Home » MTC Releases Plan To Distribute $780M In Federal Funds To Transit Agencies, Including $251M To BART

MTC Releases Plan To Distribute $780M In Federal Funds To Transit Agencies, Including $251M To BART


The Metropolitan Transportation Commission on Thursday released a framework for allocating more than $780 million of federal relief funds to Bay Area transit agencies that have been hit hard by dramatic ridership drops due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The MTC, which is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county Bay Area, said it developed the proposed allocations through a partnership with transit agency staff members.

The agency said the funds represent the first of two distributions of the roughly $1.3 billion in CARES Act funding for which Bay Area transit agencies are eligible and will be considered for by the MTC board at its next meeting next Wednesday.

MTC officials said the first wave of funding allows CARES Act money to be distributed quickly and fairly to help Bay Area transit agencies meet the immediate crisis while retaining flexibility for a second phase that
will allow the region to adapt to changing conditions in the months ahead.


Among the proposed allocations for the first distribution of CARES Act dollars are $251.6 million for BART, $197 million for the San Francisco Municipal Railway, $80.3 million for the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, $73 million for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, $49.3 million for Caltrain and $30 million for Golden Gate Transit & Ferry.

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Are democrats running this state going to funnel FEDERAL taxpayer dollars into their fast train to no-where ? ? ?

I have no doubt that this virus is being used as a giant ATM machine for corrupt politicians, corrupt unions and corrupt hospitals.

no surprise bart got paid. they always do and always will.
more homeless in trains
more dirty bad smelling cars
next year theyll raise fares to compensate for loss of ridership this year
so the execs can get those bonuses.
must be nice to work for bart knowing youll never go hungry or homeless.

Oh boy, Bonuses and BS spending for BART, Why are they fully funding Payroll when Business in the Public Sector are laying people off ? I think BART said $52 million a month, this will be good for 4 months, and expect some bond issues to pay for their mismanagement

Same for schools. Teachers get an EXTRA 3 months of vacation without having to so much as lift a finger! And they get full pay, yet the schools keep asking for more and more money. I have never seen such a corrupt union as the one for teachers. They only care about getting teachers the most pay for the least work. Nothing about what is best for kids. SMH.

No riders = no $$, so they need to keep the pension fund scam moving along.

“Money for nothing and tricks for free.”

Have those agencies laid off significant staff, including executives? If not, this is a totally bogus* waste of taxpayer money.

*substitute with the word of your choice.



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