Home » Food Trucks Allowed To Operate At Highway Rest Stops In California

Food Trucks Allowed To Operate At Highway Rest Stops In California


Caltrans is allowing the temporary operation of food trucks in 86 state rest areas that will provide food for highway truck drivers and motorists and revenue for food truck operators during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Thursday and the Federal Highway Administration approved a rule change in favor of the plan earlier this month. Newsom’s Executive Order N-52-20 suspends restrictions on selling commercial food at the rest stops during the current health emergency.

Food truck operators can apply for a temporary encroachment easement permit to operate at one or more of the state’s rest areas.


Caltrans will begin accepting applications from the food truckers immediately. Applicants can submit requests for specific rest areas at dot.ca.gov/programs/traffic-operations/food-trucks-rest-areas.

Operators must specify the rest areas for which they are applying.

The permits will be valid through June 15.

Food trucks are licensed locally, and each truck can only operate within the locality for which it is licensed and permitted by the local health inspector.


Many rest areas have been established in remote areas with fewer available roadside services, and Caltrans said it cannot guarantee every rest area will have food truck service or for how long.

“Helping our truckers and facilitating the movement of essential goods during the COVID-19 crisis is a priority,” Caltrans director Toks Omishakin said. “We also hope this provides additional business opportunities for food trucks hit hard by stay-at-home health orders,” Omishaken said.

“Access to a warm meal is as essential as the truckers on our roads who continue to transport basic necessities, medical supplies and emergency equipment to communities across the state,” said Shawn Yadon, chief executive officer for the California Trucking Association.

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So it took Newscum nearly a month before he changed the ruling? Don’t you just love how these people in charge that are so educated and careing took everyone into account? He sure didn’t forget the illegals.
Curious, the permits are until June 15. Is that the day the dictator will let us go back to work?

The way California operates, it’s going to take longer than that for the state to even approve the permits.
This will be done and over before the food trucks can even get out there to sell food.

Nice thought though.

How twisted do you have to be to get angry that a leader took a month to get taco trucks at rest stops (in addition to fast food still being open) but the supreme leader dragged his heels for longer for something much more important and pretended it didn’t happen, and still throws temper tantrums to deflect. My grandparents are still alive because of quick action this state leadership took. I’ve lost complete faith in the president, and the federal government. I gave Trump a chance, never again.

@Rn… You just don’t get it. Those truckers are the ones that are bringing you YOUR food. Do you know they closed a lot of the showers at truck stops along with the restaurants for those truckers? I’m pointing out that those men and women were his last thought. Oh, and by the way, 18 wheelers can’t fit through a drive-thru at a fast food joint.

Are you saying your grandparents weren’t capable of making the decision to stay home on their own? They needed Newsom to tell them what to do? Maybe people need to start taking a little more personal responsibility.

My brother is a truck driver right now and he’s said not once has he been turned down walking up. Especially along routes like 5 and 99. So yes I understand what is going on. The food trucks will help especially with the longer haul drivers making less stops, but let’s not pretend they were going hungry before. @chickenlittle You realize seniors still work too right? Some don’t have the luxury of 100% retirement. If it wasn’t for the shut downs my grandma would still have to be out working.

If they aren’t fully retired, they should quit their jobs and stay home where they’re safe. Surely their income can’t be more important than their lives, right?

Great! Truckers and travelers will have hot food available. Good opportunity for income for the operators. Too bad nobody thought of this earlier. Better late than never. Thanks Gov!

“Access to a warm meal is as essential as the truckers on our roads who continue to transport basic necessities, medical supplies and emergency equipment to communities across the state,” said Shawn Yadon, chief executive officer for the California Trucking Association.

So…there was no hot food available prior to the lockdown?…at any exit?…at any of those restaurants at the base of the off ramps?

I don’t mind food trucks being at these locations, should have been there all along. Won’t bug me if they remain after the lockdown. But the excuse of “hot food is finally obtainable” is ignorant, at best.

Great idea! Because everyone wants to eat from a roach coach they will never see again and have no idea who owns.

Same with the Lot Lizards in the Pickle Park, some people like that.

If you don’t want it, don’t buy it. Nobody’s forcing it down your throat.

Just seems like a reasonable, mutually beneficial place for them to operate anyway, pandemic or not.

We need wide-spread, cheap or free, easily obtained, testing to learn who is safe in society and who is not. Everything else is SJW (social justice warrior) bullsh*t window dressing.

It seems as though the food trucks won’t be able to just go wherever they please. They would have to operate within the boundaries of their licensed area. Seems legit. I don’t see a problem with it. Hope that garbage disposal won’t become an issue.

Newsom caught flat footed again. This should have been implemented in the first week of the ‘shut down’. Once again, he’s slow to act.

Why should the permits expire, let the food truckers continue to make money. Ops, that’s right they don’t provide campaign donations.

That’s ridiculous. You’re smarter than that.

Wonder when that photo was taken. Flag is at half staff.



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