The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: When do you think the shelter-at-home order should end in Contra Costa County? Immediately? When the coronavirus cases start decreasing? Or when we have no new cases?
Talk about it….
End it now, today at 1 pm.The whole thing is BS and most people recover. 7.8 billion people in the world and only an estimated 2.3 million are infected and 160,000 deaths.
Now we have doctors who are self appointed experts telling us we have to wear a mask or we cannot buy groceries. I’m seeing more people touching their face because of a mask, they’re either adjusting it or removing it with their dirty contaminated hands.
I’m sick of the whole thing, don’t touch your face and wash your hands, it’s that simple.
I agree completely.
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It should be NOW, but since this is a Democrat one party state.fat chance. Don’t be shocked if this crap goes on til August. As for mask, they will not prevent you from catching it. I hate mask because it makes me have facial sweat which is very unhealthy and can pose danger. Having a mask on makes me touch my face more than not having one on. I heard that it may come to a point where we will not be allow to go buy groceries but to order then have a pickup drive thru or something.
Oh really Jennifer?
Do you mean “scientific” as in the medical officials falsifying death info by labeling them as COVID-19?
Fall off of a cliff = COVID-19
Get hit by a train = COVID-19
There are plenty of nurses and MDs talking about this.
Really? What medical experts, cause some say the exact opposite of you .. but that is fine.
Our healthcare system is overloaded? BS! Absolute and utter garbage! Head to any of our local hospitals, I was at one on Sunday for ER visit with someone. Parking lot had maybe a dozen cars in it .. maybe …
I have been by several of the hospitals, all have tents up, but ZERO people in them.
The testing centers are only testing those that come in, and they see only 2-3 dozen people a day!
So again, how is it overwhelmed when medical staff has been furloughed, and some are allowed to leave the state and helps others out there because there is not enough work for them in California?
I agree with Jennifer, the number of people infected is low because of the precautions and 48 more people were infected in CCC yesterday,.
Yes, it’s more likely that the gov and CDC continue to conspire to wipe out a portion of the population, kill the economy and falsify death counts…as opposed to a painful reality which is we all have to sacrifice and do our part.
You can’t continue to make crazy claims that this is all happening if you can’t identify the benefit and manner in which all these conspirators behave. Who benefits from a wrecked economy and all these deaths? You really think either side is driving all this? Didn’t know the death count only effects loved ones on a specific side…
And even if all the conspiracies the idiots claim were possibly true – you weigh that vs being okay with more people dying because your stupid egos always know more then medical experts and people who have dedicated their lives to serving others and understanding things it would take the majority of us years to understand. There’s a movie called “Idiocracy” from the guy that wrote “Office Space” and “Beavis and Butthead” – I suggest the conspiracy craved idiots watch that as it would be like watching Nostradamus…
So Jeff
How come the medical experts do not agree?
Nobody I know, or nowhere have I read that this is a conspiracy.
Crazy claims, like that one that says the virus has been here a long time already … O wait, I think Santa Clara, San Mateo and LA have already shared their independent tests showing that more of the population has already been exposed.
Or the one where the CDC said, if you cannot confirm, but you think COVID was the cause of death, just list them as the cause of death. Think if the Coroner did that, how many murders would go undisclosed?
I would like more information on who is getting this virus. Sort of like contact tracing for the public to know. Many businesses should start to open but people should try to keep their distance and wear masks for awhile longer. Most of new cases were caught in someone’s home.
One statistic that I heard was that 12% of those who have died of the virus were elderly. KCRA Sacramento reported the age range, but I don’t recall it.
Yes, I would like more information. A partial relaxation of rules would be good, to see if it spikes. Keep the mask and hand washing. Open churches, shopping and small businesses. Open parks, trails, beaches. I’m wary of recirculated air.
Given new masking requirements between 10 – 14 May.
There will be a brief spike up but with distance and masking, will diminish quickly.
There does need to be stricter regulations regarding assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
Still pulling for May 1st.
Set a number for new cases per week, which if exceeded would bump back or reset the process.
First things I’d open are workplaces inaccessible to the public such as offices and plants and all restaurants (for takeout only to start). Limit the # of persons at a time, which Trader Joe’s does exceptionally well. Keep the masks on. Private gatherings permitted up to a certain number of participants.
It’s time we start emailing the county health officials responsible for potentially extending it, and organize a protest for the 4th of May IF we are not reopened. This is getting silly.
I’d be there
Bob be sure to bring your mask.
I’d be there too! This is getting beyond silly!
Let me know when and where to show up … cause I will be there.
I would definitely show up for any legal peaceful protest.
What shelter-at-home?
Walked through the Newhall Park yesterday – there was a large soccer game going on. Not a single mask in sight.
May be in some other counties police does write citations for violations of social distancing, but clearly not in Concord.
SIP should end yesterday. this whole thing is so overblown. Hospitals in this county are virtually empty. Census is so low. Need to get back to business
Looks like all of the clowns who were touting the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (like Trump) couldn’t have been more wrong about it.
A study found the death rate was over 2X that of those that were treated with standard medical care at VA medical centers.
In a study of 368 male vets who were hospitalized with confirmed Covid-19, 28% that were given hydroxychloroquine died, vs 11% of those getting routine medical care alone.
Go ahead folks. Keep touting a drug that can kill you. Never mind that cardiac issues associated with it.
Mike any drug can kill you hydroxychloroquine has been around for years and has helped many people who have lupus and such hydroxychloroquine has helped many people and it is dishonest to say that it can not or has not helped save many lives from this virus and every other illness it has been used for
There is so much wrong with that “study” that it’s stupid to draw any conclusions from it. They just went back and retroactively looked at cases that received hydroxychloroquine vs those that didn’t.
No consideration of the patient condition prior to the drug (odds are that it was given to patients already near death as a last resort), no mention of the dosage levels given, no control group, some with antibiotic, some without. It’s garbage and most researchers asked about it have said its impossible to draw any conclusions from it.
Link to that study? Maybe the death rate was higher for those who were given hydroxychloroquine because they were the most critically ill patients and it was a last ditch effort to save them? I read that it needs to be given early to make a difference and not later when the symptoms become severe but like all other things Coronavirus related, we have a lot to process and learn before any results become facts.
Here you are again Mike Wagner. Always with the BS. KTLA reporting today how much success they have had with it. “It’s a game changer “ they say. Nothing but hack troll posts. Get a grip. Big daddy Trump told you
We could say that those with the disease are all selected based on whether they will die or not. Thereby, those who are not symptomatic and are not in severe condition wont be tested here:
No care ~100% chance of death
Hydroxylchloroquine: ~28% chance of death
Standard medical care: ~11% chance of death
Although hydroxylchloroquine definitely increases your chances of survival from the disease, it is not as good as receiving standard medical care, which in itself is commonly practiced at all hospitals.
@ Mike Wagner/The Marauder
Without knowing the patient histories you cannot say with any certainty what the value of HCQ really is. You can not list numbers and say there is a causal effect without more study. That is circular reasoning and not scientific research.
Was HCQ only used in the most serious of cases were there was no other hope? If so, than a 72% success rate is pretty damn good considering the alternative. Was HCQ the first and only medication used? If so 28% death rate is high compared to not using it.
I would ask why in the 11% of the deaths cases was HCQ not used? Did the patient sour too quickly, was it unavailable, were they allergic to it, was it even offered to the patient? The questions can go on and on and they need to be answered before you simply say the treatment is useless.
As a personal observation, I find Wagner’s glee at the prospect that HCQ may not help people recover, simply to score political points against Trump, is simply grotesque.
My sister has lupus. She has been on hydroxychloroquine for years, with no side effects.
As for those scary side effects, they are no worse than the ones on my drug for heartburn and only slightly more than those for ibuprofen.
The one thing that became very clear when pharmaceuticals were allowed to have commercials was that those commercials are filled with warnings about side effects because every drug on the market has a ton of side effects possible, but rarely seen.
The same goes for hydroxychloroquine
@Aprilewine Where did you go out to eat lunch and dinner? I haven’t found anything open. They have take out, but not dining in.
As soon as I can get immediate access to hospital care and medicine, should I contract the virus.
Yes, please do that… it will be helpful to have one more person who needs health care, spreads it to others and further adds to the financial burden of this mess.
Hey Dan
How many people who get it, need hospitalization? Let me answer that for you, NOT MANY, less than 10%! The studies out of Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, LA and the little town in Germany are all saying the same thing … MANY MANY people caught it, did not know it, moved on.
@parent – I agree with you that the percent of those who are infected and need hospitalization is relatively small. The problem that we have seen all over the world, including New York, is that the spike in hospitalizations exceeds capacity and people are left to fend for themselves. This impacts the economy, creates panic and leads to social unrest.
@ Dan
I think this is where you and I disagree, I do not see the hospitals exceeding capacity. If we were at or above capacity, medical staff would not be furloughed, but they are being furloughed.
The ships were not used.
ER’s are not overwhelmed in Alamada, CCC or San Mateo counties. I have been to them myself or have trustworthy friends working at them. The tents were set up, and not used or they see a couple of people a day through the tent.
The ‘overwhelmed hospital’ photo that the news said was New York ended up being from Italy.
OMG Parent – the overwhelmed hospital photo was validated by the hospital itself. Medical workers are furloughed because elective procedures were cancelled to limit the spread of the disease and create capacity if needed. We have capacity because we largely did the right thing by sheltering in place which limited the spread of the disease. If you stop sheltering, the disease spreads and you have capacity issues. I’m not sure how else to explain this.
@ Dan
Not sure what news you are reading .. but CNN came back and said they used a picture from Italy!
elective is what furloughed medical staff? Why is my friend, an ER nurse furloughed then? ER is not elective last time I checked.
We have capacity because the not everyone needs to be hospitalized. If you cannot see this, go live in your little shelter, wear your goggles, mask, gloves and don’t forget your tinfoil hat!
Just an FYI- I over heard a gal in scrubs while at US bank. She said she works at John Muir Concord. She was telling the CSR, that They were told at John Muir to prepare for it going until June 1st. This was over heard on April 13th. SO…. it reminds me of the story of the frog. How to cook a frog: turn up the heat slowly before the frog knows what is happening.
By then, Too late for the frog! Rribbit, ribbit 😉
If ‘cower-at-home’ were applied to everyone, if we literally prevented everyone from working and doing anything productive, it would have ended weeks ago. But how many government employees, for instance, have been laid off so-far, even though tax receipts are tanking?
In my neighborhood we have people working full-time and collecting a pay check, and buying loads of stuff from Amazon each day, while others are watching their businesses go under and worrying about how to pay their bills. This disparity is going to lead to trouble.
All of the data indicates that cases of Xi Corona Virus will spike when these restrictions are lifted, no matter how long they are in place. And masks? Don’t even get me started on that unscientific BS.
We’ll most likely start to see some rules being changed and relaxed in May. California, Oregon and Washington state are in a pact to move at the same general time frame.
Contra Costa County wouldn’t open quicker than anyone else. If we did, we’d be inundated with tourists and traffic as people flocked here for shopping and dining. Being visited by so many people too soon could set off a second wave of infections in the county. It would be in our better interests for CCC to stay in the same time frame as the rest of the West Coast.
Speaking of a shelter-in-place …… anyone know why 6 helicopters (all at the same time) and a fighter jet @1:30pm (they NEVER DO) just flew over Claycord???
Probably because of the young police officer that died last week. I think his memorial service was to be early this week.
They couldn’t keep pace with the cars racing on the freeway?
We saw them as well and wondered if it was related to the funeral for that police officer.
Missed the jet but saw the helicopters. It was before noon, however.
I think the Governor is just getting started. So you haven’t seen nothing yet.
Yesterday. This is no way to live. Newsom and his advisors are actually doing more damage to a healthy person’s psyche than a virus ever would do to their bodies.
People like Newsom and Pelosi aren’t suffering, obviously. They have no ability to empathize with those who have no saving, no food, no money to put gas in their car. Enough is enough.
So can you tell me why you called out Newsom and Pelosi but not Trump. Can you tell me what Newsom is doing and recommending versus the White House recommendation? They are saying the same thing, publicly at least.
I agree! We are treating each other like pariahs at the grocery store or when taking our much needed walks…which, will indeed, get worse tomorrow as we are mandated to wear a mask. It’ll be interesting to see how that will be enforced. I feel like we’re stuck in a never-ending Twilight Zone episode!
@ what the ?? It’s Newsom, arrogant, autocratic, “I know what’s best FOR YOU” paternalistic style that I find abrasive and irritating. It’s like the authoritarian parental figure who is every child’s worst nightmare. I feel for his children if this is how he parents. Does he actually believe we want to hear from him EVERYDAY? He keeps hammering home the same message, “I’m the BOSS here.” No, he isn’t.
He overturned the will if the California voters when he suspended executions during his tenure in office. It was the same as saying to the people of California,, “You’re not important. I’ll take it from here.” I don’t approve of his methods and I don’t know anyone who would. He’s devoid of any ethical base. He has clearly demonstrated that throughout his life and continues to behave in that manner.
It’s funny how selective you are in your outrage Gittyup, your idol is guilty of every frailty you call out plastic boy for and far, far worse. Yet you celebrate Trump and denigrate Newsom. It’s almost as if credibility doesn’t even appear in your dictionary. Nor hypocrisy apparently.
In times like these, where we are all feeling a little housebound, and have cabin fever, it helps to remember some history. Like Anne Frank, if you have not read or it has been awhile this is a good time to read it.
Remember some of the hostages that was held for long time, I know some of them wrote about, I’m sure you can also find something on Utube it reading is not your thing.
I would like the SIP lifted soon, I have a 2 week old grandson I have not seen yet, however we are lucky we have phones, computesr, texts and videos.
@gittyup Question was simple, what is Gavin doing that is different from the White House recommendation? Its a simple question, and if you find fault in Newsom for doing the same exact thing as Trump then you’re just biased. Stick to the facts and not opinions!
@Atticus Thraxx. Yeah, I’m complicated. So, deal with it!
@what the?? He’s doing it autocratically! And, taking credit for ideas that originated with London Breed in San Francisco.
@Atticus Thraxx And, let’s be clear about one thing. I don’t “idolize” Donald Trump.
I am fine with ending the SIP until June 15th. Even if SIP still in process. I am still staying home no matter what. I have zero problem staying home. safer than sorry.
You protest, No treatment
I’m with you. Stay home and watch the spike.
Those of us who have been compliant are all sick of it, and want it to end. Does that mean it should? All I know is that I don’t want to live in a New York situation, and if that means staying at home longer, then OK I’ll do it.
You cannot compare New York to CCC. Our demographics and geography are vary different. We do not have thousands of people living in one building. The comparison just does not hold true for us. You can make a case to compare SF to NY ….
No, if you’re thinking about demographics and geography, then you cannot compare SF to NY. Our residences may be more spread apart compared to NY, but on both coasts people are going to the same store, going to the parks, taking public transportation. The implementation of SIP in the bay area a week later could have resulted in much more cases in CCC.
I actually love the quarantine.
Ha, ha. I don’t love it, but I can live with it. I’m furloughed from Macy’s, now I have time to catch up on reading, cleaning, emails, etc. I am getting a little restless, and miss getting together with girlfriends, but I have a phone and a computer. I’m doing okay financially since I have other income and will get unemployment. I realize that is not the same for everyone, and I have sympathy for those people. I do know what it feel like since the 2008 recession hurt me badly, but it was a blessing in disguise, since because of that I have savings and have kept my expenses low, no credit card bills etc.
Me too.
Because i don’t trust my fellow Americans to do their part to keep the rest of us safe.
I wish the SIP wasn’t needed, but if you just read the comments here you can see why it is needed.
Plus, my autistic kid is doing fine as us. In fact he is relishing in the SIP. While all of us adjust to living in a solitary anti-social world, aka an autistic person’s dream world, my son is doing great. Social distancing is his preference. So I’m in no rush to end it, at least not for his sake.
I also find arguments that the purpose of this virus is to weed out the weakest of our species. That it will actually strengthen the human race.
Ironic, being that most people until recently would consider those with mental disabilities to be amongst our weakest.
Meanwhile, my son is physically in great shape and young, making him very low risk. Him and most autistic people are are low risk. His people will not be weeded out by some virus.
Does that make us stronger as a species? I say all that talk is a bunch of BS.
Because even more ironic, and why i think the SIP should remain in place, is how many people without mental disabilities are doing their part to help the virus spread and kill us.
Meanwhile no virus would ever win in a world filled with only autistic people. They would prefer to always live with social distancing in an anti-social world.
Ironic, don’t ya think?
Yes, please we’d all love to know where you are going out to eat dinner. If you’re going to make up false stories you should try to make them somewhat believable.
Are you even looking at other posts? The one right below you is asking if he should purposely get the virus. Just based on the crazy things people are saying here is enough evidence that no, unfortunately people don’t know how to handle it. And what you do does effect me and others so you’re not just putting yourself at risk, you’re putting many others at risk as well.
You want it to end?
Wear your mask around other people!
I don’t want to get sick and I don’t want to get YOU sick.
It is the people NOT showing symptoms.
You obviously neglect counting deaths caused from side effects of this lock down. Suicides, homicides, deaths from lack of treatment for illnesses, heart attacks, strokes, you name it.
Not to mention the destroyed businesses and careers that may never be recovered. Ya think these people should be given consideration, too? If you’re scared to be out, stay at home. Your choice, your right to do, but don’t demand that everyone be locked up and some pay a very high price, just because you’re scared.
Always have a plate of assorted cheese and fruits when reading the comments section of any blog.
The whine selection is amazing!
I’m hoping soon, but I’m not following the news coverage, I’m reading what I need to know online, and trusting the judgment of MDs and RNs that I know personally (family and friends). Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Like yesterday! The new norm is wearing masks so no reason why things can’t be open. If those of you who are scared, then continue to stay home and if you HAVE to go out, then wear a mask, a CLEAN one, don’t touch your face, wash your hands when you get home and disinfect. It truly is simple. And if you really want to go over board, then change your clothes after being out.
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Trump landslide 2020
And it is SO very distressing that science and health care are the Exact same as they were in 1918. pht
Trump 2020
I only known two people in the health care field. One , an emergency room doctor in Sacramento has had his hours cut. The second, a nurse at John Muir Walnut Creek has been furloughed due to lack of patients. This things was oversold by a bunch of politicians who known nothing except how to fundraise. Gavin Gruesom will not open things up soon because he is laying the ground work for running for President and wants to be on TV everyday. Remember he said over 25 million California residents would get the virus. California residents are getting a big case of social intercourse.
I know 6 people who work in hospitals and labs. All hours cut or laid off completely. Do the math
Do you remember seeing the refrigerated trucks parked behind the morgue at the hospitals in New York. That’s because the amount of deceased patients exceeds the City’s ability to house them. That is not happening here because we entered the shelter in place process a week earlier. Thank you to Governor Newsom for your strong leadership, courage and foresight. Shame on Trump for his complete lack of ability as a leader or manager. Had Trump had an ounce of leadership, he could have limited the spread of the disease without tanking the economy. Worst president ever.
Actually, London Breed, Mayor of San Francisco, was the first to implement most of the guidelines we are currently following, not Gavin Newsom. Newsom is a tag along, follower dunce taking credit for the ideas that originated and were put into effect by Breed in San Francisco while Newsom was still trying to make himself look good with ridiculous statements like, “I own this!”
Hey Dan, again
Hey, many hospitals had refrigerator trucks … and the US Navy provided two ships! How much of it was actually used?
NY? New York has seen a drop in Cardiac, Diabetes and others causes of death over the last 6 weeks, but they have this WHOPPING high number of COVID-19 deaths. Think maybe those folks are just calling it as COVID instead of Cardiac … etc .. Check out the CDC website, you can see what doctors were told. Paraphrased, Use your best judgement to determine cause of death, especially if the fatality was not tested. And if they were, and were positive, COVID death. Check it out! It is a great read.
NewScum is a lousy manager. He like Trump are leading by FEAR MONGERING! I will not live in fear of exaggerated disease. yes it is dangerous, and only a little more so than the flu. Check out the reports coming out of Germany, LA and two of our local counties, MORE PEOPLE have it than expected, so it translates to a MUCH lower mortality rate.
Shame on you for your lying words. You make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!
@Cyn – what lying words? Trump is a horrible president with abysmal approval ratings. He could not lead a team out of a paper bag let alone a global health crisis.
@Parent – one hospital with refrigerated trucks is too many. The ships provided by the Navy were specifically prohibited, by the federal government, from caring for COVID 19 patients during their initial deployment which is probably why they were under utilized. That and the red tape needed to receive care on the ships was excessive. Surprising that the President would allow such red tape in his administration when he ran on draining the swamp.
@ Dan
Never seen a large scale disaster have you? Refrigerated trucks have been used over and over at Katrina, WTC, Oklahoma City etc …
You seem to have an excuse for everything. So let me ask you about the MASH tents that were set up in WA, CA and others that were not utilized and are already be DEMOB. Why were those not used? More ‘red-tape’?
@parent – i’m assuming that the MASH tents were not used because social distancing (the thing you are fighting) worked. It’s tough when your political views and science don’t quite align – but hey, that’s the Trump platform.
@ Dan
I did not vote for and will not vote for Trump. Nor did I vote for Newsome. Nice try …
There are no restaurants open where you can dine . Other than grocery stores and pharmacies, there isn’t any retail open for shopping. The SIP order has never prohibited walking or driving. Nor has it prohibited going to Tahoe and to the beach. It’s not cool to leave your community and possibly spread COVID-19 in other places, but you are free to do it.
I probably can’t stop stupid people from doing stupid things, but I sure as hell can refuse to patronize businesses who I deem a threat to my health. Let’s boycott stupidity!
That’s perfect. You absolutely have the right to make your own personal choices.
That’s the whole point of the SIP, to stop stupid people from doing stupid things.
If everyone was responsible then we wouldnt need the SIP, but as the commenters here show, we needed the SIP.
And still do.
Blaming Trump again well if you are going to blame him then you also need to blame the other side do some facts checking!
@ Ann – what did the other side do? Isnt Trump, as president, responsible for leading the country? When he did not do that, the governors stepped up and Trump beat them up and said he was in charge. Then he said the governors were in charge. Again, what did the other side do? What did I miss? I dont necessarily agree with everything that the governors have done but at least they did something other than blame people.
The reason California is such good shape is because of the early action Newsom took Good thing we didn’t wait for trump.
STOP LYING. You know darn well Trump was doing great, and then Cuomo was being left out so he started with the news shows between him and his bro, demanding hospitals and ventilators, which as it turned out, he didn’t need. Then he wanted to be in charge so Trump said yes. Then Cuomo says Trump is passing the buck. Cuomo wants everything done for him by Trump and doesn’t want any responsibility. Cuomo is nothing but a narcissist who LOVES to hear himself speak.
@cyn – Trump has repeatedly told the states that they were on their own. He told them they should have had their own ventilators and PPE. He did this because he was unable to lead the nation and provide a coordinated response to address this crisis. He blames China, the governors and people in his own administration but you know what he doesn’t do – offer leadership or even a solution.
Using the full force of the federal government, trump was able to secure 50 million N95 masks per month. Newsom was able to buy 200 million N95 masks per month. Why can Newsom get this done but Trump cant?
In the absence of leadership, states are left to fend for themselves. New York, New Jersey and a few other adjacent states created a task force weeks ago to figure out how to safely return to work. California, Washington and Oregon have done the same. What does Trump do? He tweets.
No!! Cases are rising. No wonder contra costa county has so many cases with all the comments here. Very sad….
Don’t get too worked up about it Janie, most of the hardcore whiners never leave their house anyway.
Does anyone know if any of the 55+ residential communities in Brentwood have any confirmed coronavirus cases.
We can start with the travel ban Trump put on China and the dems criticizing him for that Thank God he did or things would have been worse let’s remember Pelosi in China down wanting to have a party we can go on but at the end of the day people are getting tired of the politics taking place and the lies people are waking up to it all
Ann. Most of the cases came from Europe. Banning Europeans would have been more effective if done sooner but doesn’t have the same political punch as banning Chinese. Science wins again.
its real simple …and can not believe no one has figured it out
CCCounty is one big cruise ship
on a 18 day quarantine
as long as people test positive or become sick
the 18 day period starts over ….
so self quarantine and be a part of the solution
or don’t and be the problem
either way this thing will not go on forever ….
either no new cases happen and the time limit is up and they have to lift it
or chaos and the national guard forces martial law and curfews
so its ultimately up to you as individuals with brains to figure it out
but will you ?
If they could figure that out, or that the virus only spreads if we let it, we wouldn’t need a SIP in the first place.
In industrial safety it took decades to move people from evaluating a risk based on the likelihood of it occurring, to instead evaluate the consequences if it did. That seemingly simple shift has saved an untold number of worker’s lives and increased productivity and profits. If we abandon that approach now, in the fact of a pandemic, everything else we’ve done until now, all the pain this is causing will be for naught. I say that easily because I have savings and have not had paychecks interrupted, so yeah I get it.
Farr’s law indicates the pandemic is on the decline, so end the sheltering. People will keep distance as we all protect our elders. Get some sun and exercise!
Amen, as an older person, you hit it right on.
Lets open it now. We’re over populated as it is, why destroy the economy and everyone’s lives to save a small percentage of the population? Maybe this will encourage everyone to treat their bodies better, eat healthier, stop smoking and do everything in their power to prevent these lifestyle diseases that cost the system too much money as is.
Say that to all the families mourning right now due to losing a loved on to the virus.
Tacky. So tacky.
Tacky, ok sure. But sometimes the truth doesn’t give you all the good feels.
It’s time to end the shelter at home quarantine and let people get back to their lives and livelihood.
Appropriate and reasonable precautions need to continue.
This overreach by the government has done far more harm than good.
End it now, never do this again.
Are we aware that the number of fatalities has been ridiculously inflated by improper definitions of related deaths?
Comparing America to Italy is not an appropriate comparison, Italy’s health system is inferior to America’s, at least until America is force-fed socialized medicine.
Any death is a tragedy and should be avoided.
Responsible and accountable people don’t need to be forced to abide by reasonable and safe practices.
A great many Californians, and others, have chosen to relinquish their freedoms and responsibilities to the state.
Never give up freedoms.
Once gone, they never come back.
I agree, time to start things back up now!
Cellophane- “Comparing America to Italy is not an appropriate comparison, Italy’s health system is inferior to America’s” –Actually Italy and France practically tie for #1 in healthcare. The US is number 37 or 38 depending on the year. This has been true for decades.
The number of fatalities can not be accurate because we lack proper testing. I doubt it’s been ridiculously inflated. That comes from some source with an agenda.
Before you go out and circulate look at the waves of infections that occurred during the Spanish Flu pandemic.
Out of Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp (R)
“I don’t give a damn about politics now,” said Kemp, who said he’s more concerned about Georgians “going broke worried about whether they can feed their children and make the mortgage payment.”–regional-govt–politics/georgia-allow-some-shuttered-businesses-reopen-amid-pandemic/jKbtfWKHOvqMStwhPf9oFI/
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Busted! Bubba you gotta come correct or not at all. Accountability.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
You people should really look into the Smith-Mundt Act 2012, it’s sad that you do ZERO research, and even worse that comments are heavily censored.
Interesting. On the flip side is it a success when all the lies told by the President are believed as truth by the American people?
Interesting food markets are open long lines waiting to get in lots of people shopping for food Yet we cant open a nail salon or a hair salon? The traffic for those business are small compared to Safeway and such Think about it
Last Friday there was a crowd of wrong-way drivers in Safeway. Carts side by side, absolutely clueless. So why, exactly, can’t a gun store be open? And Churches. You’ll notice that there is single-party rule in California, and they hate guns and God, and their policies demonstrate exactly that.
Supermarkets are going to stop allowing people in the stores. Delivery and curbside pickup only. Think about it.
Ann, but I think the issue is the closeness of the contact.
Guns and Fishing in Vacaville is open. And selling guns judging by the DROS line. Selection is getting thin and the prices are going up.
You don’t have much imagination bring your cash and shopping list hand to a shopper and they will get if for you. Piece of cake.
As more workers and distribution centers have infected workers they will need to shut this contact down.
Sense that is curbside. You give it to a shopper and here’s the tricky part YOU WAIT IN YOUR CAR. I can’t keep explaining these simple concepts to you. Next time you’re on your own
It’s ironic that the one who doesn’t care about anybody losing their business or their livelihood, doesn’t care if people end up homeless, doesn’t care about suicides and murders, and HAS THE CHOICE to stay home and self-quarantine (apparently without any financial hardship) has the nerve to call anybody selfish. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and see what selfish looks like.
The economy has to be open now and in steps if you wait to long you will have total collapse and people wont have the money to reopen think about what that would look like all i am saying is open it up wisely better sooner then latter
Open, Open, Open.
I sure don’t want to sit down with my grandkids someday and have to explain to them what freedom was.
Need to stop this now!
Nice try, you forgot to name any restaurant…because you’re making it up. Yea I guess if you want to pick it up and eat it in your car you can but otherwise you’re story doesn’t pan out.
Jojo If you notice examples of senior centers where people are close together 24/7 are one of the situations with outbreaks one has to ask the cleanness of these places too
I see a lot of people crying Me, Me, My Right…..I don’t really see anyone talking about their responsibility. This thing isn’t about what you are going to do to yourself, it is about what you are going to do to others. We should be asking what needs to be done to lift the shelter in place and how we can, by our actions, make it work.
Personally the availability of testing for both antibodies and the virus needs to be more prevalent. With only about 1% of the population having been tested we have no idea of the spread.
I’m not really worried about symptomatic people. I’m worried about the AH that feels perfectly fine so they don’t take precautions because it is all a government conspiracy to take away their rights.
what was the name of that preacher back east that recently passed from covid after he held services in defiance of gathering recommendations? It certainly was his right to hold the services, but what about his responsibility to his congregation? I certainly hope they and all the people that they met with are sleeping well and not wondering what their exposure was.
I made that same point just the other day and you’d have thought I’d smeared poop on people. And everyone throwing up the first quasi-statistics they can find that supports their narrative and making grand pronouncements based on that are particularly damaging.
On the plus side I made a little rig to suck up crane flys I can’t reach or catch. Using a 2” aquarium cleaner tube and a ballon. So if that will help in the pandemic let me know and I’ll make a bunch. 😎
You must not read my posts.
Responsibility and accountability are my main themes.
A responsible citizenry doesn’t need to be ordered around.
They know what’s best without some county employee forcing the subject.
Once any politician has a chance to take away a freedom, that freedom is lost forever.
Only war will get it back.
A great many Californians have already relinquished their freedoms and responsibilities to the government.
Freedom is never free. Its cost is responsibility and accountability.
The whole point is we aren’t given the right to take our own responsibility. Also, this whole “what about other people” thing is getting old. NO ONE WANTS TO GET SICK, before covid19 most of us took precautions to avoid getting sick, why do you think if people if left to their own devices are going to run out and have an orgy while they snort other people’s sputum? We’re still going to keep out distance from each other, we’re still going to wash our hands, I don’t know about you but I have always avoided sick people. We can do all that and work and have fun and live some semblance of a real life. We’ve been on lockdown for like 6 weeks, we can’t imprison people for an indefinite amount of time and think that “it’s about other people” is a satisfactory excuse. It’s not selfish to say, “you know sometimes I need it to be about me, and my quality of life is suffering”. Also, I would sure hope that the public’s reaction to anyone getting sick is “get well soon” and not “serves you right, you didn’t quarantine yourself properly.”
Well stated.
Here’s something a lot of people have forgotten about.
It’s a good read.
May 4 like they said, keep the schools closed because they already committed to it. Keep a general idea on how full stores are, if it becomes impossible for folks to maintain a reasonable distance from each other (*cough* Costco *cough*) don’t let new people in until some leave. Large gatherings like sporting events and concerts should be re-evaluated end of May or mid June. (if infection rates tick up slightly but not out of control, for example, stay open but don’t allow large gatherings).
lol Everywhere that allows only so many in at one time just ends up having a line form outside of neck breathers who think huddling up right behind you in line and breathing down your neck will get them inside the store faster…
End it now. Sad to see people give up their civil liberties. We have the right to peacefully assemble and practice our religion. We have no obligation to hide our faces behind mask and stay at home.
Actually you don’t.
“The Constitution does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint.” Instead, “a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic.” Its members “may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”
-Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan
Jacobson v Massachusetts 7-2 majority opinion, February 1905
@Chicken Little
Anonymous never mentioned anything about not caring. You’re inserting your own words to fit your narrative. Gee, you must be related to Adam Schiff.
This subject and all the post shows the usual response of masses, who are experts at things they really know nothing about. Is it part the dumbing down of America, or is it just another example of the old saying ‘common sense is not common’? I think it’s both.
@Cautiously Informed It is an “opinion.” Everybody is entitled to one.
Oh, so you eat at the Safeway deli. So, that changes the “go out to eat” scenario considerably.
So which side are you on? As I see it common sense would be to listen to the experts and scientist, but from reading many of these posts, apparently not.
What’s more I have a feeling (no proof) that many object to the SIP, because they don’t like the governor. They really need to do a little soul searching, if you are not sure of where you stand turn it around, pretend that Trump was governor of California and same orders came from him, how would they feel then? This country came together after 9/11, I wasn’t born when Pearl Harbor happened, but I have read enough history to know the country came together. Everybody gritted their teeth, did what they could, and did not complain. It would be nice to see some of that indominable spirit now.
During WWII, people complained, there just wasn’t the internet so they didn’t complain as much in a public way.
Well said.
I don’t know why everyone here likes to shame those who are actively fighting the virus. I am not giving anything up, liberties or freedoms.
I choose to self quarantine to keep my family safe. The SIP allows me to do that being that before the SIP my employer insisted we all work. Now they can’t. Thanks SIP.
September 1st. I dont want to see my mother in law.
The fact even the response to a global pandemic has been politicized, and the vocal minority are now using it to push ulterior motives really has me concerned about the future of our country and our ability to maintain healthy discourse and dialogue.
I’ve been a registered Republican for over 20 years and don’t agree with many of the CA politicians and feel very frustrated being stuck at home too, but I love my elderly family members more than my party. I would rather suffer short-term financial losses to have even a few more months or years with them.
Well said. Appreciate the honesty.
With the lack of testing, we don’t really know the extent of the virus spread in our county. We have no way of knowing who is infected, but asymptomatic. Being cooped up and not working is very hard for many people, but if businesses open up too soon we risk a second wave that could be worse than the first. Read about the flu outbreaks in 1918 and the Philadelphia experience. If everyone would wear masks and practice social distancing, we might have a better chance at preventing another wave. However, we have too many people who see wearing a mask as an infringement on their god-given right to infect everyone around them. So, sure, open up in May, but fine those selfish people who don’t wear masks and who ignore social distancing. Thank you.
So if you want to wear a mask … wear one. If I don’t, why force me?
I did not know I lived in a country that could decide what I wore, and what I couldn’t. There are people who wear shirts that I find disgraceful and offensive to the United States flag. They have a choice to wear it … it offends me and then I have to explain to my children why it is offensive.
So if I going to be told to wear a mask, can we tell those people not to wear those shirts?
Contra Costa Population is 1.1 Million
Pepole in hospital for Covid 34
Covid deaths 22
Thank you What The ?? This is the thing that these dolts can’t get through their head. Great, they are willing to put themselves at risk over a so called “Hoax”. Yet, they are putting me and my family at risk.
Let’s say one of these dummies catches the virus at a protest. They are asymptomatic and go out grocery shopping. They most likely pickup multiple items and produce and put it back. These are the same people that think its funny coughing on stuff. Now, other responsible adults go shopping and pick up their items and purchase it. Now we are at risk of catching it and we are bringing it home to our families.
Tucker Carlson had an idiotic article the other day trying to say that people need to be outside because most cases of COVID19 happen in the house. Well no duh, if you get infected you are more likely to infect the people you live with. Also, how does he think the virus gets into the house? Is he claiming that it picks the lock at night and infects you? No, you get it by going outside and mingling with other people. This man, and the rest of Faux News, is influencing people to act against their own interest. They are also spreading dangerous lies to the public.
You have to admit it’s pretty hilarious that the people who have spent their entire lives stockpiling beans and ammo and publishing newsletters about preparing to shelter in place during a global crisis are the ones having apoplectic meltdowns and storming state capitols in their Walmart tactical because they can’t go to Applebee’s
Very good point, thanks for pointing it out. I have tried to point out several areas of hypocrisy on this sight, often my comments don’t get posted.
These numbers have been pretty stagnant for a few days, have they not?
I’m an essential worker (veterinary medicine). Every day, I go to work and watch 85% of the people I interact with treat this all as a field day. It is genuinely disgusting to see people not taking this seriously. I don’t go to work, go out and talk to you about your pet while you sit in your car, and go back and forth inside and out to you again to see this as “more free time to do whatever I want”. I am beyond exhausted. People think they’re an exception to the rules the county has put into place. Newsflash: you’re not.
The county, which they’re doing, needs to keep an eye on the cases and the data and to see when cases are starting to decrease significantly. THEN we can talk.
In the meantime, please be considerate to others. You may be healthy, but you could be passing it onto someone who could easily kill them, and it’s not hard to not be selfish. Stay inside.
@Spruce… Please explain to me how you are an essential worker. And, my cats won’t wear their masks, any suggestions?
17 states declared veterinary medicine essential, including California. Nobody is asking your cats to wear masks, but it’s a good idea to educate yourself.
Nytemuvr, If your one of your kitties needs a vet you’ll know the answer to that.
Yesterday. I’d continue with the social distancing as a guideline and wearing a mask in public is a good idea for now, but people need to get back to work.
Oh April, you’re going to die on this hill huh? McDonald’s closed all their in-store dining back in March, you can go to their website and it clearly states that only the drive thru is open. As far as the rest, they have no waitstaff so if you go pick up food and then sit out in their patio and try to eat it maybe they would let you but to say this is “normal” is silly on its face. Go ahead, grab a table outside at Lazy Dog and see how long it takes to have a waiter come and take your order.
There is an interesting account on The New Yorker website about the bank robbery in Stockholm. Sweden, years ago that prompted the phenomenon known as”Stockholm Syndrome.” The bank robber took hostages which surprisingly argued with authorities for the police to allow the robber to escape with them as shields. They spoke of the robber as kind and having their best interests in mind. They defended the robber at every turn even though he was abusing them at times and showing unusual kindness on occasion.
We’re seeing the same thing happening in California today. The State has been taken hostage by Newsom and a few of his advisers who are insisting this is for the good of all and out of the kindness of his heart being confined to our homes is because he wants us to be safe from a scary situation which could cause our deaths. Certain of these hostages are thoroughly convinced and applaud him for forcing them out of work, to squander their savings, to fall behind in payment of their bills, to not be able to get the unemployment insurance benefits he promised, to curtail important social activities, to endure isolation and mistreatment, all because he says it will be good for them.
Clearly, Newsom and his crew have taken a cue from those who have studied Stockholm Syndrome and found that it is a sure-fire way to get the people one is threatening with death to fully cooperate with a bizarre agenda in which their sacrifices are great and his are minimal.
Sense and Senibility, You have no compassion for anyone do you? At least not anyone you think are liberal, you seem to take pleasure that some people will be financially destitute, I doubt the picture you are painting here will play out. Obama has not been President for almost 4 years, leave him out of it.