Home » Contra Costa Office Of The Sheriff Warns Public About Fake “Cease And Desist” Letter

Contra Costa Office Of The Sheriff Warns Public About Fake “Cease And Desist” Letter


The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff is notifying the public about a phony “cease and desist” letter.

A Contra Costa resident said she found the warning letter on her door this morning. The letter is titled, ‘Notice to Cease and Desist for Specific Activity.’ The letter mentioned the reason was ‘non-essential construction activity,’ a reference to activities (or businesses) that are not allowed during the Health Officer order to shelter at home because of COVID-19.

The letter included a Sheriff’s Office badge and warned of civil penalties for violations.


The Sheriff’s Office has not issued any such letters.

Anyone who receives one should ignore it and notify the Office of the Sheriff at 925-646-2441.

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Desperate folks doing bad things.

Fake looks official. Who ever did this has knowledge of the legal notices.
This creep will get caught. Criminals can’t hide for long.

all it takes is an A$$hole with a desire to… Blank legal notices and forms can be found all over our wonderful world wide web…
Maybe that’s why it’s called a web, to catch unsuspecting prey?

Things are really getting out of hand if neighbors are posting phony “cease and desist” letters. And thanks for not revealing the city and street. It’s being reported elsewhere, and it’s inappropriate. We have more than enough to deal with as it is.

Why would reporting the city or street be inappropriate? Reporting the general area such as city and neighborhood would alert the people in that area that night have received similar illegal notices. I can’t imagine what harm it does, but maybe there’s something I’m missing?

Probably a pissed off nosy neighbor…or a sophmoric attempt at humor
As a contractor that has seen “red tag” stop work notices before, this pathetic counterfeit makes me laugh.

They probably won’t try it here. Too many security cameras that can catch them and most likely the car make and model they’re going around in.

The language and sentence structure makes the letter easy to spot as a fake. “We” wouldn’t seek a TRO, and “the Sheriff’s Office” wouldn’t either, and in any case relief wouldn’t be sought in the Federal District Court. Monetary damages must be proven by the damaged party. Who would the damaged party be? Terrible effort at appearing genuine.

It looks pretty official but there is a glaring error. District Court is a federal court. The SIP order is county and state mandated and does not involve federal law. As you know, the federal government is not doing much to coordinate actions in the US against the pandemic.

One of the benefits of living in a republic is the feds don’t run the show at the state level. This design has the added benefit of revealing how inept and pathetic some state leaders are. Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer being perfect examples of inept and pathetic leaders.

Nothing is more dangerous than a Karen with a legalzoom.com account.

Truth! 😂😂😂


This is one of the funniest posts EVER

I feel bad for the neighbor who wrote up the fake document. Obviously their noisy neighbor is driving them crazy. I had a neighbor running a generator 24/7. A loud generator on top of doing body work on his car. I would have loved a form telling him to stop.

I had an emergency repair on my electrical, and my nosy neighbor was right in my face telling me that it wasn’t allowed.
I told her, if it’s not allowed, then why did the city issue the emergency repair permit?
That shut her up.



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