’t infringe on civil rights or overreach.
Idiotic! No credibility if testing has not been certified by someplace reputable, besides being unconstitutional.
Can they determine that my cough is Burner’s cough and not Covid-19?
No Gavi wants to live in a world where no one ever gets sick. The drone detects a fever on someone…cops throw them in isolation. SO many things can cause an elevated temp – even ovulation and pregnancy! Tell ya what if you are so afraid, wear YOUR mask and/or stay home. And get the crappy poisonous vaccine when it comes out. You’ll be microchipped along with that and it will work “as well” as the flu vaccine. Good luck, Sheep!
I think it would be cool if Robo Cop was walking around doing this…..
There is a drone that Flys over my house a couple times a week for years. One time it was so low right outside my sliding glass door. I’m not sure what it is doing.
My guess would be it’s a remote peeping tom.
Complete waste of resources. Now, if they can detect illegal citizenship then I may change my mind.
We need to focus on the long term fixes in this country. Pandemic will pass, but illegals draining resources seems to be endless.
It’s tough, but I don’t see any other county “financially supporting” illegal behaviors and choices like this one. Break federal law and it’s OK, we’ll leave the light on for you and cover your medical as well.
You are so right.
Police are always pushing the limits of the Constitution.
@Ilovepopcorn: Are you kidding me? You must be, right? You and a couple other people commenting must be losing your minds; is there any limit to the absolute ignorance you all display, or is it merely cognitive dissonance through lack of courage that doesn’t allow all of you to see just how invasive these drone methods are, along with foreseeing how additional draconian laws will soon be implemented based on, what is simply a fake epidemic but guaranteed fear-pandemic? Also, do you realize that our Constitutional rights are being obliterated under the guise of “keeping Americans safe” when the CDC admits that EVERYONE they “SUSPECT” of having Covid19 is being designated as such with “NO PROOF” substantiating that they actually “DO” have it? Do you also know that all states are incentivized to report alleged Covid19 patients? Again, with NO PROOF that they actually do, but the state automatically receives upwards of tens of thousands of dollars if not substantially more? Please do your own research, but, first, I recommemd you stop eating all of that GMO popcorn with fake butter you have overdosed on. If you have children, you owe to them to educate yourself! Again….PLEASE!
Imagine the worst politician or criminal (hint: they are usually the same person) having access to this technology to use however they wish. That old saying about people who trade in their freedom for security (or safety) have neither.
Most dystopic books skip the part about how things got so bad. This is one way.
This drone is being used to send verbal warnings to people who aren’t six feet away from each other. But the operator can’t tell if people are related to each other, or have some other mutual agreement to stand closer to each other. The police chief says officers can talk to people via the drone, but he doesn’t say if people can talk back to the operator.
They don’t do facial recognition, which of course would be moot since everyone is wearing a mask. But what is happening to all the bio-metric data it does collect? A person can be identified by height, gait, and other data points put together.
Why is the drone is being operated by the police and not the health department, if its primary function is to monitor community health?
The text of the article says the drone is used for remote areas, but the video shows the flying it over Trader Joes on a normal street, which isn’t exactly a remote area.
AND….AND..just watched a news report on Whole Foods selling vegetables from..you guessed it ..China…supposedly ‘Organic” but no verification of same….kind of like the rice paddies of my youth…they were very ‘organic’.
Bezos made his $ billions selling low-quality Chinese electronics, so it’s in line with his business plan. Chinese food products are banned from my home. I also banned Korean shrimp, since it’s taken from the Yellow and East China Seas when the Yangtze dumps a bazillions tons of heavy metals every year. When it comes to food, we generally buy American like most people, with various European and Japanese treats from time to time.
Of course they can. And that same technology can be retooled to locate and assassinate whatever kind of people you want to screen for, skin color, language, gait, clothing, and perhaps soon, diabetes, inebriation, and blood type from a distance. Of course the police want to affix any diagnostic imaging technology available to a drone and conduct 4th Amendment violating dragnet searches. They want to police. One, we shouldn’t let them. (2nd Amendment) And two, I question the integrity of police that would participate in the sorts of experiments as they are doing in Connecticut.
Good thing we spent billions of dollars developing drone technology and testing it by massacring all those faceless people in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 years. No way THAT weapon could ever be used against us.
It doesn’t take a drone to track the people that don’t get it… Just a walk in the park or parking lot
less than 50% of the people out there had masks or put on masks when they were around other people…
Don’t they have better use of their time?
Will they use it to detect infidelity? In that case better send one up to Sacramento pronto.
Oh God … since when do the police have to ask permission to do things, so sick of this. They can put “your rights” on your tombstone. Why are so many not getting how this could kill us all
Without controls on the Government you have a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that overtly and covertly supervises the citizens’ activities.
You would willingly give up your Inalienable rights for nothing more than false sense of security.
Tell us, what is a bridge too far for you?
Can the Police come into your house without a warrant to check your temperature? Can the Health Department assign people to live with you? Can the Health Department seize your car or house for government use without due process or compensation? To prevent panic, can the government arrest you to prevent you from telling people you have COVID-19? To prevent the spread can the government suspend public trials, trials by jury or simply hold you without a trial? To prevent the spread can the government prevent you from moving from state to state or within one state? Where is the line for you?
To quote James Madison: “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy” or in our case a virus.
Since they took an oath to defend the Constitution.
Next step, rounding anyone up with the virus and shipping them to a remote “Island”. Viva Papillon!
No,I’m not cool with it, this is the step right before Big Brother, surveilling is for our own safety.
I am not OK with it. Once the “authorities” start doing this, they will not stop and will come up with other excuses like saying they already spent the money and it is for our own good. It is instructive to see the Chinese example, or where we might be in a few years, with their use of drones for facial recognition and artificial intelligence to harass out of favor minorities and political opponents. It is very well known that the US already has amassed a huge database of driver’s license pictures and this would be a wonderful opportunity for micromanaging us. The use of the IRS against conservative groups was just a baby step of what can be in a very few years.
Or to harass out of favor majorities more likely.
If they make the drones a little bigger, they can swoop down, pick up the sick people, and whisk them off, directly to the rehabilitation camps, never to be heard from again. For the greater good, of course.