Home » Face Coverings Now Required For All BART Riders – Police Will Enforce Near Station Entrances, Fare Gates

Face Coverings Now Required For All BART Riders – Police Will Enforce Near Station Entrances, Fare Gates


County health orders in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, and San Mateo now require all riders to wear face coverings inside BART stations and on-board trains.

The orders also require BART to take reasonable measures to remind the public that they need facing coverings and “must take all reasonable steps to prohibit any member of the public who is not wearing a face covering from entering and must not serve that person if those efforts are unsuccessful and seek to remove that person.” Failure to comply with the emergency health order is a misdemeanor.

Enforcement begins on Wednesday, April 22.


BART Police Deployment and Enforcement Strategies 

BART Police will be responsible for reminding riders of the new requirement.  Consistent with BART’s current operating procedures, Station Agents will not be used to enforce the new public health emergency orders.

BART Police will give verbal reminders of the requirement to riders without face coverings when police encounter someone not covering their mouth and nose. Police personnel will remind the rider they have the option to use any material to cover their face. Only upon refusal to cover their face with any material will an officer ask the person to leave the system.

Riders should not confront others without a face covering.  If someone isn’t wearing a face covering, riders should move away from the individual.


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Why bother with a mask? Let’s all wear a burka. What could possibly go wrong.

This outta be good.
Question, . . . don’t bother to watch local TV news, has there been massive number of stories and reminders about face coverings?

An have there been any warnings regarding bandanas ?
What colors to avoid in urban settings and when not being worn not to let them hang out of a pocket ? ? ?

Good move. I’d wear gloves too b

BART will be very lucky indeed if people start riding it again. Those trains are like a cruise ship without a buffet line…and no alcohol!

Ha! Thanks for the laugh, Chuckie.

Excellent analogy Chuckie…LOL

OK, . . . Have some fun . . . give other shoppers a chuckle.

Start looking around the computer, for old norton antivirus CD.

You’ll need a hot glue gun and 6 or 8 rare earth magnets.

Glue a few magnets on the shiny side of the CD.
Put second set of magnets on magnets glued to CD put hot glue on them and press mask into hot glue and wait for it to cool.

You now have, expired, removable antivirus protection.
Keep magnets away from your electronic devices.

Is payment still optional? Asking for a friend

And we can do what Mayor Duh Blasio is encouraging New Yorkers to do, rat on one another. You know, just in case BART personnel aren’t doing their job…Or if Bay Area BART riders aren’t following protocol.

His admiring fans in NYC have responded by sending him ‘suggestive’ photos and drawings requiring little imagination. Some of them were probably anatomically impossible because you know how creative people are.

Will they be distributing free or subsidized priced masks for those who can’t find them in stores or can’t afford them?

What’s not too afford. Granted, masks may be a little hard to find, but you can make them on the cheap. My wife has made 8-9 and on a roll. Any piece of fabric will do. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

Old t shirt + scissors + 2 minutes = mask

Masks and disposable gloves are impossible to find.
Now that we have realized medical people need them more so they are being given a deserved priority making them more scarce. And I can not sew. Bandanas are not close to N-95 compliant.

Any county that passes this law needs to have their own masks to wear; even if they have to make them.

Show me your papers !

One needs a hazmat suit to begin with

Good luck in getting the drug addicts in San Fran to comply.

They have ben granted the under-12 exemption. No mask or bath required.

Will they also reprimand the gate jumpers?

Wow, this is ridiculous, we have quarantined 1.2 million people and put tens of thousands out of work because 22 people have died, does that make sense? It sure as heck doesn’t to me!

Ha ha ha ! This is great – so all the crime and disgusting activity that’s been ignored by Bart police for years, but now they’re getting tough, eh? Cracking down – taking a bite outta crime – showing them who’s boss, eh? By giving “verbal reminders” to people not wearing masks. Never did anything about fare evaders, thieves, drugged out homeless, violence or general filth on Bart —- and all that will continue to be ignored. But watch out, pal, you may end up with a verbal reminder if you’re not wearing a mask while you steal that guy’s laptop! Good lord, you can’t make this stuff up.

Kinda exactly what I was thinking. Except I had a bunch of cuss words. So they can perform when motivated, good thing to remember….

Perhaps they can perform, but they likely won’t. They’ll ask nicely and be told to stick it in their ear. The announcement above uses the legal term “reasonable” twice in the same sentence. That pretty much pulls the teeth out of any real enforcement.

If they had permission to properly eject people from the station, BART would become a much better experience for law abiding citizens. Of course, then the lawyers would come……..

Ridiculous. BART needs to give away free masks if this is going to be a requirement, like the transit systems in Philadelphia and Detroit.

Fear..Fear..Fear….It has all been a bunch of B.S. But keep living in fear. As other States open, people restart their lives, California will still live under the thumb of Tyranny. If you believe that Covid is “Running the streets” and killing everybody, then you have fallen for it all. Studies from Santa Clara, L.A. and now Italy has shown that all the models have been wrong. Fear is keeping you all inside and covered like a mummy, not any risk of Covid infection…

Yep, fear, fear, fear. You just keep on believing that, PAUL, and make sure your will is up to date.

Can’t wait to see how soon those states opening up close down again. Good information for California.

Yea…very afraid of a virus whose R0 value is now under 1, .41 to be exact, which means it isnt spreading, at all…But wear your masks, wrap yourselves in plastic wrap, hide in a closet…

@Ozzie -Why would you say you can’t wait for the States that opened to close up again. I’m hoping they’ll be successful and stay open! You are rooting for the virus and want people to get sick? They’re just trying to get back to work and get their lives back to normal. I really hope it works out for them.

I’m with SF

BART should be shut down during ‘swelter-in-place and all employees laid off.

They should also kick people out that are wearing a mask and coughing, Wearing a mask does not mean you don’t have to self quarantine and can go out and about.

I hope Bart has replaced the leather straps that hang from the top of cars so a person can catch their balance. They are what appears to be leather and cannot be properly disinfected because of the porous nature of leather. So it maybe a good idea to wear gloves especially all using the Bart ticket machines.

Wear gloves.

You’re more likely to catch something from Bart that’s more lethal than wet-bat flu

Exactly! (Golden State Warrior) ..but then again what goes right when tRUMP’s in charge?

I am now developing personal and portable air circulation machine that is both lightweight and hygenic … the natural air is no longer safe to breath … hopefully on of these major corporations will back me finacially and we can lobby our fine lawmakers to pass a national law requiring people to use my new “personal clean air dispenser” … after all, I know so many people who have died from the terrible pandemic that came from a dirty scary bat in dirty scary China … Mr Gates has nothing to do with it and all the talk of him wanting to cul the population and him backing the WHO (buying it actually) … and financially backing CV patent holds and financially investing in vaccines … well take off you tin foil hats you crazy nazis and conspiracy theorists … listen to our uncorreupted lawmakers and leaders in government … they really love our constitution and freedoms that have marked USA since the beginning … they are not bought and paid for by pharma … that is just another conspiracy theory … wake up and start behaving like good citizens and trust what the free press tells you. They are journalist and would never bow to their major financial advertising revenue givers … they have remained seprate from the money … they report only the facts … they are not trying to convince you there is anything behind the curtains … anyway, have a nice day … but the air is full of viruses and dangerous deadly bacteria … better buy some safe, clean, approved portable air dispensers from some corporate company you can trust to keep you healthy and free.

deep sigh

The Circus Clown Every heard of a “lobbyist?”

Are ski masks acceptable for BART?

Really your going to ride infested Bart trains
Bums allowed to urinate on seats and use drugs

Why would you use Bart
They just took 251 million dollars of tax money to pay their bonuses and union wages to employees still working

A mismanaged public service taking public tax money to deliver bonuses to management

You are endentured servents to Bart

Stand up and stop riding

Force them to manage correctly and not get bailed out every time the management wants more money

You allready pay a gas tax 85 cents a gallon
And no roads fixed

JUST TOOK 800 million of road money and paid off all the agencies Fart and cal scams and bus transit because they mismanaged them as they can not manage properly for down time

But you lose your job and don’t get anything but ridicule and control

By politicians as they give all the tax money to their union backers

Nice job

You make great pets

That’s interesting that they didn’t have enough police officer the stop the fare jumper but we have enough to make sure people are wearing a mask.

Anyone remember BART’s first decade? It was clean, safe, and you could relax during the ride. Now the transit system has become a transient system.

It won’t improve until they allow law enforcement to participate.

Shut down BART completely since it is such a high-risk enterprise and lay off ALL employees. Shut it down today. Why waste taxpayer funds on unnecessary activities?

There gonna have Bart police at entrance to check people to see if there wearing masks.i never see a Bart police ever.people are getting stabbed to death.being bullied by fellow bart riders.why are they not on Bart protecting Bart riders.to show Bart riders and criminals that we are here and we will catch you and punish you.but now they wanna fine us.i mean c’mon already it just never stops with there schemes to pilfer what money we have.its sickening to my stomach.i freaking done with California.



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