Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday launched a statewide effort Tuesday to encourage healthy and able-bodied residents to volunteer during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The Californians for All effort encourages state residents to do things like volunteer at or donate to food banks, donate blood, check in on neighbors and deliver meals to seniors during the pandemic.
People who sign up to volunteer or donate their time at are encouraged to maintain best health and safety practices as outlined by state public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention such as washing hands frequently and practicing physical distancing.
“We are going to defeat COVID apart, but we are going to emerge from this stronger because we do it together,” Fryday said.
Newsom said he plans to give an update Wednesday on the six-pronged roadmap to reopening the state that was first announced last week, including detailed figures about how the state is testing people for the coronavirus.
Newsom has yet to give any clear timeline for when the state might begin to relax its stay-at-home order and mandated shutdowns for non-essential businesses.
Health officials around the state have confirmed a total of 33,261 coronavirus cases, including 1,268 deaths, according to Newsom. In addition, 1,241 people are in intensive care due to the virus and 3,365 are currently hospitalized across the state.
So we can volunteer to distribute handouts but I can’t open my small business? Aren’t democrats just the best?
It does seem a little wacky, doesn’t it…………..
I was thinking the same thing. We’re allowed to leave our house to volunteer, but not to make money. Hmmm……..
Sounds a little like forced labor to me. Wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to make it mandatory at some point down the road.
So I will echo … yeah, why can the small business not open?
But, also, I thought we were supposed to lock ourselves in our homes and not go out till 2022 when a vaccine is approved, so how are we supposed to go volunteer?
I would rather watch my kids in sports activities, see small business open back up
To all the folks who want to jump down my throat … I volunteer regularly through my church, through other organizations … so I do ‘give back’ to my community regularly to legitimate organizations.
Must be nice to have that kind of free time. Anyone volunteering to cut hair for those of us who are still working?
I simply don’t trust Newsom.
Anything he does is not good for all California but for his supporters.
Otherwise “we the people” are left holding the bag.
He’s already patting himself on the back for all he’s done during the pandemic. He hinted at his future leadership, so it is obvious everything he is doing is with an eye towards his coming Presidential bid. He’s a self-interested goon. Thankfully, he has the mess he left in San Francisco to haunt him.
encourage volunteerism but tomorrow will be Mandatory Volunteerism more so under Democrats.
Don’t get me wrong I believe in helping out but it must come from the Heart not from an order of a corrupt politician.
What the heck is a state Chief Service Officer? No doubt a highly paid position that is totally non-essential.
That Fryday sounds like another one of those made-up “California” names. Someone who has a past they are trying to cover up. Came to California to start over.
The appointed Chief Service Officer is paid $209,943. He used to work for Kamala Harris. By coincidence, he is reportedly a democrat.
Let businesses open then we won’t have so many people suffering. Put on a mask and get back to work.
A month into this and just now getting around to this ?
Should have made this call in the first week of the shutdown.
Classic liberal alphabet approach for this state should be at letter P for proactive, unfortunately they’re perpetually stuck on letter C for crisis.
So you give homeless pieces of crap free lodging and ask taxpayers to donate lol. Sorry Gavin you’re losing my faith man. If anything you need to be enacting measures to help taxpaying Californians
We have all had a big lesson in self hygiene and avoiding mankind, now we are ready to be set free

I guess you never been homeless
Why is homeless lodging free? Should be on ability to pay. Many of them get disability checks. Some even small retirement checks. I have a niece who is homeless ( in Stockton). She gets money from the state.
I also saw Gavin’s wife on TV tonight. They’re setting themselves up for bigger and better.
Homelessness is tragic and complicated. Many are seriously mentally ill, but there are no laws in this state to conserve them. Vote to change these inhumane laws.
The time to open is now.
With or without your “permission.”
A lot of Trumpys on Claycord, it’s called volunteering helping people in need, you know? The less fortunate? Not everybody was born with a silver spoon in their mouth
I don’t believe these people are refusing to volunteer because they have silver spoons in their mouths. They’re refusing because we’re supposed to be “locked down”, millions of people are running out of money and the $1,200 we received isn’t even a months rent in some Bay Area cities. Then we’re allowed to check on neighbors and deliver food to the elderly?? They want us to stay home but go out, it’s a bit ridiculous regardless of your political party. Because really, tons of people know an elderly person or have a neighbor they can check in on therefore meaning millions of people will be flooding stores to get stuff to donate..
California has always had a plethora of volunteers and charitable donations. If you do even a modicum of research you will find that those people who volunteer and give to charity bare more likely to be Trump supporters than Newsom supporters. Like most democrats, Newsom is always generous with other people’s time and money. He did nothing until he found out thst the $8.2 billion emergency funding was going to pass, then California went from Pelosi’s, “nothing to worry about” while marching in SF on February 24, to a statewide emergency declaration on March 4. Few people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth as few people are born with a needle hanging out of their arm. Newsom is like Auntie Nancy, with her elitist attitude.
Right! No silver spoon at birth…just born with calloused hands, work ethic and ability to say “no” to drugs.
Let’s see how many Hollyweird elites are out getting their hands dirty. No, their Trump Derangement Syndrome, like yours, makes them completely useless.
Resorting to name calling is a bad look on your part. Not all can volunteer their time and are suffering themselves but you go with your political point…
When my grandchild can come over to my home and play again.
That is when I will go back to volunteering.
This is ridiculous…I can’t go to work or earn money and should stay inside but go volunteer…I am going to voluntarily go outside as much as I want, and go earn money to survive. This nanny state just keeps ratcheting it up and Newsome isn’t worth used toilet paper.
Recall Gavin 2020
I grew up poor, living in hotel rooms when we could afford them, or the car when we could not. The less fortunate, been there and done that. There was no silver spoon in my mouth, and I have earned every last penny I have currently have.
I volunteer regularly. I take vacation from my work to do so because the sometimes the biggest needs are M-F when most folks are working. I teach my children how to volunteer. We have sat on the corner with the homeless and shared a meal with them, fed their dogs, and talked with them, not at them. I am still volunteering by getting my neighbors their needed supplies during the fear mongering campaign being led by Trump and Newsom.
I think Trump and Newsom belong in the same hole. Both are doing reports every day trying to outdo each other for their OWN benefit. They do not care about the masses. They have their tax payer supplied servants that get them food, gas, drive them around and all of that. How bout that both of those FOOLS get out and volunteer and worry less about their hair and their image?
From an ego perspective, there are times that Mr. Newsom and Mr. Trump are really quite similar. Two faced, calculating, condescending, messiah complex, etc. etc.
I agree that nothing is really being done for the hard working people of California except for the liberals-Democrats-entitlement crowd as always trying to get into our pockets.
Newscum is a joke and I agree with RECALL 2020. He is just positioning himself to ride the train to the presidency. He could care less about us and just wants the backing of the rest of the loser-perpetually in office Democrats who are sucking the system dry.
Enough said. Those with a brain and common sense will understand.
By the way, I volunteer even though I work full time and am disabled. Just tired of supporting the losers who continue to suck the life out of California. I agree the “homeless” should contribute as three free meals, laundry service and all the services they need are coming out of the hard working folks who struggle to survive. No one is helping us. The $1200 is a joke which we will end up paying for X’s 3.